Tuesday, June 5, 2012


hello america!!! i could never run for an office or become a politician. i'm too blunt, honest speaking &, i look at both sides of the issue before i decide which side i'm on. i like to call it like i see it. i not only believe in GOD, i also fear HIM & some of my feelings are rooted in my christian beliefs. please don't get me wrong, i am far from being a saint & unfortunately, i don't always strive to be the best that i can be---has something to do with being retired, lazy &, getting older by the day. however, as you can see from this blog site, i do try to stay up to the minute on what's going on in my country as it relates to politics, congress, the white house &, the economy.............&, as you can also see, 15 out of 10 times i have something to say...........

good people, as i wait for the results of the wisconsin recall vote i'm struck by something that seems to excape the majority of our congress members...........&, that is: what gov walker (& others like him) did in wisconsin is happening all over the country &, party lines are no longer a barrier. case in point; illinois is attempting to do the very same thing gov walker did however, the difference is, the democrats control illinois & the media is quiet on this, as is obama....for that matter, even the unions are very quiet.

the problem is, our gov't (at all levels) cannot sustain the union contracts...it's just that simple. dress it up all you want, spin it any way you can, in the end, the problem will still be that gov't (at all levels) cannot sustain the union contracts. &, here's why..........

unemployment feeds the problem like 'miracle grow' in your garden. less jobs = less taxes collected; less jobs = less money being spent in the community's; less jobs = merchants paying less taxes; less jobs = less growth; less jobs = gov't (at all levels) finding ways to come up with money; less jobs = public, unionized worker's still demand their same pay & same benefits......................&, if you care to remember all of those demonstrations in wisconsin when those benefits were 'tampered' with.

from the fed gov't on down, we cannot continue to take in less & pay out more. it's putting us all in a big hole we may never recover from.....we dug ourselves into this mess & it's pure stupidity to continue digging. however, there are some dems (obamas one of them) that honestly don't think we dug far enough. actually, obama wants to give the states more money for the teachers, policemen &, firemen (& yes, we need them but at what costs?)

to fix the problem means war---just ask gov walker...speaking of which, election results are coming in & with 16% of the precincts reporting, gov walker is doing great so, please forgive me for not finishing this now because i'm going to watch the rest of the results.......

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