hello america!!! here's your daily jobs situation & i wish for evertbody's sake, it would remain this inactive..
while i hear onama blasting gov mitt romney for sending jobs overseas, how comes he doesn't mention CATERPILLAR, oh, that's that company he 'bailed' out & said it was a model for our future...well, please read about our 'model for the future' &, please look at the 3rd & 11th paragraph.....see here....
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/12/28/job-market-booming-overseas_n_801839.html at the bottom of the article, you can read about coca-cola. i guess coca-cola going overseas is okay because obama doesn't even mention it...need i remind obama about ge ceo jeffrey immelt & their moving jobs overseas?
we have lost a lot of company's under obama because of the uncertainty about taxes & regulations. plus they can see he is not serious about shrinking gov't, shrinking the national debt or, making it easier for company's to hire new workers.
i wrote about the following article sep 1, 2011 "obama, you're a failure"
if you have a 401k plan, some of that money may be going to fund a venture capital company & 'good ole boy' obama can't mention that. if you start or run a business, the main object is to make a profit &, if you can't do it in one place, you might have to move to a 'job friendly' state to do it. taxes, regs, unions have a lot to do with company's going overseas. a lot of company's like bain capital, invest money in failing company's & try to bring them to profitability & yes, that may mean moving the company overseas. it's sad but it part of finances 101. while i wish that we could retain all jobs here, i would rather lose them to workers overseas then just lose them because some clown doesn't know anything about running a business, much less our country. in the grand scheme of things, at least somebody's working.---obama, read this---
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