Monday, May 14, 2012


hello america!!! i know that we need to take better care of Mother Earth however, we just can't allow obama to continue to recklessly throw our money away to company's that cannot make profits...4 solar panel company's up---4 solar panel company's down &, in case you missed this one, 300 more workers are out of work...wait a minute, obama didn't tell you about it? oh well, here it is...........

we, as a nation, are just not ready or able to convert to 'greening' this country. obama doesn't know that when you lose your job, you are not going to buy solar panels for your roof. he doesn't get it. people on unemployment compensation are not going to buy a $50 light bulb or a $40,000-$50,000 chevy volt. in time, all of these products may prove to save us a lot but, we just can't afford them...& you know what's so ironic about this is; the people that can afford it are the very same people obama has tried to divide the country over.

this country has got to stop handing out money because the more we hand out, the more we will have to hand out. we have to fix the problems in order to go forward. look at all the money obama gave california &, here they are again, broke & knocking on the door for a bailout...

obama, if you give your daughter a credit card with a set limit & she goes over it once, you chalk it up to a mistake & pay the difference however, when next months bill comes in, & she's over again...well, you sit down with her & try to explain that you only have so much money & that she must keep her purchases within the set limits & you pay the difference...3rd bill comes in & she's way over the set limit plus, she tells you she has no intentions of spending within her set limits............WHAT DO YOU DO???? &, although i realize there may be several ways to answer this question, i'm willing to wager that the right answer is not to just pay off the difference & allow her to continue her reckless spending.....

& you say your american...things that make you go HMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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