Friday, May 11, 2012


hello america!!! would you please ask obama how his 'regulations' on the coal industry (that he already promised to bankrupt) help this country at a time we so desperately need to employ every available body there is? the epa, under his leader-less-ship, have been adding regulation after regulation &, it's come to this point--

the obama admin knows that the costs for re-fitting the older coal plants is too expensive &, coupled with regulations that set the standards too high, the plants will have no choice but to close their doors.

200,000 people out of work, & what's worse, they'll be out of work in areas that are already struggling for jobs. i guess obama never did attend business, let's do some knowitall math......let's just say:::::
200,000 out of work
100,000 are married bringing the total to 300,000 affected
50,000 have at least one child bringing the total to 350,000 affected
&, i'm using the base number of one---anyhow, the gov't can't collect any taxes from those 200,000 & that creates that ripple effect...the gov't (at all levels) loses out on all those taxes but, it doesn't stop there. some of these family's are going to need some form of public assistance regardless of unemployment benefits &, quiet as it's kept, we taxpayer's pay for that. the ripple doesn't stop there...when those 200,000 lose their jobs, the whole community suffers because unemployed people don't spend as freely as they might when they are employed. necessities becomes the number one priority &, all the businesses in their area suffer.

in a perfect world, we could balance our energy needs with our environmental needs however, this world isn't perfect & our economy is at that point where everybody needs their job.

common sense has to be used in this situation &, obama just doesn't have it. this is yet another example of obama not being able to help america. he should be suspending the regulations until we get this country back on its feet...not forcing company's to close their doors & blame it on pres bush....

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