Saturday, May 19, 2012


hello america!!! thank you obama---this is just what we needed....

more teacher's putting their voices & body's to another 'fake' cause. they should be in classrooms teaching our children on how to become productive citizens &, if they don't have a class to teach, they should be in classrooms learning on how to teach better.

ok, let's settle this thing once & for all:::::::obama, come up with a flat tax across the board & call it a day.... those making up to $25,000 pay so much & take it up in $25,000 increments; close every tax loophole there is for everybody & everything; stop all deductions for everybody; if you didn't work, you don't get a return, to include the EIC for want to talk about fairness---then make it fair for everybody.

fairness---what a joke. teacher's have us paying their salaries & they get the luxury of not having to pay their own fair share for their own healthcare---we pay it. then they get tenure & we have to buy their contracts out in order to get rid of them. plus they have those great retirement incentives. kids are coming out of school 'dumber' & they want more. as i said, fairness---what a joke.

this 'take from the fat-cats & give to the poor' is what is wrong with this country. i don't want a hand out...i just want what i earn (ed). in these dire times of rising food prices, food stamps come in handy & medical would be a GODSEND...obama & teachers, do you realize we have people collecting public welfare that don't even try to look for a job? they are content with handouts.

what's sorry about this is, you teachers should be out in the community's trying to find those people 'jobs' not on protesting lines asking for more free should be ashamed of yourselves.

i sincerely wish that those fat-cats would stop doing what they do do for this country for just one lousy month---just one---& then, when the needy come knocking on your door, please address their needs without griping or turning them people make me sick because you're the ones that pass those homeless people everyday & pretend they aren't there.

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