Friday, May 25, 2012


hello america!!! after reading cbs, nbc, msnbc, foxnews &, cnn, i'm struck by what i don't see: i just don't see obama defending his record for the past 3 1/2 years. i mean, didn't obama recently say his stimulus worked? didn't he also say how much america needed obamacare? didn't he say he 'saved' or 'created' 4 million jobs? didn't he say he hired the only people in america that could fix our economic woes? didn't he promise america transparency & an admin run on high ethical standards? didn't he say he would change how business was conducted in washington? didn't he promise to 'tackle' immigration reform? didn't he say he could fix our border issues? didn't he say he could bridge the gap between dems & repubs? didn't he promise to cut our national deficit in half by the end of his first term? didn't he say he wouldn't raise taxes on the middle class? didn't he say he would keep us safe & yet, all of our 'secrets' are being 'leaked' & they have to come from his admin? didn't he say he would get rid of the agency's that didn't work?

i guess the media put the info out on the internet in braille because they didn't put in out there in english.

what i do find the media reporting on is crap...who really cares what gov romney did in school when you can't get a look at obamas school record because he has them sealed? who really cares about gov romney & bain capital when obama not only accepts money from private equity firms, he also employs a private equity's man by the name of federico pena (check his record out at google)? who really cares about obamas views on same sex marriages (no disrespect to the 'gay' community) when 48 hours prior to his announcement, he believed marriage was a 'sacred act' between a man & a woman? who really cares about obama always blaming the repubs for the failures of congress when it's the dem controlled senate holding up the bills already passed by the repub controlled house?

america, you know obama can't stand on his 3 1/2 year record of's gotten so bad & desperate that he & some dems are threatening the supreme court before they even announce their rulings. obama & the dems are 'headlining' any & every issue they can to keep from talking about america's present situation & that, should cause you alarm....our economy, gov't spending & expansion &, our national debt should be number one on everybody's list..........

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