Tuesday, May 22, 2012


hello america!!! here's your daily jobs situation &, for a lot of people, the month of may has been atrocious.
as you see, a lot of people are still losing their jobs daily (even on saturdays & sundays), & bankruptcy's & closing's continue. this wednesday, hp is scheduled to announce 30,000 layoffs &, the airlines are getting ready to get into the act.

in truth, i look for the 'silver lining' in all of these reports however, i just don't see one. i look to our 'so-called leader' to explain exactly what is happening in the jobs sector but, he'd rather spend his time doing other things. & blaming others.

obama says he created or saved 4 million jobs & leaves it at that---however, his numbers don't add up. one would think that if he could prove it, he'd be all over the states with charts, names &, statistics to back his story up. good people, you know damn well that if you were campaigning for any office, you'd put your best foot forward. you have the facts to back you up & you'd make sure they got out for all to see.

here's a 'man' that makes the claim that he's got 4 million jobs under his belt & can't prove it. &, because he doesn't want to be forced into a position to have to prove it, he'd rather talk about gov mitt romney & bains capital...so let's get to it......

when one goes into business & invests money, the only results one is interested in is, PROFIT. your investments are not always going to pan out &, you actually lose out. same as a bank loan (for anything); they make loans to make money & that's the bottom line. who, in their right mind, loans out money or invests it knowing they are going to take a loss? who starts a new business knowing that tomorrow, they will have to close their doors? capital america works & has been from the beginning &, if left alone, will continue to work.

obama wants to make the case that romney isn't a good 'businessman'. fair enough conversation. from what all i'm researching, romney's 'business' record then obamas will ever be. yes, bains may have made money on some of their investments &, others suffered because the business went down...that's america. obama doesn't get it. for that matter, he said he paid his 'so-called' student loan off---look at how long it took. what about those that don't pay those student loans off? who takes the loss? if i'm the banker & i'm not getting repaid, i raise my rates & when that doesn't work, somebody's going to be laid off. i'm not taking the loss. i'm sure you wouldn't take it either.

when i wikipedia bains capital, they have provided a lot of jobs. &, supposedly, romney wasn't even there when that steel company closed shop. which brings me to this.......

i look at what obama did with our stimulus money & i don't see where it worked. i don't see him asking the  states to give him detailed reports on all the money he gave them for those shovel ready jobs. i don't see him trying to account for every dollar that may have actually saved a public workers job. all that money went out & obama can't tell you where & to who---if you gave me $5,000 to get a new roof, you'd be pressing me for details daily...obama has no business with his fingers in our money...we can't even get the truth from him or his admin about solyndra (& the others). when it comes to making loans & grants, obama should be able to tell you where your money went, who got it, what they did with it &, did it help this country.

obama can't tell you about the above---have him explain that 'hi-speed rail service' for his buddy, harry reid.

obama, i'll take romney over you any day...at least he can argue about the jobs he has created.

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