Wednesday, May 2, 2012


hello america!!! i've been waiting for this & on friday, the labor dep't will release their figures....

i have yet to have come across anyone painting a bright, rosy future for our jobs market. in fact, i find quite the opposite---mostly that we are going to have a spring/summer slump.

good people, with all the wealth, resources, capabilities & intuitiveness that we possess as a nation, one would think that under normal circumstances, the jobs market problems would have been solved...well, since normalcy is not the norm, one must look elsewhere for answers...

from what all i've heard, read &, seen, the problem lies in more regulations, penalty's, uncertainty with taxes, uncertainty with obamacare, unions, the opposition in moving to 'job friendly' states, people staying on unemployment until the last minute; & more people receiving government handouts...........

the problem is not::::pres bush; congress; unwillingness of company's to rehire; lack of people to work; the problems overseas; outsourcing or insourcing; the teaparty; climate control or, the weather.........

now, not being a washington insider, i can only make up my opinions based on whatever's out there to be found &, what i'm finding out puts the blame squarely on the shoulders of obama. i know, i'm a hater.....

for starters, if obama was really interested in putting america back to work, he wouldn't have spent all that time on obamacare, he would have come up with a 'jobs bill' that would appeal to both sides of the isle in his first 6 months......however (please correct me if i'm wrong), during obamas first two years, the dem controlled congress didn't pass a 'jobs bill' & could have done so (without any repub support) the same way they forced obamacare & the stimulus through. & yet, obama, harry reid & nancy pelosi would have you believe the 'jobs market' problems are the fault of the repubs (& yes, pres bush).

back in oct 2011, senate majority leader, harry reid (yep, same one that helped shoot down pres bush's calls for stronger regulatory measures against fannie mae & freddie mac starting in 2011---here's that link)  
anyhow, reid decided to take apart obamas (448 billion dollar) jobs bill & vote on it in sections instead of the whole thing...if it had of been a 'good jobs bill', it would have passed in it's entirety. 

obama has said he will 'bankrupt' the coal industry & the epa is all set to levi the penalty's against them. he needs to suspend the regulations that stifle our jobs growth; he needs to offer more tax incentives to the businesses that left our boarders so that they return; he needs to offer more tax incentives to the businesses that do rehire workers; he needs to ensure that those receiving 'any' entitlements prove they are going out & actively looking for work; he needs to support 'work friendly' states with as much fervor as he supports 'union friendly' states; he needs to open up drilling in those areas he has closed down; he needs to actively encourage  all states to rework their union contracts with wisconsin as one example; he needs to reform our tax code & come up with a flat tax rate for everybody; he needs to spend less (notice i didn't say stop) of our money on 'green' projects; he needs to 'downsize' the federal gov't overnight; he needs to quit promising our dollars to country's outside of our borders (brazile, & the latino country's he recently visited); he needs to quit pitting us against them & actively pursue 'oneness'...

in short, obama needs to 'lead' & quit trying to get & give us things we don't need & can't afford at this time. he needs to actively encourage every opportunity for growth that presents itself.

um, but no, obama won't do this:::he'd rather tell you that pres bush is still the blame & do nothing that will help us & yet, he wants you to believe that he is the only one that can help this country.

"FORWARD", i think not if his record counts for anything......

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