hello america!!! if you care to remember, when obama first ran for office, he had no plan other then rhetoic & he had no record of running anything other then his mouth. he had no 'foreign policy' experience; he had no jobs experience; he had extremely little 'reaching across the isle' experience; he had no 'american policy' experience however, his past 'american record' (as a person) was kept quiet by the media. all we really knew about obama is, he could speak brilliantly. his birth place was cloudy (many say it still is), his work records are sketchy at best &, what facts that were available, were all negative (& before you open your mouth, there's plenty of proof of that). his college records were (& still are) sealed to the public & that makes me wonder why. (just try to 'google' them---then 'google' another officials college records)
i said all that to say this...a super pac wants to run ads with obama & rev wright & gov mitt romney said no...mccain was against it also & i think it may have cost him the election because obamas other dirty little secrets would have come out....for one thing, who in this country is stupid enough to believe obama attended a church for 20 years & never understood the message? & yet, you see how quickly obama distanced himself from rev wright when the news did become public &, sorry to say, the media gave him a free pass on it, just like they did about other issues of his past---------so, maybe it's time to set the record right & get all this stuff out in the open & let the people see what all was covered up & smoothed over............
when gov romney's past is dug up & his wife is accused of never having worked, the gloves should come off...that said, no, i do not want a negative campaign, however, the negatives about obamas life, as we know it should come out......&, they can come out in a responsible way including his failures as a so-called 'leader'...&, gov romney should start with letting america know that obama is not that squeaky, clean, innocent person that just happened to 'inherit' a bad economy. he actually had a direct hand in causing our economic collapse---july 1994
gov romney should expose obama for what he is & it can be tastefully done like how can obama blame pres bush for our present mess when pres bush tried numerous times to get congress to put put stronger regulatory measures on fannie mae & freddie mac that may have averted the whole mess in the first place starting in 2001......
obama didn't just distort the facts or mis-speak about the 'dream act' votes----he straight up lied & the american people should be told the truth....obama said that some on the other side (repubs) got together & blocked the bill from passing----the truth is: the dem controlled senate needed 60 votes to pass the bill; 3 repubs & 2 independents voted for the bill however, what obama lies about is, 5 dems voted against the bill which was defeated because of them-----the final vote was, 55 for/41 against/4 not voting....obama is supposed to be the leader of the united states of america & he can't stand in front of the cameras & tell america the truth about the votes........he would rather lie to the latino's & the rest of america to make it seem that he's trying his best to get immigration reform.....yeah, right.....
gov romney has a great opportunity to expose obama for what he really is---somebody that doesn't put our country's interests first & would rather lie to them then tell them the truth......
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