this is not to mean that those that have to pay higher prices for travel are happy nor does it mean that it will solve all of the states problems. states have been trying for eons to pay for themselves with very little help from the federal government &, they should be allowed to continue to do so. however, this goes against obamas agenda---which i'll get to in a minute..............
for states to raise tolls is not enough, they also have to cut their spending &, in doing so, no department should be left off the table. no matter how vital a program may be, there is always room to cut some of the spending on it. some departments can probably be consolidated into one & yes, this unfortunately will lead to longer unemployment lines. but, it is what it is.
america, you & i know the following is pure fact::::how many times have you passed areas where your transportation department was doing something to the road & you see one person actually working & five or six others standing around watching. you have supervisor watching a lesser supervisor watching a foreman watching an assistant foreman watching a lead person watching the worker & everybody has a different colored hard hat on. you & i have seen this too many times to count & we never did a damn thing about it & yet, it's our money paying those people to stand around. if you're anything like me, you probably even joked about getting a job with your transportation department----here in pa, we call them penndot workers...
here in allentown pa, we have our own share of problems but, just to show you how bad the system is, please look at these links::::
there's something very wrong here & somebody really needs to investigate this. although this is at the city level, this is where it all starts &, when they screw it up, the states have to reach down & help & then the feds have to help the states....just one big vicious cycle that has to be re-righted now.
the above two links prove that something is very askew here. how can you take fed money one month to hire ten cops & the next month you lay off 265 teachers. i don't even know where to begin the math on this one------------but, plus ten cops/minus 265 teachers----america, please, you do the math & tell me how this balances out...i am really lost as to figure this out & this is in my very own backyard.
speaking for allentown pa from experience, the people that run this city are very stupid. examples are: they spent all this money to put overhead canopies on hamilton st...
View eastwards of downtown Allentown from in front of Hess's department store at 9th Street, June 1973, during construction of Hamilton Mall Project
the above comes from wikipedia & it kept the rain & snow off of us as we shopped or just hung out.
now, the canopies are gone; they wasted all that money & on rainy & snowy days, hamilton st is deserted which effects the businesses greatly.several years ago the city came up with this scheme to charge (all of those that wanted them) $15.00 to have their name engraved on a red brick & inserted into the sidewalks of hamilton st. now the city is finding out that those bricks are slippery when wet & want to remove them (will they return the money to those that paid?).
this very same city is trying to enforce imminent domain on several businesses on hamilton st to build a hockey rink---------------this is another example of government run amok--------first, this will kill hamilton st & secondly, the rink needs to be built on front st----pure & simple.
many years ago this same city spent all that money on rt 22 to widen the highway (from just past the fullerton exit eastbound to airport rd) &, it leads to nowhere & is not used. in reality, it serves no purpose at all----it's just there & we can't even drive on it. they could have & should have used that money to improve the on & off ramps at rt 22 & mcaurther sts.
what i'm trying to say is, if the cities are allowed to wastefully spend our money, we will continue to have the very same problems & no amount of fed intervention is going to change that----if we could spend above our means & always get a handout, we would never learn our lesson & cut back.
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