hello america!!! have you noticed that several places obama once visited are no longer in business? the following link is just one of many that have fallen by the wayside because of obamas failed economic policies &, i will be posting more as the days go by....
if you care to remember, all of obamas policies were supposed to 'help' this country---why aren't they working???? speaking of working, here's another link about our unemployment numbers.....
america, i don't know how much more of obamas failed policies we can endure as a nation but, as an individual american citizen, i've had enough. in fact, i've had too much. here is another link directly related to obamas failed policies.....
instead of blaming the repubs & pres bush for our economic mess, obama should 'man-up' & take responsibility for our present problems. he says he 'inherited' these problems but america, he willingly ran for office so as to fix these problems & he failing miserably. but, he's not man enough to admit it. he'd rather blame others.
obama & the dems had total control of washington & didn't need the repubs for anything as was proved by the passage of obamacare. they knew we were heading for trouble & did nothing to stop it. what they all did, didn't work then & isn't working now. &, here's another link proving that....
obama 'bailed' out all those 'big' banks & they're still having massive problems & he's seriously lacking the 'leadership' skills to actually help them---or us. when he was 'bailing' them out, they were 'the fat cats' & now that he's re-running for office, he's courting them for their donations.......
here it is a month before out national debt limit deadline & now, obama wants to get involved. it would be one thing if he had a concrete plan but, all he does is use 'scare tactics' & blame the repubs....just another link......
america, obama doesn't have a clue as to how help this once proud nation regain its solid footing in these rocky times &, based on his failed policies, he hasn't earned the right to be employed for another four years.
this site will primarily consist of my political writings on what i see, hear, know &, research &, it will be predominantly about the negativety within our government, as i see it, regardless of who it may be about. above all else, it will be the truth as best i can present it.
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Friday, June 24, 2011
hello america!!! this is for all of you pres bush bashers...you know, the ones that jumped on the obama-band-wagon & blamed pres bush for all of our economic troubles.
&, you all agreed with obama that pres bush was the cause of our problems, however, did you know he tried to keep this from happening----the following link is not something you'll see on main-stream media's front pages (&, foxnews should be blasting this on the front page every day).
obama, let's deal with facts only----&, we'll deal with them going backwards...hope you're ready--
1. you are a self-admitted believer that banks should make sub-prime loans
2. as an elected senator to congress, you did nothing to look into pres bush's warnings
3. as an elected official to illinois you did nothing to preserve or strengthen the economy there or elsewhere
4. as a lawyer for 'acorn' (???), you sued citi-group to force them & other banks to make loans to those that were less then credit worthy, & you taught very aggressive tactics to your co-workers to make their voices be heard (i'm being nice here)----america, see this for yourselves..........
obama & you obama-holics, you're deceiving yourselves when you blame our present economic problems on pres bush. obama did nothing, has done nothing &, will not do anything about our economy. excuse me, obama will do something & has done something::::::he bailed out the very same banks that 'cooked' their books in the first place &, he will do so again.
america, first, obama helped create this economic mess as a lawyer & trainer; secondly, he ignored the problem as an elected official in illinios & washington; thirdly, he blames pres bush for this mess; fourthly, he rewarded the bad behavior of those banks with bailouts at our expense; fifthly, he continues to blame pres bush; & sixthly, he's not man enough to admit his active part in this mess.
&, you all agreed with obama that pres bush was the cause of our problems, however, did you know he tried to keep this from happening----the following link is not something you'll see on main-stream media's front pages (&, foxnews should be blasting this on the front page every day).
obama, let's deal with facts only----&, we'll deal with them going backwards...hope you're ready--
1. you are a self-admitted believer that banks should make sub-prime loans
2. as an elected senator to congress, you did nothing to look into pres bush's warnings
3. as an elected official to illinois you did nothing to preserve or strengthen the economy there or elsewhere
4. as a lawyer for 'acorn' (???), you sued citi-group to force them & other banks to make loans to those that were less then credit worthy, & you taught very aggressive tactics to your co-workers to make their voices be heard (i'm being nice here)----america, see this for yourselves..........
obama & you obama-holics, you're deceiving yourselves when you blame our present economic problems on pres bush. obama did nothing, has done nothing &, will not do anything about our economy. excuse me, obama will do something & has done something::::::he bailed out the very same banks that 'cooked' their books in the first place &, he will do so again.
america, first, obama helped create this economic mess as a lawyer & trainer; secondly, he ignored the problem as an elected official in illinios & washington; thirdly, he blames pres bush for this mess; fourthly, he rewarded the bad behavior of those banks with bailouts at our expense; fifthly, he continues to blame pres bush; & sixthly, he's not man enough to admit his active part in this mess.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
hello america!!! this has to be the best news i've heard today.
i just know obama never wanted to do anything 'negative' towards acorn---afterall, this was his 'grassroots' baby---&, for him to have signed it into law must have been exceedingly hard for him to do. having said that, obama couldn't 'veto' it without starting a 'war' with congress & the american people.
the 'with-held' funds won't really hurt acorn.....they just change their name & continue doing what got them into this mess in the first place.
obama, it's so nice to see how you distance yourself from 'trouble' & i can only hope you distanced yourself enough that this organization won't help you in the next election like they did in your first one.
i just know obama never wanted to do anything 'negative' towards acorn---afterall, this was his 'grassroots' baby---&, for him to have signed it into law must have been exceedingly hard for him to do. having said that, obama couldn't 'veto' it without starting a 'war' with congress & the american people.
the 'with-held' funds won't really hurt acorn.....they just change their name & continue doing what got them into this mess in the first place.
obama, it's so nice to see how you distance yourself from 'trouble' & i can only hope you distanced yourself enough that this organization won't help you in the next election like they did in your first one.
Sunday, June 19, 2011
hello america!!! people continue to ask me why i bash obama & i just point them to what he's not done & not doing........case in point, his visit to puerto rico. he went over there, took their money &, said, we'll get back to you about the conditions there which are worse then here. typical obama---big talk/no action or, wrong action. he's a snake &, you can't train them, you can't domesticate them, you can't walk them, you can't potty-train them &, you damn sure can't trust them.......
without having any stats in front of me, i just know that the vast majority of american latino voters voted for obama. but don't feel bad, a lot of americans were suckered in by him. what's worse is, quite a few americans are still suckered in.
obama promised to tackle immigration &, he's not done a thing except talk about it----he's real good at that----latino's, ask yourselves this: are you better off now with obama or were you better off without him?
obama doesn't care about the latino's any more then he cares about the blacks or orientals---but, collectively, he cares very much about your vote & will say whatever it takes to get it.
& why can't puerto rico vote for a president? they can vote in the primaries & have no input from then on. this needs to change immediately.....
below are two related links to my writing......
america, you have to watch that snake or you're going to get bit....
without having any stats in front of me, i just know that the vast majority of american latino voters voted for obama. but don't feel bad, a lot of americans were suckered in by him. what's worse is, quite a few americans are still suckered in.
obama promised to tackle immigration &, he's not done a thing except talk about it----he's real good at that----latino's, ask yourselves this: are you better off now with obama or were you better off without him?
obama doesn't care about the latino's any more then he cares about the blacks or orientals---but, collectively, he cares very much about your vote & will say whatever it takes to get it.
& why can't puerto rico vote for a president? they can vote in the primaries & have no input from then on. this needs to change immediately.....
below are two related links to my writing......
america, you have to watch that snake or you're going to get bit....
hello america!!! i've been waiting for quite some time for obama to open this opportunity up for me & here it is::::
i already know that some of you will say that all of the following is 'hitting below the belt' & that i should leave obamas kids out of it but, he opened his mouth & all i'm doing is voicing my opinion backed up by the facts.
obama, i can only wonder what you will tell your daughters when they are old enough to think for themselves & do for themselves. can you imagine how they're going to react when they discover what you've been hiding from them because i don't think you're man enough or father enough to have been telling them the truth when you've been tucking them into bed?
you're going to go down in history as our worst president ever &, if they ever get the chance to 'research' you like i've done, you're going to have a lot of explaining to do.
the only 'good' thing you've done for this country is give the final okay for bin laden to be taken out. however much i agree with that decision, it was still murder (& you were a lawyer) & you can't sugar-coat it. how do you explain that (in the name of 'good fathering') to your two daughters without lying?
how do you tell them that you decided that bin laden had to die without the benefit of 'due process? since you said the pics of bin laden are too graphic for us to view i know where your mindset is & there's no way you can prove me wrong. chances are, your daughters have been shielded from this type of news & i know you won't let them watch foxnews.
what do you tell your daughters when they discover just how badly you hurt this great nation? how have you prepared them to handle your lying to america?
assuming they will go to college, they are in for a rude awakening because they are going to find out the truth about you & it's not good. they are going to find out that 'daddy' wasn't & isn't as great as he pretends to be. obama, you've screwed these girls because they are (naturally) going to 'protect' your image as grow older. the problem with that is, they'll be protecting a liar & an un-american.
obama, you've set the ball in motion & can't stop it now. how does it feel to know that although you were elected to the highest office in the land, your daughters will discover that you were & are a dismal failure. fathering is more then just being there & coaching their sports team----it has a lot more to do with being truthful to them.
i already know that some of you will say that all of the following is 'hitting below the belt' & that i should leave obamas kids out of it but, he opened his mouth & all i'm doing is voicing my opinion backed up by the facts.
obama, i can only wonder what you will tell your daughters when they are old enough to think for themselves & do for themselves. can you imagine how they're going to react when they discover what you've been hiding from them because i don't think you're man enough or father enough to have been telling them the truth when you've been tucking them into bed?
you're going to go down in history as our worst president ever &, if they ever get the chance to 'research' you like i've done, you're going to have a lot of explaining to do.
the only 'good' thing you've done for this country is give the final okay for bin laden to be taken out. however much i agree with that decision, it was still murder (& you were a lawyer) & you can't sugar-coat it. how do you explain that (in the name of 'good fathering') to your two daughters without lying?
how do you tell them that you decided that bin laden had to die without the benefit of 'due process? since you said the pics of bin laden are too graphic for us to view i know where your mindset is & there's no way you can prove me wrong. chances are, your daughters have been shielded from this type of news & i know you won't let them watch foxnews.
what do you tell your daughters when they discover just how badly you hurt this great nation? how have you prepared them to handle your lying to america?
assuming they will go to college, they are in for a rude awakening because they are going to find out the truth about you & it's not good. they are going to find out that 'daddy' wasn't & isn't as great as he pretends to be. obama, you've screwed these girls because they are (naturally) going to 'protect' your image as grow older. the problem with that is, they'll be protecting a liar & an un-american.
obama, you've set the ball in motion & can't stop it now. how does it feel to know that although you were elected to the highest office in the land, your daughters will discover that you were & are a dismal failure. fathering is more then just being there & coaching their sports team----it has a lot more to do with being truthful to them.
hello america!!! the link below is but another example of just why obama should (have left &) leave the economic problems of america to americans to solve.
this is not to mean that those that have to pay higher prices for travel are happy nor does it mean that it will solve all of the states problems. states have been trying for eons to pay for themselves with very little help from the federal government &, they should be allowed to continue to do so. however, this goes against obamas agenda---which i'll get to in a minute..............
for states to raise tolls is not enough, they also have to cut their spending &, in doing so, no department should be left off the table. no matter how vital a program may be, there is always room to cut some of the spending on it. some departments can probably be consolidated into one & yes, this unfortunately will lead to longer unemployment lines. but, it is what it is.
america, you & i know the following is pure fact::::how many times have you passed areas where your transportation department was doing something to the road & you see one person actually working & five or six others standing around watching. you have supervisor watching a lesser supervisor watching a foreman watching an assistant foreman watching a lead person watching the worker & everybody has a different colored hard hat on. you & i have seen this too many times to count & we never did a damn thing about it & yet, it's our money paying those people to stand around. if you're anything like me, you probably even joked about getting a job with your transportation department----here in pa, we call them penndot workers...
here in allentown pa, we have our own share of problems but, just to show you how bad the system is, please look at these links::::
there's something very wrong here & somebody really needs to investigate this. although this is at the city level, this is where it all starts &, when they screw it up, the states have to reach down & help & then the feds have to help the states....just one big vicious cycle that has to be re-righted now.
the above two links prove that something is very askew here. how can you take fed money one month to hire ten cops & the next month you lay off 265 teachers. i don't even know where to begin the math on this one------------but, plus ten cops/minus 265 teachers----america, please, you do the math & tell me how this balances out...i am really lost as to figure this out & this is in my very own backyard.
speaking for allentown pa from experience, the people that run this city are very stupid. examples are: they spent all this money to put overhead canopies on hamilton st...

several years ago the city came up with this scheme to charge (all of those that wanted them) $15.00 to have their name engraved on a red brick & inserted into the sidewalks of hamilton st. now the city is finding out that those bricks are slippery when wet & want to remove them (will they return the money to those that paid?).
this very same city is trying to enforce imminent domain on several businesses on hamilton st to build a hockey rink---------------this is another example of government run amok--------first, this will kill hamilton st & secondly, the rink needs to be built on front st----pure & simple.
many years ago this same city spent all that money on rt 22 to widen the highway (from just past the fullerton exit eastbound to airport rd) &, it leads to nowhere & is not used. in reality, it serves no purpose at all----it's just there & we can't even drive on it. they could have & should have used that money to improve the on & off ramps at rt 22 & mcaurther sts.
what i'm trying to say is, if the cities are allowed to wastefully spend our money, we will continue to have the very same problems & no amount of fed intervention is going to change that----if we could spend above our means & always get a handout, we would never learn our lesson & cut back.
this is not to mean that those that have to pay higher prices for travel are happy nor does it mean that it will solve all of the states problems. states have been trying for eons to pay for themselves with very little help from the federal government &, they should be allowed to continue to do so. however, this goes against obamas agenda---which i'll get to in a minute..............
for states to raise tolls is not enough, they also have to cut their spending &, in doing so, no department should be left off the table. no matter how vital a program may be, there is always room to cut some of the spending on it. some departments can probably be consolidated into one & yes, this unfortunately will lead to longer unemployment lines. but, it is what it is.
america, you & i know the following is pure fact::::how many times have you passed areas where your transportation department was doing something to the road & you see one person actually working & five or six others standing around watching. you have supervisor watching a lesser supervisor watching a foreman watching an assistant foreman watching a lead person watching the worker & everybody has a different colored hard hat on. you & i have seen this too many times to count & we never did a damn thing about it & yet, it's our money paying those people to stand around. if you're anything like me, you probably even joked about getting a job with your transportation department----here in pa, we call them penndot workers...
here in allentown pa, we have our own share of problems but, just to show you how bad the system is, please look at these links::::
there's something very wrong here & somebody really needs to investigate this. although this is at the city level, this is where it all starts &, when they screw it up, the states have to reach down & help & then the feds have to help the states....just one big vicious cycle that has to be re-righted now.
the above two links prove that something is very askew here. how can you take fed money one month to hire ten cops & the next month you lay off 265 teachers. i don't even know where to begin the math on this one------------but, plus ten cops/minus 265 teachers----america, please, you do the math & tell me how this balances out...i am really lost as to figure this out & this is in my very own backyard.
speaking for allentown pa from experience, the people that run this city are very stupid. examples are: they spent all this money to put overhead canopies on hamilton st...
View eastwards of downtown Allentown from in front of Hess's department store at 9th Street, June 1973, during construction of Hamilton Mall Project
the above comes from wikipedia & it kept the rain & snow off of us as we shopped or just hung out.
now, the canopies are gone; they wasted all that money & on rainy & snowy days, hamilton st is deserted which effects the businesses greatly.several years ago the city came up with this scheme to charge (all of those that wanted them) $15.00 to have their name engraved on a red brick & inserted into the sidewalks of hamilton st. now the city is finding out that those bricks are slippery when wet & want to remove them (will they return the money to those that paid?).
this very same city is trying to enforce imminent domain on several businesses on hamilton st to build a hockey rink---------------this is another example of government run amok--------first, this will kill hamilton st & secondly, the rink needs to be built on front st----pure & simple.
many years ago this same city spent all that money on rt 22 to widen the highway (from just past the fullerton exit eastbound to airport rd) &, it leads to nowhere & is not used. in reality, it serves no purpose at all----it's just there & we can't even drive on it. they could have & should have used that money to improve the on & off ramps at rt 22 & mcaurther sts.
what i'm trying to say is, if the cities are allowed to wastefully spend our money, we will continue to have the very same problems & no amount of fed intervention is going to change that----if we could spend above our means & always get a handout, we would never learn our lesson & cut back.
Friday, June 17, 2011
hello america!!! so, ATM's are partly the blame for our stagnant job growth--they're taking jobs away from us--simply amazing.........does obama know just how stupid & weak that sounds?
1.....actual people have to sit down & draw up designs & plans for the ATM's & they need offices, office supplies, computers, electricity, heating & ac, bathrooms & supplies; etc
2.....actual people have to warehouse where the ATM's are to be built & they need builders to either build from the ground up or remodel &, they in turn need carpenters, welders, electricians, plumbers; etc
3.....actual people have to stock the warehouses where the ATM's are being built & they need shelving, forklifts, banding equipment; etc
4.....actual people have to put the ATM's together & they need tools, uniforms, & a lunch area; etc
5.....actual people have to schedule delivery of those ATM's & they need supplies; etc
6.....actual people have to package & ship those ATM's & they need supplies; etc
7.....actual people have to drive those trucks or trains & fly those planes; etc
8.....actual people have to receive those ATM's & deliver them to wherever they are going & they need supplies; etc
9.....actual people sit down & come up with logo's & advertising for those ATM's; etc
10...actual people have to make the signs that go along with the ATM's; & everything from #2-#9 start all over for another company..........
i could go on but, in short, obama is a butt-hole & he is not showing 'leadership', he's showing 'panic'. he's becoming desperate------&, i guess somebody finally told him that his 'bailouts' didn't & aren't working. at this point it would be nice to say to obama, man-up & admit your failures & tell america you know what not to do in the future......the biggest problem with this is, he doesn't know what to do about our future but, i'll bet he has his own share of 'plastic cards' even if he doesn't have to use them every day like us normal people. by the way, did it dawn on him that there are many company's that employ 'actual' people to make those cards?
if obama were smart he would have kept his mouth shut but, since he didn't let me take it a step further....
when obama visits the detroit automakers, did it ever occur to him how many 'actual people' jobs were lost to robotics? but, you don't hear him complaining about that.
obama if you blame 'ATM's' for your failures-------you might as well include the medical field in there to because they have devices that they can put down your throat to look inside your body & that's causing surgeons to lose their jobs because they don't have to cut you open to find out what's wrong with you.
i guess that blackberry you use is okay but, by being able to email, text &, surf the web on the go means you don't really have to go out there & buy a real computer. but, i'm with you, we should revert back to the stoneage.
1.....actual people have to sit down & draw up designs & plans for the ATM's & they need offices, office supplies, computers, electricity, heating & ac, bathrooms & supplies; etc
2.....actual people have to warehouse where the ATM's are to be built & they need builders to either build from the ground up or remodel &, they in turn need carpenters, welders, electricians, plumbers; etc
3.....actual people have to stock the warehouses where the ATM's are being built & they need shelving, forklifts, banding equipment; etc
4.....actual people have to put the ATM's together & they need tools, uniforms, & a lunch area; etc
5.....actual people have to schedule delivery of those ATM's & they need supplies; etc
6.....actual people have to package & ship those ATM's & they need supplies; etc
7.....actual people have to drive those trucks or trains & fly those planes; etc
8.....actual people have to receive those ATM's & deliver them to wherever they are going & they need supplies; etc
9.....actual people sit down & come up with logo's & advertising for those ATM's; etc
10...actual people have to make the signs that go along with the ATM's; & everything from #2-#9 start all over for another company..........
i could go on but, in short, obama is a butt-hole & he is not showing 'leadership', he's showing 'panic'. he's becoming desperate------&, i guess somebody finally told him that his 'bailouts' didn't & aren't working. at this point it would be nice to say to obama, man-up & admit your failures & tell america you know what not to do in the future......the biggest problem with this is, he doesn't know what to do about our future but, i'll bet he has his own share of 'plastic cards' even if he doesn't have to use them every day like us normal people. by the way, did it dawn on him that there are many company's that employ 'actual' people to make those cards?
if obama were smart he would have kept his mouth shut but, since he didn't let me take it a step further....
when obama visits the detroit automakers, did it ever occur to him how many 'actual people' jobs were lost to robotics? but, you don't hear him complaining about that.
obama if you blame 'ATM's' for your failures-------you might as well include the medical field in there to because they have devices that they can put down your throat to look inside your body & that's causing surgeons to lose their jobs because they don't have to cut you open to find out what's wrong with you.
i guess that blackberry you use is okay but, by being able to email, text &, surf the web on the go means you don't really have to go out there & buy a real computer. but, i'm with you, we should revert back to the stoneage.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
hello america!!! doesn't it make you feel good to know that obama has lied to every one of us every step of the way? &, why msnbc, cnn, abc, & others don't call him on his lies is beyond comprehension. perhaps they are too 'deep' into the 'liberalizing of america' &, the big pawn, obama, just happens to be going in the same direction they are so, they continue to give him an 'unchecked' path. besides, obama wants to shut down foxnews & that works for them. what they should realize is, whenever they start reporting 'negative' articles about him, he's going to want to shut them down to. but, that's another subject for another day...........
obama is going to tell us that he knew nothing about the drug cartels buying guns we captured & are, & will continue to, show up on both sides of the mexican border. where's the media on this &, please remember, we recently had a border agent shot & killed by one of those guns? mainstream america, please make some noise.
then you have obama making 'jokes' about the bump in the road & blamming the governors for lack of all those shovel ready jobs he promised us. it's their fault that his 'bailouts' aren't working. come on mainstream media, holla!!!
you have obama telling congress that what he did & is doing about libya is legal & that he doesn't need them to okay it but, for whatever reason, they seem to disagree. i guess it all depends on how you read the war powers act &, judging on how the dems & obama must have read the bills they passed, makes me side with congress. of course, mainstream media just blows this off.
obama has authorized 'covert' actions in yemen but, when we start losing american lives you can bet he'll deny it......hello mainstream media.
he 'flat-out' lied about 'obamacare' to all americans & is going out of his way to 'fool' the seniors into thinking that he's all for them...but the facts are: they all won't be able to keep their present coverage: their costs will rise: obama is cutting medicare by 500 billion plus dollars which will hurt seniors with reduced services: obamacare does provide for a 'panal' to determine what care seniors can & can't get &, the mainstream media is so quiet about all this.
he probably hasn't read rep paul ryans bill & yet, he's trying to scare seniors into thinking that the repubs are going to push them off the cliff &, mainstream media won't publicize the bill & break it down for them the way they should.
he is trying to scare americans into thinking that if the national debt limit isn't raised, we're all going to hell---just his normal 'scare tactics'---but, the mainstream media knows that if the ceiling isn't raised, we have enough funds to avoid a bad credit rating but, to further support obama, they won't tell you that &, they definitely won't rehash what obama said about raising the debt limit as a senator, but now, he, & they, want you to believe that he made a mistake in not voting for the raise. mainstream media will just let this pass.
obamas seen that 200 people that donated the most to his campaign were rewarded with government jobs but, he, his mouth-piece &, mainstream media tell you that every president did it to but, this was supposed to be the 'era-of-change'/the 'era-of-transparency'/the 'era-of-an-open-&-honest-government' but, as you now know, you were lied to then by both obama & mainstream media &, in concert, they're still lying to you.
another lie obama, the dems &, mainstream media told you was, obamacare is not a tax & yet, his own legal mouth-piece had to argue at the obamacare appellate court hearing that the mandate is a tax. they had to lie to us to make those that opposed the bill look like they were against america but, the more you read obamacare, the more the lies come out &, mainstream media won't put the lies on the front page.
whatever happened to the media just reporting the news? & why, as the people that buy those newspapers don't stand up & demand honest, fair & balanced reporting is crazy. if we boycott their papers until they get it right, they'll either get it right or get out of the business. america, we have more power then you think but, we very seldom use it except when we vote.
america, stand up & be heard.
obama is going to tell us that he knew nothing about the drug cartels buying guns we captured & are, & will continue to, show up on both sides of the mexican border. where's the media on this &, please remember, we recently had a border agent shot & killed by one of those guns? mainstream america, please make some noise.
then you have obama making 'jokes' about the bump in the road & blamming the governors for lack of all those shovel ready jobs he promised us. it's their fault that his 'bailouts' aren't working. come on mainstream media, holla!!!
you have obama telling congress that what he did & is doing about libya is legal & that he doesn't need them to okay it but, for whatever reason, they seem to disagree. i guess it all depends on how you read the war powers act &, judging on how the dems & obama must have read the bills they passed, makes me side with congress. of course, mainstream media just blows this off.
obama has authorized 'covert' actions in yemen but, when we start losing american lives you can bet he'll deny it......hello mainstream media.
he 'flat-out' lied about 'obamacare' to all americans & is going out of his way to 'fool' the seniors into thinking that he's all for them...but the facts are: they all won't be able to keep their present coverage: their costs will rise: obama is cutting medicare by 500 billion plus dollars which will hurt seniors with reduced services: obamacare does provide for a 'panal' to determine what care seniors can & can't get &, the mainstream media is so quiet about all this.
he probably hasn't read rep paul ryans bill & yet, he's trying to scare seniors into thinking that the repubs are going to push them off the cliff &, mainstream media won't publicize the bill & break it down for them the way they should.
he is trying to scare americans into thinking that if the national debt limit isn't raised, we're all going to hell---just his normal 'scare tactics'---but, the mainstream media knows that if the ceiling isn't raised, we have enough funds to avoid a bad credit rating but, to further support obama, they won't tell you that &, they definitely won't rehash what obama said about raising the debt limit as a senator, but now, he, & they, want you to believe that he made a mistake in not voting for the raise. mainstream media will just let this pass.
obamas seen that 200 people that donated the most to his campaign were rewarded with government jobs but, he, his mouth-piece &, mainstream media tell you that every president did it to but, this was supposed to be the 'era-of-change'/the 'era-of-transparency'/the 'era-of-an-open-&-honest-government' but, as you now know, you were lied to then by both obama & mainstream media &, in concert, they're still lying to you.
another lie obama, the dems &, mainstream media told you was, obamacare is not a tax & yet, his own legal mouth-piece had to argue at the obamacare appellate court hearing that the mandate is a tax. they had to lie to us to make those that opposed the bill look like they were against america but, the more you read obamacare, the more the lies come out &, mainstream media won't put the lies on the front page.
whatever happened to the media just reporting the news? & why, as the people that buy those newspapers don't stand up & demand honest, fair & balanced reporting is crazy. if we boycott their papers until they get it right, they'll either get it right or get out of the business. america, we have more power then you think but, we very seldom use it except when we vote.
america, stand up & be heard.
Monday, June 13, 2011
hello america!!! just more mumbling.....
after three years of rep anthony weiner showing his weener, he got caught, lied about it, has since admitted it, has asked for immediate leave &, won't resign. my problem with this whole episode is: weiner says he made a mistake (& some of the others supporting him echo that) but, what weiner did is not a mistake: a mistake is something you do once or twice & correct it. weiner's showing his 'body' along with 'sexually writings' to women he did not really know over a three year period (by his own admission) borders on stupidity. &, don't forget the fact that he was married for the last year & his wife is pregnant. i don't see what he did as a being a sickness because if the first woman he sent that crap to had of reported him, it would have been 'game over'---then he could say it was mistake.
no matter how you slice it, he violated the first rule in the official "code of conduct" for us house of representatives & i've copied & pasted that rule below.
1. A Member, officer, or employee of the House of Representatives shall conduct himself at all times in a manner which shall reflect creditably on the House of Representatives.
what weiner's 'tweeting & texting' did does not reflect "creditably" on the house &, when you couple that with his lying to all of america (on national tv) about it raises serious questions as to whether he can be trusted. more importantly, can he be relied upon to carry out his 'duties'?
weiner needs to go. he placed himself in a position to be 'blackmailed' & this should never be overlooked.
as for nancy pelosi calling for an 'ethics' investigation, she should have been calling for his resignation from day one---after all she was the one that wanted to "drain the swamp".
if this were a teacher, fireman or policeman, they would have been suspended with or without pay pending an investigation...why are the rules always different for our elected officials? oh, that's right---they make their own rules....
after three years of rep anthony weiner showing his weener, he got caught, lied about it, has since admitted it, has asked for immediate leave &, won't resign. my problem with this whole episode is: weiner says he made a mistake (& some of the others supporting him echo that) but, what weiner did is not a mistake: a mistake is something you do once or twice & correct it. weiner's showing his 'body' along with 'sexually writings' to women he did not really know over a three year period (by his own admission) borders on stupidity. &, don't forget the fact that he was married for the last year & his wife is pregnant. i don't see what he did as a being a sickness because if the first woman he sent that crap to had of reported him, it would have been 'game over'---then he could say it was mistake.
no matter how you slice it, he violated the first rule in the official "code of conduct" for us house of representatives & i've copied & pasted that rule below.
1. A Member, officer, or employee of the House of Representatives shall conduct himself at all times in a manner which shall reflect creditably on the House of Representatives.
what weiner's 'tweeting & texting' did does not reflect "creditably" on the house &, when you couple that with his lying to all of america (on national tv) about it raises serious questions as to whether he can be trusted. more importantly, can he be relied upon to carry out his 'duties'?
weiner needs to go. he placed himself in a position to be 'blackmailed' & this should never be overlooked.
as for nancy pelosi calling for an 'ethics' investigation, she should have been calling for his resignation from day one---after all she was the one that wanted to "drain the swamp".
if this were a teacher, fireman or policeman, they would have been suspended with or without pay pending an investigation...why are the rules always different for our elected officials? oh, that's right---they make their own rules....
Friday, June 10, 2011
hello america!!! i just finished a conversation with a black friend of mine. he seems to think obama did a lot for the minorities in america---i don't know what he was talking about but, this link is for him & all the other minorities that feel like he does::::::
america, many, many votes from minorites went to obama &, i am certain that a lot of them went to him because they considered him 'black'. however, he has not done one good thing for those people &, the sad part of this is, they don't even realize it. i am finding that most of the blacks & hispanics (that i know) that voted for him did so on without knowing anything about him & they never looked him up. they voted for him because he was on mtv, oprah, the view, youtube &, that he appealed to their age group. he said the 'right' things & the rest is hystory.
people, obama is phony & he's a "proven liar". he hasn't, won't, & can't do anything good for the americans living at or under the national poverty level &, what's worse, he doesn't even pretend not to care. have you ever heard him say anything like: i want to reach out to the american people struggling at or below the national poverty level & help put them on equal footing with the middleclass? no, you haven't heard anything like that but, what you do hear & know is, he will readily give you foodstamps, healthcare & unemployment extentions-----which are all designed to keep you dependent on the federal government. let's face it, you'll always vote for someone who is 'giving' you something & you'll vote against the first one that comes along to take it away. look at our hystory!!! when did 'city's' go to 'hoods' to 'inner city's'? look at all those homes & business's boarded up---look at the crime rate---look at the drugs flowing in & out---&, this goes on year after year after year. sure, you might get a job at a kfc or a burgerking & even some off the books roofing jobs but, for the most part, you have to leave your area to get a real job that might just help you pay your bills. be for real, for years you have to walk the streets worried about which gang you'll run into; you have to duck every time you hear gunshots; you know the drill & obama has not done one thing to improve your living conditions....not one.
simply put, if you don't work for a company that's unionized, you're not getting obama help. america, please stand up & prove me wrong!!! obama chose who he helped & didn't help & that's the bottom line. he doesn't care about you no more then he doesn't care about our border agents being killed by the very same guns the dea & atf captured & allowed the mexican drug cartels to re-buy.
the facts are proof---just 'honestly' ask yourself, what has obama done for me???? answers are: he sneakily raised the taxes on your alcohol & tobacco products; his obamacare will 'tax/fine' you for not having it; his 'bailouts' to the housing market are forcing the banks to foreclose on your homes & not re-issue you loans; he is 'seriously constricting' the growth of small business's with his active support of the unions; he's allowing our gas prices to raise; he's allowing our food costs to raise; he is actively trying to raise our taxes; he is spending our money at an overly alarming rate; he's expanded our government beyond immagination; he has no plan for boosting our economy or creating jobs; &, more then anything else, he stands in front of his teleprompters & lies directly to us.
obamas past is one of confliction---with himself & demarcracy---at best, he is a socialist.....if he were to do what he's done, & is doing, to this country allowed to happen in germany or spain or yemen, he'd be out of office & seeking 'safe haven' in one of the few country's that he didn't crap on.
america, many, many votes from minorites went to obama &, i am certain that a lot of them went to him because they considered him 'black'. however, he has not done one good thing for those people &, the sad part of this is, they don't even realize it. i am finding that most of the blacks & hispanics (that i know) that voted for him did so on without knowing anything about him & they never looked him up. they voted for him because he was on mtv, oprah, the view, youtube &, that he appealed to their age group. he said the 'right' things & the rest is hystory.
people, obama is phony & he's a "proven liar". he hasn't, won't, & can't do anything good for the americans living at or under the national poverty level &, what's worse, he doesn't even pretend not to care. have you ever heard him say anything like: i want to reach out to the american people struggling at or below the national poverty level & help put them on equal footing with the middleclass? no, you haven't heard anything like that but, what you do hear & know is, he will readily give you foodstamps, healthcare & unemployment extentions-----which are all designed to keep you dependent on the federal government. let's face it, you'll always vote for someone who is 'giving' you something & you'll vote against the first one that comes along to take it away. look at our hystory!!! when did 'city's' go to 'hoods' to 'inner city's'? look at all those homes & business's boarded up---look at the crime rate---look at the drugs flowing in & out---&, this goes on year after year after year. sure, you might get a job at a kfc or a burgerking & even some off the books roofing jobs but, for the most part, you have to leave your area to get a real job that might just help you pay your bills. be for real, for years you have to walk the streets worried about which gang you'll run into; you have to duck every time you hear gunshots; you know the drill & obama has not done one thing to improve your living conditions....not one.
simply put, if you don't work for a company that's unionized, you're not getting obama help. america, please stand up & prove me wrong!!! obama chose who he helped & didn't help & that's the bottom line. he doesn't care about you no more then he doesn't care about our border agents being killed by the very same guns the dea & atf captured & allowed the mexican drug cartels to re-buy.
the facts are proof---just 'honestly' ask yourself, what has obama done for me???? answers are: he sneakily raised the taxes on your alcohol & tobacco products; his obamacare will 'tax/fine' you for not having it; his 'bailouts' to the housing market are forcing the banks to foreclose on your homes & not re-issue you loans; he is 'seriously constricting' the growth of small business's with his active support of the unions; he's allowing our gas prices to raise; he's allowing our food costs to raise; he is actively trying to raise our taxes; he is spending our money at an overly alarming rate; he's expanded our government beyond immagination; he has no plan for boosting our economy or creating jobs; &, more then anything else, he stands in front of his teleprompters & lies directly to us.
obamas past is one of confliction---with himself & demarcracy---at best, he is a socialist.....if he were to do what he's done, & is doing, to this country allowed to happen in germany or spain or yemen, he'd be out of office & seeking 'safe haven' in one of the few country's that he didn't crap on.
hello america!!! i call it like it is & i'm calling obama a LIAR. he ran around the country telling us that his obamacare mandate was not a tax-----can you remember that? can you remember him saying he will not raise taxes on the middleclass? well, surprise, surprise. the mandate is a tax & yes, it is a tax raise on the middleclass as well as every other america that doesn't have or obtain healthcare coverage.
obamas own us solicitor general, neal k katyal, just argued before the appelate court (the 11th circuit court of appeals that's hearing whether or not obamacare is constitutional or not) that the mandate is a tax. the point being, obama & all those that argued (in the news, the townhall meetings & telepromters) that it wasn't a tax, flat out lied to all of america & the world. there's no other word to use for it & there's no excuse for it.
here are just two links so you can find out for yourself....
not being schooled in law i can only surmise that: if the mandate is not a tax, the feds can't collect it &, if they can't collect it, they can't enforce it thus making the bill a worthless pile of paper...this contest will make its way to the supreme court where it will be decided one way or the other...please check out my follow-up one of the newest members of that court & why she should recuse herself from obamacare litigation.
america, the vast majority of us don't want the government telling us what is best for us, what we have to buy, where we can & can't go, what we can & can't eat. if obamacare is allowed to stand, one could argue that if you don't buy certain types of coats for winter & you come down with a cold, you'll have to pay a fine. it has to go &, if the supreme court won't do it, we will have to do it by getting rid of every politicain that supported it regardless of party affiliation & put those in office that will get rid of it.
i was, & still am, strongly against obamacare. i don't like the way it was 'advertised' to us, i don't like the 'closed-doors' crap that occured, i don't like the way the bill was not argued, i don't like the way the bill was presented to those that had to vote on it without proper time to 'read' it, i don't like the 'obama-fuzzy math' that says the it pays for itself &, now we are finding out-it doesn't, i don't like the way this bill will hurt medicare & our seniors, i don't like then 'speaker-of-the-house' nancy pelosi telling america "we have to pass the bill to see what's in it", &, i definitely don't like being lied to by obama & others about obamacare.
when obamacare is struck down from being the law of the land, you'll not only see that obama & the dems didn't mind wasting theirs & your money to promote to pass this bill, you'll also see that they don't have any problem looking america in the eye & lying to us. more importantly, you'll see that they would rather spend time (look at the amount of time & energy that went into writing the bill, promoting the bill, defending the bill &, passing the bill) diverting attention away from what they couldn't & didn't do----i could spend a month on what obama & the dems didn't & wouldn't do during this time----but all one has to do is look at the present state of our economy to know.
obamas own us solicitor general, neal k katyal, just argued before the appelate court (the 11th circuit court of appeals that's hearing whether or not obamacare is constitutional or not) that the mandate is a tax. the point being, obama & all those that argued (in the news, the townhall meetings & telepromters) that it wasn't a tax, flat out lied to all of america & the world. there's no other word to use for it & there's no excuse for it.
here are just two links so you can find out for yourself....
not being schooled in law i can only surmise that: if the mandate is not a tax, the feds can't collect it &, if they can't collect it, they can't enforce it thus making the bill a worthless pile of paper...this contest will make its way to the supreme court where it will be decided one way or the other...please check out my follow-up one of the newest members of that court & why she should recuse herself from obamacare litigation.
america, the vast majority of us don't want the government telling us what is best for us, what we have to buy, where we can & can't go, what we can & can't eat. if obamacare is allowed to stand, one could argue that if you don't buy certain types of coats for winter & you come down with a cold, you'll have to pay a fine. it has to go &, if the supreme court won't do it, we will have to do it by getting rid of every politicain that supported it regardless of party affiliation & put those in office that will get rid of it.
i was, & still am, strongly against obamacare. i don't like the way it was 'advertised' to us, i don't like the 'closed-doors' crap that occured, i don't like the way the bill was not argued, i don't like the way the bill was presented to those that had to vote on it without proper time to 'read' it, i don't like the 'obama-fuzzy math' that says the it pays for itself &, now we are finding out-it doesn't, i don't like the way this bill will hurt medicare & our seniors, i don't like then 'speaker-of-the-house' nancy pelosi telling america "we have to pass the bill to see what's in it", &, i definitely don't like being lied to by obama & others about obamacare.
when obamacare is struck down from being the law of the land, you'll not only see that obama & the dems didn't mind wasting theirs & your money to promote to pass this bill, you'll also see that they don't have any problem looking america in the eye & lying to us. more importantly, you'll see that they would rather spend time (look at the amount of time & energy that went into writing the bill, promoting the bill, defending the bill &, passing the bill) diverting attention away from what they couldn't & didn't do----i could spend a month on what obama & the dems didn't & wouldn't do during this time----but all one has to do is look at the present state of our economy to know.
Thursday, June 9, 2011
hello america!!! i have many, many questions however, my most pressing question is: how in the name of all that's good do guns captured by the dea & the atf end up in the hands of the mexican drug cartel? what super smart idiot thought this plan up? who in their right mind would arm their enemy & then turn around & wonder why we can't defeat them? i've said it before & i will continue to say it; obama has surrounded himself with a bunch of super smart idiots &, although they have plenty of book knowledge, they, & he, lack common sense.
america, i could have provided more links to this subject but, you must do your own homework. please follow the link & watch the video &, please say a prayer for border agent brian terry's family.
what bothers me the most about this whole thing is: we can cross the oceans, invade pakistan, kill bin laden, capture all that info they keep talking about & yet, we can't go in & track down where these guns are &, remember, they have all that crap on or in them to let us know where they are. another big thing that bothers me is: we haven't taken down any of the drug cartels.
i know obamas going to spin this in his favor but, what can he really say to us or the family's that have lost loved ones because of the weapons he has armed the cartels with?
america, if you never remember anything i've ever written, PLEASE remember this---obama told us the people that he's surrounded himself with are the only ones in america that could do the job &, they've failed us every step of the way---
obamas failed efforts have affected us all no matter what you say::::at the gas pumps; our mortgages &/or foreclosures; our food costs; our jobs or lack thereof; our border security; our non-loaning banks; our national debt; our troops overseas; etc, etc, etc....you get the message:::i only hope you get my next message which is::::::::::::::::::::
obama is the snake & the people he's surrounded himself with are the body-----AMERICA, WE NEED TO CUT THE HEAD OF THE SNAKE OFF.
&, i must make this statement now: i am a registered repub but, if the dems were to present someone that i could trust & believe in better then a repub, that's who would get my vote. also, i strongly like the "TEA PARTY" as it is right now.
kill the snake!!!!!
america, i could have provided more links to this subject but, you must do your own homework. please follow the link & watch the video &, please say a prayer for border agent brian terry's family.
what bothers me the most about this whole thing is: we can cross the oceans, invade pakistan, kill bin laden, capture all that info they keep talking about & yet, we can't go in & track down where these guns are &, remember, they have all that crap on or in them to let us know where they are. another big thing that bothers me is: we haven't taken down any of the drug cartels.
i know obamas going to spin this in his favor but, what can he really say to us or the family's that have lost loved ones because of the weapons he has armed the cartels with?
america, if you never remember anything i've ever written, PLEASE remember this---obama told us the people that he's surrounded himself with are the only ones in america that could do the job &, they've failed us every step of the way---
obamas failed efforts have affected us all no matter what you say::::at the gas pumps; our mortgages &/or foreclosures; our food costs; our jobs or lack thereof; our border security; our non-loaning banks; our national debt; our troops overseas; etc, etc, etc....you get the message:::i only hope you get my next message which is::::::::::::::::::::
obama is the snake & the people he's surrounded himself with are the body-----AMERICA, WE NEED TO CUT THE HEAD OF THE SNAKE OFF.
&, i must make this statement now: i am a registered repub but, if the dems were to present someone that i could trust & believe in better then a repub, that's who would get my vote. also, i strongly like the "TEA PARTY" as it is right now.
kill the snake!!!!!
hello america!!! sorry good people. in my earlier writings i said obamacare would cut 500 million dollars from medicare---that figure was my mistake & should have been 500 billion dollars plus.
in the meantime, below are four links to what obamacare will do to the very same seniors obama is trying to scare away from rep paul ryans plan.
america, seniors & soon-to-be seniors need to read about, or have read to them, what is going to happen to them under obamacare & compare it with ryan's plan. &, they need to call their elected officials & voice their concerns.
regardless of how we may feel, medicare is going to have to be addressed &, it has to be addressed soon. if we allow congress to keep putting medicare off, it's going to hurt a lot of people down the road because it won't be there as we now know it.
obama used scare tactics for his stimulus bill & his obamacare bill. now he's using those same tactics to scare the seniors into thinking that ryan's plan will be akin to pushing them off of the cliff. he could stop those adds from airing & he could tell america the truth. but, he won't---it's not in his makeup to tell us the truth or do the right thing.
america, please do your own homework & stay fully informed. as a nation, we have to get the next presidential election correct. we have lost our place in the world & we're in danger of losing our place right here at home.
in the meantime, below are four links to what obamacare will do to the very same seniors obama is trying to scare away from rep paul ryans plan.
america, seniors & soon-to-be seniors need to read about, or have read to them, what is going to happen to them under obamacare & compare it with ryan's plan. &, they need to call their elected officials & voice their concerns.
regardless of how we may feel, medicare is going to have to be addressed &, it has to be addressed soon. if we allow congress to keep putting medicare off, it's going to hurt a lot of people down the road because it won't be there as we now know it.
obama used scare tactics for his stimulus bill & his obamacare bill. now he's using those same tactics to scare the seniors into thinking that ryan's plan will be akin to pushing them off of the cliff. he could stop those adds from airing & he could tell america the truth. but, he won't---it's not in his makeup to tell us the truth or do the right thing.
america, please do your own homework & stay fully informed. as a nation, we have to get the next presidential election correct. we have lost our place in the world & we're in danger of losing our place right here at home.
hello america!!! texas, i never thought you would be my hero but, after reading about your job creation status, i must take my hat off to you. congrats....
now, if only obama would acknowledge your acheivements, he just might become inclined to get the ball rolling the right way. however, he seems to have a lot of disdain for you & the other states that border mexico so, good luck with that one.
america, did you know that 38% of all the jobs created in this beautiful country during the 'recovery' were created in TEXAS? i just know you had to have heard this from obama first::::he gets his info long before i do.................oh, you didn't hear anything from obama about this? that's really strange because as a 'so-called' leader, you'd think he'd be honest with the american people...especially running for a second term.....i've said it before & there's no reason me for not to say it again:::obama cannot & should not be trusted.
obama knew about the "job growth" in texas but he was hoping that you wouldn't find out about it until after the next elections. he's sneaky & a liar.
the reasons for obamas not wanting you to know should be obvious: if he told you about the success in texas, he would be admitting that all of his prior 'actions' were failures & that his plans to increase taxes & spend more money won't, don't, didn't work. more importantly, it would be further proof that, after all this time, he & his think-tank of super smart idiots still don't have a clue as to how to "CREATE" jobs.
so, let's see:::1 state = 38%
49 states = 62% or 1.265% per state
looking at that math makes one wonder why no else looked at the math but, then again, obamas math has always been 'fuzzy' at best---(no wonder his grades are 'locked')---anyway, 38% should have made somebody in obamas camp jump up & say, look obama, we should either go to texas or invite them here to see what they're doing that we aren't--------that is, if obama was serious about 'creating' jobs in the first place.
Texas, again congratulations & i can only hope that you are willing to share your methods for creating jobs with the rest of america should they come a calling since our so-called leader lacks the 'gonads'
to call you himself. go texas!!!
america, here's a link & you can go to find out how texas did it...do your own homework....
now, if only obama would acknowledge your acheivements, he just might become inclined to get the ball rolling the right way. however, he seems to have a lot of disdain for you & the other states that border mexico so, good luck with that one.
america, did you know that 38% of all the jobs created in this beautiful country during the 'recovery' were created in TEXAS? i just know you had to have heard this from obama first::::he gets his info long before i do.................oh, you didn't hear anything from obama about this? that's really strange because as a 'so-called' leader, you'd think he'd be honest with the american people...especially running for a second term.....i've said it before & there's no reason me for not to say it again:::obama cannot & should not be trusted.
obama knew about the "job growth" in texas but he was hoping that you wouldn't find out about it until after the next elections. he's sneaky & a liar.
the reasons for obamas not wanting you to know should be obvious: if he told you about the success in texas, he would be admitting that all of his prior 'actions' were failures & that his plans to increase taxes & spend more money won't, don't, didn't work. more importantly, it would be further proof that, after all this time, he & his think-tank of super smart idiots still don't have a clue as to how to "CREATE" jobs.
so, let's see:::1 state = 38%
49 states = 62% or 1.265% per state
looking at that math makes one wonder why no else looked at the math but, then again, obamas math has always been 'fuzzy' at best---(no wonder his grades are 'locked')---anyway, 38% should have made somebody in obamas camp jump up & say, look obama, we should either go to texas or invite them here to see what they're doing that we aren't--------that is, if obama was serious about 'creating' jobs in the first place.
Texas, again congratulations & i can only hope that you are willing to share your methods for creating jobs with the rest of america should they come a calling since our so-called leader lacks the 'gonads'
to call you himself. go texas!!!
america, here's a link & you can go to find out how texas did it...do your own homework....
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
hello america!!! one would think i'd be all 'worded' out by now but, there's always something new that pops up that i had meant to be wordy about & never got to it...so, here we go.
obama is in virginia today & i'll bet the company he's going to speak at is 'unionized'. i don't have to be there or see it on tv to know that he's going to say something about his plans to put americans back to work &, the 'greening' of this country.
america, all of his plans to put america back to work have failed but, to let him tell it, his policies & bills "saved" us from the brink of destruction. pryor to his being elected, he talked all that 'crap' while running around the country telling us that he knew how to put america back to work. he vowed that his stimulus plan would put millions of americans to work at "shovel-ready" jobs immediately---that plan, better known as the american reinvestment & recovery act, failed miserably. more importantly, he gave our money to those that didn't need it but, that's another writing.
in the beginning, obama said his bill would 'create' those jobs...then afterwards he changed the wording to 'save or create' jobs. &, during all of this, he & his think-tank of super smart idiots were using fuzzy math to convince us that his plan was working.......however, we know those numbers were falsified &, this scared me because these are college grads that can't add 2 plus 2 & come up with 4. in fact, obama teleprompted us about how his bill 'saved' all those teachers jobs to include the firemen & police................................PURE BS. &, more proof of his pro-union backing. obama was so confident, he went to ohio & had that foto-op with those 25 cadets telling us how 'great' his bill was because it allowed that city to hire them. &, don't forget caterpillar--he did the same thing there & they laid off all of those workers shortly thereafter...so much for success...
when you do the math of all the cops, firemen & teachers that have lost their jobs since obamas bill became law, you're going to be floored. i live in allentown, pa & 265 teachers have just been given pink slips---that's just teachers. with all the money obama poured into 'education' & the states, this was not supposed to happen & yet, this is reality (something obama doesn't get). why doesn't the left-wing media ask them how they feel about obama now?
everything obama told us his tarp bill would do--didn't. the money he doled out to the banks didn't work: the money he gave away to the housing market didn't work: the money he squandered on the 'big two' auto-makers' didn't work: the money he 'gave' the states for those "shovel-ready" jobs didn't work....need i go on? the money he dumped into unemployment didn't work.....america, let's be real &
call it like it is__________obama is a failure & one of his first acts (exectutive power) was to allow our money to be used in overseas abortion related usage &, this alone should have told you what kind of american obama isn't.
when we speak about obama, you have to remember & know, that he is a person that couldn't even submit a written proposal to congress for his tarp bill. instead, he got in front of his teleprompters & generalized what he wanted & left congress to come up with a plan----SO MUCH FOR LEADERSHIP---
america, i look out the window & see a 'hybrid/electric' bus passing by----since obama is always spouting off at the mouth about 'greening' america, why isn't his fleet of vehicles conforming to his to what he's telling us? yet, he can tell us we need to get rid of our SUV'S & buy something less gas-friendly.
obama is a fake & he's not a leader. he not doesn't deserve another four years, he shouldn't even be on the ballot.
obama is in virginia today & i'll bet the company he's going to speak at is 'unionized'. i don't have to be there or see it on tv to know that he's going to say something about his plans to put americans back to work &, the 'greening' of this country.
america, all of his plans to put america back to work have failed but, to let him tell it, his policies & bills "saved" us from the brink of destruction. pryor to his being elected, he talked all that 'crap' while running around the country telling us that he knew how to put america back to work. he vowed that his stimulus plan would put millions of americans to work at "shovel-ready" jobs immediately---that plan, better known as the american reinvestment & recovery act, failed miserably. more importantly, he gave our money to those that didn't need it but, that's another writing.
in the beginning, obama said his bill would 'create' those jobs...then afterwards he changed the wording to 'save or create' jobs. &, during all of this, he & his think-tank of super smart idiots were using fuzzy math to convince us that his plan was working.......however, we know those numbers were falsified &, this scared me because these are college grads that can't add 2 plus 2 & come up with 4. in fact, obama teleprompted us about how his bill 'saved' all those teachers jobs to include the firemen & police................................PURE BS. &, more proof of his pro-union backing. obama was so confident, he went to ohio & had that foto-op with those 25 cadets telling us how 'great' his bill was because it allowed that city to hire them. &, don't forget caterpillar--he did the same thing there & they laid off all of those workers shortly thereafter...so much for success...
when you do the math of all the cops, firemen & teachers that have lost their jobs since obamas bill became law, you're going to be floored. i live in allentown, pa & 265 teachers have just been given pink slips---that's just teachers. with all the money obama poured into 'education' & the states, this was not supposed to happen & yet, this is reality (something obama doesn't get). why doesn't the left-wing media ask them how they feel about obama now?
everything obama told us his tarp bill would do--didn't. the money he doled out to the banks didn't work: the money he gave away to the housing market didn't work: the money he squandered on the 'big two' auto-makers' didn't work: the money he 'gave' the states for those "shovel-ready" jobs didn't work....need i go on? the money he dumped into unemployment didn't work.....america, let's be real &
call it like it is__________obama is a failure & one of his first acts (exectutive power) was to allow our money to be used in overseas abortion related usage &, this alone should have told you what kind of american obama isn't.
when we speak about obama, you have to remember & know, that he is a person that couldn't even submit a written proposal to congress for his tarp bill. instead, he got in front of his teleprompters & generalized what he wanted & left congress to come up with a plan----SO MUCH FOR LEADERSHIP---
america, i look out the window & see a 'hybrid/electric' bus passing by----since obama is always spouting off at the mouth about 'greening' america, why isn't his fleet of vehicles conforming to his to what he's telling us? yet, he can tell us we need to get rid of our SUV'S & buy something less gas-friendly.
obama is a fake & he's not a leader. he not doesn't deserve another four years, he shouldn't even be on the ballot.
hello america!!! the dems were in total control of both houses during obamas first two years in office &, some of the bills they passed, they did so without any repub support. if they were as serious about our nation as they would like you to believe, they would have done something positive for social security, medicaid & medicare, unemployment, housing, bank loans, the tax code &, balancing the federal budget. in fact, they did nothing that really helped us however, to let obama tell it, we would not be here today without his:::obamacare; his american reinvestment & recovery act; his cash-for-clunkers program; his bank bailouts; & his housing market bailouts. need i tell you they all failed in what they were supposed to accomplish?
obama "promised" (his word-not mine) to cut the federal budget deficit in half by the end of his first four years in office. well america, unless there's a 'planet earth lottery' out there that we hit for a zillion dollars, he won't & can't keep that "promise". it ain't gonna happen. &, just for fun, here a link of obamas promise http://freedomslighthouse.net/2011/04/13/obama-promised-to-cut-the-annual-u-s-budget-deficit-in-half-by-end-of-first-term-instead-he-has-tripled-it-video-209/
obama has 'grown' the government in size & he has 'spent' a lot of our money & he did this all on his own----& yet, even today, while at a press briefing with the lady from germany, (merkel), he's still blamming pres bush for our problems.
now, this may come as a surprise to you but, in defense of obamas 'tarp' bill, i can understand it & accept it. he was new to the office, he had a bunch of super smart idiots telling him we 'needed' it, he had to listen to nancy pelosi & harry reid, he was in unchartered waters &, he 'copied' pres bush. my problems with obama & the bill is: the money didn't go to where it was designed to go & it didn't do what he said it would do. now america, before you think i'm getting all mushy for obama, i was & still am against every bill obama has signed & if you go back through my blog, you'll see that for yourself.
america, i didn't & still don't trust obama. as i've been saying for years, we know more about bin laden then we do obama. he has closed or sealed his past off from prying eyes & yet, he is so quick to talk about others---joe-the-plummer & sarah palin are prime examples of this. he is shady & has lived a very shady life. he still has close ties to people, we as a nation, wish he would avoid...&, instead of avoiding them, he has brought several of them in the whitehouse. above all else, obama is a liar & why those that oppose him won't call him that is beyond me.
in the last month or so, have you heard obama tell you what his 'blueprint' for "jobs" is? did you hear
him tell you how he's going to 'strengthen' the american dollar? have you heard him say anything about his plan to keep americans in their homes? did you hear him say how he's going to lower the cost of gasoline? have you heard anything about how he's going to keep america safe to include more border security? did you hear him say anything about his plans to 'force' banks to make loans? did obama say anything about keeping the food prices down? did obama tell you his plans for 'down-sizing' the government & cutting its spending? has he told you about his plan to balance the budget?
has he laid out his plan for 'raising the debt limit' in terms we can understand?
america, you & i both know the answers to all of the above questions are "NO". &, if you said yes to any of the above, you are an obama die-hard & deserve what you get.
well, let's flip the script & please, allow me to ask you these questions:::
have you ever heard obama tell you:::::::::::::::::::::
1. why his american reinvestment act didn't provide the millions of "shovel ready" jobs that he promised?
2. why he took money from the act & gave it to education without raising the national educational level?
3. why his bank bailouts didn't work & why were most banks denied funding & why are they stll denying loans?
4. why he says 'the big three automakers' when there only two of them (chrysler & gm) that received bailouts that they will never "fully" repay? ford, if you care to remember, refused obama-aid & kicked ass & is still kicking ass.
5. why his obamacare is not being "fast-tracked" to the supreme court (&, please remember, "america needed it")?
6. why he hasn't 'asked' the supreme court to "fast-track" it?
7. why he's making it so difficult for oil drilling to resume in the gulf?
8. why he's allowing 'unionized' company's to be exempted from his obamacare?
9. why he waited until the last minute to okay the bush tax cuts which he has since said he will not do again?
10. why he's flirting with raising the national gas tax?
11. why he's spreading lies about rep ryans bill & yet, he never pushed for a cost-of-living-adjustment for the very same seniors he's lying to & about?
12. why he's not telling those very same seniors that he's scaring that his obamacare will cut 500 million dollars from medicare/medicaid in 2014?
13. why did he expand the federal government at the same time he told us 'the american people must tighten their belts'?
14. why he felt the need to double his fleet of limos?
15. why he's telling america that our borders are secure & yet, we continue to have border problems?
16. why he hasn't spoke about raising the poverty level in america?
17. why he only visits company's with unions or ones he's given money to?
18. why he's pledging american dollars to brazil?
19. why does he want us dependent on brazils' oil?
20. why can't he balance the budget?
21. why is he spending so much of our money on programs that don't work?
22. why he 'promised' us that he would 'cut the programs that don't work' & yet, he hasn't?
23. why he says 'small business' is what drives this country & yet, he rewards unionized labor?
24. why he continues to blame pres bush for americas present problems when he directly contributed to them &, as a member of congress did nothing about them?
25. why he hasn't closed gitmo?
26. why did he lie to us about transparency?
27. why did he lie to us about hiring lobbyists?
28. why were & are his 'reaching across the isle' efforts so feeble?
29. why, after all of his programs have failed, hasn't he come up with a new plan to get america back to work?
30. why he has no comment about weiner or edwards but, can say a cop in mass acted stupidly & call a celebrity a 'jackass'?
america, you know i could go on & on but, you get the point. obama has promised us so much that i think he forgets some of them but mostly, he lies. the problem is, he wants to be-elected so he can lie to us for another four years. wake up america----we need to elect a 'leader' & obama ain't it.....
obama "promised" (his word-not mine) to cut the federal budget deficit in half by the end of his first four years in office. well america, unless there's a 'planet earth lottery' out there that we hit for a zillion dollars, he won't & can't keep that "promise". it ain't gonna happen. &, just for fun, here a link of obamas promise http://freedomslighthouse.net/2011/04/13/obama-promised-to-cut-the-annual-u-s-budget-deficit-in-half-by-end-of-first-term-instead-he-has-tripled-it-video-209/
obama has 'grown' the government in size & he has 'spent' a lot of our money & he did this all on his own----& yet, even today, while at a press briefing with the lady from germany, (merkel), he's still blamming pres bush for our problems.
now, this may come as a surprise to you but, in defense of obamas 'tarp' bill, i can understand it & accept it. he was new to the office, he had a bunch of super smart idiots telling him we 'needed' it, he had to listen to nancy pelosi & harry reid, he was in unchartered waters &, he 'copied' pres bush. my problems with obama & the bill is: the money didn't go to where it was designed to go & it didn't do what he said it would do. now america, before you think i'm getting all mushy for obama, i was & still am against every bill obama has signed & if you go back through my blog, you'll see that for yourself.
america, i didn't & still don't trust obama. as i've been saying for years, we know more about bin laden then we do obama. he has closed or sealed his past off from prying eyes & yet, he is so quick to talk about others---joe-the-plummer & sarah palin are prime examples of this. he is shady & has lived a very shady life. he still has close ties to people, we as a nation, wish he would avoid...&, instead of avoiding them, he has brought several of them in the whitehouse. above all else, obama is a liar & why those that oppose him won't call him that is beyond me.
in the last month or so, have you heard obama tell you what his 'blueprint' for "jobs" is? did you hear
him tell you how he's going to 'strengthen' the american dollar? have you heard him say anything about his plan to keep americans in their homes? did you hear him say how he's going to lower the cost of gasoline? have you heard anything about how he's going to keep america safe to include more border security? did you hear him say anything about his plans to 'force' banks to make loans? did obama say anything about keeping the food prices down? did obama tell you his plans for 'down-sizing' the government & cutting its spending? has he told you about his plan to balance the budget?
has he laid out his plan for 'raising the debt limit' in terms we can understand?
america, you & i both know the answers to all of the above questions are "NO". &, if you said yes to any of the above, you are an obama die-hard & deserve what you get.
well, let's flip the script & please, allow me to ask you these questions:::
have you ever heard obama tell you:::::::::::::::::::::
1. why his american reinvestment act didn't provide the millions of "shovel ready" jobs that he promised?
2. why he took money from the act & gave it to education without raising the national educational level?
3. why his bank bailouts didn't work & why were most banks denied funding & why are they stll denying loans?
4. why he says 'the big three automakers' when there only two of them (chrysler & gm) that received bailouts that they will never "fully" repay? ford, if you care to remember, refused obama-aid & kicked ass & is still kicking ass.
5. why his obamacare is not being "fast-tracked" to the supreme court (&, please remember, "america needed it")?
6. why he hasn't 'asked' the supreme court to "fast-track" it?
7. why he's making it so difficult for oil drilling to resume in the gulf?
8. why he's allowing 'unionized' company's to be exempted from his obamacare?
9. why he waited until the last minute to okay the bush tax cuts which he has since said he will not do again?
10. why he's flirting with raising the national gas tax?
11. why he's spreading lies about rep ryans bill & yet, he never pushed for a cost-of-living-adjustment for the very same seniors he's lying to & about?
12. why he's not telling those very same seniors that he's scaring that his obamacare will cut 500 million dollars from medicare/medicaid in 2014?
13. why did he expand the federal government at the same time he told us 'the american people must tighten their belts'?
14. why he felt the need to double his fleet of limos?
15. why he's telling america that our borders are secure & yet, we continue to have border problems?
16. why he hasn't spoke about raising the poverty level in america?
17. why he only visits company's with unions or ones he's given money to?
18. why he's pledging american dollars to brazil?
19. why does he want us dependent on brazils' oil?
20. why can't he balance the budget?
21. why is he spending so much of our money on programs that don't work?
22. why he 'promised' us that he would 'cut the programs that don't work' & yet, he hasn't?
23. why he says 'small business' is what drives this country & yet, he rewards unionized labor?
24. why he continues to blame pres bush for americas present problems when he directly contributed to them &, as a member of congress did nothing about them?
25. why he hasn't closed gitmo?
26. why did he lie to us about transparency?
27. why did he lie to us about hiring lobbyists?
28. why were & are his 'reaching across the isle' efforts so feeble?
29. why, after all of his programs have failed, hasn't he come up with a new plan to get america back to work?
30. why he has no comment about weiner or edwards but, can say a cop in mass acted stupidly & call a celebrity a 'jackass'?
america, you know i could go on & on but, you get the point. obama has promised us so much that i think he forgets some of them but mostly, he lies. the problem is, he wants to be-elected so he can lie to us for another four years. wake up america----we need to elect a 'leader' & obama ain't it.....
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
hello america!!! glen beck probably said it best, "we are in dangerous times" & i totally agree with him unfortunately, we have no leader to guide us during these perilous times:::another state is threatened with flooding; fires are burning wildly in arizona; we will soon be 'paying' russia for space trips; we have elected officials in congress (you go debbie) that don't know that being an illegal alien means you have broke the law & are here illegally; we have states that won't enforce 'checking usa citizenship' status because it would "flood" the court system; we have cali making education laws that favor illegal aliens & hurt our citizens; our supreme court is taking their time to decide the fate of obamacare; we have deadly snakes & jellyfish invading our waters; our mexican borders are not secure regardless of what you may hear; rep anthony weiner first denied, then said maybe, then admits his actions & refuses to step down; we have a trial in florida where no one knows how a little girl died or when she died; we have an add where someone is pushing a senior citizen off a cliff; we have unions wanting more & doing less & getting away with it; we have unions taking 'sick-days' & showing up at the arizona courthouse & a doctor giving out sick slips; we have traffic controllers sleeping & pilots making herotic landings; we have a 'new' e.coli breakout in europe that has reached this country; we are losing jobs; the housing market is tanking; it took obama a week to get to joplin, mo; haiti is still in need of better aid then what obama promised them (& he jumped all over pres bush for katrina); our children can get birth control without our knowledge; obama is planning on bringing our troops out of afghanistan & has no plan on how to do it; we have hostage situations & highspeed chases within our borders every day; obama can tour europe & speak about their economy & what needs to be done but can't speak about our economy right here; obama can tell the jews where their borders should be but can't do anything about our border problems here; obama isn't concerned about a double-dip recession & rants on about energy jobs; obama talks about the 'big three' automakers but what he doesn't talk about is that ford had no part of his crap & is doing it on their own---why doesn't he speak about the big two that he bailed out with are money that are not doing very well?; where is our balanced budget?; why must we raise our debt limit as a country to pay for obama spending; how can obama lay claim to what's going on in libya after he waited so long to get in there? i could go on & on & on but---
i can sum it all up with this----------colleges & their players get penalized for 'violating' ncaa rules like accepting money, cars & housing from their boosters (they can't make any money while under the 'ncaa roof') however, we can have a 14 year old (sukanya roy) who can win $40,000. in prizes & cash for winning the national spelling bee. does this mean she can't participate in future college activities....yes, we are living in very dangerous time.....& doing so without a true leader at the helm.
i can sum it all up with this----------colleges & their players get penalized for 'violating' ncaa rules like accepting money, cars & housing from their boosters (they can't make any money while under the 'ncaa roof') however, we can have a 14 year old (sukanya roy) who can win $40,000. in prizes & cash for winning the national spelling bee. does this mean she can't participate in future college activities....yes, we are living in very dangerous time.....& doing so without a true leader at the helm.
hello america!!! i've often said that you should do your own homework & today is no different. the dems have been airing all those adds that will instill 'fear' in the seniors &, for whatever reason, the repubs aren't responding as well as should. i have read rep paul ryans' bill & my only problem at this point is how it will affect seniors in their golden years but, that will only happen many, many years down the road &, congress will address it long before then. anyway, please follow this link & read the bill or the summary of it for yourself...www.roadmap.republicans.budget.house.gov...
obama & the dems are using 'scare tactics' (this is obamas forte) & when the facts surface, it may be too late. one would expect that whoever is elected to the highest position in this country that they (more then anybody else) would do all that they could to expose the truth to the people---however, we're talking about obama here &, he's a liar. i don't know if obama even read the bill but, if he didn't he should shut up---if he did, he should tell the truth about the bill & let the chips fall where they may.
instead, he'd rather "lie" to the seniors & the rest of america.
what you won't hear obama tell you is, in 2014, the seniors will take a big hit because of his obamacare. if my info is correct, medicare/medicaid will be cut by 500 million dollars---how come none of the dems are talking about this? how come that 'bigger-then-they-should-be group' better known as AARP, aren't warning the seniors about this cut & how it will directly affect them & their services? oh, that's right.......they supported obamacare---apparently, they never read that bill either.
something has to be done with medicare/medicaid & it has to be done soon....if congress can't act now, time will be against all seniors & those getting ready for retirement because no action will result in there being no social security for anybody & that probably will include those presently on it.
america, please do your own homework....
obama & the dems are using 'scare tactics' (this is obamas forte) & when the facts surface, it may be too late. one would expect that whoever is elected to the highest position in this country that they (more then anybody else) would do all that they could to expose the truth to the people---however, we're talking about obama here &, he's a liar. i don't know if obama even read the bill but, if he didn't he should shut up---if he did, he should tell the truth about the bill & let the chips fall where they may.
instead, he'd rather "lie" to the seniors & the rest of america.
what you won't hear obama tell you is, in 2014, the seniors will take a big hit because of his obamacare. if my info is correct, medicare/medicaid will be cut by 500 million dollars---how come none of the dems are talking about this? how come that 'bigger-then-they-should-be group' better known as AARP, aren't warning the seniors about this cut & how it will directly affect them & their services? oh, that's right.......they supported obamacare---apparently, they never read that bill either.
something has to be done with medicare/medicaid & it has to be done soon....if congress can't act now, time will be against all seniors & those getting ready for retirement because no action will result in there being no social security for anybody & that probably will include those presently on it.
america, please do your own homework....
Friday, June 3, 2011
hello america!!! if i have my facts right, back in june 2009, obama said something to this effect: "the announcement that the recession is over is further proof that my early actions & stimulus worked". he had the nerve to say that at a townhall meeting in washington. since then, i've never heard him man up & say that he spoke prematurely &, i'm not holding my breath.
i can't speak for others but, to me, obama reminds me of that bratty kid running for class president promising soda in every school fountain & less homework for everybody...things he knows you want to hear but he knows he can't deliver on.
if obama were just half as smart as one should expect from a harvard grad, we would have been out of this mess a long time ago. obama (whether intentional or not) has done everything opposite of what he should have done...he should have left the free market alone since he didn't do anything to change the way the free market conducts its business---his solutions to our problems have only added more problems. obama & his supersmart idiots came up with all these plans to 'save-the-day' & all they did was dole out 'our money' (in the form of bailouts) to whom they chose to. NEWSFLASH, they didn't work but, obama won't tell you that. he'd rather use the same old scare tactics he used as lawyer for acorn (please google this for yourselves---mediacircus.com/2008/10/obama sues citigroup) that helped get us into this mess in the first place long before he ever thought about running for office.
obama won't say anything about this & the main-stream pro-obama biased media won't put write about it. but, that's for another day................
obama will say whatever he thinks we need to hear but, he will not speak the truth. he's quick to run his mouth off without having all the facts as was the case with the cop & obamas freind in mass when obama first said he didn't have all the facts & then said the cop acted stupidly...then invited them to the whitehouse at our expense to patch things up:::another one would be all of those so-called doctors (wearing those smocks obama bought at our expense) at the whitehouse that were supposedly behind his obamacare bill. QUESTION:::has any of the media followed up with those very same doctors to find out where they stand on obamacare today?
most of the media has given obama a free pass on everything he's proposed, passed, or said. but, i guess this is to be expected from them because they backed him &, who wants to say they made a mistake---especially when it comes to circulation & how their viewers might turn away from them for guiding them 'wrongly'? when will they just 'honestly' report the news as it is & not how they want it to be? when will they look at the economy & tell us the "truth"? i, for one, have not bought a newspaper in years---i rely on tv & the net. i am able to 'do my own homework' as should you.
which brings me back to what i really wanted to talk about; the obama admin had been expecting good numbers for our economy today but, if anything, it is worse then what all of the 'experts' thought was going to happen. our national unemployment rate has been raised to 9.1%; the consumer index rating is dropping; 422,000 new unemployment claims; manufactoring & retails sales are falling fast; the housing market may hit the double-dip mark; the stock market is going down by the minute; gm & chrysler will not repay us fully; our border-war with mexico is excalating; our UNITED STATES OF AMERICA credit rating is about to go down; our debt limit is in jeopardy of not being raised; our government (thank you obama) doesn't want to stop their spending; obama & the dems want higher taxes for all americans & don't want to extend the bush tax cuts next year; obamacare will hurt the seniors (& all americans) & money is double-counted to 'pay' for it; obama attacks little libya for humanitarian reasons but won't do anything with yemen, syria or, somalia; with the dems totally in control of the house, the senate & the whitehouse, they could not come up with a balanced budget (& they needed no help from the repubs as is proved by the passage of obamacare); &, if that wasn't enough bad news for you to digest, obama has no idea to lower the cost of gasoline or strengthen the american dollar. AMERICA, PLEASE DON'T FORGET, OBAMA INHERITED THIS MESS FROM PRES BUSH WHO, IF CONGRESS HAD OF LISTENED TO STARTING IN 1991, WOULD HAVE PROBABLY AVOIDED MOST OF IT &, OBAMA WAS A MAJOR PLAYER IN THE ECONOMIC DOWNFALL...please america---google this for yourselves:::yes, i could provide a link but, you need to do your own homework---however, if you leave a comment, i will provide you that link.
obama is not a leader: not now, not then, never was but, he's going to ohio today to defend his actions.............all he has to say is, america, i relied on others & i made a mistake & i'm firing everyone in my cabinet &, with repub support, i will rebuild my cabinet & move america forward. yeah, wishful thinking! america, (no one else will say it but i will), we have an azz-ole for a leader in obama. he's going to ohio to 'defend' his auto bailouts &, if you look at the facts------he can't. obama seems to think that he can explain his failures in a positive light & the proof of his failures are right there in front of him. he says his actions helped 'save' the auto industry but, we will never be repaid fully, that which they owe us & obama knows this. this crap obamas spouting about this being our test to rebuild the future is just that---CRAP!!! chrysler & gm are both going to screw us & it's public information...
america, what i find most interesting is, obama can get in front of those workers in ohio & not say one word about how the economy is really doing. of course, none of those he's speaking to have tv's or radio's or internet & they can't hear what others might be saying-------yeah, that has to be it.
obama is a LIAR & his record proves it. did obama speak about any money owed us that he forgave them for? i can't hear you. with all the bad news about our economy that has come out in the past few days, how can this azz-ole get up there & say our economy is recovering? what part of AMERICA IS DOING VERY BADLY does he not get? how can he tell americans that we are on the way to recovery in light of all the bad news about our economy?
under obamas watch, we have lost more jobs then obama claims to have gained. under obamas watch we have lost more in the housing market then obama claims to have gained...these are facts & i don't make this stuff up.
obama does not speak the truth---not to me & not to you. why havn't you heard him say that our economy is not what it should be & that my bills are the cause of it???????? because he's not man enough to admit his failures.
i can't speak for others but, to me, obama reminds me of that bratty kid running for class president promising soda in every school fountain & less homework for everybody...things he knows you want to hear but he knows he can't deliver on.
if obama were just half as smart as one should expect from a harvard grad, we would have been out of this mess a long time ago. obama (whether intentional or not) has done everything opposite of what he should have done...he should have left the free market alone since he didn't do anything to change the way the free market conducts its business---his solutions to our problems have only added more problems. obama & his supersmart idiots came up with all these plans to 'save-the-day' & all they did was dole out 'our money' (in the form of bailouts) to whom they chose to. NEWSFLASH, they didn't work but, obama won't tell you that. he'd rather use the same old scare tactics he used as lawyer for acorn (please google this for yourselves---mediacircus.com/2008/10/obama sues citigroup) that helped get us into this mess in the first place long before he ever thought about running for office.
obama won't say anything about this & the main-stream pro-obama biased media won't put write about it. but, that's for another day................
obama will say whatever he thinks we need to hear but, he will not speak the truth. he's quick to run his mouth off without having all the facts as was the case with the cop & obamas freind in mass when obama first said he didn't have all the facts & then said the cop acted stupidly...then invited them to the whitehouse at our expense to patch things up:::another one would be all of those so-called doctors (wearing those smocks obama bought at our expense) at the whitehouse that were supposedly behind his obamacare bill. QUESTION:::has any of the media followed up with those very same doctors to find out where they stand on obamacare today?
most of the media has given obama a free pass on everything he's proposed, passed, or said. but, i guess this is to be expected from them because they backed him &, who wants to say they made a mistake---especially when it comes to circulation & how their viewers might turn away from them for guiding them 'wrongly'? when will they just 'honestly' report the news as it is & not how they want it to be? when will they look at the economy & tell us the "truth"? i, for one, have not bought a newspaper in years---i rely on tv & the net. i am able to 'do my own homework' as should you.
which brings me back to what i really wanted to talk about; the obama admin had been expecting good numbers for our economy today but, if anything, it is worse then what all of the 'experts' thought was going to happen. our national unemployment rate has been raised to 9.1%; the consumer index rating is dropping; 422,000 new unemployment claims; manufactoring & retails sales are falling fast; the housing market may hit the double-dip mark; the stock market is going down by the minute; gm & chrysler will not repay us fully; our border-war with mexico is excalating; our UNITED STATES OF AMERICA credit rating is about to go down; our debt limit is in jeopardy of not being raised; our government (thank you obama) doesn't want to stop their spending; obama & the dems want higher taxes for all americans & don't want to extend the bush tax cuts next year; obamacare will hurt the seniors (& all americans) & money is double-counted to 'pay' for it; obama attacks little libya for humanitarian reasons but won't do anything with yemen, syria or, somalia; with the dems totally in control of the house, the senate & the whitehouse, they could not come up with a balanced budget (& they needed no help from the repubs as is proved by the passage of obamacare); &, if that wasn't enough bad news for you to digest, obama has no idea to lower the cost of gasoline or strengthen the american dollar. AMERICA, PLEASE DON'T FORGET, OBAMA INHERITED THIS MESS FROM PRES BUSH WHO, IF CONGRESS HAD OF LISTENED TO STARTING IN 1991, WOULD HAVE PROBABLY AVOIDED MOST OF IT &, OBAMA WAS A MAJOR PLAYER IN THE ECONOMIC DOWNFALL...please america---google this for yourselves:::yes, i could provide a link but, you need to do your own homework---however, if you leave a comment, i will provide you that link.
obama is not a leader: not now, not then, never was but, he's going to ohio today to defend his actions.............all he has to say is, america, i relied on others & i made a mistake & i'm firing everyone in my cabinet &, with repub support, i will rebuild my cabinet & move america forward. yeah, wishful thinking! america, (no one else will say it but i will), we have an azz-ole for a leader in obama. he's going to ohio to 'defend' his auto bailouts &, if you look at the facts------he can't. obama seems to think that he can explain his failures in a positive light & the proof of his failures are right there in front of him. he says his actions helped 'save' the auto industry but, we will never be repaid fully, that which they owe us & obama knows this. this crap obamas spouting about this being our test to rebuild the future is just that---CRAP!!! chrysler & gm are both going to screw us & it's public information...
america, what i find most interesting is, obama can get in front of those workers in ohio & not say one word about how the economy is really doing. of course, none of those he's speaking to have tv's or radio's or internet & they can't hear what others might be saying-------yeah, that has to be it.
obama is a LIAR & his record proves it. did obama speak about any money owed us that he forgave them for? i can't hear you. with all the bad news about our economy that has come out in the past few days, how can this azz-ole get up there & say our economy is recovering? what part of AMERICA IS DOING VERY BADLY does he not get? how can he tell americans that we are on the way to recovery in light of all the bad news about our economy?
under obamas watch, we have lost more jobs then obama claims to have gained. under obamas watch we have lost more in the housing market then obama claims to have gained...these are facts & i don't make this stuff up.
obama does not speak the truth---not to me & not to you. why havn't you heard him say that our economy is not what it should be & that my bills are the cause of it???????? because he's not man enough to admit his failures.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
hello america!!! can anybody please tell me, why is obama trying to win a second term? what can he do in the next four years for this country that he's failed to do in his first four? these are two very honest questions &;, they come from a very concerned citizen---namely, me.
when i compare what obama has &; hasn't done for this country, i find that he's done exceedingly little for the 'good-of-america'. again here's my list::::::::
1....the housing market---is it better off now then it was before obama---NO, it's worse.
2....the economy---is it better off now then it was before obama---NO, it's worse.
3....the banking industry---is it better off now then it was before obama---NO, it's worse.
4....the auto industry---is it better off now then it was before obama---NO, it's worse
1....the housing market (which obama &; others failed to respond to when pres bush warned them about fannie &; freddie) is about to hit rock-bottom despite obamas pouring our tax dollars into it &; he doesn't have a clue on how to fix it. how can you expect him to know how to fix it when he's an active pro-sub-par loans activist? if you care to remember, obama surrounded himself with all of those 'super-smart idiots' (that this country could not do without) that were supposed to advise & help him get the housing market under control. obama has done nothing to stunt the direction the market has & is going & yet, every time there is a little good news about the market, he's in front of the teleprompters telling us it's getting better. it's not getting better---it's getting worse & it's going to continue until it hits rock bottom. obama believes in throwing good money after bad & his continuing to fund frannie & freddie are further proof of it. new houses aren't being built; old homes aren't being sold; home-owners are facing further massive forclosures; banks still aren't loaning money; jobs are not only hard to find, they're also hard to hold on to. yeah obama, put some more money in the pot so i can get a sub-prime loan that i'll never be able to pay back & i'll buy a new house.
2....the economy has become much worse then when obama was first elected to office &, there's not a bright picture in sight. in fact, the manufacturing industry is about to hit a two year low & american unemployment remains at 9% (which in reality is probably 16-18%). obama told us he knew how to fix this problem he inherited when he was campaigning for office & the problem's only gotten worse under his watch. his 'american reinvestment & recovery act' didn't do crap to stunt the loss of jobs or aid the growth of the economy. &, if left up him, he would pour more money into something he doesn't know how to fix. obama 'selected' which company's did & didn't get tarp money &, without having all the company's in front of me, i'd bet whatever you want that the majority of those that recieved funds from obama were unionized. he believes that 'big government', 'entittlement programs', & 'unionized labor' are the answers to fixing the economy...how long must it take for obama 'gets' it? his 'strongest' supporters will tell you he needs more time---time to do what? if you can remember obama campaigning, he had all the answers for all of our problems. he put the 'only people' in the world that could fix our economy...what happened? why ain't it fixed? obama doesn't deserve a second chance because he's failed us so miserably during his first one. the private jobs sector (a free & competitive market) has always been what drove america---not unionized labor or the govenement. if obama is allowed to continue to shackle the private jobs sector & promote unionization & grow the government, we will, without a doubt, become a socialized country. let me put it this way---if youtube, twitter, mtv, facebook & myspace were fully unionized, obama would never have been elected because the mass majority of americans would not have been able to afford unionized rates. unionize mickyd's & burgerking & tell me how many times a week you'll eat there. unions directly cause a raise in prices that are passed on to us & this is why so many company's move overseas, produce their products, ship them back here & sell them for less then their unionized counterpart. if no arguement can be made for obamas failure, follow this one: obama had two years with a majority in the house & the senate & has faided to balance the budget. the raising of the debt ceiling is something they knew was coming & did nothing except reward the people & groups that voted for them---obama & the dems don't give a fart about america.no america, the economy is worse off under obama watch then it was before he took office & there's nothing he or his 'think-tank' can do about it. but, america, i promise you this, as soon as the summer employment numbers come in, obama will be teleprompting us about how he's saved the day & we all know that temporary summer jobs are right around the corner...tomorrow's supposed to bring the job growth for may & if what i'm hearing is correct, they'll announce that 38,000 jobs were added. 2 1/2 million jobs were lost under obamas watch even though he's pushed through all of these programs: obamacare; cash-for-clunkers; bank bailouts; housing market bailouts; auto bailouts; unemployment bailouts; public assistance bailouts; education bailouts; selective company bailouts; &, his american reinvestment & recovery act---all of which have failed horribly. 40 million americans (if i heard this right) are collecting foodstamps & there's nothing in the works from obama or the dems to get some of these people back to work.
3....the banking industry is obamas baby regardless of what he says about pres bush. he is the one that decided which banks were to big to fail & which ones could be allowed to collaspe. he's the one that poured our money into them. he's the one that is allowing fannie & freddie to continue unchecked & he is continuing to give them unlimited funding any time they need or want it. he's the one that gave bank of america a bailout so they could get out of the red but, they used the money to buy another bank. because of obama, we own some of the banks & we're not getting any bang for our buck. the banks are still not making loans & the forclosures are about to continue on a massive scale. obama gave them our money & when we questioned them about it, they told us to mind our business. i don't think we'll ever get all of our money back. if obama & congress (both dems & repubs) had of heeded pres bush's warnings & requests for stronger regulatory measures against fannie & freddie, we probably would have averted this whole this mess in the first place...& that brings me to this---obama remids me of a cornered rat...he's blamming pres bush for all of our present problems but, obama had a direct hand in our downfall. he won't admit it & the pro-obama media won't expose him for what he is. but, i have & will continue to do so. one will have to admit that the banking industry is worse off now then before obamas election.
4....obama bailed out gm & chrysler with our money & look at them now. ford smartly blew obama off & look at them now. america, which company made the smarter choice? well, if you don't know, i'm here to tell you. gm just announced a big loss & we're about to eat 14 billion dollars they owe us...thank you obama. ford is doing well---they don't owe us anything, they're making a profit because they're turning out a good product, they went to the table with their workers & ironed out their problems &, they have the only fully operational solar-powered plant in the country...obama, if you can't get anything out of this picture, you wasted your time & money at harvard & columbia. when the private sector have problems, they can settle them on their own without the help of government---you say your american but your actions say differently...you want to expand our government & take our money to help those you choose to help & you say the hell with all the rest. you are pathetic. i have never heard you say one positive thing about fords' accomplishments nor have you visited them. why not? i can only surmise that your failure to say anything good about ford & your failing to visit them is an admission that all you have done for the auto industry failed but, what else is new? obama, you should have left gm & chrysler alone...america would have picked them up...they always do. gm & chrysler will be back at the table for another handout & that will just be further proof that your bailouts for them failed. so yes, the auto industry is in worse shape now then before you took office.
obama, you're a failure & (this may seem like a low blow) i can only wonder what your protected & sheltered daughters will say when they read about your failures as a leader. i can imagine you telling them your side of it now but, in the future, when they can remove the blinders you've put on them, they'll learn the truth. you can only keep the truth of your failing america from them for so long.
obama promised to get rid of the government agencys' that didnt & don't work & to strengthen those that do...what happened? which agency has he gotten rid of? in fact, he didn't get rid of any, he actually added more. it seems we have several federal agencys' doing the same thing & they should be consolidated. irs needs to go & we need a new system; immigration agencys' need to go (obamas aunt is still here living off of our money) & the power needs to go to the states & the feds should only step in when the states abuse their authority; the homeland security agency needs to go & be revamped---there are just too many agencys' doing the same thing & yet, singularly or collectively, they have not solved our border security issues; social security will have to be revisited shortly down the road; public assistance needs a very serious overhaul---i personally know of 18 people here in allentown, pa that should not be getting crap from the government; the transportation department needs to be overhauled---dot has too many branches & fingers all over the country & they don't seem to be on the same page.
america, regardless of whatall obama has told us, the proof is in the pudding & it don't taste good. he can get up there in front of his teleprompters & be as smooth as melted butter but, in the end, the facts remain:::he hasn't done anything to help us out of this mess. what's worse is, he's always late to respond:::look at how long it took him to okay "the surge" in afghanistan; look at how long it took him to respond to haiti; he showed up at joplin a week after the tragic deaths& loss of property because of a tornado; (this one should bother every american) look at how long it took him to sign the bush tax cuts. who can forget his waiting until the last minute to extend the funding for the government? we are still waiting for him to balance the budget. &, here it is two months before the debt extention date & obama has no concrete plan to offer to america or congress. for, that matter, when has obama offered a blue-print bill to congress or us?
obama has proven he does not have the leadership qualities a president must have & that coupled with all of his failures should overwelmingly convince you that he does not deserve another four years.
when i compare what obama has &; hasn't done for this country, i find that he's done exceedingly little for the 'good-of-america'. again here's my list::::::::
1....the housing market---is it better off now then it was before obama---NO, it's worse.
2....the economy---is it better off now then it was before obama---NO, it's worse.
3....the banking industry---is it better off now then it was before obama---NO, it's worse.
4....the auto industry---is it better off now then it was before obama---NO, it's worse
1....the housing market (which obama &; others failed to respond to when pres bush warned them about fannie &; freddie) is about to hit rock-bottom despite obamas pouring our tax dollars into it &; he doesn't have a clue on how to fix it. how can you expect him to know how to fix it when he's an active pro-sub-par loans activist? if you care to remember, obama surrounded himself with all of those 'super-smart idiots' (that this country could not do without) that were supposed to advise & help him get the housing market under control. obama has done nothing to stunt the direction the market has & is going & yet, every time there is a little good news about the market, he's in front of the teleprompters telling us it's getting better. it's not getting better---it's getting worse & it's going to continue until it hits rock bottom. obama believes in throwing good money after bad & his continuing to fund frannie & freddie are further proof of it. new houses aren't being built; old homes aren't being sold; home-owners are facing further massive forclosures; banks still aren't loaning money; jobs are not only hard to find, they're also hard to hold on to. yeah obama, put some more money in the pot so i can get a sub-prime loan that i'll never be able to pay back & i'll buy a new house.
2....the economy has become much worse then when obama was first elected to office &, there's not a bright picture in sight. in fact, the manufacturing industry is about to hit a two year low & american unemployment remains at 9% (which in reality is probably 16-18%). obama told us he knew how to fix this problem he inherited when he was campaigning for office & the problem's only gotten worse under his watch. his 'american reinvestment & recovery act' didn't do crap to stunt the loss of jobs or aid the growth of the economy. &, if left up him, he would pour more money into something he doesn't know how to fix. obama 'selected' which company's did & didn't get tarp money &, without having all the company's in front of me, i'd bet whatever you want that the majority of those that recieved funds from obama were unionized. he believes that 'big government', 'entittlement programs', & 'unionized labor' are the answers to fixing the economy...how long must it take for obama 'gets' it? his 'strongest' supporters will tell you he needs more time---time to do what? if you can remember obama campaigning, he had all the answers for all of our problems. he put the 'only people' in the world that could fix our economy...what happened? why ain't it fixed? obama doesn't deserve a second chance because he's failed us so miserably during his first one. the private jobs sector (a free & competitive market) has always been what drove america---not unionized labor or the govenement. if obama is allowed to continue to shackle the private jobs sector & promote unionization & grow the government, we will, without a doubt, become a socialized country. let me put it this way---if youtube, twitter, mtv, facebook & myspace were fully unionized, obama would never have been elected because the mass majority of americans would not have been able to afford unionized rates. unionize mickyd's & burgerking & tell me how many times a week you'll eat there. unions directly cause a raise in prices that are passed on to us & this is why so many company's move overseas, produce their products, ship them back here & sell them for less then their unionized counterpart. if no arguement can be made for obamas failure, follow this one: obama had two years with a majority in the house & the senate & has faided to balance the budget. the raising of the debt ceiling is something they knew was coming & did nothing except reward the people & groups that voted for them---obama & the dems don't give a fart about america.no america, the economy is worse off under obama watch then it was before he took office & there's nothing he or his 'think-tank' can do about it. but, america, i promise you this, as soon as the summer employment numbers come in, obama will be teleprompting us about how he's saved the day & we all know that temporary summer jobs are right around the corner...tomorrow's supposed to bring the job growth for may & if what i'm hearing is correct, they'll announce that 38,000 jobs were added. 2 1/2 million jobs were lost under obamas watch even though he's pushed through all of these programs: obamacare; cash-for-clunkers; bank bailouts; housing market bailouts; auto bailouts; unemployment bailouts; public assistance bailouts; education bailouts; selective company bailouts; &, his american reinvestment & recovery act---all of which have failed horribly. 40 million americans (if i heard this right) are collecting foodstamps & there's nothing in the works from obama or the dems to get some of these people back to work.
3....the banking industry is obamas baby regardless of what he says about pres bush. he is the one that decided which banks were to big to fail & which ones could be allowed to collaspe. he's the one that poured our money into them. he's the one that is allowing fannie & freddie to continue unchecked & he is continuing to give them unlimited funding any time they need or want it. he's the one that gave bank of america a bailout so they could get out of the red but, they used the money to buy another bank. because of obama, we own some of the banks & we're not getting any bang for our buck. the banks are still not making loans & the forclosures are about to continue on a massive scale. obama gave them our money & when we questioned them about it, they told us to mind our business. i don't think we'll ever get all of our money back. if obama & congress (both dems & repubs) had of heeded pres bush's warnings & requests for stronger regulatory measures against fannie & freddie, we probably would have averted this whole this mess in the first place...& that brings me to this---obama remids me of a cornered rat...he's blamming pres bush for all of our present problems but, obama had a direct hand in our downfall. he won't admit it & the pro-obama media won't expose him for what he is. but, i have & will continue to do so. one will have to admit that the banking industry is worse off now then before obamas election.
4....obama bailed out gm & chrysler with our money & look at them now. ford smartly blew obama off & look at them now. america, which company made the smarter choice? well, if you don't know, i'm here to tell you. gm just announced a big loss & we're about to eat 14 billion dollars they owe us...thank you obama. ford is doing well---they don't owe us anything, they're making a profit because they're turning out a good product, they went to the table with their workers & ironed out their problems &, they have the only fully operational solar-powered plant in the country...obama, if you can't get anything out of this picture, you wasted your time & money at harvard & columbia. when the private sector have problems, they can settle them on their own without the help of government---you say your american but your actions say differently...you want to expand our government & take our money to help those you choose to help & you say the hell with all the rest. you are pathetic. i have never heard you say one positive thing about fords' accomplishments nor have you visited them. why not? i can only surmise that your failure to say anything good about ford & your failing to visit them is an admission that all you have done for the auto industry failed but, what else is new? obama, you should have left gm & chrysler alone...america would have picked them up...they always do. gm & chrysler will be back at the table for another handout & that will just be further proof that your bailouts for them failed. so yes, the auto industry is in worse shape now then before you took office.
obama, you're a failure & (this may seem like a low blow) i can only wonder what your protected & sheltered daughters will say when they read about your failures as a leader. i can imagine you telling them your side of it now but, in the future, when they can remove the blinders you've put on them, they'll learn the truth. you can only keep the truth of your failing america from them for so long.
obama promised to get rid of the government agencys' that didnt & don't work & to strengthen those that do...what happened? which agency has he gotten rid of? in fact, he didn't get rid of any, he actually added more. it seems we have several federal agencys' doing the same thing & they should be consolidated. irs needs to go & we need a new system; immigration agencys' need to go (obamas aunt is still here living off of our money) & the power needs to go to the states & the feds should only step in when the states abuse their authority; the homeland security agency needs to go & be revamped---there are just too many agencys' doing the same thing & yet, singularly or collectively, they have not solved our border security issues; social security will have to be revisited shortly down the road; public assistance needs a very serious overhaul---i personally know of 18 people here in allentown, pa that should not be getting crap from the government; the transportation department needs to be overhauled---dot has too many branches & fingers all over the country & they don't seem to be on the same page.
america, regardless of whatall obama has told us, the proof is in the pudding & it don't taste good. he can get up there in front of his teleprompters & be as smooth as melted butter but, in the end, the facts remain:::he hasn't done anything to help us out of this mess. what's worse is, he's always late to respond:::look at how long it took him to okay "the surge" in afghanistan; look at how long it took him to respond to haiti; he showed up at joplin a week after the tragic deaths& loss of property because of a tornado; (this one should bother every american) look at how long it took him to sign the bush tax cuts. who can forget his waiting until the last minute to extend the funding for the government? we are still waiting for him to balance the budget. &, here it is two months before the debt extention date & obama has no concrete plan to offer to america or congress. for, that matter, when has obama offered a blue-print bill to congress or us?
obama has proven he does not have the leadership qualities a president must have & that coupled with all of his failures should overwelmingly convince you that he does not deserve another four years.
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