Sunday, September 6, 2009


hello america! obama has done it again. he hired a radical liberalist as his green jobs czar (van jones) who just resigned. obama goes on to explain that he resigned because he signed something he didn't read---(sounds just like obama & every bill he's signed)---when you hear all the statements that jones has made, you'll understand why obama is not to be trusted. damn near his whole cabinet was involved in not paying taxes or conflicts of interest. &, don't forget all those lobbyists obama said he wouldn't hire & did.

now that obamas healthcare reform bill is basking in the hot sun, he wants to take the attack directly to congress. &, i'm sure, he will be at his 'teleprompting' best. his problem is within his own party...some dems won't sign off on it with a gov't sponsored/run healthcare program & there are those that won't sign off on it if doesn't have that program. &, there are numerous other points within this bill that are being contended. please read the bill for yourself---it is not good for americans.

& obama is going to visit a school---bet it won't be a school in the 'hood'---& somehow he is going to talk about healthcare reform. you almost have to admire his strategy:::can't talk to the parents/let me get to the kids.

obama is the same person that originally told us we should be 'concerned' about the H1N1 virus but, don't panic. american family's have lost loved ones already &, the health department is putting out all kinds of warnings. how can you not panic? look at what it's done overseas. then again, he & his family have the very best of healthcare which is not in the bill he was to lazy to write. &, i'll bet you anything, he will never tell you about his healthcare benifits.

well, you know i'll write about anything but, before i go on let me say this. I am a registered repub but, i don't always vote straight party. i have problems with my party becausei don't think there are any 2 of them that think the same & they bashed pres bush. although they're right in opposing this healthcare reform crap, i think they're in it for the wrong reasons. they have yet to present a united face & coupled with not reaching out to 'inner city' dwellers makes me somewhat leary of them. but, make no mistake, this healthcare reform crap is purely political. in my next posting i will tell you what congress should do & how easy it would be for them to fix it.

until then, america, please continue to voice your displeasure with the present sitting congress & obama.

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