hello america! obama, you talk a good game & i'm here to call you out on it.
you are a punk & i am tired of your punkish ways & here's why.........................
firstly, if you wanted to show america how sincere you are about putting us on the right track, you'd have returned every penny that you received from the companies that received federal bailout money. but no, you havn't even mentioned the millions you've gotten & plan on keeping &/or spent. & yet, you get on tv & say that the AIG execs getting those bonuses is outrageous. that $100,000 plus you received from them is just to be ignored? i don't think so. when they made their decision to give you that money, you didn't complain then------why now? i know you're trying to show the rest of america how concerned & upset you want them to believe you are but, you & i know better &, i'm going to let the rest of america know also.
secondly, you came out of the side of your mouth in touting timothy geithner as the best man for the job...more crap. this weasle is extremely weak & can't function under pressure. so, i ask you, would you hire a child molester to babysit your daughters? would you put your money in a failing/failed bank? would you hire a convicted robber to guard your bank? no to all---why then hire a tax-evader to run the tax department???? spin it all you want & can but, we both know you were & are wrong. geithner is not the man for that position & you would have been better served getting a 'bookie' off the streets of new york to cruch the numbers for america.
thirdly, you talk about inheriting this mess from george bush but, let's be real. you & the rest of our elected officials are the problem. when people see the amounts of money you & the rest of our elected officials--both dems & repubs--received from companies & banks that have received federal bailout money, they too will know exactly why we are in this mess. &, you have the audacity to speak about greed...when all of those entities were stuffing your campaign war chest with their money, you never said anything about greed. &, you're 2-faced &, we both know it. that is just one reason why i cannot, as a true american, blindly support you.
fourthly, you hide behind that rhetoric you keep spewing & you recently said that the buck stops with you. that being the case (but only if you're sincere), tell the american people how you used the very same system you blame george bush for to sue citigroup. please be upfront & honest &, tell them that you & acorn are partly responsible for the present housing/mortgage problems of
today & stop blaming the bush era for it. after all, you sued citygroup to force them to make loans to people that couldn't afford to repay them way back there in 1993.
fifthly, you run around the country putting fear in the american people about this economic mess. &, then you tell them that they can only be 'saved' if congress gets your bills to your desk for your signature.....more crap. your first bill was written in the backrooms of washington, rushed to the floors of the house & senate without giving congress the time to read them & then, the democrat controled congress passed it with extremely little help from the republicans. then you're on the trail again telling us this will save america. i remember when you went to illinios to tout your bill & promising that it would save future jobs at the caterpillar plant. yet, they just recently announced futher cuts of 2,454 more jobs. &, this is why i call you a punk. you went to ohio to take credit for 25 cadets that got hired because of your bill---remember? why aren't you taking credit for the 2,454 lost jobs that your bill couldn't save?
in addition, by not giving congress or the public time to read the bill, things are put in it that shouldn't be there & vice-verse. & now, you want to make amends for that by going after the execs bonus money. that's not right because you have every intention of keeping the campaign money they gave you. what's fair about you can & they can't? but, getting back to the bill::::if i remember correctly, you were the man saying you would bring transparency to the white house. obama, how transparent is geithner & dobbs doing last minute backroom deals on a bill that you say we needed in order to avoid a catastropy we may never recover from? &, because of all the other lies you've told america, i don't believe you did not know about the bonuses...geithner had to have your permission & i don't care what you say. that pansy can't even fart unless he checks with you about it. the open & honest government you promised america is non-existent.
so, yes, i call you a punk & you now know why &, the sorry thing about all this is, you know damn well i'm right.
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