Tuesday, March 17, 2009


hello america! i've said this last year, i've said it this year &, i'll probably have to say it again: obama is not good for this great nation. he didn't support a bill that would have made desecrating the american flag illegal &, he has no military experience. &, as you're about to soon find out, he has no valid foreign policy experience.

he has laid the ground work for the closing of gitmo &, he now has to figure out what to do with those detainees. some of them he wants tried in our court systems---imagine that. & this from the man that kept telling us how many lives were lost in iraq---he wants to give the enemy the same rights that we americans have. &, who can forget the families that lost loved ones pleading with him about gitmo & he just blew them off.

obama has asked the defense department to trim its budget & he wants to scrap certain weapon systems & downsize our nuke pile. &, at the same time, he wants to sit down with our enemies & extend his hand in friendship while eating apple pie with them. is it any wonder that there was nothing in his appropriations bill for the military, the defense &, the veterans?

he's continuing to sell our future to china which is going to cause all hell when they come to collect what we owe them. & yet, he's posturing about how 'fundamentally sound' our economy is to them &, then telling us how bad it is. he even sent hilary 'the flunky' clinton over there to persaude them to continue to buy america & all the while, they were flexing their own muscles---&, they not only have some big ones, they have a lot of them. &, now china has its leader questioning our financial status---good luck with that one obama.

obama has even invited iran to the dinner table & nothing is going to stop that country in its quest for nukes short of war. what part of that does obama not understand?

north korea is trying its best to provoke a confrontation & japan says they may shoot the missle down if north korea sends it up---that's called BALLS obama, not pebles. but, you wouldn't know about that, would you. you want them to come to dinner to.

obama sent his flunky to talk with russias leader & then told us it was about the missle deployment system we want to put over there & a supply line for our troops. & yet, today i read something that i find very upsetting & i encourage you to at least read it...i don't know if you can just click on it & get there but the address is right & you may have to type it in---i'm still learning this thing.

basically, russia wants to up-scale it's nukes & army. need i say more? you know i will, but should i even have to? yes, i should. obama scares me because he has no military experience &, just talking about something only works in washington.

obama, i don't know what those idiots you've surrounded yourself with are telling you but, we need to remain ahead of all the rest when it comes to the military, their needs & their equipment. &, there's no way in hell we can do that if you cut their budget & impose your stupid restrictions on new weapon systems. WE HAVE TO BE STATE OF THE ART & if you can't or won't keep us STATE OF THE ART, resign & move your ass out of my country & take your aunt with you.

america, i almost forgot this. obama wants to tax &/or charge veterans for their service connected injuries. i mean it seems fair, doesn't it? join the service, get a service connected injury & then pay cash for it. obama is not for america & those that elected him now know it. thank you very much & i can only hope he's living up to your expectations.

obama not only bit off more then he can chew, he can't even get it into his mouth. he's always been for spending & now he has to find a way to pay for some of that spending. &, i understand that---just don't sell out my country & don't bother the vets.

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