Tuesday, February 24, 2009


hello america! it's astonishing to know that our federal government has all this money of ours at their disposal &, they haven't even put a single bandaid on a single scratch. truely, astonishing!

from all of our money that was doled out under george bush to what obama is sitting on &, not one penny has helped slow this economic free-fall? any idiot that can almost add 1 plus 1 knows that there is something very wrong with this setting.

we have bailed out: the auto industry; the banking industry; the housing market; &, the wall street industry (fannie & freddie) & nothing was accomplished. now, we must bail them out again
&, more of nothing will be accomplished. when will those in charge learn? when will we learn & step up & let our voices be heard?

america, how many times will we bailout fannie mae before we understand that giving them money doesn't work? how much money will we continue to give to bank of america before we realize that giving them money doesn't work? how long will we continue to give money to the auto industry before we discover it doesn't work? how long people?

&, as soon as we give them some money, they're back for more. &, they know they're going to get it. look at american express trying to change so it can get some of our money. &, our experts in the federal government say they're too big for us to let them fall. we play the selective game of who we will help & who we won't. look at girly-boy barney franks ushering 12 million dollars of tarp money to a failing bank in his own state---one united bank in boston. then look at some of the other banks that we let go under because they didn't have a powerful congressperson standing up for them. it's not only a shame, it has to be a misuse of authority & should be investigated & punished. as is the case of harry reid's hi-speed rail service from las vegas to los angeles.

all that money & yet, foreclosures are stilling occuring daily; banks still aren't lending; the big 3 in the auto industry still can't sell their products. we gave citibank/group all that money & now we're getting ready to "nationalize" them.

america, it seems cruel to say this but, we need to keep the federal government out of the private sector-period. i realize that a lot more people will end up unemployed but, even after those industries got our money, they continue to lay-off workers. so, giving them money is not the answer. these companies, if left to fend for themselves, will figure out a way to survive. case in point, k-mart. another case in point, ford motor company.

yes, our unemployment lines will grow & that's where the federal dollars could be of good use. & yes, welfare & health. &, we as a people, would support those that deserved to be supported until the bad times turned to good ones. we already support a welfare system where everyone on it is not needy.

obama, bailout the country-not the businesses.

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