Saturday, February 28, 2009


hello america! when biden was selected by obama as the vp, i researched biden & the firm of simmons cooper because of an article i had just read. i was curious about how delaware was becoming the asbestos litagation capital which had always been illinios---thus, the obama (illinios)/biden (delaware) connection. what i found was disturbing &, you'll find it disturbing also. so, please, do yourself a favor & google 'how much money did joe biden get from the firm of simmons cooper'. this way you'll be able to connect the dots as i did.

obama has some very sneaky people in his cabinet &, as you know, he has bad judgement & no ethics at all. biden is a good fit because he's as crooked as the rest of them. &, in all this time, biden has been trying to pass himself off as one of the good ole boys.

also, in all this time, the big pro-obama biased media has been keeping this on the back burner. &, with all the obama talk about tranparency, you'd have thought he would have said something when he 'vetted' him. didn't hear crap. did you? yet the obama camp jumped all over mccain & his vetting sarah palin.

the bottom line is, there does not seem to be anybody in the obama crew that can stand up to a serious scrutiny---not even obama---


hello america! more & more i'm finding people that were so supportive of obama slowly finding flaws with his plans for this country. on the other hand, there are still those die-hard supporters that would clap & praise him even if he crapped on their steak & eggs.

helping small businesses & middle-class america was a main cornerstone in obamas campaigning. well, if you've been following the news since his election, you now know that that help just 'ain't a-comin'. he no longer needs to woo you---he suckered you & now, he no longer needs you. his comments concerning small businesses & middle-class america are just fragments in his speeches.

he suckered you & now he's going to repay you for being his sucker by sticking it to you for the rest of your life, your childrens lifes &, your grandchildren's lifes.

this crap coming out of his mouth about 'spreading the wealth' just won't cut it. joe-the-plumber exposed him on it & he had his lifes history displayed for all to see just for questioning obama on it---very nice guy, this obama person...

anyway, obama says he will raise the tax on the wealthy & the businesses to pay for his programs. if you believe he can do that without it affecting you, you are just as ignorant now as you were when you voted for him. an increase on either of the two will result in washington being forced to raise everyones taxes.

the wealthy will respond by spending much less. who do you think runs &/or owns those companies that can lay off people by the hundreds? who do you think buys all those high end items & services? who do think supports all those charities (even if they do write it off)? figure it out for yourself---they have to pay tax on everything they buy, everywhere they go & now, you're going to raise their taxes so those less fortunate can recieve more government benifits? I think not. you wouldn't go for it & neither would i. why do you think so many of them live overseas already. obama is going to chase them out of the country with this foolish plan of his &, guess who'll be here to pay for his plans?

how can anyone in their right mind even think of raising the tax on any of the businesses at this time? the smaller businesses couldn't afford it & the bigger ones would just lay off more people or move out of the country. there would be no new hiring for years. &, when the businesses move or close up, guess who's left to pick up the tab?

however, i really think he is going to have big fight on his hands from both parties to get this passed. those elected officials still need the big bucks from the businesses & the wealthy.

another thing, if you think obama has more clout then nancy pelosi or harry reid, you're crazy &, they are the ones that will decide what will be in or out of the bills obama will sign. obama may piss off the republicans but, he can't afford to piss the democratic leadership off &, that's the truth.

i posted a simular writing 23 feb-WHY RAISE THE TAXES NOW?


hello america! yesterday-feb 27-i went to walmart for printer ink replacements &, i went to home depot for a lock enhancer. both places were deserted. i mean there were people shopping but, not a lot of them. the food courts were totally empty &, you could park as close as you wanted to the main door.

now, the experts will say that this is a reflection of what obama is telling america but, i see it as a reflection of smart americans holding on to their dollars because they don't exactly know when our economy is going to turn around.

obama went around spreading his 'gloom & doom' crap & telling us that if his first bill wasn't passed that "we may never recover from this catastrophy". well, he signed that bill into law & nothing has changed for the better. in fact, our economy has continued to fall in spite of what he's been saying.

he stood in front of congress & gave his speech to america but, can you tell me what all he didn't say? if you saw it, read about it, were told about it or, just saw the news excerts on it, he sounded good. i'm a black american & if i wanted to join the KKK, i'd want obama as my voice---can't take that away from him no matter what--& guess what? i'd be marching with the grand wizard.

obama is a gifted talker & that helped propel him to the presidency---he is not a doer &, no where in his past records can you prove me to be wrong. he continues to bash george bush wrongly---in fact, he's been saying that he "inherited the war in iraq" &, you idiots go for it. how quickly you forget that he campaigned to be the HNIC of this war. that's just one thing, the other is, he blames bush for the war & yet, his number 2 & number 3 voted for the war. if both parties hadn't voted for the war, we would not be there---it's that simple but, you'll never hear obama say that:::::::NEVER:::::::he's not man enough to put the blame for the war where it should be & you don't hear any of the democrats saying they voted for the war either. &, THAT'S THE TRUTH.

another thing you continue to hear about from obama is george bush's failed economic policy & then he blames him for the mess we're presently in. not once has obama been honest with you about this subject. he knows bush tried to get stronger regulations & oversight for wall street & fannie & freddie but, he's not man enough to tell you that bush could not get it done because of girly boy barney franks, mr look-you-in-the-eyes harry ried, mr i-go-where-the-winds-blow- me chris dodd &, both parties. another thing punk obama won't won't tell you is that without bill clinton & CRA (look it up) he would never have been able to sue citigroup/bank to force them to make loans to people with less then good credit &, obama did this while working for ACORN.

&,CP, that is why we are in this mess now---bad loans to people that couldn't afford to repay them. you know about new yorkers flooding a-town to buy up the houses & live in them or rent them out. they did the same in bethlehem & easton. &, i know you saw them moving in one week & moving out within 2 months---let's keep it real.

america &, my buddy C. P. this is not new news---it is the news you refused to listen to when it first came up. & yes, it's going to bite you in the butt big-time.

anyway, back to obamas speech to america---it was masterfully delivered but, IT LACKED DETAIL. bro CP, you know i'm in the construction business & if i got on tv & told you about my wanting to come into your home & fix it up & paint it, you'd be happy. &, for you, I would do that---you're problems begin when you figure out how i'm going to be able to do it. i'm sorry that i didn't tell you that on tv but, you know it now & you voted me in to be the fixer-upper of bethlehem &, like it or not, you're stuck with me.

CP, america---obama is not good for this nation. it's that simple. many of you obamaholics are seeing that now but, i guess, better late then never is a good thing. oh, get your checkbooks out & ready (MAKE THEM OUT TO-I TOOK IT UP THE BUTT FOR NOT DOING MY HOMEWORK) because big businesses & the wealthy are not going to pay your way &, when obama signs his plans into law, everything in this country is going to cost you much more because, they will do less.


Thursday, February 26, 2009


hello america! even some of the pro-obama biased media are jumping off of the obama bandwagon. their eyes are slowly opening to see what they refused to look at prior to obama winning the whitehouse. i don't think they like the idea of being regulated & censored by obama & hiw crew. as long as obama was screwing with everybody but them, they were fine with him &, covered up a lot of nasty things that would have cost obama the election. now that they see he doesn't care about them either, they will begin pointing out obamas negativeness. whereas, once, obama could do no wrong in their blind eyes, they are now beginning to turn on him. personally, i don't know why it took them so long. when obama kicked that female reporter off his plane & shut her company out of his loop, the media was warned not to cross obama---(think she was from florida)---(&, this happened while he was still campaigning)---the biggest warning sign for them should have been when they couldn't gain access to most of obamas past records. obama closed that door & it has remained closed to this day.

better late then never &, i can only imagine that the media might start reporting honestly about & on obama.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

hello america! one day we'll wake up & ask, "where did it all go wrong?". well, we can blame our reps in government for a lot of it but, the honest answer lies a lot deeper &, you are not going to like it.

somewhere in our past, we stopped 'buying america' &, in retrospect, it seems like it was just yesterday when all we bought was america. our cars, clothing, footwear & just about every other product you can name, was made & sold in america to americans. &, even though we had our ups & downs, we were doing okay. & bam! overnight we were reduced to a nation that couldn't help but buy something imported.

when was the last time you looked on a product to see where it was made? &, when was the last time you didn't buy it because it wasn't made here? (for a lot of you, if you did this tomorrow, it would be your first time.) no, our markets are flooded with foreign made products:::cell phones, computers, clothing, sneakers &, even the auto market. it would not surprise me to see "made in korea" on our flag staff.


hello america! it's astonishing to know that our federal government has all this money of ours at their disposal &, they haven't even put a single bandaid on a single scratch. truely, astonishing!

from all of our money that was doled out under george bush to what obama is sitting on &, not one penny has helped slow this economic free-fall? any idiot that can almost add 1 plus 1 knows that there is something very wrong with this setting.

we have bailed out: the auto industry; the banking industry; the housing market; &, the wall street industry (fannie & freddie) & nothing was accomplished. now, we must bail them out again
&, more of nothing will be accomplished. when will those in charge learn? when will we learn & step up & let our voices be heard?

america, how many times will we bailout fannie mae before we understand that giving them money doesn't work? how much money will we continue to give to bank of america before we realize that giving them money doesn't work? how long will we continue to give money to the auto industry before we discover it doesn't work? how long people?

&, as soon as we give them some money, they're back for more. &, they know they're going to get it. look at american express trying to change so it can get some of our money. &, our experts in the federal government say they're too big for us to let them fall. we play the selective game of who we will help & who we won't. look at girly-boy barney franks ushering 12 million dollars of tarp money to a failing bank in his own state---one united bank in boston. then look at some of the other banks that we let go under because they didn't have a powerful congressperson standing up for them. it's not only a shame, it has to be a misuse of authority & should be investigated & punished. as is the case of harry reid's hi-speed rail service from las vegas to los angeles.

all that money & yet, foreclosures are stilling occuring daily; banks still aren't lending; the big 3 in the auto industry still can't sell their products. we gave citibank/group all that money & now we're getting ready to "nationalize" them.

america, it seems cruel to say this but, we need to keep the federal government out of the private sector-period. i realize that a lot more people will end up unemployed but, even after those industries got our money, they continue to lay-off workers. so, giving them money is not the answer. these companies, if left to fend for themselves, will figure out a way to survive. case in point, k-mart. another case in point, ford motor company.

yes, our unemployment lines will grow & that's where the federal dollars could be of good use. & yes, welfare & health. &, we as a people, would support those that deserved to be supported until the bad times turned to good ones. we already support a welfare system where everyone on it is not needy.

obama, bailout the country-not the businesses.

Monday, February 23, 2009


hello america! please tell me that i'm wrong......

already the pro-obama biased media is trying to set george bush up for obamas spending::

350 billion dollars bush released to obama that obama requested & is just sitting there;
758 billion dollar bill obama signed into law;
450 billion dollars about to go through congress; that's

1trillion, 558 billion dollars &, it all has to go to obama. & guess what america, there's more on it. but, more importantly one should ask, why do you need all of this money before you have a well constructed plan to use it?

the stock markets are direct reflectors of all this spending without a well thought out plan. & obamas rhetoric about what he wants to do with the money is opposite of what he actually does.
the stock markets know 'bad money' when they see it &, the money & plans coming out of washington are 'bad'. in fact, wall street knows money better then the whole us government put together.


hello america! the more obama talks, the more the stock market falls. you see, they know him like i do. he tells you one thing & does the opposite. this has always been his M.O.

well, you voted for change & that's what you're getting. obama is about to change a lot of things & his changes will have a direct effect on your life style. here's just a few:::

obama wants to raise the taxes on businesses &, that is not going to go over well. he is going to force those that run those businesses to look elsewhere to do business or close up. he is about to create a bigger unemployment problem then the present one. history will show that we have lost a lot of companies because of taxes. what messege is obama not understanding? either he is deaf & blind or, he has his own agenda for this country & folks, it's not a good one. perhaps obama doesn't see the big companies down-sizing , folding up, moving overseas, &/or filing for bankruptcy. when you charge them more, you end up hurting the little guy. it's a fact.

obama wants to raise the taxes on the wealthy &, that is not going to go over well. for one thing, it's the wealthy ones that own or run a lot of the businesses in this country. it's the wealthy ones that fund a lot of the charities that america needs. if obama thinks he can 'force' them to pay more & get less, he's going to cause them to do less & spend less. who do you think buys those big-end items? who do you think buys those multi-million dollar homes? who do think owns those private lear jets? now, you may not like this but, when you go messing with their money, there are going to be negative repercusions for this nation on a massive scale.

obama wants to raise the capitol gains tax. this is basically a tax on profit &, it will be designed to
hit the rich. all of the above arguements are all in play here.

as is becoming very usual with obama, he is wrong when it comes to raising any taxes at this time. if anything, he should be lowering them to provide incentives for the wealthy & businesses to spend more & retain more employees.

obama took an oath to protect & defend this country...there should be something added to that oath about screwing the people he's there to serve.


hello america! by now you've awakened to the news that obamas 75 billion dollar bailout for homeowners is really a piece of crap---small wonder, huh? it seems that just 5 states are going to get the bulk of that money &, without knowing who they are yet, i'll bet you can find a big-named congressperson from that state attached to it. if you listen to what obama tells you-it sounds fine but, when he converts his words to actions, his actions are in dirrect conflict with his words. he said this 75 billion dollars was for those that played by the rules but, you are about to see that is not the case. this money will bailout more of those that havn't earned it. you shall see.

another problem with obamas bill is this: most states have welfare programs that 'force' able-bodied persons to seek employment or training for employment------however, if states accept this welfare money, they must revamp their programs to reflect that no able-bodied person has to seek employment. go figure......

citibank/citigroup, just after obama siad the government would not take it over, will bail them out again & take 40% control of it. this is partial nationalization-it is also an experiment & if it works, the other banks needing help will also fall into federal hands. i love it.

want more bad news---that group (acorn) that obama gave grants to, worked for, worked with &, sued citigroup for, is on the move again---they say that just because you can't afford your home is no reason to be kicked out of it. please bear in mind that obamas bill, which is now law, opens the door for them to recieve up to 4.5 million dollars of your money. happy aren't you?

surely, there can't be any more bad news, right? wrong! obama is going to unveil his budget plans &, i can tell you now, you are about to pay. it won't affect me because i'm going to hang up my working clothes. oh, one more thing..all those people living in those free rentals because of katrina, just got an extention from obama. why leave a rent free dwelling to go & find one you have to pay for?

obama, you truely are everything i thought you were. i'm sorry to see that you so fooled america but, i have no worry about you being elected another term...i have to just get through this one with your sorry butt.

Sunday, February 22, 2009


hello america! i don't use this site to spread fear or pessimism. i do use it to speak my mind as truthfully as i can &, although i don't leave 'links' to back up what i write, feel free to ask any questions you may have. i will provide that backup to you. that being said, i must say the following.

is there a danger in doing too much as opposed to not doing anything at all? well, the answer lies in whether or not the doing is 'constructive & productive' verses whether or not the not doing will solve its own problems. one might say that only time will tell. but, but most americans are smart & usually know the difference between soft cotton balls & mushy, smelly dog turds. as i said, most americans are smart but, sometimes you have to get them to dig down deep within themselves to pull out the right anwsers-----&, for them, this is their lucky day because i, knowitall, shall do the digging for them.

in obamas haste to get something done for the 'good' of this country, you have to really look hard at whatall he really did...he's closing gitmo & stopped the trials; he's allowing "our" money to fund foreign abortions; he's allowing labor unions to take the forefront for federally funded jobs & building; he's allowed 350 billion dollars to just sit around doing nothing since his swearing in; he's broken his own rules about transparency & high ethics; he pressured congress with a deadline to pass a bogus non-stimulative bill that he signed into law; he's trying to bring the census department into the whitehouse under his control; he's allowing illegal aliens to get health care without proper documentation at our expense; he's going to dole out 75 billion dollars of our money to try & keep people in their homes; he raised the federal tax on cigarettes a minimum of $.62 per pack; he did relatively little to ensure bipartisan support; he's giving our money to some states that don't even want it & they have no say in the matter; he's preparing to allow the
federal gov to take control & run some of the banks; he's about to re-enact the 'fairness doctrine'; he's planning to institute a 'universal health care system' for this country; he's planning to reveal his fiscal budget that will be all about spending; he's forcing states to raise the unemployment compensation tax if they accept the unemployment bailout money; he's using our money to build a high-speed rail service from las vegas to los angeles; he's preparing to allow about 12 million illegal aliens to gain citizenship; he's using hilary clinton to keep the pressure on china for them to continue buying our 'debts'; &, although there is more, let's just end it with this::::he's all over tv & running around the country spreading his 'doom & gloom' crap instead of instilling confidence in the american people; &, he's expanded government at our expense.

so, yes there is a danger in trying to do too much, too fast-as opposed to not doing anything at all. in the case of obama, it is a grave danger.

Friday, February 20, 2009


hello america! obama, from day 1, has been telling us just how dire our present situation is &, i have a problem with that. obama is playing on our fears. he's very good at that. america, in your heart, you know that no matter what the government does, this nation will come out on top. what mr pessimistic obama seems to have forgotten is, america is the people, not the government &, in dire times, we are at our best as a people. we will help those truely in need without being asked to. when the chips are down, we stand up-always have/always will.

a little trip back in history would be good for obama & his crew...this country was founded by the people-not government...remember the boston tea party & paul revere? remember all the disasters we've been through? we were there with donations, goods, services & open arms &, when we couldn't do any of that, we were there with the tv & prayers.

we are going through some very tough times but, in time, we will recover. yes, the loss of jobs is hard on families but, we've been losing jobs since the beginning of time. but, for the government to come in just start passing out my money in order for some of the people to keep those jobs is wrong. we didn't bail out the airlines indusry &, although they are still having problems, they're still putting those planes in the air. k-mart went bankrupt, layed off lots of people---look at it now &, they didn't get a bailout. yes, those laid off went through some tough times but, has anyone taken the time to do a study on their regrowth?

america, the auto industry got a bailout that didn't help a bit. they are back at the table for more &, after they get it, they'll be back for even more. what's the point of bailing them out if they're only going to turn around & lay off more workers. wasn't that the main purpose of the bailout to keep their employees employed? besides, american made cars are not going to sell---they're cheaply made, drink too much gas &, cost to much---it's that simple. i think it's ironic to say they're american made when damn near everything on them is imported.

another reason i'm against bailing them out is:::if those union workers making $24-$45 per hour didn't put anything away for a rainy day, that's on them. but they've got obama on their side &, he's partial to union labor.

america, none of the bailouts have done what they were designed to do. they just don't & won't work.

they bailed out the banks & the banks froze the loans, bought another bank, merged with other banks &, won't disclose how that money was spent. yeah, help them some more.

they bailed out the auto industry & they are still laying off workers & not making a product worthy of money. yeap, they reall y need our help.

they bailed out fannie & freddy & homes are still being foreclosed on & the ceos are still making big bucks. obama, please tripple what you first wanto give them.

america, our government needs to stick to running the country, not business. fannie & freddy are examples of why they should they should just let the chips fall where they may...we will recover on our own.

Thursday, February 19, 2009


hello america! have you ever noticed that, in the past, states & cities have all cried "broke" & yet, they fixed their own problems without federal assistance? no matter how you address the issues-it all boils down to simple math. if you spend more then you make, you're going to have financial problems---we all learned that at an early age---that's why we had to deliver newspapers from our red wagons, baby sit, moe grass, clean windows &, collect golf balls from the waters. now maybe this is "old school" but, it hasn't changed one little bit. the mechanics are still in place. if you spent more then your 'allowance', you went out there & found ways to cover your wants. back in the day, we would do things for the neighbors that would give us an extra 'income'---&, then there were people like me that found it easier to 'take' (even by force) from somebody else. i had a simple motto---if i didn't have enough-you had too much.

over the years &, after getting my ass beat too many times for my devious actions, i've come to accept the american way...which is, if you can't afford to pay cash-charge it & the hell with the payments. besides, it's a lot easier then fighting face to face. that being said, most of todays homeowners can't afford to pay their mortgage (for whatever reason), because of their "other" debts. it's not the mortgage that is hurting them so much as it is the other 'stuff' they think they have to have...such as two or three cars, that brand new tv & stereo system, 2,000 dollar plus boom box speakers in their rides, name brand clothing, all the latest cd's even when they listen to old school only, hosting elaborate cook-outs & parties, attending sporting events, getting their hair, nails &, feet done weekly, going out every weekend to the 'clubs' to party &, leasing that fab ride you can't afford. oh, & did i mention the maintenance of their animals? on top of all that, you have the cost of children & wives &/or girlfriends. gotta eat & drink. gotta tell time & you can't tell time on a cheap $10.00 watch, can you? &, all the while, you just have to have the bling-bling &, it has to be better then anyone else''s called 'living above your means' & it's why this country &, damn near everyone living in it, is in debt. it's the american way-always has been/always will be.

well, the people that become politicians are just like us & most of them grew up just like us. &, sadly, they run our government just like we run our homes. america, you can bitch & gripe all you want &, call me all those 'not-so-nice' names but, after you read this, you'll come to admit it's the truth & "THE TRUTH IS RIGHT" as always.

no matter what level of government you look at, you can compare it to your home. so, let's start with county/city government. they all start with a yearly budget-they know what they have coming in & they know much they have going out. the problem arises because somebody on the city council wants brand new computers or new police cars but, it wasn't included in the budget so, they just borrow the 'extra' money from their state (UNLIKE OUR FEDERAL GOVERNMENT THAT WILL VOTE THEIR BILLS THROUGH WITHOUT EVEN CONSULTING US AT OUR EXPENSE)---well now they have a debt that wasn't funded & now they have to figure out a way to fund it. they are 'buying' things they can't afford & they don't stop there. they have to put up some extra stop signs & lights that weren't in the budget plus, they need to put a new face on their city hall building. oh, don't forget those 10 extra firemen they want to hire. they spend above their means.

well america, we do the same:::we have that mortgage payment that is close to 40% of our income (pretty much the same with those that rent homes &/or apartments) &, we have those credit card bills that just won't go away. but, we need a new washer & dryer, or stove, or refridgerator &, we have that insurance payment, tv-cable-phone payment, car gas & maintenence payment, &, we can't send our kids to school in crappy gear &, they must have their i-pods & cell phones, &, somebody in the family isn't happy waiting to get on the computer so they have to have a lap-top, & i, being the head-of-the-house just have to have all those expensive tools to do those 'do-it-yourself' home projects I never have time for, & football season's just starting & i have to get that nfl package so i can invite all my buddies over-for that matter, i got to get 2 more tv's.

america, you know i'm right &, i didn't even mention a lot of things we 'can't' do without like magazine subscriptions & QVS & the food bill. we live above our means & we only try to correct this problem when it's too late. oh, what about that roof that just started leaking & the only thing you know about the roof is where it is? or that transmission that won't go into reverse? or that relative that just passed away & you have to travel from ny to cali & your boss is giving you crap for having to take off during his busy season? &, one of the worst ones is, how many times do we have food in the house & yet we order out?

the only difference between us & the government is, they can make us pay for their wants---we don't have that option-they'll come & repo our homes/or evict us, they'll repo our car/s or stereo systems or washer & dryers & we still have to make the make the payments.

so, come on, america, tell me how wrong i'm not. men of america, as a man it almost pains me to say this but, any down-to-earth-female can run our budgets better then we can. they have a knack for it. we will spend ourselves crazy & then blame everybody but ourselves---it's a fact. most families argue over money/debt-&, if we men were not as proud as we like to think we are, we would give the women the checkbook & paychecks & allow her to run the finances of the home.

so, when i say the running of government is very simular to the way we run our own homes, what arguement do you have to tell me i'm wrong?


hello america! this roland burris thing is a joke but, the illinios apple does not fall far from the illinios tree. but, i'm the guy that sees things that are not there to be seen. illinios has always been a hotbed for 'dirty' politicians &, will remain so. however, that's not to say that there aren't some good ones from there---i just know of any.

anyhow, although the system gave burris a hard time to get in the senate, that same system welcomed him with open arms because it gave the democrats another seat. &, they needed it because without him, they would not have passed obamas non-stimulus bill.

if the fbi has burris on audio, which is slowly being revealed now, they had him on audio before he was sworn in but, somehow, this little tidbit was hidden until now. it's all politics people-politics 2009. &, burris is an idiot---the more he talks after saying he won't, the more he sinks himself & the system. it was either him or franken &, franken may not make it. the dems would have dug up bettsy ross to fill that seat & then reburied her.

america, it has reached that point where trust is not the bigger issue---it boils down to who can you distrust the most. case in point::::obama::::he had big plans for middleclass america & infrastructure jobs during his campaigning & now that he's the president, look at just how little he's doing for infrastructure jobs & the middleclass. i don't make this stuff up. another pledge of his was to help small businesses---what does his 'cure all' bill do for them?

my nation of people, it seems like you have to lie to get anywhere in this country. if you can lie, cheat or, screw the people, you will be rewarded. don't believe me-just look at obama & his administration. in the case of burris, the reward will be short-lived. he needs to go.

can't wait until the next election to see who votes for the one that lies the best.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


hello america! finally! i have a little sumtin-sumtin nice to say about obama. he's trying to do something (VERY LITTLE BUT, STILL, SOMETHING) for those at risk of losing their homes. 9 million of them if he can. i applaud him for doing this but, don't think i'm jumping on the obama bandwagon.

obamas inexperience is really hurting us &, will continue to hurt us. he's doing things backwards & that's a fact. here's your proof::::::::::& while you're reading it, please keep in mind that obama walked into 3.5 billion dollars from the previous bailout just waiting for him to be sworn in &, it's still sitting there.

the collaspe, (for whatever reason but george bush), of the housing market is what triggered this mess in the first place, for which you can blame the democrats & republicans equally. it should have been the first thing obama addressed instead of just now getting to SOME of it.

next came the banking & lending industries (fannie, freddie &, the rest). obama should have tackled this second instead of telling us what he's going to do & not getting around to doing it.

then comes the auto industries, who've already recieved billions & are now asking for billions more. this should have been obamas third job to deal with.

lastly, came the loss of jobs. this has been going on for years, but, not at or on the present level.
congress has the power to "FREEZE" the hirings & firings &, obama should have gotten congress to do just that.

i know this is no laughing matter that all four of these things happened, but, it's pretty ironic that they all happened overnight with no warning (do you believe that?) & damn near at the same time (do you believe that also?).

america, what's not ironic is that they are all tied together. thus: i lost my job, can't pay the bank, &, because i can't pay the bank, i can't get another loan. because i can't pay the bank, they can't loan money to the companies &, they have no money for the auto industry.
because i can't get a loan, i can't afford my mortgage &, i damn sure can't buy a new car. what's really sorry about all this is:::short of losing your job overnight, you knew you were behind in house payments, the auto & banking industries knew a long time ago that something was amiss. & none of the three of you did anything but put your hand out.

i can only say that obama is going to end up spending some of our money on those that will be having these very same mortgage problems for years to come due to one or more car payments, luxury furniture & bigassed tv's, &, stupid spending (sounds like my government there).

instead of obama inviting foreigners here for abortion money & messing with gitmo, he should have scrapped that crappy bill & focused on the four above problems all in one bill without any
discretionary spending, &, no pet project of any kind.

but, obama is president & i'll just wait for him to bail me out of this mess & as soon as he gives me some money---i'm going to disney.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


hello america! obama had george bush get the other half of that 700 billion dollar bailout ready for him by inaguration day &, he did. so, since obamas swearing in, 350 bdollars has been sitting around collecting dust. so much for the rush on getting banks to make loans & homes to stop being ceased. guess they're not there important after all.

we've been hearing about sec of the treasury--'i don't have to pay my taxes' timothy geithner--
revealing this new plan to save the homes & get banks to start lending again. well, he was on tv to tell us about the plan & wound up telling us he'd get back to us with the details on how they were going to spend that 350 billion dollars. i saw the whole thing & ended up more confused then before he spoke.

unlike our democratic congress, the treasury is taking their time with the hopes of getting it right. by the way, they won't & can't get it right because it's not enough money to do the job. so, it's just a matter of time before they're knocking on the door for another hand out.

with all the federal hearings investigating both the housing & banking industries, you'd think that federal charges have to forthcoming. wrong. the hearings tied up the major news media for days---hour after hour after hour. &, it was proved that books were "cooked" to intentionally hide their real problems..........this isn't criminal??? why aren't franklin raines & company being charged with intentionally decieving the stockholders which is us. why aren't they being charged with fraud?

fannie & freddie & all the others didn't just wake up & find out they're broke. they knew this as did the auto industry. why are they being allowed to get away with screwing up & we can't?

america, you should demand that the justice department press charges on the executives (former & present) &, you're going to be surprised which government officials were in bed with them.

stand up & be heard!

Monday, February 16, 2009


hello america! i woke up today only to find the following in my inbox &, it is something i just have to respond to.

"I have a question that only a good conservative republican can answer. Hopefully you can in a sentence or 2. I also believe in smaller government and less taxation, however, I don't understand how only tax cuts can end this recession. My confusion stems from trying to understand how tax cuts DIRECTLY helps people who are unemployed and how tax cuts help small businesses that operate in the RED like mine. Please do not tell me that small business will create jobs, because as I mentioned I and many others operate in the red and would not have any more money. Thanks."

first, the question is implied-never directly asked; secondly, i can't do justice to this peice in a sentence or two. but i will do my best to unravel your confusion.

i agree with smaller government & less taxes however, the present regime is going in the opposite direction. obama is 'growing' government at our expense &, if you care to remember, he said he was going to get rid of the programs & agencies that don't work---guess they work fine because in addition to those 30 agencies created by the "BILL", he created another 1 today for the auto industry. sure glad america wants to pay for them.

tax cuts by themselves won't stem the tide. they do need to be coupled with responsible federal spending. the "BILL" has exceedingly little responsible spending in it. yes, we have to take care of those unemployed & those needing medical or mental care---no argument there &, i applaud congress for putting it in there. however, obamas infrastruture projects won't be the 'be all' he rants & raves about. 96% of those jobs will be going to structured, unionized companies per obamas executive order.

the "BILL" contains crap in it concerning small businesses---&, this was one of obamas corner stones during his campaign. but, now that he has your vote, the hell with you. how he got this wrong i don't know but, when you can lay off at 300 or more people at once, you are not small business.

in a nutshell:::to fix this economy we need to keep government out of it. if the gov oversight agencies had of been doing their jobs with diligence, instead of accepting the donations from the big corporations, we would not be in this mess. there is plenty of blame to go around for both parties.

the banks, auto &, housing markets are beyond gov help. if they are left to figure out this mess for themselves (yes, even at the expense of jobs), they will right the ship. the only the gov should be doing is enforce its oversight obligations correctly.

this "BILL" does nothing to stem the flow of lost jobs &, until congress does something about it, jobs will continue to be lost. they have the 'power' to put a freeze on layoffs, etc. scary, isn't it. they even have the power to keep you from withdrawing money from your bank.

several things have to happen at once in order to turn this mess around:::companies will have to produce better & cheaper products in order to compete with foreign goods. this is especially true for the auto industry. they produce a cheap product (& charge you more) &, the nissans & toyotas beat them at their own game. our steel industry has gone to the crapper---german steel is rated better. why's that? &, it's cheaper. need another example---take the name brand sneakers & clothes made overseas & imported here. average name brand of sneakers is easily between $45-$90. it costs more to do the work here & sell it here---there's tax on every step of the process which needs to be lowerd or suspended.

lending institutions are going to have to 'forgive' certain housing loans or, suspend the force-outs indeffinitely.

there are no easy answers but, this "BILL" does not address the concerns of our economy. yes, there are some good things in it but, there is a lot in it that should not be in a stimulus package &, time permitting in the future, we can go into them.

as for the small businesses, perhaps you should write or call obama & remind him of his promises to you. other then that, you just have to hang in there & hope you can make it until better days. & no, i don't put stock in you guys bailing us out of this mess. however, i do recognize the need for you.

america, bailouts don't work but on the other hand, they open the doors for those getting them to come back for more. as it is, the lending markets are going to need at least another two trillion dollars to get rid of all that 'toxic waste'. the auto industry is already at the door with their hands out. the housing market goes hand in hand with lending markets. go figure.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

hello america! you're probably tired of me bashing obama &, for the record, i am too. however, i have to speak my mind based on the facts &, if that leads to obama bashing , so be it. i don't make this stuff up. to see him on tv praising this bill as something that will turn this economic mess around pisses me off &, i'm going to say something about it---it's just that simple.

in a nutshell-the bill is crap. it won't do what obama says it will do. for that matter, he didn't even write it &, it doesn't contain what he really wanted in it. you know it, i know it &, he knows it but, he can't tell you that, so, he has to continue to support it. &, by him being all over tv promoting the 'goodness' of this bill, he's going to sway some of america to his side.

get mad at me all you want, but i speak the truth when i say the following: obamas lack of experience in the washington senate & his lack of leadership experience has hurt him & put his re-election in doubt. oh, he'll still be popular for a while but, that will fade very quickly when america takes a good, hard look at his bill. obama should have drafted a bill for nancy pelosi & her crew detailing exactly what he wanted & didn't want. but, he should have done the following before he even got to the bill.

obama should have invited just 4 people to his office & they are: the majority & minority leader of house & the majority & minority leader of the senate. he should have presented each of them with his own bill. obama should have stood up & took ownership of the bill & that would have solved multiple issues at the door. 1-it would have proved his intent on bipartisan support
2-it would have kept 'pork' out of the bill
3-it would have proved his leadership
instead, he allowed pelosi & company to write & present this bill & now, he's stuck with it. obama knows this bill is crap but, what how can he tell that to america without ruffling the feathers of his fellow democrats & risking losing the faith of the nation? he's stuck & he has himself to blame for it. if he had the experience he would have known that both parties have their own objectives &, he wouldn't have trusted either to carry out his own.

so, in a sense, obama has dug his own political grave &, it all starts with this bill which was supposed to contain no 'earmarks' or 'pork'-his words, not mine-& yet, it's loaded with them &, he has to be held accountable for them. he took the bull by the horn & he's ending up gored.

america, no matter what tv station or radio station you see or hear obama on, he has no defense or acceptable explanation for the following which comes to you from

Questionable or Non-Stimulative Spending:

$50 million for the National Endowment for the Arts
$2 billion for the Neighborhood Stabilization Fund, providing funds to organizations such as ACORN, which has been accused of practicing unlawful voter registration in recent elections
$10 million for the inspection of canals in urban areas
$100 million for grants to small shipyards
$198 million to authorize payments to certain Filipino veterans from WWII
$300 million for the Energy Efficient Appliance Rebate Program
$2 billion to support the manufacturing of advanced vehicle batteries
$1 billion for Community Development Block Grants
$1.3 billion for Amtrak, including $450 million for a new rail security grant program not included in either the House-passed or the Senate-passed bills
$300 million for federal procurement of plug-in and fuel efficient vehicles
$8 billion for a High Speed Passenger Rail Program, after the House did not include any funding for the program and the Senate included $2 billion, which will fund at least one project from Las Vegas to Los Angeles
$15 million for historic preservation at historically black colleges and universities
$170 million for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration to research the causes, effects, and ways to mitigate climate change
$200 million for Americorps and other paid "volunteerism" programs
$400 million for NASA to accelerate climate research missions
$5.5 billion for federal buildings (GSA), including $4.5 billion to convert federal buildings into "high-performance green buildings" and $450 million for a new headquarters for the Department of Homeland Security.
$210 million for a new grant program to modify and upgrade local fire stations
$142 million for the Coast Guard to alter or remove 4 obstructive bridges
$25 million for the Smithsonian Institution for maintenance backlogs
$1 billion for expenses in conjunction with the 2010 decennial census
$650 million for Digital-to-Analog Converter Box Coupons
$1 billion for a Prevention and Wellness Fund, which can be used for sexually transmitted disease (STD) education and prevention programs at the CDC
$500 million to replace a 30-year old computer system at the Social Security Administration
$500 million for a health professions training program-funding which an earlier committee report said were allocated because "a key component of attaining universal health care reform will be ensuring the supply of primary care providers."

america, this is your money being spent without them even asking you if this is what you wanted to spend it on. yes, there are some good things in this bill but, none of them are in the above.

Saturday, February 14, 2009


hello america! hope you brought your lunch with you because this is going to be a lengthy writing.

while obama is busy giving a thumbs up to the passage of the stimulus bill as a feather in his cap, anybody with the iq of a brick can see that this bill is a dagger in the backs of this nation.

when you take all the factors into consideration such as: the housing market; the banking & loan market; the auto market; the unemployment market; &, you couple them with this bill &, some of the executive orders obama has signed, you'll know that the democrats in both the house & senate not only wasted their time, they also wasted our money. the sad part of this is, they got what they wanted & you didn't get what you needed.

the main theme for this bill has always been the economy, jobs, the middle class &, small businesses . & all obamas been talking about infrastructure jobs, then it was creating jobs, then he added preserving jobs.

well america, if you ever wanted to try & prove to me that i don't deserve the name knowitall-now is your chance...

there is nothing in this bill that is going to make you go out there & spend your money to help the economy recover. NOTHING! yes, people will go out there & buy a new car or a new house to take advantage of the tax angle but, that's going to be the people that can afford it in the first place. most working americans now know there is no longer job security in the civilian work place & will spend money begrudgingly because tomorrow they could be in the unemployment line or the welfare line. &, this bill does nothing to keep that from happening. there is nothing in this bill to protect their savings or any other type of investment. NOTHING!

most of america is worried about making ends meet & the $13 a week 'raise' they'll get in their paychecks doesn't start until june 09 & is reduced to $8 a week next year. so, i ask, anybody, what is in this bill for them to help reverse the flow of this economy? that $13 a week won't even buy them a ticket to see a show by the national endowment for the arts. THERE'S NOTHING!

please tell me how many new jobs will this bill create? just take a guess? obama is the only one going around telling you it will create 2-4 million new jobs. even the 8 democrats that wrote it can't tell you. most of the democrats that the media has polled don't know &/or they duck the question. all the 'experts' on the various news show don't even know. they just know it won't be a lot.

in truth, the bill was not written to create a lot of new jobs---yes, there will be a lot of new work going on but, if it's federal building or federally funded-the jobs go to the unions first as per obamas executive order of friday/02/06/09 although there will be some waivers &, the 'buy america' clause is still there although there will be waivers. in short, you can expect to see the same old companies doing the same old work that were out there last year. it's amazing how they're the only ones to get those government contracts-year after year (from the city/county on up). there is very little in this bill for the creation of new jobs &, what little there is is not enough to dent the economy or the unemployment figures. VERY LITTLE!

&, by giving our money to the states to preserve jobs is crap. if the states were more frugal in their spending, they wouldn't be running into all these deficits. i see this as a form of the 'pay-for-play' scheme. when pa gov rendell hosted the govs convention in philly with obama, he had said pa didn't 'need' any federal funding yet, he left that convention knowing pa was getting federal funds but didn't know how much. maybe i'm reaching but, didn't rendell raise millions for obama? the job preservation obama told you about is not there. there is nothing in this bill to keep a company like walmart's or sears from letting you go. what's in it to keep dominoes from laying off people? NOTHING!

let's see, surely there must be something in this bill for you. i mean, after all, obama was going around the country saying how he wanted to help you guys so wait, i'm looking. don't worry-i'm still looking. don't give up-there just has to be something. maybe because the package in the bill to preserve & expand small businesses is so big i can't see it. oh, here it is:::something about NOL (net operating loss) & there's a bonus depreciation thing & they all depend on eligibility. SORRY! perhaps you should call obama, i'm sure he just forgot. SORRY!

come on middle class america---please tell me you found all the goodies in this bill for you that obama told you you were due. please make me change my name from knowitall to knowalittle.

i can only imagine that in the democratic congressional rush to get this bill to obama, they must have dropped hundreds of pages with your goodies in them. this bill is not what you needed, wanted or, expected. but obama didn't forget you---he's about to saddle you a with massive debt that will never be fully repaid. we can't just print the money & we can't just borrow it from ourselves---obama will have to go outside of our borders to get the money &, it won't be to those countries that are going to recieve your money for abortions. (OH, HE NEVER MENTIONED THAT TO YOU?) well, where did you think the money was coming from in the first place? makes you feel good & secure to know that china will own your children & grandchildren & great grandchildren for eons to come, doesn't it? &, the democrats are truely upset that there isn't more spending in the bill. regardless of what obama told you in securing your vote, he is growing government at your expense & that's the bottom line & you're going to get less bang for your buck (that is if you still get a buck).

come monday when obama signs the bill into law, he will have created about 20 plus new government agencies.

don't get me wrong about this bill---there are some good things in it but, there are some things that should not be in a bill that's supposed to stimulate the economy, create & preserve jobs, relieve the burdon on the middle class &, help small businesses.

middle class america, you always were a soft touch so you shouldn't be too upset that obama & his bill will allow illegal aliens to recieve health care, jobs &, income tax checks at your expense.
the majority of america voted for obama & this bill is his way of thanking them.

here america. before you try to convince yourself that i'm crazy, look for yourself. this comes from & matches up with the bill perfectly.

Questionable or Non-Stimulative Spending:
$50 million for the National Endowment for the Arts
$2 billion for the Neighborhood Stabilization Fund, providing funds to organizations such as ACORN, which has been accused of practicing unlawful voter registration in recent elections
$10 million for the inspection of canals in urban areas
$100 million for grants to small shipyards
$198 million to authorize payments to certain Filipino veterans from WWII
$300 million for the Energy Efficient Appliance Rebate Program
$2 billion to support the manufacturing of advanced vehicle batteries
$1 billion for Community Development Block Grants
$1.3 billion for Amtrak, including $450 million for a new rail security grant program not included in either the House-passed or the Senate-passed bills
$300 million for federal procurement of plug-in and fuel efficient vehicles
$8 billion for a High Speed Passenger Rail Program, after the House did not include any funding for the program and the Senate included $2 billion, which will fund at least one project from Las Vegas to Los Angeles
$15 million for historic preservation at historically black colleges and universities
$170 million for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration to research the causes, effects, and ways to mitigate climate change
$200 million for Americorps and other paid "volunteerism" programs
$400 million for NASA to accelerate climate research missions
$5.5 billion for federal buildings (GSA), including $4.5 billion to convert federal buildings into "high-performance green buildings" and $450 million for a new headquarters for the Department of Homeland Security.
$210 million for a new grant program to modify and upgrade local fire stations
$142 million for the Coast Guard to alter or remove 4 obstructive bridges
$25 million for the Smithsonian Institution for maintenance backlogs
$1 billion for expenses in conjunction with the 2010 decennial census
$650 million for Digital-to-Analog Converter Box Coupons
$1 billion for a Prevention and Wellness Fund, which can be used for sexually transmitted disease (STD) education and prevention programs at the CDC
$500 million to replace a 30-year old computer system at the Social Security Administration
$500 million for a health professions training program-funding which an earlier committee report said were allocated because "a key component of attaining universal health care reform will be ensuring the supply of primary care providers."

america, i'm sure you're very happy with the way obama is about to spend your money. the above 24 examples are proof that you needed this as a people to prevent a "catastrophy"---obamas words not mine &, if you can't see why the democrats rail-roaded this bill through, you're in luck...i'm here to tell you why.

the above spending is for midterm elections, pet projects &, pay-back favors. &, i'm extremely happy to say, they are not for the republicans (with the exception of 3 of them) & 7 democrats in the house. the republicans took a party stand & i think they did the right thing.

whether you read the bill in simple language from or read it from another site like, you're going to ask the same questions i did & if you come up with the same answers i got i'll promote you knowitalljuniors.

unless you're unemployed, need welfare or, one of the democrats owes you a favor, this bill is not for you. AM I WRONG IN MY THINKING AMERICA-AM I WRONG?

Friday, February 13, 2009


hello america! there are many sites to go to to read the (non) economic stimulus bill that passed the through the house today but, the best one i've found is "". the rest of them have you reading a lot of crap (1,000 plus pages) that doesn't make sense. so, i'm going to do you a favor & copy the mere 8 pages here for you. at the end of reading it, feel free to leave me a message about the 2-4 million jobs it will preserve &/or create. also tell me how it helps you. thanks-knowitall

H.R. 1 Conference Report
Conference Report—The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act

Rep. Obey, David R. (Appropriations Committee)

February 14, 2009111th Congress, 1st Session

The conference report to H.R. 1 totals $792 billion in new spending and tax provisions. The final cost is $30 billion less than the House-passed bill and $49 billion less than the Senate substitute. In order to reach this level, the conference report reduces a number of tax provisions-including the Presidents "Making Work Pay Tax Credit" and an important tax benefit for companies with current losses-and includes an amount of discretionary spending between the Senate and House levels. The conference report also restores billions in spending from the House bill, which the Senate had initially removed or reduced. The highlights of the conference report are as follows:


Questionable or Non-Stimulative Spending:

$50 million for the National Endowment for the Arts
$2 billion for the Neighborhood Stabilization Fund, providing funds to organizations such as ACORN, which has been accused of practicing unlawful voter registration in recent elections
$10 million for the inspection of canals in urban areas
$100 million for grants to small shipyards
$198 million to authorize payments to certain Filipino veterans from WWII
$300 million for the Energy Efficient Appliance Rebate Program
$2 billion to support the manufacturing of advanced vehicle batteries
$1 billion for Community Development Block Grants
$1.3 billion for Amtrak, including $450 million for a new rail security grant program not included in either the House-passed or the Senate-passed bills
$300 million for federal procurement of plug-in and fuel efficient vehicles
$8 billion for a High Speed Passenger Rail Program, after the House did not include any funding for the program and the Senate included $2 billion, which will fund at least one project from Las Vegas to Los Angeles
$15 million for historic preservation at historically black colleges and universities
$170 million for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration to research the causes, effects, and ways to mitigate climate change
$200 million for Americorps and other paid "volunteerism" programs
$400 million for NASA to accelerate climate research missions
$5.5 billion for federal buildings (GSA), including $4.5 billion to convert federal buildings into "high-performance green buildings" and $450 million for a new headquarters for the Department of Homeland Security.
$210 million for a new grant program to modify and upgrade local fire stations
$142 million for the Coast Guard to alter or remove 4 obstructive bridges
$25 million for the Smithsonian Institution for maintenance backlogs
$1 billion for expenses in conjunction with the 2010 decennial census
$650 million for Digital-to-Analog Converter Box Coupons
$1 billion for a Prevention and Wellness Fund, which can be used for sexually transmitted disease (STD) education and prevention programs at the CDC
$500 million to replace a 30-year old computer system at the Social Security Administration
$500 million for a health professions training program-funding which an earlier committee report said were allocated because "a key component of attaining universal health care reform will be ensuring the supply of primary care providers."

Unemployment Insurance Extension: Extends the current extension of unemployment insurance (UI), which is scheduled to expire on March 31, 2009, through December 31, 2009. The extension is estimated to cost $27 billion.

Roads and Bridges: Despite calls by Democrats for increased infrastructure spending to create jobs, a relatively small share of the total $792 billion package is devoted to transportation infrastructure-$47 billion or 5.9% and only $27.5 billion ($2.5 billion less than the House-passed level) or 3.4% for highway construction. Some proponents of the conference report are claiming as much as $150 billion will flow to "infrastructure" but this assumes that building federal buildings, public housing, etc., qualify as infrastructure.

State Stabilization Fund: Provides $53.6 billion for "State Fiscal Stabilization Fund," which will be distributed to States based on total population and school-aged population. The majority of the funds will be used to support public elementary, secondary, and higher education. The House bill approved $79 billion for the fund, which the Senate reduced to $39 billion. Of this funding, $6 billion may be used for school modernization and repair.


Making Work Pay Tax Credit: Reduces the amount of the refundable "Making Work Pay Tax Credit" from $500 to $400 for an individual and from $1,000 to $800 for joint filers. In addition, the conference report would restore the $75,000 individual earnings eligibility cap for the refundable portion of the tax credit that was in the House version of the bill. The Senate had lowered this eligibility cap to $70,000 for an individual filer (twice as much for a married couple filing jointly). These changes would reduce the cost of the "Making Work Pay Tax Credit" by $29 billion-from $145 billion in the House bill to $116 billion. The tax credit itself would phase out at $95,000 for single filers ($190,000 for joint filers).

Child Tax Credit: Temporarily expands eligibility for the child tax credit by lowering the $8,500 earnings floor to $3,000. Under current law, the child tax credit is refundable up to 15% of a taxpayer's earnings above $8,500. The House bill eliminated the $8,500 earnings floor, which cost $18.2 billion, while the Senate bill simply lowered the earnings threshold to $8,100, costing $7.2 billion. The conference report would set the floor at $3,000, costing $14.8 billion.

First-Time Homebuyer Tax Credit: Expands the current tax credit for first-time homebuyers, raising the maximum tax credit, extending it through November, 2009, and removing a provision that requires the credit to be repaid over time. The original provision, which was added to the Senate bill by amendment, would have given any homebuyer purchasing a primary residence in 2009 a $15,000 tax credit. The conference report reduction would decrease the deficit impact of the provision from $35 billion to $6.6 billion.

College Tax Credit: Creates the American Opportunity Tax Credit, which gives tax credits to students and parents for the cost of post-secondary tuition and expenses. The conference report provides $2,500 in tax credits per student and in 2009 and 2010. 40% of this tax credit would be refundable. This provision would cost $13.9 billion.

NOL Carryback: Reduces the amount of the net operating loss (NOL) carryback provisions by limiting eligible businesses and only providing credit for 2008 losses. The conference report limits the five year NOL carryback to losses that occurred in 2008 for businesses with less than $15 million in annual receipts. Both the House and Senate bills extended this carryback period from two years to five years for all businesses, providing a tax cut of $17 billion. The reduced provision in the conference report saves American businesses only $947 million.

Bonus Depreciation: Extends bonus depreciation that allows businesses to make a tax deduction of 50% of the cost of depreciable capital expenditures within the first year of the property's purchase. Normally, depreciable property deductions are taken over time based on a depreciation formula. The 50% first-year deduction would be extended by this legislation through 2009-retroactively effective for any property put into service after December 31, 2008. This provision would save taxpayers $5 billion.

School Construction Bonds: Creates a new category of tax-credit bonds, known as qualified school construction bonds. Tax-credit bonds are bonds on which the federal government pays interest in the form of tax credits against the federal income tax liability of the bondholder. The qualified school construction bonds would be issued by State and local governments for the construction, repair, rehabilitation, acquisition, or debt reduction of public schools. This provision would cost $9.9 billion.

Vehicle Sales Tax: Allows taxpayers to deduct state sales tax on new car purchases in 2009. The Senate added an amendment to the legislation that would make all interest payments on car loans and state car sales tax deductible. The provision would have had a deficit impact of $11.5 billion, which the conference report reduces to less than $1.7 billion.

AMT: Provides a one year Alternative Minimum Tax "patch," which prevents middle-income taxpayers from being subject to a tax increase in 2009. This provision, included in the Senate bill, would save taxpayers approximately $70 billion.

Unemployment Benefits: Excludes up to $2,400 of 2009 unemployment from tax. Any unemployment insurance benefit above $2,400 would be subject to regular taxation. This provision would save taxpayers $4.7 billion.

COBRA Subsidy: Provides a 65% federal subsidy to laid off individuals electing COBRA continuation coverage from their former employers. The subsidy will extend for up to nine months, as opposed to 12 months in the House bill. The report also limits eligibility to individuals with adjusted gross incomes of under $145,000 and families with incomes of under $290,000. These changes reduce the cost of the provision from $40.7 billion in the House bill to $25.1 billion. In addition, the conference report does not include language in the House bill that would permit former employees over age 55, or those with at least 10 years of service with the employer, to remain on COBRA until becoming eligible for Medicare.

Qualifying Individual Program: Extends for 12 months, through December 2010, the Qualifying Individual program, which provides assistance through Medicaid for low-income seniors to pay their Medicare premiums, at a cost of $562 million. The House bill included no such provision.
Medicaid Assistance to States: Includes a compromise between the House and Senate formulae for the $87 billion increase in the federal Medicaid match, whereby approximately 65% of the increase is provided on an across-the-board basis, with the remaining 35% allocated to states experiencing high unemployment. By contrast, the House bill spent the same overall amount, but targeted 50% of the additional Medicaid spending to high-unemployment states, with the remaining half providing an across-the-board increase.

Medicaid for the Unemployed: Removes language in the House bill that would have created a new entitlement for individuals receiving unemployment assistance to receive Medicare benefits fully funded by the federal government at a 100% match rate.

Comparative Effectiveness Research: Provides $1.1 billion to conduct "comparative effectiveness research" to evaluate the effectiveness of different healthcare interventions, and removes bipartisan Senate language stating such funding must be used only for clinical research, as opposed to research taking cost into account as well. Despite non-binding report language stating that the funding is not intended to be used to mandate coverage policies, some Members may be concerned that the money for comparative effectiveness research could eventually be used to sanction government rationing of health care goods and services, consistent with an earlier committee report that said that "more expensive [treatments] will no longer be prescribed" as a result of such research.

Health IT-Financial Incentives: Maintains House language providing maximum incentive payments to hospitals of up to $6.37 million in the first year and $15.9 million over four years, and includes provisions not in the House legislation expanding incentive payments to include critical access hospitals. Expands eligibility for Medicaid health IT incentive payments to include nurse practitioners, mid-wives, dentists, and physician assistants in rural health clinics.

Accelerates the penalties for non-usage of electronic health record technology; physician incentive payments will stop in 2014, as opposed to 2015 in the House bill, and penalties will begin in 2015 for non-users, as opposed to 2016 in the House bill. Includes a 10% bonus payment for all physicians practicing in underserved areas-a provision not included in either bill. Increases implementation funding for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) by including $340 million in additional mandatory spending.

Health IT-Privacy Provisions: Removes most of the technical changes to the privacy provisions added to the bill in the Senate. The bill maintains the onerous notification requirements, increased penalties, and lawsuit authority for state attorneys general present in the House bill; some Members may be concerned that these provisions, by increasing business' costs and raising the possibility of additional class-action lawsuits, may impede rather than promote the adoption of health information technology.

Other Provisions; Earmarks: Imposes moratoria on hospice regulations from taking effect, and makes certain "technical corrections" regarding long-term care hospitals, specifically as it relates to implementation of a rule for referrals from non co-located facilities. According to CMS, at least one of these "corrections" will affect only three hospitals-two located in North Dakota, and one located in Connecticut. Some Members may believe this provision constitutes an authorizing earmark, and therefore believe its inclusion is inconsistent with President Obama's pledge that economic recovery legislation should not include any "pork-barrel" spending.


Essential Abstinence Education Funding Eliminated: Extends for 18 months-through December 31, 2010-the Transitional Medical Assistance (TMA) program that provides Medicaid benefits for low-income families transitioning from welfare to work. Traditionally, the TMA provisions have been coupled with an extension of Title V Abstinence Education funding during the passage of health care bills. However, the Title V funds were excluded from the bill language and will expire on July 1, 2009 absent further action. Given the Obama Administration's desire for bipartisan agreement on economic stimulus provisions, some Members may be concerned by the removal of the Title V abstinence education funding and the potential end of this program. Some Members may be concerned that while abstinence education receives only $176 million annually (through both Title V and the Community Based Abstinence Education program), contraceptives and family planning already receive $1.6 billion of federal funding.

E-Verify: Removes language to require anyone receiving a contract paid for with funding from the bill to use the government's E-Verify program in order to ensure taxpayer money is not used to hire illegal workers.

Welfare Reform Rollback: Includes $5 billion to create a new Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) welfare program emergency fund. The emergency fund would be used to provide money to States that increase TANF caseloads or provide increased short-term cash benefits. The bill waives requirements that obligate states to consider rising caseloads when determining TANF work requirements. Thus, the legislation would encourage States to increase caseloads without increasing the number of individuals required to obtain work, which was a key component of the 1996 welfare reform that has dramatically decreased the number of Americans dependent on welfare.

Davis-Bacon: Applies Davis-Bacon requirements to all government contracts flowing from the bill, thus requiring that employees will be paid no less than the prevailing wage for similar jobs in the locality/vicinity.

Buy American: Encourages the purchase of American goods (steel, iron, etc.) for stimulus funded government contracts, but includes language adopted by the Senate intended to waive any requirement in the Stimulus Act which would preclude adherence to current World Trade Organization treaties. The Senate language was adopted after pressure from the European Union over earlier "Buy American" provisions that were seen by the EU as a violation of current WTO treaties.

Debt Limit Increase: Increase the statutory limit on public debt from $11.3 trillion to $12.1 trillion.

POSSIBLE MEMBER CONCERNS WITH CONFERENCE REPORTCost Per Family: According to the Census Bureau, there are 116.8 million households in the U.S. A total cost of $1.1 trillion for the bill ($792 billion for the legislation plus at least $300 billion in debt service to pay for it) amounts to a per-family cost of at least $9,418 in new spending/debt.

State Bailout: Provides $87 billion for Medicaid spending for states and $53.6 billion for the State Fiscal Stabilization Fund. According to the liberal Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, the total budget deficit for the States collectively for the remainder of Fiscal Year 2009 is $43 billion. Given that the federal government’s Fiscal Year 2009 deficit is already projected at $1.2 trillion—or 27.5 times greater than the total State shortfall—it is hard to understand why the Democrats would choose to further exacerbate the federal deficit, especially since most States are subject to balanced budget requirements whereas the federal government is not.

Healthcare Rationing: Provides $1.1 billion to conduct “comparative effectiveness research” to evaluate the effectiveness of different preventative healthcare interventions. Some Members may be concerned that the money for comparative effectiveness research could eventually be used to sanction government rationing of health care goods and services, consistent with the draft House Appropriations Committee report that said that “more expensive [treatments] will no longer be prescribed” as a result of such research.

Record Deficit Spending: According to CBO, under current law, the federal deficit will rise to a record $1.2 trillion, or 8.3% of GDP, in 2009. Even without this massive spending bill, the deficit will be by far the highest on record in both nominal terms and as a percentage of GDP during peacetime, easily exceeding the previous record of 6% in 1983 and the highest New Deal level of 5.9% in 1934. The estimated cost of debt services for the $820 billion House passed bill was $347 billion. When that rough number is applied to the conference report, the total ten year cost of the bill increases to a staggering $1.13 trillion.

Massive Spending: According to the Federal Reserve, $789.5 billion is almost as much as all the money currently in circulation in the U.S. ($829 billion). If the “stimulus” legislation were a nation’s GDP, it would be the 16th largest economy in the world.

Lowers GDP: The Congressional Budget Office, in analyzing the long-term economic impact of H.R. 1, noted that both the House and Senate versions of the bill are likely “to reduce GDP by between zero and 0.2 percent” in the years after 2014. The same CBO analysis indicates that the effect of this GDP reduction will be reflected in lower wages for workers. Some Members may therefore be concerned that at best the “stimulus” will yield no net long-term benefit for the American economy, and at worst—by displacing private capital for government-financed deficit spending—may result in reduced long-term growth and stagnant wages for American workers.

Long-Term Fiscal Impact: A Congressional Budget Office analysis of the spending provisions in the House-passed version of H.R. 1 found that extending the spending levels in several politically popular programs—such as Head Start, Medicaid, food stamps, and the Earned Income Tax Credit—would cost an additional $1.7 trillion over ten years. When added to the $820 billion cost (the original House-passed level) of the underlying “stimulus” legislation, and the estimated $744 billion cost of servicing the debt on the stimulus, CBO estimated the bill would cost $3.2 trillion if the major House spending provisions are extended. Some Members may therefore be concerned that the funding “cliffs” included in the legislation mask the true long-term costs of the new spending and expanded entitlements created in the bill.

Refundable Tax Credits: Contains billions in refundable tax credits to provide direct payments to individuals that that pay little or no income taxes. Unlike tax cuts, these refunds do little to spur growth, create more jobs, or stimulate the economy and are more similar to new spending through tax policy than actual tax cuts.

Largest Spending Bill Ever: According to the Congressional Research Service, the largest appropriations bill considered by Congress in nominal terms was the continuing resolution and Defense appropriations measure (P.L. 110-329) passed last fall, which appropriated $636 billion. Some Members may be concerned about the long-term implications of passing an even larger spending measure, particularly given the $700 billion (plus $108 billion in tax relief) obligated by Congress as part of the Troubled Asset Recovery Program (P.L. 110-343) last October.

On January 28, 2009, the House passed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act by a vote of 244-188, without a single Republican supporting the bill and 11 Democrats opposing. As passed by the House, the Democrat spending bill cost $821 billion. The bill contained $361 billion in new discretionary spending, $278 billion in increased mandatory spending, and $182 billion in tax provisions.
The Senate increased the size and scope of spending in the massive "stimulus" bill, driving the cost of the bill to more than $920 billion-or $100 billion more than the House bill. Approximately $70 billion of that increase provided for a one year AMT patch. In addition, the Senate added $47 billion with amendments that further drove up the cost of the bill, including an amendment that provided a federal income tax credit of up to $15,000 for homebuyers who purchase new principal residences in 2009 and a $6 billion increase for the National Institutes of Health.
The Senate then came to an agreement with three Republican senators, allowing the legislation to proceed for a vote on the floor and overcome the Senate's super-majority procedural hurdles. The agreement reduced the cost of the Senate bill from $920 billion to $841 billion-or $20 billion more than the House bill. To reach this funding level, the Senate cut the base bill through a combined reduction of spending and tax provisions, while retaining all of the floor amendments, resulting in a cost of $841 billion. However, the estimated cost of debt services for the $820 billion House-passed bill was an additional $347 billion over ten years. When the debt service cost is added on to the Senate package, the total ten year cost of the Senate bill approaches a staggering $1.2 trillion.
After the Senate passed the measure-considered as an amendment in the nature of a substitute offered by Sens. Nelson (D-NE) and Collins (R-ME)-by a vote of 61-37, the bill was sent to a conference committee between the House and the Senate to reconcile the differences with the two bills, resulting in the conference report the House will soon consider.

Thursday, February 12, 2009


hello america! this writing is a knock on those that supported obamas run to the whitehouse. but,
let's not get it twisted, i am not knocking your right for voting for him. i support that right & will never degrade it. so, with that being said, let's get to it.

the first thing obama did after getting sworn in was to raise your taxes in such a way as to blind you to his doing it. &, he did it with just the stroke of a pen---he didn't even need congress to help him. obama used his executive powers to lift the ban on the usage of federal money to foreign non-governmental organizations for abortions & abortion education. not surprisingly, abortion advocates are already lining up at the door for the money---your money. bet when you became an obamaholic, you never thought your dollars would be funding abortions on residents of third world countries. oh, & in case you didn't know, federal money is your taxes.

now, don't get me wrong, it's a good thing when we, as a nation, can help those less priviledged regardless of where they are but, with all the crap & turmoil going on right here, you'd think obama would think of us first. after all, he was running around the country telling us how bad our economy was & is &, that he was the only one that could fix it.

a lot of you didn't even listen to that joe-the-plumber & obama incident about spreading the wealth but you will &, the above is just the beginning of it. &, if you think only the wealthy are going to be paying the way, i'm still here to tell you that you're crazy. IN THESE DIRE TIMES!

want more proof of obamas bad intentions for your money---i've got plenty.

when obama signed the state children's health insurance program (schip) into law, he did so by raising the federal tax on a pack of cigarettes .62 to $1. to help pay for it. (bet you obamaholic smoking supporters are happy about that). it is to my understanding that in order for families to sign up for this, they just have to present a social security card, no picture id required. america, there are a lot of good phony social security cards out there---i know, because i managed a temporary employment agency in allentown, pa. so, when you hear congresspeople talking about illegal aliens getting health care, you better believe it. but, doesn't this make you want to run out there & buy a few extra cartons of cigarettes? IN THESE DIRE TIMES!

but, keep the faith. with the final closing of gitmo will come the housing problems & costs for the
detainees. the only countries that really want them are countries like iran, syria &, yemen. so,
coming soon to you will be the detainees & a bill for their confinement from the federal government. you're finally getting it---federal dollars means your taxes. after all, obama is really looking out for you & the good of this country. IN THESE DIRE TIMES!

still not ready to say uncle? good---i loath quitters.

obama likes you so much & wants to take care of you so badly that he's going around the country telling you how great this "AMERICAN RECOVERY & REINVESTMENT ACT" is &, that it needs passage now &, negatizing (like that word?) the republicans role in their resistance to it &, without it, america is facing a catastrophy we may never recover from &, this bill will have absolutely no 'ear marks/pork projects' in it. if i were waking up for the first time tomorrow & reading this, i would be jumping for joy. but, alas, i've been doing my homework, & sadly, you're not going to like the results...&, please remember, the stated purpose of this bill is to stimulate the economy---even says so on the bill.

here's the facts: the bill cuts the tax credits for the middle class; the bill cuts the tax credit for first time home buyers; the bill cuts the tax credit for new car buyers; the bill provides funding for a rail system in harry rieds back yard; the bill provides funding for rats/mice in nancy pelosis back yard; the bill provides funding for NASA (they can take the unemployed into space & get them jobs up there); the bill provides funding for 30 plus federal government new agencies (that should make you real happy); the bill provides funding for infrastructure repair & building---for which obama says should go to unionized labor. this bill provides funding for everything but something to make you go out there & spend your money. IN THESE DIRE TIMES!

before i go on, the word 'funding' in the above paragraph means federal dollars & by now you should know obama is talking about your money.

30 new agencies & at what cost to you? has obama even mentioned the cost to you? i remember obama debating with mccain & saying that he would eliminate government programs & agencies that don't work, do you? yet here he is, expanding the growth of government with 30 new agencies amidst a time when government is struggling to remain afloat.

oh, how stupid of me, you think obama & his crew are going to pay for all of the above out of their own pocket. man, why didn't you tell me?

obamas bill as is would net you a savings of about $600. a year (about $12. a week)---&, don't forget michelle "$750 a dress" obama bashing bush for his $600 rebate to you saying "it would only buy a pair of earings". please enjoy that $12. & spend it in a way that will turn this economy around---for that matter, invest it in obamas global green planet stock.

&, don't forget, nancy pelosi is waiting in the wings to undo all of bushs tax programs.

so, yeah, obama lied to you about raising your taxes & growing government but, the sad thing is, this is just the beginning. IN THESE DIRE TIMES!


hello america! when obama was campaigning last year, i was going around telling people that he would raise taxes no matter what he said. i even wrote a few things on that subject. well, this is one time i hate to say i told you so because it affects me also.

now, don't get me wrong, i think all americans that can't afford health care should be able to get the care they need, when they need it, where they need it &, regardless of why they need it. that being said...

...just don't expand the health care system & health care coverage & then lie to me about not raising my taxes. obama, when mcain said you were going to raise our taxes you responded by lieing to america that you wouldn't. however, you did raise my taxes in a spindless way but, that's what i expect of you.

while you were running around telling america how great this health bill is for them, did you take the time to tell them you raised the tax on their cigarettes to pay for it? or is this another of those asides you continue to so conviently forget to mention? you touted the passage of the state children's health insurance program (schip) as your downpayment on your "commitment to cover every single american", & yet, not one word from you about raising the federal tax on a pack of cigarettes 62 lousy cents. no, in your open & honest administration you could not admit that.

obama, you don't surprise me. i knew you were sneaky & deceptive & would expand government &, you'll raise our taxes any way you can---you're too liberal to do it any other way.

when all is said & done, obama, you're legacy will be one of expanding government & outspending every administration before yours. &, your legacy will also include all that you did to hurt this great nation.


hello america! are we a stupid people? time after time we make the same mistakes when it comes to electing our representatives to washington. in this case, i'm refering to democrat representative barney franks, mass. my question is why is still in office? how can we allow him to have anything to do with finance committees? his record record for supporting fannie mae speaks for itself.

being from the east coast, i just assumed that everybody else from there was at least as smart as i think i am. am i ever wrong in thinking that. it seems the good people of mass don't messure up. how else can you explain their continued support of franks?

i've been writing about franks for a year now &, none of it was good---he doesn't do good things.
research this article when you can-there are many more like it out there-just google barney franks & see for yourself.

Media Mum on Barney Frank's Fannie Mae Love Connection Democratic House Financial Services Committee Chair promoted GSEs while former 'spouse' was Fannie Mae executive. By Jeff Poor Business & Media Institute9/24/2008 4:00:57 PM

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


hello america! another subject i'm tired of hearing smoothed over is obamas honesty with the american public. some media outlets still cover up his lies & then represent them to us as mistakes. if you care to remember, they did this throughout obamas campaigning:::rev wright; tony rezko; william ayers; bernadine dohrn; alexi giannoulias; madeline talbert; khalid al-mansour; rod blagojevich; acorn; islam: odinga. time & time again they either kept it suppressed or they put the focus on something else.

let me break it down this way::::::::::
1...obama didn't hear or didn't understand the sermons of hate yet he attended that church for
20 years.
2...obama didn't know rezko that well but he ended up with an extra sweet house deal from him.
3...obama didn't know the history of ayers & dorhn & yet he was on the board with ayers & they
hosted his coming out party.
4...obama didn't know this man very well & yet they raised money for each others campaign.
5...obama hasn't said much about talbert but he worked for her, issued grants to her, & he
trained the 'troops' for her---by the way, talbert is acorn.
6...obama sent islam under the bus by his denial of them yet he was raised as a muslim.
7...most of the media has remained silent concerning obama & odinga but, google him & you'll
know for yourself. obama went over there to campaign for him.
8...khalid al-mansour asked percy sutton to write a letter for obama to get him into harvard.
this issue is very mysterious. google this for your own take on it.
9...obama denied any wrong-doing with rod blagojevich. it will come out in time.

all these denials & the distancing of himself from the shady characters that he did associate with should prove to you that he lied to us then & this was before he was elected. his lies since being elected are:
1...tranparency: the closed doors sessions involving clinton, holder, geithner, & other obama
nominations with the senate confirmation hearing committee. clinton has conflict of
interests problems, holder was involved in 2 questionable clemency issues & was a lobbyist,
geithner had tax problems. what's strange about all of this is they were nominated &
confirmed to the very areas they were having problems in. please, google all three of them
for yourself. & honest administration: not this admin. obama will only let out what he needs out & he
runs a very tight ship. there is not an honest bone in obamas body. for me to believe in his
honesty, he would first have to set the record straight about several issues. he would have
to admit that he lied about bush's economic policies & that he was a main player in 'forcing'
banks/lending institutions into making risky loans (buycks-roberson v. citibank fed sav
bank 162. F.R.D. 322 N.D. ill.1995). look it up & you'll see how honest this man has not been
with you.
3...ethics: not this admin. i will make a list of some of the people obama has either hired & list
their problems at the end of this writing. you be the judge.
4...bipartisan: not this admin. if obama really had wanted bipartisan support for this crappy bill
he would have invited the majority & minority leaders of both parties from the house & the
senate to his office with a camera crew present, gave them each a list of his 'wants' for a bill
& settled all debates right there. not obama. he called them to his office as serparate parties
at separate times. a big joke on you if you think he is really reaching across the isle.
5...hiring lobbyists: i wrote an article 1/30/09 tittled "i'm obama & i'll decide what rules to
follow" on this site listing 12 lobbyist obama has hired. so much for honesty. as usual: you can bet on it. look at how many 'insiders' obama has 'hired' &, it all
started with joe biden. now you can build a brand new horserace track, put new clothing on
the horses &, bring in new jockys' but, when you run the race with the same old tired ass
horses you get the same old tired ass results.

HERE IS YOUR LIST---but don't take my word, google them all & know for yourself that obama
has stacked the deck with people you don't want there...

1...hilary clinton as sec of state---conflict of interest issuses with her husband & his foundation.
there are plenty of articles out there concerning this conflict of interest & you should just
google it. obama & company settled this behind closed doors but the issue is far from
resolved. obama tells us she is the best choice for this position-yeah, right.
2...timothy geithner as sec of treasury---tax problem issues & this also was settled behind closed
doors. & obama tells you that he is the only one that can help us (out of 305 million
americans) out of this mess-yeah, right.
3...hilda solis as sec of labor---tax problem issues (not hers-her husbands). how can she take
charge of the labor dep't when she can't take care of her own house but, obama tells us she is
the best person for the job-yeah, right.
4...tom daschle as sec of health & human services---big tax problem issues/conflict if interest
issues-a.his wife linda is one of washingtons top lobbyist & represents companies in front of
the executive & legislative branch regularly.
b.daschle was a special public policy adviser at the law firm of alston & bird-not a
c.daschle was obamas early mentor & even sent his own top people to work for obama
during obamas campaigning.
this was obama repaying daschle/not business as usual & obama had to tell us daschle was the
best man for the job-yeah, right...DASCHLE WITHDREW
5...nancy killefer as 1st chief performance officer---tax problem issues-didn't pay her
housekeepers unemployment compensation taxes but she was obamas best pick for the job- yeah, right---KILLEFER WITHDREW
6...bill richardson as sec of commerce---ongoing federal investigation---richardson is being
investigated for a 'pay-for-play' thing. his donors ended up with a very lucrative contract
awarded by richardsons state but obama says he's the best man for the job-yeah, right
7...william lynn as deputy defense sec---conflict of interest issues---lynn was a registered
lobbyist for raytheon until july 08 but obama says he's the best man for the job-yeah, right.

obama broke his word to you & will continue to do so until the media & you get involved in holding him to it. &, he broke his word to you about his bill. he has to tell you that it will create or preserve 2-4 million jobs but, when the media ask the democrats a how many jobs it will create
they don't answer or switch the subject. google it up the bill for yourself, stop taking other peoples answers & go get your own. this way, the next time obama tells you a lie, you'll know it firsthand.