Thursday, September 17, 2020


hello america!!! just think, you see something negative about the trumpster & you can't wait to post it on your social media outlets without doing any personal research on the subject---& hey, that's your right to do so &, i support that right 100%...

what i don't support is your refusing to acknowledge that your 'hasty' reaction may have been wrong---especially when that 'wrongness' is proved...

case in media was flooded with 2 major medal newspapers denouncing the trumpsters claims about the benefits of hydroxychloroquine (the lancet & the new england journal of medicine) &, you ran with them to help bolster your argument that the trumpster was & is truly clueless...

what i haven't seen you post is the RETRACTIONS of those stories---now, i wonder why that is???

look, i get it---nobody likes to be proved wrong, however, when you do what our media has been doing, you are complicit in the division of our country...

here's the original writing from the lancet (*RETRACTED* in red is not me)---take the time to notice it's from the lancet's own website---

some of you may still be sceptical so, this also comes from the lancet in their own words explaining the retraction---

here's cnn on may 22nd---

&, a mere 13 days later we have this from cnn on june 4th---

my-my-my---total opposites & yet, you only posted the one while completely ignoring the other, however, the damage was done...

i'm not defending the trumpster, i'm trying to make you aware of the damage you & the media inflict on us with the rush to publish any & everything negative about the trumpster---hell, the fda pulled testing, the va & just about every other hospital in america stopped treatment using the drug &, at this point, nobody has proved whether the drug works or not...

so, please allow me to ask the following??? who in the hell do you think prescribed hydroxychloroquine for the president &/or allowed him to take it without knowing a hell of a lot more about it than we do??? let that sink in!!! also, think about this---the trumpster sees a lot of different people every day & most of the time you see him mask-less & yet, he seems immune to covid-19...

in TRUTH, there's no scientific proof if the drug works or not, however, it is to my understanding that if taken early enough, it seems to ward off the bad symptoms of the virus &, we have the following from usatoday---CLICK HERE---unfortunately, the dem party is going to censure this young lady for speaking out---READ IT HERE...

there have been others to come forward with very high praise for the drug &, on the flip-side, there have been others to come forward against it---nobody knows & hey, those 2 articles were released much to soon & some of the report was doctored in being against the drug...

those are the facts & hey, we have this from reuters

but, why stop there, we have abc asking questions right here---

i don't make this stuff up nor will i lie about it---we all need to slow down & at least taste the coffee before we tell the whole world it's no good...

Wednesday, September 9, 2020


hello america!!! the homicides continue to occur unchecked all across our nation & hey, you just can't put that on the trumpster---they were occurring long before he even thought about running for office---just to piss you, one could even argue that he 'inherited this mess' from the previous administration...

for the 6 communities i've been following, here's the updates...

chicago---539 homicides (YTD)---406 of them black/82 of them hispanic/52 of them female/police killed at least 5 people---CLICK HERE...

baltimore---222 homicides (YTD)---78 of them black/1 of them hispanic/31 of them female---CLICK HERE...

la county---425 homicides (YTD)---142 of them black/217 of them hispanic/58 of them female/police killed at least 25 people---CLICK HERE...

jacksonville---103 homicides (YTD)---78 of them black/no hispanics reported/18 of them female---CLICK HERE...

milwaukee---119 homicides (YTD)---85 of them black/10 of them hispanic/26 of them female---CLICK HERE...

st louis---189 homicides (YTD)---172 of them black/2 of them hispanic/25 of them female---CLICK HERE...

all of the above totals to this...
1,597 homicides (YTD)---962 of them black/302 of them hispanic/210 of them female/police killed at 30 people...

look, you don't have to be a 'rocket-scientist' to add up the numbers & understand that police brutality & police racism is not our biggest problem or challenge---as i've been saying for years (& will continue saying), we are our biggest problem to & for one another---& hey, the media, the politicians &, the various groups that want you to take to the streets to protest just refuse to talk about our self-inflicted problems...

whether you want to accept the reality of it or not, we allowed the drugs & gangs to infest our communities &, we've caught hell for that ever since---&, until we elect the people that will actually look out for interests by freeing of us of the drugs & gangs, we'll continue to have all of the problems associated with that infestation...

good people---i don't ever want to be associated with any 'so-called civil-rights group' that only focuses  on 'sensationalized homicides' PERIOD!!! had you of read my post 
you'd know where i'm coming from...

when i look at many of the videos that are so quickly released just to spark your ass up & compare them with a later released version, i can only wonder why you allow social media &, our major media networks to continue to add fuel to the fire---& hey, i've posted many of them with the differences in what they told us compared to what actually occurred...

america, if your community has been led by a certain party for decades & the homicide rate hasn't lessened, it's time to vote another party into office---quit listening to what they promise you they can do---electing one dem or repub over another will not solve anything---you have to elect people that will actually go about making your community safer & not just pay 'lip-service' to your concerns...

unfortunately, the above communities will experience even higher homicide numbers as the year finishes out & hey, other than blame the trumpster, the leaders of those communities are not doing jack-squat for your safety---&, i'm going to be the first one to tell you that covid-19 or lockdowns have nothing to do with people hell-bent on taking another's life...

Saturday, September 5, 2020


hello america!!! i'm going to start it off like this:::if the trumpster is guilty of any part &/or all of what he is now being accused of, i'll drop him like hot a skillet in my hands...

let's see if i got this right... late december (2019), former national security advisor john bolton (a self-admitted trump hater) gave the white house a copy of his manuscript for his book 'the room where it happened' for security clearance---the mamuscript was leaked & the dems & the media all hailed bolton as the new 'dethroner' of the trumpster...
2.....on june 19th (2020), pirated copies of the book appeared online...
3.....on june 23rd (2020), the book was finally publicly published...

i said all that to say this---bolton actually wrote about the trumpsters visit in france to the cemetery---you can read it here...

"Marine One's crew was saying that bad visibility could make it imprudent to chopper to the cemetery," Bolton wrote. "The ceiling was not too low for Marines to fly in combat, but flying POTUS was obviously something very different. If a motorcade were necessary, it could take between ninety and a hundred and twenty minutes each way, along roads that were not exactly freeways, posing an unacceptable risk that we could not get the President out of France quickly enough in case of an emergency. It was a straightforward decision to cancel the visit..."

Bolton later added: "The press turned canceling the cemetery visit into a story that Trump was afraid of the rain and took glee in pointing out that other world leaders traveled around during the day. Of course, none of them were the President of the United States, but the press didn't understand that rules for US Presidents are different from rules for 190 other leaders who don't command the world's greatest military forces."

the decision not to go to the cemetery was made by chief of staff John Kelly and his aide Zach Fuentes. Bolton further wrote that Kelly was the one who recommended the move, saying it was quite difficult for him to do because he is a Marine himself.

several other officials & people have come forward (that were present) to say that the trumpster never said the things he's accused of saying...

so, here's my train of thought---damn near 9 months ago, everybody knew what was in the book---hell, because of it, the dems were trying to get bolton to testify against the trumpster during his impeachment process &, our media was at that cemetery &, if anything like what they're accusing the trumpster of were even hinted at, they've have been 24/7 on the air...

so, since 2018 until just a few days ago, what they're accusing the trumpster of lay dormant within the 'souls' of those anonymous individuals that have just recently decided to come forward---GTFOOH...

are you asking me to believe that several different anonymous sources 'collectively' decided to contact the alantic & spill their guts within a week or so of each other without any previous publication of what the atlantic proposses???

something stinks here & hey, i'm here to tell you it's not the fish...

timing is the key to everything in this world & the timing for this 'news-worthy-issue' is extremely suspect because the gap in our presidential polls closed to within 2/4 points &, suddenly, we now have the trumpster playing defense because of what's been alleged just before our very first state votes for the highest office in the land---HMMM?

some of you all should really be ashamed of yourselves for being so damn gullible---i once told you that 'bulletin board material' is the downfall of any worker/person because even if you're not guilty, you just can't prove you're not---if you need examples, i can provide plenty of them...

good people---we react to quickly---why didn't the atlantic (or others) refute that part of story with what was written by bolton in his book??? why didn't the rest of the media look at the whole picture before they did their reporting???

seeing what all the trumpster has done for our military & his efforts to bring them home, i have to question the veracity of the whole story which is something far too many of you have failed to do because of your strong opposition to him---hey, not trying to get in a pissing contest with you, however, i told you in the very beginning that anything the trumpster said or did would always be received as negative---hell, if the trumpster were walking down your street & passing out $100 bills to everybody he saw, you, the dems &, the media would find fault with it because a rational person would say, hey, why only give me $100 for one hand when you can see that i have two???

think about this---4 different anonymous people living apart can all come together at the same time to state their claims to the same magazine, at the same time, without coordination??? HMMM???

i leave you with this john bolton update &, remember, he wanted to testify against the trumpster--CLICK HERE...