Sunday, April 28, 2019


hello america!!! facts speak for themselves & hey, the TRUTH is impossible to argue with (although there are those that argue against it just for the sake of hearing themselves talk)---TRUTH is something you can slant & spin any way you wish to---hell, you can even deny it or ignore it, however, in the end, the TRUTH will always remain the TRUTH...

unfortunately, far too many of you believe whatever the media tells you to believe & never take the time to research the facts for yourselves---that makes you not only an uninformed american citizen, it also makes you an uninformed voter & hey, i'm here to tell you that both are dangerous for our country---willful ignorance has no place in today's society because we have all of these wonderful gadgets at our fingertips to instantly avail ourselves of the true facts &, not to utilize them makes you willfully ignorant (which far too many of you are happy to remain)...

as an example---the left-wing media agreed with obama we had a southern border crisis as did the dems, however, as soon as the trumpster was sworn in, they all said it was a 'manufactured crisis'---it's only very recently that the media has even started to acknowledge that there's a problem there (which won't sway the elected dems one iota)...

the tax cuts & jobs act is another example of the left-wing media & the dems lying to you---as is the trumpster trying to get us fairer trades deals---as is the trumpster rebuilding our military---as is our withdrawing from the paris climate act---as is the trumpster cracking down on dangerous illegal aliens---&, the list seems endless...

so, i'll just cut the crap & continue like this...

which dem candidate has ever acknowledged that the trumpster has benefited our country in any way??? he has done what many of his predecessors only 'fat-mouthed' about doing & hey, america has reaped the rewards & no denial of that will ever make it untrue---no ignoring it will make the TRUTH of it disappear regardless of whether it's msnbc, foxnews or, any political party doing the telling...

are you going to tell me that cory booker, maxine watters, kamala harris & other 'so-called black' elected officials couldn't/can't use the trumpsters help in ridding our communities of the gangs & drugs that plague them??? are you going to tell me that our 'people-of-color' haven't benefited from being able to keep more of their own money by paying less taxes??? are you going to tell me that our 'people-of-color' don't benefit from having our poverty rate decline??? are you going to tell me that being able to find employment is a bad thing??? just look at the black unemployment rate (6.7% per the our bureau of labor)---that speaks volumes & yet, our elected officials refuse to talk about it---why is that???

the above paragraph involves/includes all americans &, should concern every american voter---it should concern them to the point that they would want the positive trends to continue & not elect somebody that actually proposes the opposite of growth...

good people, not everything the trumpster does or says is going to please everybody but hey, if what he does benefits the majority, than hey, that's a great thing---bringing jobs back to our land is a great thing (regardless of who's telling the story) because it allows more of us more employment opportunities---how can you not want that???

3.2% gdp growth for the first quarter of this year was just announced & hey, again, the dems & the media are silent about it---if the dem presidential candidates were just half serious about helping our country grow, they'd be all over that with their own ideas to improve those figures---instead, they're all talking about how to 'SPEND MORE OF YOUR MONEY'---that has to bother all of us simply because, if you can't improve our positives, you're going to inflate our negatives...

america, regardless of where you get your news from, these are the facts---even before the trumpster was sworn in, our fed gov't was quietly investigating him---just think about this---during & after the senate investigation, prominent dems are on record for not finding any evidence of collusion &, during & after the house investigation, prominent dems are on record for not finding any evidence of collusion &, the special council found no evidence of collusion---in reality, that should be the end of it, however, the dems (thanks to your votes for putting them back in power in the house of reps) are hell-bent on investigating the trumpster until they do find a 'crime' that will stick---that is just plain wrong!!! what's lost in all of this is, the dem controlled house of reps isn't doing squat about helping our country &, far too many of our elected politicians have forgotten their duties & are taking the time to campaign for a new job &, they're doing it at our expense---personally, i'm of the mind that every elected official campaigning for a new job should have to resign from the office they are holding before they hit the campaign trail---but, that's just me...

there are a multitude of groups that should be voting for the trumpster come 2020 & hey, just to whet your appetite for more, my very next post will be naming those groups---stay tuned!!!

Sunday, April 21, 2019


hello america!!! to my fellow black american's---the dems have laid all of their cards on the table for all the world to see & hey, i'm here to tell you that you're not even in the deck---your interests are just not part of the dem agenda or narrative &, you'd have to be a 'very special kind of stupid' to think otherwise...

look, let's be real---the dems are fighting like hell to allow illegal immigration to continue unchecked because it means more 'voters' for their party---& yes, it's just that simple regardless of what you hear from the dem controlled liberal media or the dem elected officials...

you now have 'so-called black' presidential candidates calling for 'reparations' for black people & yet, they are the same party that were/are telling the courts that you're too stupid to gather your papers in order to get a valid id card or voter registration card because requiring you to do that would create an undo hardship on you---unfortunately, the liberal judges sided with them---i've written about this before, however, it's worth repeating---WHAT IN THE HELL CAN AN AMERICAN BLACK PERSON DO IN AMERICA WITHOUT A VALID ID CARD??? please remember, the dems fought all out to prevent you (& all other other americans) from obtaining one by law...

yeah, i know---i'm the stupid one---& yet, denial has been a main part of your reasoning for voting for dems---the dems offer illegal immigrants free drivers licences (BUT NOT YOU);;;free schooling & free colleges (BUT NOT YOU);;;free healthcare, housing, financing & food (BUT NOT YOU);;;free jobs (BUT NOT YOU);;;sanctuary city's (BUT NOT YOU);;;if that wasn't bad enough, they're fighting against everything that the trumpster is doing/has done or has tried to do to make your communities a better place to raise your young---while you're thinking about this, ask one of your dem elected officials why it's ok for them to enroll their child in a school of their choice but you don't have that option???

every voting period, the dems pander to you for your black vote---for what seems like eons, they have controlled our communities from all elected positions & yet, look at the carnage they've left behind---far too many boarded up/abandoned buildings!!! high crime rates!!! extremely low property value!!! extremely low educational standards!!! high poverty rates!!! high abortion rates!!! high homicide rates!!! high gang rates!!! high drug problems!!! far too many homeless people of all ages!!! far too many of our elderly afraid to sit on their porches at night!!!


the black people of america can no longer afford to vote dems into office simply because they say the things we want/need to hear---we have to judge them by their actions---obama & company are prime examples of this &, if you think differently, i cannot help you one iota...

we have to vote for those that will actually do some good for us & hey, those denying that we need a southern border wall are not the ones we need---we need people that will rid our communities of the gangs, drugs & violence---we need people that will clear the way for us to gain independence through employment & job training---we need people that will help lower our poverty rates & increase our home-ownership rates---we need people that will give our convicted people a second chance---we need people that put america's interests first because when they do that, they help all american's (regardless of color)...

none of the dems presently running for the office of the president of these united states of america offer you that---they're all stuck in 'dem world' which is all about control, not growth...

'free college', 'free medicare for all', free this & free that are all proven slogans to get your vote---in the end, somebody has to pay for it & that's that part they don't tell you about---while it might sound nice to say, tax the 1% even more, honestly put, we just don't have enough of them to make a difference---& hey, there's only been one man smart enough to show you that that is not the way for america to grow...

unfortunately, the dem-controlled media & our elected dems give him no credit---black people, just looks at where we are today compared to pre-trump days &, if you're honest, you've answered your own questions...

it's time that black america woke up & started supporting & voting for those that have done for them & not those that only talk about the doing---booker, harris (just to name a few) are what are known as 'house-niggers'---they don't have black interests at the fore-front of their agendas & never will---they do the bidding of the dem slave masters & they know it---you don't have to believe that so, ask yourself this---which one of them (or any other black dems) think/thought that the trump tax cuts & jobs act would not help any blacks in their districts??? NOT ONE DEM VOTED FOR THE PASSAGE OF THAT BILL &, FORTUNATELY, IT IS PRESENTLY THE LAW OF OUR LAND---black elected officials voted against you retaining more of your own hard-earned dollars---do you really need me to say more negative things about the 'on-record' party of slavery???

speaking of 'house-niggers' (their role has not changed since the days of physical slavery), let's not forget the whole congressional black caucus or the naacp---are you trying to tell me that trump has done nothing for our black people that meets their approval??? & yet, they're 'all in' when it comes to obama who really hurt us---they are our 'so-called elected leaders' & you should ask each & every one of them the following... opening the jobs markets up so that black's have record unemployment numbers a bad thing for our country??? allowing black employed people to retain more of their hard-earned dollars a bad thing for our country??? allowing black convicted people a second chance a bad thing for our country??? ridding our black communities of drugs & gangs a bad thing for our country??? preventing illegal aliens from entering our country & obtaining the lowly paying jobs that black people would obtain a bad thing for our country???
good people, i could continue this all day & night, however, because i'm a nice guy, i'll wrap it up like this---black people that have a vested interest in our stocks markets that are thriving---is that a bad thing for our country???

black america, if you keeping doing what you've always done, you'll keep getting what you always got---don't replace one dem for another, change the party you vote for & watch the results...

instead of listening to all the shouts of 'racism' & all the rest of the negative accusations against the trumpster, give him & his party a chance...

Monday, April 15, 2019


hello america!!! i tried to warn you about voting dems into power, however, my warnings went unheeded---you voted them into power in our house of reps & hey, i want to know exactly what did you get for your vote???

it might be simpler for you to respond to what you didn't get for your vote because what the dem-controlled house of reps are doing is, not helping us or our country progress---the dems are stuck in denial & anti-trump anything---they are not about helping us as a country---for them to do that would be against everything they stand for & that is not going to happen---they will seek total control over every aspect of our lives &, you don't have to take my word---just look at the proposals the dems are putting forth...

america, which dem has ever stepped up & ever came close to admitting that the trumpster has done a great job for our country (despite all the animosity against him)??? in TRUTH, every presidential dem candidate has denigrated all that the trumpster has done & hey, we all know their ideas sound nice, however, in reality, they all will fail---they tell us what they think we want/need to hear & fall extremely short in providing exactly how they would go about paying for their outrageous ideas...

the dem party is all about control---PERIOD!!! the easiest way for them to control you is to have you buy into their 'medicare for all bs' which we just don't have the money for & hey, i'm here to tell you that we just don't have enough 'rich people' to afford it---&, if you really want to keep it real---we couldn't even get our gov't to effectively give heathcare coverage to the estimated 48 million people that didn't have it under obama & bernie sanders & others think we can give it to approx 330 million people??? are you really that stupid??? hell, we just don't have enough doctors to handle that many people & hey, people would be showing up to emergency rooms & doctor's offices simply because they let out a smelly fart because they wouldn't have to pay for it---hell, just maybe you are that stupid!!!

good people, the dems are offering things even they know they can't deliver on but, if it will sway a vote in their favor, they're going to continue trying to shove it down your throats---unfortunately, far too many of you that like to be led will believe them & support them at the ballot box---instead of listening to them, research their political history & learn for yourselves what they are not about---& hey, it's far easier for you than you may think---here is where you can look up your politicians & see how they voted among other interests---& here is, we have

one shouldn't cast their vote simply based on political party or hear-say---one should always take the time to do their own research because an 'informed voter' is a 'powerful voter'---we should all be about the business of trying to elect people to office that will help us, our family's &, our country grow...