Sunday, January 28, 2018


hello america!!! to my black american dems, please, if nothing else, quit being so damn gullible---take the time to listen & understand what the black elected dems don't/won/t talk about &, especially, those that are supposed to represent us in congress... poverty crime education standards unemployment/black low-paying jobs abortions/black pregnancy rates down-trodden communities home ownership family single parent rates training programs for tomorrow's high-skilled/high paying jobs gangs drug problems youth organizations for after-&-out of school teens

but hey, let a cop kill a black, justified or not, & we have the 'so-called black leaders' all over the news crying 'police racism' & 'police brutality'---look, say what you wish but, simply put, they are 'house niggers' (yeah, i said it)---(who at one time used to be a part of us) but are now doing the work of their 'dem masters'...

whenever the dem leadership doesn't like something, they resort to race-baiting, fear tactics, distractions, lies, threats, name-calling, blame-gaming, etc---&, for whatever reason, you so-willingly continue to support them with your votes---DO YOU REALIZE THAT INSTEAD OF BEING THE NUMBER TWO RACE IN AMERICA, WE'VE BEEN NUMBER THREE AS OF JULY 2016 PER OUR US CENSUS BUREAU & hey, for you 'brain-dead', it has nothing to do with us being less sexually active...

in honesty, the dems have put all of their money on the 'hispanics' (simply for their votes---READ THE FACTS HERE) & left us blacks to fend for ourselves &, if you don't believe that, just look at our black communities that have been under dem leadership (FOR DECADES)---look at all the disarray, destruction, devastation, disconnect, distraction, division & downfall we've allowed by voting the same idiots into office to serve us that do nothing to help us---& yet, they'll be the first & loudest to tell you how the repubs will send you to hell---unfortunately, far too many of you ignorantly believe that...

to be 'ignorant' because you can't obtain all of the 'facts' is one thing---to be 'willfully ignorant' because you're either blind or stupid (or in denial) is another &, with all the facts at your fingertips, there's no excuse for it & yet, you continue to resist that (& who) which is actually good for you & yours---& yes, the dem 'talking points' seem to get more 'air-time' than does the actual issue but still, it's no excuse for you not to 'google' both sides of the issue & come up with an 'educated opinion'...

the new tax law was called 'armageddon' by nancy pelosi & chuck shumer said companies would pay only pay their shareholders &, they both agreed it was not a 'tax-cut' for the middle-class but a way for the wealthy to retain more of their own money---by now, even the idiots among you must confess that they were 100% wrong...

&, there's this---trumps 'daca' plans 'will make america more white' (racist) & 'keep families apart' (fear) &, the hell with the 1.8 million daca recipients that would benefit from the amnesty---the hell with securing our southern border; the hell with chain-migration; the hell with the visa lottery system---it's all about 'racism' according to the dems---FOR YOU EXTREMELY SLOW PEOPLE, IF YOUR ROOF LEAKS & SCREWS UP YOUR WALLS & FLOORS EVERY TIME IT RAINS, DO YOU REPAIR THE WALLS & FLOORS FIRST WHILE IGNORING THE ROOF??? please allow that to sink in...

to keep our fed gov't funded for a very short period of time, our senate needed 60 'yea' votes & yet, the dems voted 'no' because of daca---do any of you idiots realize that there wasn't even any 'legislature' for daca to be voted on??? JUST SO KNOW!!!

all voting dems &, moreso you black voting dems, please, i implore you to call your dem elected leaders & ask them why the new tax law is bad for you??? ask them why doubling your standard deduction is a bad thing??? ask them why your keeping more of your own money is a bad thing??? ask them why employers increasing their contributions to your 401k fund is a bad thing??? ask them why the stock markets gains are a bad thing for those of you that own individual stocks??? ask them why a pay-raise is a bad thing??? ask them why employers investing  more money in philanthropy is a bad thing??? ask them why investing more money in R&D is a bad thing??? ask them how is hiring more workers a bad thing??? ask them how your going to a lower tax bracket is a bad thing??? ask them why countries returning to our shores to set up businesses is a bad thing??? ask them why they didn't tell you that the $1 trillion plus dollars is to be added to our national debt over 10 years & not to tomorrow??? & please, black people, ask this for me, why is a bonus such a bad thing???

while we're in the asking mood---ask them why building a wall is a bad thing??? why is hiring more border agents & getting them the necessary equipment to better do their jobs a bad thing??? why is halting our chain-migration system a bad thing??? why is halting our visa lottery system a bad thing??? why is granting 1.8 million daca recipients amnesty (if they follow the guide-lines) a bad thing???

black people, quit listening to the dems & do your own homework---for far too long you've blindly  supported them & you don't have anything to show for it accept a 'congressional black caucus' that no longer shares your values or needs &, if they did, they would unite & approach donald trump to try & find solutions to our problems that only he has addressed because our plight was never even mentioned by obama...

Tuesday, January 23, 2018


hello america!!! when somebody tells me that they support the rights for all women, i applaud them until i find out that they don't...

case in point---H.R. 4712 Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act---yeah, i know, what in the hell is that??? i could almost excuse you for your lack of knowledge, however, that's entirely on you---H.R. 4712 is a bill that passed in the house 1/19/2018 by the following margin...
repub---235 yea/0 nay/2 not voting
dems---6 yea/183 nay/4 not voting
&, because i'm such a nice guy, this is the VOTING LINK...

here is a summary of the bill & i ask you to pay attention to the last 2 paragraphs CLICK HERE...

those last 2 paragraphs should tell you all about the dem party & their true feelings about the rights of women but first, how could anybody vote against this bill??? regardless of which side of the abortion issue you stand on, if somebody puts down an abortion child born alive, that act is murder & it occurs more often than you think...

good one dems, you've voted against the tax cuts & jobs act; you've held up the senate from doing their jobs; you voted to shut the fed gov't down---so, just what in the hell are you good for other than stirring up trouble???

this is for the curious READ HERE...


hello america!!! this post is all about why i've been saying that the dems are not good for our country nor are they good for people of color...

for starters, let's look at the 8 years under obama---but first---there are far too many of you that heap all of those flowery accolades on obama & company while ignoring just how much damage he (& they) caused our country &, before you run that 'he inherited it' crap on me, please take the time to educate yourselves to the facts &, i honestly hope you all read the following with understanding---PLEASE READ THIS HERE... i can only hope you saw the 'powerful' dems that were in denial...

even though the housing markets collapse occurred under bush's watch, it was the dems & some 'rinos' (i'll list them in another post) that actually allowed it to happen---with that in mind here's a short list of some of your prominent elected 'so-called---did/do nothing' leaders...
hillary clinton was a senator (d-ny) from 1/2001-1/2009---obama was a senator (d-il) from 1/2005-11/2008---sanders was a representative (i-vt) from 1/1991-1/2007---shumer is a senator (d-ny) from 1/1999-present---elijah cummings is a representative (d-md) from 4/1996-present---john lewis is a representative (d-ga) from 1/1987-present---dick durbin is a senator (d-il) from 1/1997-present---nancy pelosi (d-ca) from 6/1987-present---jim clyburn is a representative (d-sc) from 1/1993-present---maxine waters is a representative (d-ca) from 1/1991-present---alcee hastings is a representative (d-fl) from 1/1993-present---danny davis representative (d-il) from 1/1997-present---steny hoyer (d-md) from may 1981-present---there are a lot more i could add for the time-frame of the housing markets collapse...

not a one of them ever took the george bush warnings to heart---if anything, they just 'quietly' went about their daily functions until all hell broke loose & then blamed bush for it---WHY DIDN'T THEY STEP UP & DO THEIR JOBS??? the housing markets collapse could possibly have been avoided had any of them voiced their concerns half as loudly as they now voice their opposition to donald trump---by the way, not a one of them has ever acknowledged the role they played with their silence---so yes, i have a problem with the dems for allowing it to occur &, over the years, i've found many, many more reasons for my dislike/distrust of them...

look, for decades the dems have proclaimed themselves to be the party for the middle-class & working-man &, if you judge them on that alone, they failed miserably (thank you donald trump for making that so extremely obvious)---but first---there was a time (not too long ago) when america had 3 classes of people (upper, middle &, lower) &, in reality still does but hey, somehow, the 'lower class' was just excluded from public conversations & campaign rhetoric---hell, obama even said, 'middle-class is a state of mind' & nobody challenged him on it---however, i'm here to remind you that we still have 3 classes of people (those that are very alright; those that are just alright &, those that ain't alright---upper, middle & lower)---all political party's seem to have so conveniently forgotten that...

that said, middle-class america suffered under obama & hey, lower-class america suffered even more & unfortunately, we have a lot of 'people of color' that make up that demographic---while the following may seem 'racist' it's nonetheless true---if america does badly, people of color do even worse---FACTS!!!

i have yet to have seen any evidence where obama & company raised the quality of living for those that needed help the most---in truth, the dems have gone about their daily business of lies, deceit, threats, race-baiting, fear-tactics, finger-pointing &, community destruction---please, prove me wrong---all one has to do is look at our major cities & you'll see flourishing down-town's & a plethora of systemic problems everywhere else (allentown pa is a prime example of that) where much is promised & little is delivered---the struggle is not only real, it's also continuous...

perhaps the best way to describe the dems is---our fed gov't just  had a 3-day shutdown because the dems linked our budgetary needs with daca (deferred action for childhood arrivals) & had decided that protecting them was more important than funding our gov't---what many of you never heard was, trump gave congress a 6 month time limit (which expires march 5th) to come up with a plan to solve the daca issue---PERIOD!!!

in reality, the dems just wanted to show that they care so much for those undocumented people (phony compassion) & they not only want them protected but, they also want them setup on a path to citizenship---those are theirs words spoken in the wells of the senate & house during the debates to fund our gov't but hey, why take my word, there's this from 1/8/2018 READ HERE---

I IMPLORE YOU TO SCROLL DOWN TO THEIR VERY LAST PARAGRAPH & IN PARTICULAR, THE VERY LAST 2 SENTENCES---good people, the dems see the hispanics purely in terms of votes & not as people---they will do to them exactly what they have been doing to all of america's down-trodden & people of color---hell, just ask the hispanic population of allentown how well they have not been doing under dem leadership---& yet, they continue to vote the dems into office which is the only purpose of the dems ignoring the laws to not only allow them to enter our country illegally but also to provide 'sanctuary safe-zones' for them...

while i have compassion for all of those affected by daca, i am real enough to know that we have to first fix some of our immigration problems by protecting our borders (walls, equipment & personnel, etc); halt the visa-lottery system; halt chain-migration & only then, find a solution to the daca issue---to work on a daca solution alone is just begging for the same problem to raise its ugly head again shortly down the road...

Tuesday, January 16, 2018


hello america!!! let's get right to it---the dems are extremely slick at head-lining their 'talking points' & yet, when you peel off the layers of all of their rhetoric, you'll begin to discover exactly what they are up to---but first...

the dems claim trump is racist & yet, his actions prove to me that the dems are just full of crap---he's never made a 'racist' statement, however, when his words get truncated by the left-wing media & others, i can understand why their 'followers' are so willing side with them---JUDGE HIM BY HIS ACTIONS!!!

by the way, did you know about THIS??? & yet, trump's 'so-called shithole comment' is spot-on for the condition of haiti---it is a 'shithole' for many reasons but, don't take my word for it, take the word of those celebrities that were supposed to leave our country if trump were elected president---none of them ever mentioned haiti as the country they were relocating to (HMMM???) or, you can read about haiti's condition from a much more credible source CLICK HERE---hell, i've even had some of my haitian friends tell me how 'shity' their home-country was/is & that they never want to go back there---but, why stop there, which one of you wants to raise your children there??? &, for you that still doubt the condition of haiti, the following was written oct 2010 but not much has changed READ HERE...

NEWSFLASH!!! if trump is a 'racist', i can only wonder how all of those people that the trumpster discriminates against will be singled out so as not to benefit from:::
1.....a 2.4% across-the-board military pay raise effective 1/1/2018
2.....a tax cuts & jobs act law with a much higher standard deduction; lower tax brackets; &, other benefits effective 1/1/2018
3.....a continuously rising stock market which benefits individual stock owners/401k & ira owners/etc bonuses & higher wages (simply because of the new tax law)
5.....a booming jobs market
6.....a smaller fed gov't
7.....better & fairer foreign trade deals
8.....less regulations on businesses
9.....a hire america/buy america policy
10...a stronger & better equipped military
11...ridding our communities of drugs, gangs & violence
12...a foreign 'america first' policy
13...making our country safer by all means proposed
14...appointing conservative judges
15...making our nation energy independent
16...making america great again

let's be honest, all of the above benefits all americans & hey, this is another NEWSFLASH!!! donald trump only became a 'racist' when he decided to run against the dems---HMMM???

another thing you never hear about is the 'urban revitalization coalition'---now why is that???


hello america!!! on sun/14 jan i posted the following, CLICK HERE & had said i would follow it up---this is that follow-up...

in that post i told you that the dems are not good for america nor are they good for people of color---their actions constantly contradict their rhetoric (which in the world of realism is known as lying)...

when was the last time you saw the dems actually do anything positive for people of color &/or america??? i know you've heard them talk a lot about the 'doing' but, after you elected them, they refused to 'do' anything that actually benefited you---you can find examples of that whenever you look at all the suffering occurring in our communities (24/7/365) compared to what they once were---& hey, all that reside within those communities bear the effects of their 'not doing'...

good people, there's just no 'sugar-coating' stupidity---nor is there any forgiveness given to those that deliberately lie &, when one judges 'actual deeds' verses 'confusing rhetoric', one will discover the 'TRUTH'---which brings me to this---the dems are calling trump & the repubs 'racist' because of 'daca'---my VERY LAST POST  provided you with all the facts so you could educate yourself on the issue...

as is usual, all the dems have to offer are 'fear tactics' & 'name-calling'---they want congress to draw up a bill that only deals with the 'daca recipients' receiving amnesty & then, they'll come back to the table to work on our other immigration issues (yeah, a hamburger today & i'll pay you tomorrow)---whereas, the trump & the repubs want the southern border wall funding; funding for additional border security personnel & equipment; a stop to chain migration; &, a stop to the immigration lottery process included in that bill---bear in mind, the deadline for congress to act on 'daca' is 5 mar 2018 (48 days from today) so, there's plenty of time unless you only listen to the dems & left-wing media...

look, you'd have to be a certain kind of stupid to think that passing a 'daca' stand-alone bill solves anything other than granting approx 800,000 people some form of amnesty---in a few years, if it took that long, we'd have the same problem or even worse---we need all the above listed issues in that daca bill & even then, we'd still have a problem with the remaining estimated 11 million people here illegally---what do we do with them???

the dems have ulterior motives for wanting the 'daca recipients' granted amnesty & i prove it to you in my very next post---please stay tuned...

Monday, January 15, 2018


hello america!!! daca (deferred action for childhood arrivals) is a program that obama said he didn't have the power or authority to do & then established it anyhow in june 2012---in other words, he decided to use his position to 'make law' & trump rescinded it sept 2017 with a 6 month delay so as to give congress the time to come up with a bill that would protect those already under daca...the following link is from the us citizenship & immigration services

seemingly, trump & all of our elected politicians are in favor of a 'daca bill', however, the dems want a straight bill on daca while trump & company want it to include funding for the southern border wall; a stop to chain-migration; a stop to the immigration lottery system &, more money for border agents & equipment---this is an update from the above agency

here's one of the problems---there are about 800,000 people 'covered' by daca plus, there are an estimated 11 million plus people living here illegally (nobody actually knows the real numbers because it's not like these people walk around with signs on their heads identifying them as being here illegally) &, sooner or later, we'll have to address it all...

this is so you know where all of those people come from click here

there is no easy fix, however, the issue is extremely political &, regardless of how the dems talk, they just won't do anything in the positive for donald trump...

Sunday, January 14, 2018


hello america!!! let's just call it like it is---far too many of you are steeped in 'willful ignorance' & 'blind denial' &, rather than become educated about the problems, you continue to allow yourselves to be controlled by the dem party...

look, no matter how you slice it, the dem party is not good for america &, regardless of what all you may hear/heard or think, they definitely are not good for people of color---their agenda is all about 'power & control' & not about the interests of the american people...

what in the hell is wrong with allowing americans to keep more of their own paycheck (regardless of how much or how little)??? far too many of us will look at that extra money as a BLESSING & thank GOD that we were in a position to receive it---paycheck-to-paycheck is a real everyday struggle & i stand up & applaud those that would rather struggle by working rather than fall victim to the 'tax-payer handouts scheme'---they are to be commended---but, don't get it twisted, many people actually need those 'handouts' for their survival...

in truth, the dems would rather have you depend on the gov't because that 'controls' you & enhances their 'power' over you & then, they will lie to you; use 'fear tactics' & the 'race-card' to keep you in check---please remember this, the tax cuts & jobs act was supposed to be 'armageddon' &, because the repubs are extremely sorry at messaging & the dems exceed at it, the tax bill was unpopular---hell, all of the left-wing media outlets crucified it & yet, many of them will benefit because of it as will approximately 90% of our working people...

look, the last thing i want to do is argue with an idiot so please bear in mind that dem nancy pelosi called it 'chump change' &, before you get too bent out of shape because of the TRUTH, realize that some of the benefits from the new tax law are an increased standard deduction; lower tax rates; rising stock markets; your 401k & other type of ira's; jobs creations; companies returning to do business here; bonuses; higher hourly wages &, there are probably some more benefits i left out...'armageddon & chump change'---their words/not mine...

which working american among you doesn't want that extra guaranteed $1,050??? which one of you 'never trumpers' will return it to the irs??? but, fear not, i'm on the case to look at the 'fine print' where it should say the tax cuts don't apply to those that trump discriminates against---some of you are just plain full of shit & i don't mind telling you that---you people remind me of all of those 'so-called celebrities' that promised to leave the country if trump were elected & yet, they're still here spouting their hateful rhetoric---ALL TALK/NO ACTION!!!

good people, while it may seem that i have racial problems, i promise you that i don't---i'm just tired of people-of-color elected to represent us that turn on us at all levels of gov't---every one of them should have been 100% for the tax reforms, however, because the 'ranking dems' didn't want it, they sided with them---&, as i've said before, they're blindly doing the bidding of their masters & the hell with us...

at some point, one can only hope that people-of-color will wake up & actually look at what-all the dems actually oppose because history, to include extremely modern history, proves that they are only in the game of politics for themselves...

my very next post will lend credence to that last paragraph...

Saturday, January 13, 2018


hello america!!! so, the left-wing media only wants to concentrate on certain words coming out of donald trumps mouth & not the entirety of the message---i say the hell with them for that &, here's why...

i've never heard of anybody wanting to 'legally &/or illegally' go to those 'shithole country's' that trump spoke about to live to include those that are here legally from one of them---hell, their own people are trying to flee those country's to live here but, not vice-verse---go figure...

our 'fake promising' celebrities that vowed to leave our country if trump became president never had any of those 'shithole country's' listed in their migration plans---canada tops that list...

the country's in reference are 'shithole' places nobody wants to reside in except those in power & the lawless one's, & yet, they do offer beautiful vacation spots if one is extremely careful to remain completely faithful to the approved itinerary---

there are those of you that are saying that what trump said is racist, however, it was the truth & that's something that extremely few of our elected leaders ever deal with---the country's in question are not allowing their 'well-schooled &/or well trained' people to come here---now, why is that??? yes, it's overwhelming when you see the pictures &/or videos of the people trying to get here in those 'over-crowded' rafts/boats but hey, remember this---they are trying to flee from an extremely down-trodden place with hopes of entering a much better one...

i give the trumpster credit for saying the things that many of us are too afraid to say &, instead of condemning him, you should be applauding him because he's 100% correct---&, for you idiots, we have 'shithole' communities all across this great country---which one of you wants to pack up & live in our chicagos or detroits (etc)...

so, while the media enjoys its feeding frenzy, please, whenever you get the chance, ask them where do they live at & i'll bet they don't live in the 'shithole' sections of their city &, you should ask them why not---i could save you some time by telling you that not many of them live in our chicagos, bedsty, or detroits, etc..

the media can't seem to make any of the numerous allegations against trump stick so, they're willing to use anything against the man---for them to brand him a racist, ask all of those he's supposed to be racist towards how they're doing now compared to the 8 years under a black president...

for the idiots, of which there are many, it's called WINNING!!!

Tuesday, January 9, 2018


hello america!!! although what i write is for all america, this particular post is for my fellow black americans...

firstly, wake the hell up!!! take a good look around you & understand & accept that we, as a people, are where we are because of our political choices (yes, i realize that some of us have been extremely successful, however, the vast majority of us are not)---now, before you run that 'i was born black & that was strike one' on me, allow me to break it down...

not too long ago, black people were the number two race in america but today, we're number three---while you're trying to figure that out, there's this---hispanics have taken the number two spot from us, however, they had plenty of political help to accomplish that---truth be told, black people even aided in that whether through willful ignorance/just plain stupidity/or, personal gain---&, here's why...

the dem party has been going all out (for decades) to allow hispanics to flow into our country illegally & legally---hell, we even advertised 'food stamps' in mexico; we've instructed those illegally crossing our southern border to turn themselves in so as to remain here; our gov't even helped support those that couldn't support themselves; some of our states are now 'sanctuary places' for those hispanics in danger of being deported---they're given id's, jobs &, care---&, just remember this, whenever a repub draws up a plan to stop their migrating to here or demands their deportation, the dems pull the 'race card' out; they plead for humanitarian empathy; they talk about the 'break-up' of hispanic families---please, forget the talking points & have a realistic conversation with yourself which should begin with your asking yourself WHY---

the dems won't tell you the answer & will do everything they can to keep you from finding it but, it's really simple to figure out---hispanics represent dem votes & the dems will do everything possible to ensure that that remains true---there are approx 11 million (or many more) hispanics illegally living here &, if the dems can allow them to stay here, they'll end up voting for the dems as will those that are here legally---why do you think the dems are so 'pro-daca'???

you, & nobody like you, can convince me that the illegals coming from mexico & latin america are is in worse danger than those blacks caught up in the bloody civil wars in africa & yet, obama never opened the borders for them---HMMM??? you never hear the dems talking about them---HMMM??? the left-wing media so conveniently forgets to cover their stories---HMMM???

for whatever reason, you allow yourselves to get caught up in defending/supporting the dems that are all for the hispanic population to grow unchecked but, you fail to realize that while they are growing, we are shrinking...

in truth, we have been fazed out---just look at our inner-city's where we are in the majority &, look at which party controls &/or has controlled them for decades---they all have the following issues in common:::high homicides rates, drugs, gangs, no jobs &/or low paying jobs, infrastructure decay, low education standards, poverty, high abortion rates, high black-on-black crime rates &, perhaps worse than all other problems, blacks have a 'blind propensity' for electing dems to lead them---&, your response is????????

far too many of you will totally deny the truth, however, if the shoe fits---look at chicago 2017---dem mayor rahm emanuel---675 total homicides/502 of them black/111 of them hispanic/63 of them female/cops killed 11 people---under rahm emanuel (2011-present) there have been 3,898 total homicides/2,361 of them black/545 of them hispanic/327 of them female/police killed 92 people---from 1955 to the present, there have been 39,344 chicago homicides (all under a dem mayor) &, if you have the time, you can retrace the history of those homicides to find out just how many blacks, hispanics & females were killed---FYI---the last time chicago had a repub mayor was 1927-1931 (william h thompson)...

good people, why in the hell would you want another dem in control of your city & yet, rahm emanuel is running for re-election & you're giving him your support---WHY??? all of the above named issues are present in chicago & hey, they're going to remain there until you use your power at the ballot box to elect somebody that will fight to improve your condictions---those are facts that will never change...

by the way, what are your 'non-action' elected politicians doing for your communities other than telling you what you want to hear??? why are they still in office??? you accepted whatever they told you but, now that you've seen them not doing for you, it's way past time to change that & find that 'somebody' that will do for you...

rahm emanuel sold you a pile of crap & you elected him & yet, he's reduced the police force & certain services & left you to kill one another unchecked---america, that is reoccurring all over our country & it's up to each & every one of us to make the necessary changes with our votes---name me a community with a large black population & the results will be the same...

such as but not limited to...
detroit; last repub mayor was 1957-1962 & look at how the motor city has fallen---267 homicides
baltimore; last repub mayor was 1963-1967 & look at how that city has fallen---343 homicides
cleveland; last repub mayor was 1972-1977 & look at how far down they've fallen---133 homicides
washington dc; last repub mayor was 1900-1910 & look at it now---116 homicides

i've said this before & it bears repeating; between black-on black-homicides & planned parenthood, we're doing the work of the kkk & then we go an elect somebody that's going to ensure we continue to do it...

Monday, January 8, 2018


hello america!!! this is a continuation of my last post about the congressional black caucus (cbc) & other groups that are not helping people of color or america...

there may have been a time when the cbc (& many other black people & groups) meant something positive to the plight of people of color, however, they are totally ignorant to our present-day needs---they have become pawns of the dem party &, unfortunately, they're too steeped in willful denial to realize it &, even much worse is, they have become accustomed to the perceived power & money they have obtained---however, the dems need them for the various congressional committees they sit on; the dems need them to show that they are no longer a racist party; the dems need them to reach out to people of color voters for their votes; the dems need them to continue to keep the fires of discrimination (of all types) fueled; the dems need them in their quest to de-legitimize donald trumps presidency; the dems need them for their 'never trump' votes---the dems just need them, however, ask yourself this:::exactly what have they done, in the positive, for people of color during the last ten years or so?? what they may have done in the past to help people of color doesn't excuse them for what they're not doing now...

good people, we have the black congressional caucus which is supposed to have a power to itself, & yet, when was the last time you saw them united in an effort to quell the violence occurring within our communities??? have you seen them united on tv with their plans to combat the drugs & gangs that have decimated our communities??? when was the last time you saw them united within our communities supporting our black businesses??? where are their united plans to help put 'people-of-color' back to work; where are their plans to help people-of-color get out of poverty??? good people, let a cop kill a black (justified or not) & they're all over tv & at the protests talking about police racism & brutality...

when you look at the vast majority of our down-trodden communities (that have been begging for help for decades), you'll usually find a dem mayor supported by these 'so-called black-elected officials'---& hey, they'll keep feeding you the 'race-card' along with 'fear tactics' so that you won't vote for the repubs---the extremely unfortunate part of all of this is, you vote the way they guide you to without any thoughts, concerns or questions---in fact, these people & so many, many others, act like that house slave that can tell the master which field-slave he should keep & which one he should sell---the part they refuse to see is, the dem party will keep us in slavery & they use them to do it...

for you people with blinders on, slavery has evolved---regardless of how you slice it, if your gov't encourages you to become dependent upon them & than does everything it can to keep you dependent on them, that's a form of slavery---hell, they yell 'racism' & use those 'fear tactics' whenever a repub (any repub) offers a suggestion that would enable you to do anything for yourself...

america, especially those of you living in those down-trodden communities, just ask yourself this:::what exactly has the dem party done to ease your burden??? &, before you get to tripping over your own tongue, under obama, the dems did everything they could to keep you from gaining your own independence & hey, the facts back that up---look, let's keep it real---black people suffered under obama & the cbc did nothing to alleviate that suffering---yes, some of them were upset that he hadn't delivered on the jobs he promised but, they sat quietly by & supported him anyway---no, check that---they even voted for some of the things that actually hurt black people...

the dems don't have any plans to making our country better &/or safer---their ultimate goal is control & power & they go hand-in-hand---they want you dependent upon gov't because when the repubs threaten to change something, they tell you how drastic the results would be for you & you eat that crap up---latest case-in-point is, the tax reform & jobs act bill recently signed into law---all the dems fought against it because it makes the wealthy wealthier; company's would use their tax savings for their share-holders &/or buy back their own stock; trickle-down economics don't work; the middle-class would not benefit from it & hey, nancy pelosi even called it 'armegeddon'...

good people, i'm here to tell you that they knowingly lied & deliberately mislead you---which one of you people of color doesn't want to take home more of your own pay??? which one of you doesn't want to be in a lower tax bracket this year???  which one of you honestly believes the gov't knows what to do with your money better than you do??? which one you will reject that new job now being offered??? which one of you will refuse a company bonus check or a wage increase??? which one of you will ask your company not to increase your 401k company matching dollars???

those are just some of the benefits that the dems tried to deny you & hey, you owe it to yourself to call or visit them & find out why---&, if you do confront them, please, ask them why they lied...

there are 49 congressional black caucus members & only one of them is a repub (mia love & she voted yes)---48 of them voted against the tax reform bill simply because their dem leaders told them to---are you going to try & tell me that people of color in rep elijah cummings baltimore district (with its 343 homicides & a plethora of other problems) won't benefit from the new tax law??? or rep danny davis' chicago district (with its 675 homicides & a plethora of other problems)??? or rep john lewis' atlanta district (with its #10 highest murder rate)??? or rep dwight evans philadelphia district (with its 317 homicides & a plethora of other problems)???  & yes, i could call out every one of them but, hopefully, you understand---

the following is a list of the congressional black caucus members per

Officers of the 115th Congress
During the 115th Congress (2017–present), the CBC has 2 Senators, 45 voting Representatives and 2 non-voting Delegates as members: [21]
Cory BookerDemocraticNew Jersey
Kamala HarrisDemocraticCalifornia
RepresentativePartyState – Congressional District
Alma AdamsDemocraticNorth Carolina – 12th
Karen BassDemocraticCalifornia – 37th
Joyce BeattyDemocraticOhio – 3rd
Sanford BishopDemocraticGeorgia – 2nd
Lisa Blunt RochesterDemocraticDelaware – At-large
Anthony BrownDemocraticMaryland – 4th
G. K. ButterfieldDemocraticNorth Carolina – 1st
André CarsonDemocraticIndiana – 7th
Yvette ClarkeDemocraticNew York – 9th
William Lacy Clay Jr.DemocraticMissouri – 1st
Emanuel CleaverDemocraticMissouri – 5th
Jim ClyburnDemocraticSouth Carolina – 6th
John Conyers – DeanDemocraticMichigan – 13th
Elijah CummingsDemocraticMaryland – 7th
Danny DavisDemocraticIllinois – 7th
Val DemingsDemocraticFlorida – 10th
Keith EllisonDemocraticMinnesota – 5th
Dwight EvansDemocraticPennsylvania – 2nd
Marcia FudgeDemocraticOhio – 11th
Al GreenDemocraticTexas – 9th
Alcee HastingsDemocraticFlorida – 20th
Hakeem JeffriesDemocraticNew York – 8th
Eddie Bernice JohnsonDemocraticTexas – 30th
Hank JohnsonDemocraticGeorgia – 4th
Robin KellyDemocraticIllinois – 2nd
Brenda LawrenceDemocraticMichigan – 14th
Al LawsonDemocraticFlorida – 5th
Barbara LeeDemocraticCalifornia – 13th
Sheila Jackson LeeDemocraticTexas – 18th
John LewisDemocraticGeorgia – 5th
Mia LoveRepublicanUtah – 4th
Donald McEachinDemocraticVirginia – 4th
Gregory MeeksDemocraticNew York – 5th
Gwen MooreDemocraticWisconsin – 4th
Delegate Eleanor Holmes NortonDemocraticDistrict of Columbia – At-large
(non voting congressional delegate)
Donald Payne Jr.DemocraticNew Jersey – 10th
Delegate Stacey PlaskettDemocraticU.S. Virgin Islands – At-large
(non voting congressional delegate)
Cedric RichmondDemocraticLouisiana – 2nd
Bobby RushDemocraticIllinois – 1st
Bobby ScottDemocraticVirginia – 3rd
David ScottDemocraticGeorgia – 13th
Terri SewellDemocraticAlabama – 7th
Bennie ThompsonDemocraticMississippi – 2nd
Marc VeaseyDemocraticTexas – 33rd
Maxine WatersDemocraticCalifornia – 43rd
Bonnie Watson ColemanDemocraticNew Jersey – 12th
Frederica WilsonDemocraticFlorida – 24th

you really should contact them & find out why they're not doing anything for you---much more importantly, you should stop voting for them until they can act in the best interests of our communities...

Thursday, January 4, 2018


hello america!!! this post is my 2017 wrap-up regarding the senseless homicides that were committed in the 6 communities i've been following...

all of the numbers are for 2017...

chicago---675 total homicides/502 of them black/111 of them hispanic/cops killed 11 people...

baltimore---343 total homicides/288 of them black/3 of them hispanic...

la county---624 total homicides/194 of them black/342 of them hispanic/cops killed 47 people...
jacksonville---144 total homicides/101 of them black/6 of them hispanic/cops killed 7 people...
milwaukee---124 total homicides/103 of them black/6 of them hispanic...

st louis---203 total homicides/190 of them black/1 of them hispanic...

2,113 total homicides/1,378 of them black/469 of them hispanic/cops killed at least 65 of them &, as a black man, there are those of you that want me (& others) to believe that our problem is with the cops when our biggest problem is with ourselves & the way we vote coupled with the way we are so willing to take the life of another...

face the reality of 'what is' & not 'what is promised' because the following speaks volumes about willful voting ignorance...

2011---472 homicides/black, hispanic,female N/A/police killed 23 people
2012---514 homicides/392 of them black/70 of them hispanic/48 of them female/police killed 8 people
2013---455 homicides/357 of them black/83 of them hispanic/53 of them female/police killed 13 people
2014---464 homicides/353 of them black/67 of them hispanic/45 of them female/police killed 17 people
2015---510 homicides/401 of them black/81 of them hispanic/50 of them female/police killed 9 people
2016---808 homicides/626 of them black/133 of them hispanic/68 of them female/police killed 11 people
2017---675 homicides/502 of them black/111 of them hispanic/63 of them female/police killed 11 people

6 years/3,898 homicides/2,631 of them black/545 of them hispanic/327 of them female/police killed 92 people---&, during all of those years, democrat, rahm emanuel was/is the mayor (5/16/2011-present)---yes, he's the same one that campaigned on cleaning up the violence & is re-running for the same position---which begs the question---are chicago blacks, hispanics & females really that stupid??? which, demands the answer yes---yes they are because they continue to support the chicago dems...

&, just to prove to you that i don't know what i'm talking about, check this out---from 1955 to the present, there have been 39,344 chicago homicides (all under a dem mayor) &, if you have the time, you can retrace the history of those homicides to find out just how many blacks, hispanics & females were killed---FYI---the last time chicago had a repub mayor was 1927-1931 (william h thompson)...

good people, i'm not naive enough to believe that there's just one solution to fixing all of our homicidal problems, however, continually voting the dem party into office to handle that problem has factually proved to be the wrong answer because the above issue is replayed out in all of our communities with the same results & hey, it seems that as long as we are killing ours, nothing will get done about it...

at present, there are 49 members in the congressional black caucus (2 senators/47 reps &, only 1 of them is a repub)---for whatever reason, we elected these people to serve our interests & yet, all you hear from them is 'anti-trump' rhetoric---can you remember a time when all of them showed up in our violent communities to help stop the violence??? hey, let a cop shoot a black person (justified or not) & they're all over the news-shows spouting that negative dem narrative about police racism & brutality but, i promise to write about them in my next post---at the moment, i'm more concerned with the deafening silence from all the communities & media yet, when someone runs a group of people over in another country, facebook & other social media outlets are lit up with 'prayers going up' as is the case when a celebrity dies...

just think, i didn't include a lot of communities like ny, nj, detroit, etc but, the violence is the same/the poverty is the same/the gangs & drugs are the same/the education levels are the same/black childbirth & abortion rates are the same/one parent families rates are the same &, after decades of dem leadership, the people re-elect them with nothing ever being accomplished---cops & gun-control are not our problems---we are the biggest problem to & for ourselves...