Monday, July 31, 2017


hello america!!! nobody seems to remember that donald trump & john mccain were at odds during trump's presidential campaign &, those that do are not talking about it...

trump said mccain was not a 'war hero' & likes his hero's not 'captured'...

mccain criticized trump for his lewd female comments stemming from a 'leaded video'...

mccain sent one of his top aides overseas to procure the now infamous 'trump dossier' that he then turned over to the fbi which initiated the trump/russian collusion which-hunt...

mccain returns from surgery to cast the tying vote to allow the senate to continue the healthcare debate...

mccain then turns around & casts the deciding 'no' vote to keep the senate healthcare 'skinny' bill from going to 'conference' in the house of reps...

mccain returns to arizona for further treatment for his recently diagnosed 'brain cancer'...

trump rails against the repub senators that have been promising 'repealing & replacing' obamacare for 7 plus years...

unless you've been living on a distant planet you'd know all about trump's career &, you'd also know that he was never a 'real politician'---on the other hand, not many know about john mccain...

i don't respect any politician that's been in washington as long as mccain has (1983 through the present), was a veteran &, has accomplished very little for our vets or military PERIOD---he had been caught up in the 'keating five' scandal (although his wrong-doing was cleared) &, in 1983, voted against the federal creation of 'martin luther king jr' day (in 2008, when he needed the black vote for his run for presidency, he admitted that was a mistake)---look, from 1/87-7/17,  he's missed 993 'roll call' votes out of 10,033 which is 9.9% while the average is 1.3%---hell, mccain even campaigned on repealing & replacing obamacare when it was popular CLICK FOR VIDEO HERE---however, when he had the chance to do as he claimed he would do, he didn't, which is just like a politician---they tell you what they think you need/want to hear when they need your vote & then (unlike donald trump) don't live up to their campaign promises...

perhaps it's too late for this but, i'm sure mccain has done some positive things so, HERE'S HIS VOTING RECORD---judge him by his actions, not his words...

when i heard mccain talk about protecting his constituents i took the time to look up the state of arizona (pop of 6.931 million people) &, according to, nearly 2 million of them are enrolled in medicaid---i don't care how you analyze that, that's a hell of a lot of people not being productive & hell no, you can't convince that all 2 million people cannot work---hey, part of the senate healthcare bill would have given the state of arizona the power to 'wean out' those that simply stopped working in order to take advantage of the 'obamacare medicaid expansion'---here i was thinking that our laws should benefit the many & not the few (which is what's wrong with obamacare)...

as if none of the above is bad enough, we have THIS which if true (several other media outlets are reporting the same thing) proves that mccain is truly a rino & needs to go...

Tuesday, July 25, 2017


hello america!!! well, for whatever reason, 2 repubs (sen susan collins/maine & sen lisa murkowski/alaska) voted against the senate 'motion to proceed' with debate on the senate healthcare bill---bear in mind that collins voted against the 2015 obamacare repeal bill so, she's showed her true colors which are not repub colors...

good people, i don't know what the above 2 senators want nor do i really care---they should support their party or get the hell out of it because donald trump is the new face of the republican party & he's here to stay & get things done...

look, in truth, obamacare has actually helped some americans, however, the total numbers have been fudged & i don't care what agency is doing the reporting---when i hear that 22 million people (or more) will lose their healthcare coverage with a new senate healthcare bill, i defy them to prove those numbers because true math doesn't lie...

you have to know that there are not 22 million people on obamacare PERIOD!!! there's only 10-12 million actually on obamacare (in 2010 the cbo wrongly said obamacare would have 22 million people on it by now---so much for their estimates)---obama & company arrogantly decided to include those people that signed up for medicaid during the obamacare era so that the numbers looked better...

you also have to know that millions of americans have opted to pay the obamacare mandated fine rather than accept the coverage---you can read about that HERE &, you will also be informed of the millions of people that receive exemptions from obamacare...

the dems are using faulty numbers (as is the cbo) to scare you &, the sad part of it is, they do so willingly & repeatedly---perhaps what's even worse is your believing them without doing your own homework---it bears repeating that politicians are not the best truth-tellers...

the dems are also telling you how the repub bill will destroy your medicaid &, as far as i've read, the bill will not leave anybody uncovered to include those with pre-existing conditions...

while the debate on the repub healthcare bill wages on, there is time to improve it for all americans...


hello america!!! since we're in the age of congressional investigations, i hope for the following:::

1.....investigate hillary & the ukraine & russian connection
2.....investigate benghazi & the arab spring
3.....investigate the irs scandal
4.....investigate the nsa scandal
5.....investigate the tarmac metting
6.....investigate the clinton foundation
7.....investigate hillary (as sec of state) & pay-for-play
8.....investigate the cbo & how it arrives at its conclusions
9.....investigate sanctuary city's
10...investigate how guns are showing up our communities
11...investigate the unmasking of names
12...investigate all elected officials that denied meeting russian diplomats
13...investigate hillary & her server scandal
14...investigate the gun-walking program
15...investigate the 'green' companies that received federal funding & went bankrupt
16...investigate the iran deal
17...investigate the media & their use of 'un-named sources'
18...investigate outsider's being bused into protests
19...investigate all dems for using fear tactics, racism claims, lies &, obstructionism
20...investigate all repubs not supporting donald trump
21...investigate all elected officials not doing their job
22...investigate all politicians that have become rich while in office

all investigations should be headed by a 'special counsel' & a grand jury...


hello america!!! the dems are pushing a 'new' message &, good people, i'm here to tell you that they desperately require massive doses of extra-strength ex-lax...

"a better deal: better jobs: better wages: better future"---that's their new slogan & hey, it's the same old crap they've been pedaling for eons &, because donald trump won using that message, they now want to adopt it to reach the voters---well, let's look at the dems efforts in those 4 ares under a dem president &, please, don't forget that they had total control of washington for obamas first 2 years...

1.....a better deal---what deals have the dems done &/or proposed that benefited the american people during the last decade??? while you're searching to name one, i will list many (on the bottom of this page) that did just the opposite...

2.....better jobs---over that same decade, what have the dems ever done to promote job creation &/or better jobs that benefited the american people??? you'll probably add this question to the 'i'll get back to you' pile because there's no way you can answer the question in the positive...

3.....better wages---during that same decade, what have the dems honestly done to improve wages for the american people??? yes, they're all for raising the national minimum wage to $15.00 per hours, however, all one has to do is look at the cities that have done just that & honestly analyze the negative 'unintended consequences' of business closings/jobs lost/hours cut, however, they won't tell you about that aspect of the facts...

4.....better future---yes, i'm still talking about that same decade &, i need to know what have the dems done to promote a better future for the american people??? hell, i don't even know where to begin on this one because the dems negatives far outweigh the dems positives---in complete honesty, the dems have screwed our future in every way imaginable &, for that, i'm somewhat grateful because donald trump would probably never have been elected had the dems done even a half-assed good job of promoting a better future for us---however, please feel free to try & answer the questions...

this is what obama & the dems have left us with &, they're all negative...
A.....the iran deal;
B.....the gun-walking program
C.....the 'greening' of america program
D.....the tarp bailout
E.....the southern border deals
F.....the refugee deals
H.....the paris climate control agreement
I......the irs scandals (that were true)
J.....the dodd/frank bill
K....veterans healthcare system
L.....the jobs markets
M....the nsa spying program
N....the tpp deal
O....sanctuary cities
P.....war on police
Q....silencing of conservative speech
R....attacks on christian liberties racism
T....division of america
U...pronounced media bias
V....job-killing legislature & executive orders
X....political fear tactics & lies
Y....iran, north korea, africa, & amny other 'trouble spots'
Z....last but not least, obamacare

& now, the dems have a better way of governing america---look, they'll say whatever they have to to secure your vote but hey, trump is the only one that has lived up to his campaign promises...


hello america!!! i used to really enjoy foxnews but, as of late, i've come to switching the channel---they seem to spend an inordinate amount of time on pure speculation &, they're as caught up in the 'team trump' russian connection news as are the other media outlets---case in point/yesterday, while waiting for jarad kushner to speak to the press, fox's 'outnumbered' did nothing but talk about russia related matters---the only difference between them & the others is, they didn't call donald trump names...

if foxnews is truly conservatively fair & balanced one would think that they would be promoting trumps agenda & accomplishments instead of parading all of those people/panals that do nothing but ask questions & than answer them---i am tired of seeing all of the former's/ex-this/ex-that/so-called-experts try & define 'present day' politics/military operations/policies simply because of a position they once held---look, before you crucify me, think of this:::is your ex-wife/husband an expert on the present you??? is a military general (3 years removed) an expert on modern day military tactics???

i don't care how you phrase it but, if you spend time on all the negatives, you'll never get to the positives---i don't choose to listen to the 'former' experts, i need to hear from the 'current' experts & no, i'm not that naive to believe that all of our 'current' experts have all the correct answers to all of our concerns/problems---however, i do know that the 'current' is more informed than the 'former's'...

foxnews should be spending their time on calling for the investigations of hillary, her foundation, benghazi, the arab spring, the irs, the nsa, the unmasking, the tarmac meeting, ect, ect &, they should be making the case for each of those issues & any others that may come up---plus, they should constantly inform the american people of what all trump has accomplished, expose those that oppose him &, brand the dems as obstructionists...

oh, in case you disagree with me, ask foxnews to interview megyn kelly (former foxnews hostess) & alisyn camerota (former foxnews hostess) to bring us up to date on the present-day workings of the foxnews network---hopefully, you got my point...

Monday, July 24, 2017


hello america!!! to the democrat voters, i ask---can you imagine how much better off our country would now be if your elected dem officials only accepted donald trump & halfway worked with him??? seemingly, he's going to make america great (again) in spite of all their negativity, obstructionism & attacks...

look, like trump or not, he's done (& is doing) his best to keep his campaign promises---when was the last time we had a president even attempt to accomplish that &, he's accomplishing a lot of it with the odds stacked against him---hell, he's even receiving opposition from within his own party...

you'd have to be a very special kind of stupid not to realize that trump has re-invigorated the stock markets & they've been steadily climbing since 1/20/2017 (& are in record numbers) & yet, the media said they'd collapse when trump was sworn in---it's really simple, the markets react to what trump proposes & has done &, good people, it's all extremely positive...

i can save a lot of writing space by framing my next comments thusly---what part of our fed gov't knows our states needs better than our own states??? our states need to be in control of...
5.....climate control
6.....individual property rights

& yes, the states will still need advice/guidance/finances from the feds but, you & no 50 like you can convince me that our present system is working as well as it should/could be working---hey, you can't tell me that what's good for texas is just as good for new york...

we would be a much greater country (&, we would get there much faster) if the repubs would all unite around our president...

Thursday, July 13, 2017


 hello america!!! the following is directed to all of our elected officials, however, even moreso to our very own elected repubs...

our elected repubs need to unite & support donald trump to the fullest---they need to outwit the dems & do the jobs we hired them to do &, if they won't/don/t, we need to replace them with those that will---repubs need to use their muscles instead of running scared...

as a country, we need lower taxes & tax reform; we need healthcare that works & is truly affordable & puts us back in charge of how we want it; we need medicaid reformed & we need our states to be in charge of it; we need our infrastructure repaired &/or rebuilt; we need more jobs for all americans; we need to rid our communities of drugs, gangs & violence; we need school choice & we need our states to to determine our educational needs; we need our borders secure & we need those entering our country to be fully vetted; we need to reform our immigration policy; we need our trade deals to be fairer; we need countries to pay us for our services; we need to be energy independent; we need our our military to have the very best & to be the very best; we need our veterans to receive the best heath care possible; we need our media to report all the news honestly; we need american interests to be first in all matters; we need to wipe out american poverty; we need cleaner water & a cleaner environment; we need all of congress to run our country as we see fit; we need politicians to live under the same laws they subject us to; we need term limits; we need all officials to be held accountable; we need america to have a workable budget; we need female equality & true gender recognition; we need to respect & support our police & severely punish those that break the law; we need to eradicate all forms of hate & racism; we need our constitution strictly enforced & re-strengthened; we need to take much better care of our young & seniors; we need to effectively take better care of one another & we need to be more tolerant; we need to wipe out terrorism; we need to make the world a safer place; we need to help those that are struggling to help themselves...

repubs, wake the hell on up & realize that our party finally has a leader that could accomplish all of the above if only you would do more than talk---either get on the trump train or get the hell off the tracks...

Sunday, July 2, 2017


hello america!!! wake up & smell the coffee...

1.....they said he wouldn't run for office
2.....they said he wouldn't stay in the race
3.....they said he couldn't win the republican nomination
4.....they said he couldn't defeat hillary
5.....they said he was racist; a misogynist; & every other thing negative
6.....they said he couldn't act presidential
7.....they said he colluded with russia
8.....they said he obstructed justice
9.....they said his own tweets will do him in
10...they said he couldn't govern
11...they said world leader's wouldn't respect him
12...they said he wouldn't accomplish anything
13...they said his hair wasn't real

well, allow me to respond...

a.....he did run for office
b.....he did stay in the race
c.....he did win the republican nomination
d.....he did defeat hillary
e.....he's not all of those negative things they've called him
f.....he does act presidential
g.....he didn't collude with russia
h.....he didn't obstruct justice
i.....i can only hope he tweets even more
j.....he's governing rather well leaders do respect him
l.....he has accomplished quite a lot with & without congress
m...his hair is hanging in there

through all the negativeness directed at donald trump from the left-wing media, the democrats &, hell, even some of his own, this man continues to WIN---& now, since the dems have no other ammunition left, some of them are now calling him 'crazy'...

at some point, the elected dems must get around to helping the repubs run this country for the betterment of all americans & quit their childish ways...