this site will primarily consist of my political writings on what i see, hear, know &, research &, it will be predominantly about the negativety within our government, as i see it, regardless of who it may be about. above all else, it will be the truth as best i can present it.
Monday, January 30, 2017
america, this is what i've noticed---there are those that can organize & afford to pay 'protesters'; there are those so willing to protest (any issue); there are those that use a social platform to protest; there are those that oppose 'border walls' & 'temporary refugee bans'...
this is what i haven't noticed---i did not notice a one of you offering the illegal aliens or refugees a bed in your own homes---you all remind me of the days when city's needed garbage dumps & everybody was all for them until they were put in their communities (stinking up the community, loud trucks running in & out all night,etc)---don't be like the politicians that are in favor of letting the illegal aliens & refugees in but won't allow them to settle down in their neighborhoods (I WONDER WHY THAT IS???)---rather than protest like you're presently doing & blocking traffic, open your homes to these people we have no clue about---i'm sure you'll sleep a lot better not knowing anything about the intentions of that person---do they really wanting a better life or, are they interested in 'wrongness' starting with your own family members???
Sunday, January 29, 2017
Friday, January 27, 2017
Wednesday, January 25, 2017
hello america!!! in staying true to his word, donald trump is concerned about all the violence in chicago...
he tweeted this:::
Donald J. Trump Verified account @realDonaldTrump
i don't know which part of 'the feds' he means, however, i'm sure that if he can save any lives, the parents will be appreciative or, at least they should be...
from jan 2016-jun 17, 2016, chicago police took 4,230 guns off the streets & yet, from 1/1/16-12/31/16, chicago still had 4,339 people shot (716 killed/3663 wounded)
he tweeted this:::
Donald J. Trump Verified account
If Chicago doesn't fix the horrible "carnage" going on, 228 shootings in 2017 with 42 killings (up 24% from 2016), I will send in the Feds!
9:25 PM - 24 Jan 2017
i don't know which part of 'the feds' he means, however, i'm sure that if he can save any lives, the parents will be appreciative or, at least they should be...
from jan 2016-jun 17, 2016, chicago police took 4,230 guns off the streets & yet, from 1/1/16-12/31/16, chicago still had 4,339 people shot (716 killed/3663 wounded)
Tuesday, January 24, 2017
hello america!!! now that the women's march is over, i'm more confused than before it began & hey, i'm all for women's rights (life, liberty, & the pursuit of happiness)---that said, if it were an all-inclusive event, why were certain women &/or women groups excluded??? apparently, pro-life group, new wave feminists (for one), after being listed as a co-sponsor, was kicked out---so much for all-inclusitivity!!! however, i was in favor of the march (even though i strongly support/supported donald trump) until i heard several women speaking hate & division; saw several signs that were very offensive; saw several 'uniforms' that were totally negative; &, saw the garbage they left behind---up until all of that, i thought it was great that so many women could unite, even if i was against their reasoning for doing so---today, i'm asking myself, what was the message that they were trying to send??? i say that (not to belittle their efforts) but, because as i look around america, i see how they could have (& still can) help us in ways that our 'so-called manly men' haven't...
to all the people of color that attended the marches---as a soon to be 68 year old american (that just happens to be black), i am ashamed that you all got caught up in an event that won't benefit your plight in this country one iota---here's why...
1...during 2016, in just 5 communities alone (chicago, baltimore, milwaukee, jacksonville &, la county---all controlled by a democrat mayor) 1,609 black & latino people were killed & you didn't speak a word about it---hey, these are our children, brothers, sisters, fathers, mothers & other relationship (taken from us before their time) & you didn't say crap &, before i forget, for you so-called champions of female life, 212 of those homicides were females---where was your voice??? where were the voices of all of those you supported at the march??? what's so ironic about all of this is, the very one person you all want to shut down, donald trump, is the only one that talked/is talking about doing anything about all of this senseless violence & newsflash---it wasn't a part of hillary's or bernie's agenda---go figure---i'm here to tell you that something is very wrong with all of these 'street guns' flooding our communities & nobody has a clue as to where they're coming from & yet, all gun manufacturers have to be able to account for every gun they produce---the extremely sad part of all of this is, you don't raise questions or concerns...
2...while i have no doubt that planned parenthood has benefited people of color, i can't help but doubt their true intentions when i look at the stats---79% of their surgical abortion facilities are within walking distance of our black & latino communities---HMMM??? does that we mean we are 'fucking' more then the rest of the country??? another very disturbing stat is, blacks & latinos make up just 28%-30% of the american population & yet, we account for 53% of all planned parent hood abortions---now how can that be???
3...if 'life' is so valuable to all of you, why are you not organizing these marches in the communities that could really benefit from them---i don't wish to rain on your parade but, word is, these marches were scheduled with the anticipation that hillary was going to win...
look, when i go to
& see this--- Mission & Vision
We stand together in solidarity with our partners and children for the protection of our rights, our safety, our health, and our families - recognizing that our vibrant and diverse communities are the strength of our country.
i can't help but wonder what all you're marching actually accomplished...
to all the people of color that attended the marches---as a soon to be 68 year old american (that just happens to be black), i am ashamed that you all got caught up in an event that won't benefit your plight in this country one iota---here's why...
1...during 2016, in just 5 communities alone (chicago, baltimore, milwaukee, jacksonville &, la county---all controlled by a democrat mayor) 1,609 black & latino people were killed & you didn't speak a word about it---hey, these are our children, brothers, sisters, fathers, mothers & other relationship (taken from us before their time) & you didn't say crap &, before i forget, for you so-called champions of female life, 212 of those homicides were females---where was your voice??? where were the voices of all of those you supported at the march??? what's so ironic about all of this is, the very one person you all want to shut down, donald trump, is the only one that talked/is talking about doing anything about all of this senseless violence & newsflash---it wasn't a part of hillary's or bernie's agenda---go figure---i'm here to tell you that something is very wrong with all of these 'street guns' flooding our communities & nobody has a clue as to where they're coming from & yet, all gun manufacturers have to be able to account for every gun they produce---the extremely sad part of all of this is, you don't raise questions or concerns...
2...while i have no doubt that planned parenthood has benefited people of color, i can't help but doubt their true intentions when i look at the stats---79% of their surgical abortion facilities are within walking distance of our black & latino communities---HMMM??? does that we mean we are 'fucking' more then the rest of the country??? another very disturbing stat is, blacks & latinos make up just 28%-30% of the american population & yet, we account for 53% of all planned parent hood abortions---now how can that be???
3...if 'life' is so valuable to all of you, why are you not organizing these marches in the communities that could really benefit from them---i don't wish to rain on your parade but, word is, these marches were scheduled with the anticipation that hillary was going to win...
look, when i go to
& see this--- Mission & Vision
We stand together in solidarity with our partners and children for the protection of our rights, our safety, our health, and our families - recognizing that our vibrant and diverse communities are the strength of our country.
i can't help but wonder what all you're marching actually accomplished...
hello america!!! sometimes you just have to say it with pictures...

Friday, January 20, 2017
hello america!!! this says it all---
hello america!!! all of my numbers come from our department of labor (dol)/bureau of labor statistics (bls)---
while many give credit to obama for adding/gaining all those jobs to our jobs markets, true math proves just the opposite & hey, the following numbers come from the same gov't agencies that obama & company use (they just don't/won't tell you about all the negative numbers)...
obama has not 'created' 15 million jobs & if you do the math from you'll find that out for yourself or, you can rely on my numbers---which are:::
from feb 2009-dec 2016, 15,620,000 jobs were created however, there were 16 months of negative jobs growth (-4,279,000) & that has to be subtracted from the 15,620,000 which leaves 10,983,000 jobs created in an 8 year period---now, before you start pounding your chest about that being a good thing, follow this logic...
for the month of dec 2016, we added/gained 156,000 jobs per however, for that same month, we also had -1,291,000 initial unemployment claims filed per ---scroll down to page 6 & look at decembers numbers---those are jobs lost---subtract the gains from the losses & you'll start to uncover the facts (which are really staggering) that nobody ever tells you about per the depart of labor site--- (click on 'BEGINNING YEAR', INSERT 2009 & CLICK SUBMIT, look at the left-hand column NSA & scroll down---those are jobs lost on a weekly basis you never hear about because all they tell you about are the jobs added/gained)---i actually started obamas count of lost jobs from feb 2009---it's called 'willfull deception' which far too many of you are willing to accept by not doing your own homework or challenging what you're told...
let's keep it simple---if you care to discover the truth about our jobs growth (or lack thereof) simply compare obamas jobs added/gained, follow this link &, you should be comparing it to our jobs lost with this link again (click on 'BEGINNING YEAR', INSERT 2009 & CLICK SUBMIT, look at the left-hand column NSA & scroll down---these are the dates i used---2/7/2009-12/31/16 during which -151,229,887 unemployment claims were filed & no, i cant guarantee you that i didn't make any mistakes, however, my math is good enough to tell you that i won't be off by much...
good people, there is no way to put a positive spin on 151,229,887 people out of work over an 8 year period---that's not to say they remained unemployed or, for how long, however, the data doesn't show them going back to work---if anything, the data shows that 140,246,887 didn't &, the gov't stats back that up---obama didn't start counting the jobs numbers until after his first 15-18 months in office which is just wrong on all accounts &, please bear this in mind, the way our unemployment rate was measured was changed (jan 2010) which omitted counting certain groups thus automatically lowering the rate (& you thought the repubs were lying about that)...
america, please quit relying on others to tell you 'their facts' & research the info for yourselves because as obama said, he added/gained 15 million plus jobs, but, he so willingly & conveniently forgot to tell you about the massive numbers of jobs lost...
while many give credit to obama for adding/gaining all those jobs to our jobs markets, true math proves just the opposite & hey, the following numbers come from the same gov't agencies that obama & company use (they just don't/won't tell you about all the negative numbers)...
obama has not 'created' 15 million jobs & if you do the math from you'll find that out for yourself or, you can rely on my numbers---which are:::
from feb 2009-dec 2016, 15,620,000 jobs were created however, there were 16 months of negative jobs growth (-4,279,000) & that has to be subtracted from the 15,620,000 which leaves 10,983,000 jobs created in an 8 year period---now, before you start pounding your chest about that being a good thing, follow this logic...
for the month of dec 2016, we added/gained 156,000 jobs per however, for that same month, we also had -1,291,000 initial unemployment claims filed per ---scroll down to page 6 & look at decembers numbers---those are jobs lost---subtract the gains from the losses & you'll start to uncover the facts (which are really staggering) that nobody ever tells you about per the depart of labor site--- (click on 'BEGINNING YEAR', INSERT 2009 & CLICK SUBMIT, look at the left-hand column NSA & scroll down---those are jobs lost on a weekly basis you never hear about because all they tell you about are the jobs added/gained)---i actually started obamas count of lost jobs from feb 2009---it's called 'willfull deception' which far too many of you are willing to accept by not doing your own homework or challenging what you're told...
let's keep it simple---if you care to discover the truth about our jobs growth (or lack thereof) simply compare obamas jobs added/gained, follow this link &, you should be comparing it to our jobs lost with this link again (click on 'BEGINNING YEAR', INSERT 2009 & CLICK SUBMIT, look at the left-hand column NSA & scroll down---these are the dates i used---2/7/2009-12/31/16 during which -151,229,887 unemployment claims were filed & no, i cant guarantee you that i didn't make any mistakes, however, my math is good enough to tell you that i won't be off by much...
good people, there is no way to put a positive spin on 151,229,887 people out of work over an 8 year period---that's not to say they remained unemployed or, for how long, however, the data doesn't show them going back to work---if anything, the data shows that 140,246,887 didn't &, the gov't stats back that up---obama didn't start counting the jobs numbers until after his first 15-18 months in office which is just wrong on all accounts &, please bear this in mind, the way our unemployment rate was measured was changed (jan 2010) which omitted counting certain groups thus automatically lowering the rate (& you thought the repubs were lying about that)...
america, please quit relying on others to tell you 'their facts' & research the info for yourselves because as obama said, he added/gained 15 million plus jobs, but, he so willingly & conveniently forgot to tell you about the massive numbers of jobs lost...
Saturday, January 7, 2017
hello america!!! the following is what donald trump proposes for healthcare reform to include 'accepting pre-existing conditions' &, allowing family members to stay on their parents insurance until age 26---
hello america!!! even though many (on all sides) will continue to deny the following, the facts speak for themselves...
1.....donald trump beat a out 16 other repub candidates---WINNER...
2.....donald trump beat hillary clinton with a majority of the states voting for him---WINNER...
3.....donald trump won selected 'recount-states' votes---WINNER...
4.....donald trump won against the 'never trump' petitioners---WINNER...
5.....donald trump won the official 'electoral college' vote---WINNER...
6.....donald trump won the official congressional vote count---WINNER...
7.....donald trump won against carrier moving jobs to mexico---WINNER...
8.....donald trump won against boeing & lockheed's prices for gov't aircraft---WINNER...
9.....donald trump won against ford moving jobs to mexico---WINNER...
10...donald trump won with chinese auto-glass maker tycoon (cao dewang) to move jobs from china to ohio ($600-$800 billion dollar investment)---WINNER...
11...donald trump won against all the anti-trump media outlets---WINNER...
12...donald trump even won against his own party of 'never trumper's' (in spite of them doing all they could to derail his being elected as president---WINNER...
by now, you got my message & yes, i could tell you that some of his 'plans' are already being worked on in congress & the senate &, that's a win; company's will be more hesitant to move jobs out of america if they risk a 'penalty' for selling their goods here &, that's a win; that he will repeal & replace obamacare & not leave one person without health insurance during the transition & hey, that's a win; his support for israel is another win---yes, we could do this all day long...
trump's biggest Win is his use of twitter & communicating directly with the american people...
1.....donald trump beat a out 16 other repub candidates---WINNER...
2.....donald trump beat hillary clinton with a majority of the states voting for him---WINNER...
3.....donald trump won selected 'recount-states' votes---WINNER...
4.....donald trump won against the 'never trump' petitioners---WINNER...
5.....donald trump won the official 'electoral college' vote---WINNER...
6.....donald trump won the official congressional vote count---WINNER...
7.....donald trump won against carrier moving jobs to mexico---WINNER...
8.....donald trump won against boeing & lockheed's prices for gov't aircraft---WINNER...
9.....donald trump won against ford moving jobs to mexico---WINNER...
10...donald trump won with chinese auto-glass maker tycoon (cao dewang) to move jobs from china to ohio ($600-$800 billion dollar investment)---WINNER...
11...donald trump won against all the anti-trump media outlets---WINNER...
12...donald trump even won against his own party of 'never trumper's' (in spite of them doing all they could to derail his being elected as president---WINNER...
by now, you got my message & yes, i could tell you that some of his 'plans' are already being worked on in congress & the senate &, that's a win; company's will be more hesitant to move jobs out of america if they risk a 'penalty' for selling their goods here &, that's a win; that he will repeal & replace obamacare & not leave one person without health insurance during the transition & hey, that's a win; his support for israel is another win---yes, we could do this all day long...
trump's biggest Win is his use of twitter & communicating directly with the american people...
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