Saturday, April 30, 2016


hello america!!! when i see articles like THIS ONE, i get upset that nobody in the media seems to go out & fact-check the numbers or claims---obama has been given a free pass from day one without fear of rebuttal from the media pundits...hey, good people, can you remember this 2009 video??? how come nobody in the media asks the people that got laid off (& will get laid off) by caterpillar how obamas economy is treating them???

how come the media doesn't talk about THIS since obama went out of his way to visit them to sell us his bailout BS???

obama & company talked a good game about how their bailout was the best thing ever for our country & caterpillar but, as with everything else they have told us, it was just another a lie...

&, just so you'll know i didn't get it twisted click on this link---

a picture is worth a thousand words so, what can obama say now???

barack obama caterpillar factory


hello america!!! no matter what is said, claimed or proved, there will always be those on the left that will find a reason to disagree with it---obama & company stopped people from being 'forced to work' & look at what happens when states defy them...READ HERE...

Saturday, April 23, 2016


hello america!!! assuming donald trump will make us a great again, this is what will happen...

1.....bringing jobs back from overseas & putting americans back to work---i don't want to be the one to rain on your negative parade so, i'll just post the obvious---this benefits the white's, the black's, the latino's & all other races as well as the rich & the poor... our trades deal---automatically creates more jobs thus benefiting all americans...

3.....building the wall & allowing our border agents to do their jobs---brings down the smuggling in all fields, i.e; drugs, human trafficking, etc; brings down the number of those illegally trying to enter our country thus benefiting the whole country because we would have to spend less for their upkeep & it would free up resources for other interests...

4.....ban muslims from entering our country until our leaders figured out what was going on---this would benefit all of us because we would be able to fully vet 'refugees' & others & would undoubtedly catch some individuals wishing to do us harm...

5.....repeal & replace obamacare---this befefits all americans---some may have benefited from obamacare but, in truth, not enough to force it on america---the costs are continually rising; the coverage is far from the best; you can't keep your doctor nor can you keep your plan; &, some of the obama-made delays &/or suspensions will soon expire & we will have another nightmare on our hands---plus, insurer's are ready to pull the plug on obamacare because they're losing money &, if that's allowed to happen, we'll all be in a world of healthcare hell...

6.....taking care of our veterans---who could possibly against this??? our vets deserve the very best that america has to offer but, unfortunately, they receive far less---the va system has been allowed to run amuck with far less actions on behalf of the vets that have to rely on their services...good people, we need somebody that will actually honor their campaign pledges instead of kicking the can down the road for somebody else to address...

7.....reforming our taxes---again, this benefits all americans & it's long overdue...

8.....immigration reform---i'm 100% for it---our needs have to come first &, people need to enter our country legally, PERIOD!!!

there are plethora of issues i strongly agree with trump on & that is why i will cast my vote for him...

you can check his site out for yourselves HERE...


hello america!!! by now, even you have had to have heard (&/or seen) donald trump telling us just how bad that iranian deal was &, you probably heard the dems, repubs & media pundits disagreeing with him...for the record, he was spot-on & anyone with a brain has to agree with him although they won't do so publicly---which brings me to this READ HERE---

if you have the time, here's the 159 page deal...IRAN DEAL...iran is still 'testing' missiles while defying the world; they've received weapons from russia; they have underground bunkers we can't moniter; they still support terrorists; they still want to destroy isreal; &, we have to pay them for their 'heavy water'???

exactly what did we get out of this deal???


hello america!!! look, i've been struggling with how to word this writing without offending anybody, however, even i realize that somebody is not going to happy with it so, the hell with all that PC crap...i came across something on facebook saying that the dems in the house of representatives were quietly trying to push a certain bill forward calling for the prosecution of bigotry towards muslims &, while not wanting to believe it, i researched it & found the actual bill  CLICK HERE...

this resolution only singles out muslim bigotry & i have a problem with that because we are a nation built on christianity & all religions should be included-PERIOD!!! there's something terribly wrong when we have 'certain so-called representatives' repeatedly turning a blind eye to the destruction of our very own religious beliefs & values in favor of another---america, we have long passed the point of 'tolerance' when we are forced to act in favor of one but not the other<><><>TOLERANCE CANNOT NOR SHOULD IT EVER BE ONE-SIDED & IT MUST ALWAYS BE FAIR...where were the dems on THIS???

yes, we should be tolerant, accepting & respectful to & for all 'religions' unless they would 'force' us to betray our own---i don't want to be told that i can't practice mine in public while another can...

there's a lot lacking from this resolution & that is by design...


hello america!!! i can only wonder how many 'green' company's obama has put his hand on that are still alive & thriving because the following is but another failure of his READ HERE---


hello america!!! here are 3 articles that should make you question your voting/supporting for hillary clinton---by the way, she said they were dead broke when they left the white house so, i researched it & came up with THIS...

1.....START HERE---the dems say there's too much money in politics, however, that doesn't keep them from raising more---by the way, just out of curiosity, i wonder just how many 'people of color' attended this event...

2.....& HERE---& you're supposed to believe that hillary will remain above the buying power of the money she has received &, she will rein in the banks & wall street (see, even she has jokes)...

Friday, April 22, 2016


hello america!!! enough is enough & we passed that point a long time ago---when i see this CLICK HERE i get upset because this is america-PERIOD!!! unfortunately, it doesn't stop there because we also have THIS...are obama & company really as stupid as they appear to be that they can't learn from the mistakes of others READ HERE...

our 'main-stream media' doesn't want to get involved with these 'religious' issues in fear of crossing that 'politically correct' line & that keeps a lot of what's occurring around our country from being known on a broader scale---where's foxness or cnn on THIS??? yeah, call me whatever you wish to, however, teachers can't wear their crosses exposed while in our schools because they are religious symbols & yet, muslim women have the right to wear their burqas which are symbols of theirs...

on the surface, most american muslims seem to be peaceful & tolerant, however, their religion teaches that there is only one true GOD & that HE is ALLAH &, you either believe that or you're branded a 'disbeliever' for which there are severe penalties &, there is no middle ground---instead of even trying to debate this with me, just ask obama what is the penalty for 'disbeliever's'...

i am tolerant & accepting of others that may think differently than i do but, i draw the line when you try to force me to accept your ways & customs---if some of the muslims wish to live under 'sharia law', they should go to a country that practices it---don't demand it from me...

perhaps this might help educate some of you---READ HERE &, for those that would like to learn even more, i strongly suggest you obtain an official 'QURAN' & find out if there's any truth to THIS...

here is a little more for to READ...&, it is all over the world CLICK HERE...

when you look at the boston bombings or san bernardino, we need to be on high alert because we may never know who will pick up a gun until it's too late---AN EXAMPLE...


hello america!!! obama & company told us it would be affordable---READ HERE... which makes me ask this; just how many more lies are awaiting us??? we know (at least some us do) that several obama 'suspensions/delays' will be kicking in soon & all hell is about to break out...besides, when you have this occurring HERE...the writing is on the wall---

the sad part of this is, obama & company spent all that time to ram this law down our throats (without any repub support) & squandered those first two years in doing so...


hello america!!! if you click on the following link, you'll find further evidence of why donald trump should be our next president---CLICK HERE...when you compare all the financial support jeb bush had to donald trump's & you see the outcome, it has to make you wish our country could run that way---spend less & get more...


hello america!!! this is an extremely tragic story READ HERE, unfortunately, there will be no major protests---obama & company will remain silent about it---&, most of the media will allow it to fade away...for whatever reason, black-on-black crime does not fit their narrative &, seemingly, we have become too desensitized to it to raise any hell---just further illustrates why our country needs to change the direction we've been heading...that said, let a cop shoot a person of color (rightly or wrongly) & see how we all go crazy...

Tuesday, April 19, 2016


hello america!!! to all of those that claim they will leave america if donald trump is elected president i say this---pack your bags, leave &, stay gone---i won't miss you, however, i will be curious as to whether or not you can get whatever country you reside in to cater to your religious &/or ethnic wants & needs...

good people, anybody that thinks we don't need a bigger & better wall & much stronger enforcement for our southern border, is just plain stupid!!! hell, in 2006 &, you can read it HERE, obama was talking about the negative impact illegal aliens cause on our jobs market & financial resources &, guess what??? not a damn thing has changed since then---if anything, the problems have been exacerbated because obama & company refuse to follow our laws & they scream 'RACIST' whenever somebody challenges their actions...

so, why don't you ask them to explain the following---READ HERE &, i hope you grill them until you receive an honest explanation---by the way, the numbers strongly support donald trumps border decisions & only a fool would think differently...&, if you find yourself having any doubts about illegal aliens, i strongly suggest you READ THIS & then form an educated opinion...

what those that call trump 'racist' don't want to talk about relating to illegal aliens are:::
they become criminals as soon as they enter our country illegally
the cost to all of our taxpayers
all &/or any of the various crimes they commit
all the drugs being smuggled into our country
the 'slave/sex trade' industry
guns running in & out
illegal money being sent out
property damages
home-owners living in fear
&, they damn sure don't want to talk about how a 5 or 6 year old (or even younger) can travel (unaccompanied, with no money, family or friends) thousands of miles & through numerous countries & still make it here---figure that one out...

so, for all of you that wish to leave i say this, get the hell out...

Monday, April 18, 2016


hello america!!! because i refuse to support hillary clinton, i have been called a 'male chauvinist' & 'sexist'---in truth, i am willing to accept a female as my president as long as they represent my values as a mostly conservative believing individual-PERIOD!!!

i have multiple bona fide resons for not supporting hillary:::

1.....her involvement & support for the clinton crime bill that she is now trying to distance herself from READ HERE
2.....her public decrying the plight of black americans & yet, never having done anything of note on their behalf &, if you google 'what has hillary done for black people', you'll come up with THIS
3.....her portraying the female equality issue as one of her strong points & yet, there are reports that she has repeatedly underpaid her female staffers in comparison to male staffers---CLICK HERE or do your own homework on the issue to learn the truth about her
4.....her trying to now finagle her positions on our trade agreements which have caused us big problems---HERE 
5.....her support for obamacare to become law (against the will of the majority) & the 'sneaky' way she went about garnering support HERE 
6.....her stint as a sitting us senator representing ny (from 1/2001-1/2009) is filled with some good things as well as some negative ones (depends which side of the fence you're on) &, while the following is not the 'bible' of all of her actions, it's a great place to start SEE HERE 
7.....her stint as our sec of state (from 2009-2013) should go down in history as one of the worst---she has no major accomplishments for that time frame &, if anything, she helped make the world a more deadlier place---in truth, all of our world-wide-modern-day problems can be directly placed on her shoulders...russia & china are stronger while we have become weaker; north korea is still a threat; iran is still a threat; africa is a disaster; the 'arab spring' was the undoing of the middle east; she allowed isis to grow into what they now are; the jews & palestine's are still at war with one another; our so-called friends & allies trust us less; our world is less safer because of her ineffectiveness & her blind, political  support for obama---you can google any of that to find the truth was her duty to provide for the safety of our people in benghazi & she refused to do that &, instead of admitting it, she deliberately lied about why our four people were killed in blaming those deaths on a video (to save obamas bacon she willingly lied to those four american family's)---this is unforgivable
9.....her attempts to keep her emails hidden from the american people & lying to congress & us about it (also unforgivable &, i hope she goes to jail because of it)---as sec of state, she had to know & or should have known what was & wasn't classified material (regardless of markings) & she signed a voucher to that effect
10...while it hasn't been proved yet, her favorable actions (while in office) towards those that gave 'donations' to the clinton foundation is under fbi investigation &, if obama doesn't get involved, they'll end up recommending that our justice department file charges against her
11...her blatant lies, such as; she were 'flat broke' when she left office & her farce at riding a ny subway train (for 2 stops to show people she's a ny'er) just rub me the wrong way...

as a veteran (in honorable standing), i find it repulsive that in all of her years as a public servant (2001-2013) that she has not done anything of note to fix the problems at our veteran affairs agency or even delve into the problems that effect so many people of color plus, as sec of state, she was in an ideal position to stop the flow of illegal aliens into our country as well as the drugs & than, we'll always have this---THIS ONE      or, you can google her defnding a rapist for yourselves...

& we have this...READ HERE...

america, we deserve better than hillary!!!


hello america!!! so, unions are good for the american people??? you just might want to rethink that---hopefully, you can remember all the unions that were so vocal & supportive for obamacare to become law for the american people &, after it was signed into law, they filed for exemptions which were granted---it was good enough for you but not good enough for them---fast forward to this week &, here they are, supporting a $15.00 minimum wage hike & yet again, they want to be exempted from it...


that's like saying i'm in favor of gun control as long as me & mine are exempted from it...

Tuesday, April 12, 2016


hello america!!! have you ever noticed that the politicians (from obama on down) that favor more middle east refugees to enter our country are the very same politicians that favor illegal aliens to settle within our borders, however, they just don't want them in their neighborhoods---but, that should come as no surprise to you because they are the same politicians that told you obamacare was good enough for you but not good enough for them...HMMM???

imagine this:::obama & company leave office (2017) with their families &, wherever they settle, you won't find undocumented immigrants or middle east refugees living there---PERIOD!!! hell, they couldn't even get obama to visit the border &, you might remember the amount of security his daughters had when they went on spring break to mexico (2012)...

look, i'm all for helping people but not at the cost of not being able to help ourselves first---&, when our gov't officials tell us they don't have the means to track the illegal aliens combined with they don't know & can't prove if all the refugees are truly what they proclaim themselves to be, why in the hell should we be so willing to allow them here???

not all illegal aliens will sneak across our borders to commit crimes &, not all people from the middle east wish us harm but, how do we prove that prior to allowing them to resettle here---the flip-side of that is, some do commit crimes & some do wish us'd have to be a very 'special kind of stupid' not to accept that as fact...

good people, i don't care what side of the fence you're on, if sarah root were your daughter, i wonder how you'd feel---READ HERE...this crime (& others) committed by illegal aliens could have/should have been prevented if we would simply enforce our laws &, we already have proof that there are those within the muslim communities that wish to do us harm---will it take another boston bombing or san bernardino shooting where you lose a loved one for you to open your eyes???

we have far too many problems among our own people for us to open our doors & allow just anybody else in to contribute to them...

Thursday, April 7, 2016


hello america!!! this article from & others like it is why you need to conduct your own research READ HERE because all you see or hear about is how well our jobs market is doing &, in truth, our jobs markets are horrible---obama & company are so quick to point out our jobs growth while ignoring our job losses but, rest assured, i'm here to educate you...

let's take an honest look at our gov'ts own numbers:::
for march 2016 we added 215,000 jobs per our department of labor's bureau of labor statistics (bls) report HERE---if that was all one could look at, one could say we're doing well, however, there's that little report that comes out weekly from (guess who)---yes, our very own department of labor (dol) that says for march 2016, we had 1,320,000 unemployment claims---hell, for the week ending 2 april, we had 267,000 unemployment claims alone---here's their report HERE...& no, this isn't a fluke, it happens every month that we lose more jobs than we gain & that's a fact but, they don't recite those numbers... 

&, just think, i just posted about this HERE &, good people, we have a bunch of problems concerning our lack of jobs growth...look, if we only add the money we make & not the money we spend, we'd all look like geniuses...

Tuesday, April 5, 2016


hello america!!! yes, i've no doubt that donald trump speaks in a manner that turns people away from supporting him, however, to you i say, listen to what he's saying instead of how he's saying it &, do yourself a favor & research the whole message rather than just accept the media-edited version---this is what he said about people crossing  & there is a lot of truth in it---but, don't forget, illegal aliens are here from all of the latin american countries---

you may argue but, we are not getting their best & far too many of them have to be taken care of once they're here---the crimes, drugs & violence speak for themselves...what's lost on our 'super smart idiots' in charge & the media is, mexico has a lot to do with who & what crosses our southern border & only goes through the motions to prevent it...

obama & company, along with the dem & repub candidates, & the media went crazy when trump said he would ban muslims from entering our country---& you jumped on that wagon because that's all you heard or read---just so you'll know where i'm coming from, here's cbsnews challenging the legality of trumps ban READ OR LISTEN HERE &, in this washington post article, the commentators talk while trump is talking & no where did they print what he actually said---CLICK HERE & that is what the media runs with---their own edited version & you wonder why he calls them dishonest???

look, trump said, he would ban all muslims from entering our country until our people (gov't) could figure out what was going on &, he said all of that in one sentence plus, he gave his reasons why, however, it wasn't reported that way...yes, it seems harsh & a host of other negative things, however, ask yourself this:::other than radicalized islamists, what other religions have threatened us or have shown that they will harm us &, from what region of the world are they coming from??? when our enemy has the adaptability to blend in, we have to go extra lengths to protect ourselves---we can't tell where the refugees are coming from, who they are or, what their intentions are &, sadly, our gov't has admitted this...

in reference to trumps saying a woman should be punished for having an abortion (because that's all you hear or read about) i suggest you read an earlier post of mine on this issue---HERE...

as for our trades deals, they all need to be scraped & redone on a country-by-country basis---if we're importing more than we are exporting, something is wrong---plus, there is no reason for companies to be allowed to close up shop, lay off our people, move to another country & sell us their products without a penalty---our taxes, regulations & unions have a direct effect on why this is happening so often & must be addressed so as to prohibit from continuing...

our vets have earned their dues & obama was supposed to address their issues during his 1st term & didn't---it's time to allow them to get the medical & mental healthcare they need whenever they want or need it without going through waiting lists & bad services...

our military is rapidly shrinking while the world's military's are growing---we need to instantly reverse this & become number one in all aspects relating to our military because we offer the world more peace when we are strong & willing to use that strength...

this is simple---trump is the only one that has hired hundreds of thousands of people from all walks of life...american citizens don't need more handouts, they need jobs & yes, there are those that are absolutely in need of gov't assistance...

we do need to make our country great again while putting american needs & interests first!!!


hello america!!! you may not agree with how donald trump says things (he's an extremely blunt speaker) but, you can't argue with the logic of his comments---our southern border has always been a major problem to & for us &, under obama & company, those problems have escalated to the present point of having our immigration & border personnel ignore the laws concerning detections, apprehensions &, deportations...look, there can be no doubt that our agencies have had their hands handcuffed while trying to carry out their duties---hell, i've even read articles where our people have been told to stand down...

when we have our own gov't advertising food stamps in mexico---you can google it yourself or read it  HERE while allowing train & bus loads of unchecked immigrants to enter our country, the problem has become deliberate &, our gov't heads have been telling us they can't track these people once they're let loose within our borders---hell, we even have places where these people are safe CLICK HERE & that should be illegal in itself...for that matter, you & none of the talking heads can convince me that unaccompanied 6 or 7 year old foreign kids can travel from ecuador to texas (approx 2,918 miles) without being detected until they arrive here---they have to have help from the countries they're passing through...

our primary southern border problems are::: drugs, sex-slave trafficking, illegal aliens, threat of radical islamists, smuggling, gangs, crime, violence, property destruction, drains on our personnel & financial resources (across the whole country) &, i'm sure you can add to this list..

the biggest solution to our southern border problems is to build a workable wall & to allow our agencies to carry out their duties &, this is how we do it TRUMP'S WALL PLAN---no matter what, we will have some saying that trump's plan is impossible...

Monday, April 4, 2016


hello america!!! we've had 'super smart idiots' running our country for decades & look at where we are---our national debt will soon be at or above $20 trillion dollars; we have 73 million plus people on medicaid; we have 44 million plus people on food stamps; we have 46 million plus people living in poverty; we have 40 million plus people still without healthcare; we have 27 million plus people working part-time; we have 7 million plus people unemployed; we owe foreign countries $6 trillion dollars plus; we have student loan debts of 1 trillion dollars plus; we have a total us debt of $64 trillion dollars plus; we have our us irs taking in $3.3 trillion dollars plus while our us national spending is $3.8 trillion dollars plus (who in the hell can balance that out???)...

just when you think it couldn't get any worse, we have this:::obama & company swear that he's been able to reclaim every job that was lost during the recession &, i'm here to tell you that something just doesn't add up &, i don't care who does the math...&, before you call me an idiot, let's look at march 2016 jobs numbers...

the department of labor (dol) through their bureau of labor statistics (bls) released their monthly employment situation summary report on friday-1 apr 2016 which says, we added 215,000 jobs in  march 2016 &, that's all the 'super smart idiots' talk about---our employment is steady which gives a false hope to our people that don't have the time to do their own homework---here's the BLS REPORT...

seemingly, only i could find fault with that bls report, so maybe i'm stupid---well, i would be 'stupid' if i couldn't see the conflict in the gov'ts own numbers coming from the same dol which tell me that for the month of march, we have had 1,053,000 people file unemployment claims but, you don't hear anything about this---now why is that??? here's the DOL REPORT &, we still have another week of reports coming for march...

you do the math & quit listening to the dems tell you how well we're doing because this conflict of numbers has been going on for quite some time---in truth, the dems only count the jobs gained & not the ones lost...for that matter, obama didn't start counting jobs growth until after his 1st 15 months in office...

with all the above going on, obama & company continually try to paint this rosy picture of our problems---they don't have a clue as to how to even attempt to get our house in order & they want you to vote the dems into office for the next 4 years---even more unfortunate is, they don't even recognize the magnitude of our problems, however, they'll be quick to tell you that the rich need to pay more taxes as well as our corporations---&, fear not, they'll slip their agenda for 'gun control' in there some place...

good people, there is no doubt that the above problems will only be exacerbated with bernie or hillary in the white house...


hello america!!! where the media's voice on this READ HERE &, they call themselves reporters, however, they're extremely selective about what they do report &, it has to fit their agenda...

besides, hillary's statement should really alarm all of you because it shows you how the dems play with words to soften their true meaning---only somebody that's a 'special kind of stupid' would make the argument that ending a pregnancy is not the same as ending a child's life---everything in life goes through cycles & to end a pregnancy is the same as saying, you didn't allow that child to develope...

the same media continuously dogs donald trump & yet, they have nothing to say about an unborn child not having constitutional rights---by the way, these same dems are the ones that want to give constitutional rights to undocumented illegal aliens---HMMM!!!

Friday, April 1, 2016


hello america!!! look, everybody wants to get bent out of shape over donald trumps answer to chris matthews question on 'punishment for a woman having an abortion' & trump answered 'yes'---trump is the only one that answered that question 100% correctly as it was asked in its totality...

this question is from matthews own mouth...
MATTHEWS:  If you say abortion is a crime or abortion is murder, you have to deal with it under law. Should abortion be punished?

but, you can read it for yourselves here...

'if abortion is a crime or abortion is murder', punishment for both the doctor & the woman would be justified---end of story...

except it's not the end---look at all the idiots saying the woman shouldn't be punished & that trump is against women---if she knowingly breaks the law, she would be found guilty---hey, when the police catch somebody with crack or other drugs on them, they go to jail & when they catch up with the dealers, they also put them in jail...

this same hypothetical question should publicly be asked to the other 4 candidates, however, while you're waiting for that, ask yourself this---if the woman broke the law in getting an abortion, should she be punished???