Monday, March 28, 2016


hello america!!! far too many of you have to literally go out in a rain-storm to believe it's raining & that is pathetic---look, we have big problems with our border & immigration laws that can no longer be ignored...they are purposely not being adhered to & that puts us all at risk (i might add, it's a risk that our gov't can't even protect us against)...

every time there's a 'mass killing' by radical muslims, we learn that they were on the radar & yet, nothing was done to (even) try to prevent them from carrying out their dastardly deeds of inflicting pain & suffering on our people within our very own borders---&, we often learn that some of those entering our southern border (illegally) have previously committed crimes in addition to the latest one they got caught at---couple that with the fact that many of them had been deported only to illegally re-enter our country...good people, we have this info in our data-bases & we are not even trying to connect the dots &, none of the idiots (presently in control) seem to have any idea on why it's become a reoccurring problem...hell, we even lose track of the immigrants that legally enter our country & overstay their work permits or green cards & sadly, our gov't admits that...

extremely saddening is THIS &, just think, hillary clinton wants to allow 60,000 of them to come here...&, you have the ny times HERE's a short youtube VIDEO...

good people, we have enough homegrown mayhem that we inflict on one another so, we don't need to add to it from 'outsiders'...

we do need a 'workable wall' on our southern border & we need to be exceedingly cautious when allowing refugees here---if we can't fully vet them, we can't allow them in;;;if we can't fully track them, we can't let them in---hence, a 'ban' until we can figure out what's going on sounds like a very good idea...


hello america!!! to those of you that don't think we need a wall, how do you defend this??? READ HERE...

Tuesday, March 22, 2016


hello america!!! the following is why you can't call donald trump an idiot---READ HERE & it's happening more often than you think...there is no excuse for allowing illegal aliens to enter our country unchecked---the insane part of all of this is deported aliens are still re-entering---HOW???

if you ever wondered how many illegal aliens are in your state & other info on them CLICK HERE    but don't be shocked at what you find...


hello america!!! it seems that we have (unfortunately) crossed that threshold where 'free speech' is no longer free nor is 'free choice' free---we've allowed ourselves to have been heavily influenced by the 'pc police' &, that has had a very negative effect on how our gov't is run---at present, our gov't is not being run by & for the will of the people...the extremely sad part of all of this is, some of you are far to dumb to understand that you have become controlled puppets completely dependent on the puppet master & they only need you when they want your vote or when they want to organize you to do their protests &/or disruptions...

look, it will soon be 8 years since obama was first elected & people are still looking for jobs & no, i don't want to hear that crap about he's regained all the jobs lost under pres bush---the gov't numbers are phony & the stats are misleading (you just can't ignore losing 1,200,000 jobs a month & only count the new jobs gained which is about 180,000);;;that's just simple math...i have, very closely, been following their numbers & i've been writing about them...when i look at all of the presidential candidates that have held &/or are holding office, i look to see what they did to promote jobs growth & good people, there's only one name that repeatedly comes up---donald may not like him for a variety of reasons, however, nobody can contest his hiring of hundreds of thousands of people of all colors & from all walks of life---it's a fact that's undeniable & i will trust him on his word that he can bring jobs back to our country &, in keeping it real, we need all the jobs we can get...

as a businessman, he's admitted using the present system to his advantage &, he's 'donated' money to those he thought he could use to his advantage---hell, which one of you in his position wouldn't??? his ability to get the deal done in his favor is a tremendous plus & we need that ability in our next president...& no, i don't hold his 4 bankruptcies against him & you shouldn't either---all 4 went into chapter 11 so, the people were still employed &, that shows he has the ability to know when to cut his losses---something no present-day politician will admit or demonstrate & i am willing to trust him on making better trade deals for our country...

as far as obamacare goes, i honestly know we can find a better way of offering all of our citizens coverage at more affordable rates & the type of healthcare they individually need & i trust trump can accomplish that...

when i see the media pundits try to pin trump down as to what he's going to do to our enemies military-wise, i see somebody that finally gets it---we don't need to advertise what we will do or when we will act against them & i trust him to rely on his generals on the ground to implement a plan of action without broadcasting it in advance...

i trust trump to build up our military & utilize them as needed, & yes, i realize that congress is a big part of that, however, i believe he can get congress to join him when it comes to our military & their needs...

i've no doubt that our veterans will be treated better under trump & that many heads will roll if they aren't---as a vet, i know some of the problems we encounter &, it won't take a rocket scientist to solve them---obama & our congressman offer lip-service only & have yet to actually attempt to find the fixes to make the va system what is should be---waste, fraud, corruptness, bureaucrats, incompetence are things that can be quickly corrected...

donald trump has been accused of 'hate speech' for saying what so many of us are thinking---look, say whatever you wish, however, look at the merits of his statements before you condemn him to hell---the media only focuses on a part of his statement & you all ate it up like perfectly cooked salmon...trump said, 'ban muslims from entering our country until our leaders can figure it out'...the media only inflames the first 6 words of trumps statement & the rest gets ignored in the public's reaction to what is reported &, the media runs with it & inflames it even more---hell, our own gov't officials have admitted they don't have the manpower to track immigrants from the middle east nor can they actually verify where they're coming from & your dumb ass wants to let them enter our country---what kind of a 'special stupid' are you??? good people, i have nothing against the muslim religion, however, there are far to many passages in the qur'an that call for 'violence' against non-believer's' & folks, let me 'educate' you here---if you don't believe that allah is the one & only supreme god, you are a non-believer &, it is the wish of the religion itself to impose it's belief on the entire world...what part of that is so hard to acknowledge??? the qur'an is the muslim's everyday bible & i'm not even going to burden you with the 'hadith', 'sira' or the 'sunnah'---just ask yourself this, out of all the millions of people that enter our country, which people actually wish us harm & what religion are they related to??? not all muslims are hard-core killers, however, if they are called upon to act & don't, they will face the consequences...

our education system is a wreck---i have an 18 year old grandson that graduated from high school last year that is no where close to being 12th grade material---that is a fact that i am not proud of...the system pushed him through & gets the credit on paper for the graduation---the fed gov't does not need to control our education system which needs to be controlled by the individual states because they would know what is best for their students---you just can't paint education with a wide brush & expect good results throughout the whole process & trump has addressed this issue & i have to take him on his word---common core is not the answer & should be abolished...

well, what's left??? our southern border is left &, contrary to what all you may hear, getting mexico to pay for 'the wall' is extremely easy---we have a trade deficit with them of about $55-$60 billion a year & the wall will cost about $10 billion---hell, even a dumb common core student could figure this one out...
our southern border needs to be completely sealed because the influx of illegal aliens crossing it has extremely dire effects on us on several fronts, such as:::
1.....drugs entering our country has a direct effect on crime & our economy &, if you can't see that, allow me to piece it together for you---drugs lead to crime on the streets of every community in america &, when the police arrest drugs smugglers, drug dealers & drug users, we have to pay for their incarceration because we have to house them, dress them, feed them, medically & mentally treat them &, protect them while they're in jail as best we can---good people, that's not free...drugs usage weakens our community foundations & i know you've heard countless stories about how it's ruined far too many peoples lives from our youth to our elderly; from the extremely super-rich to the extremely super-poor; &, how many of you have quietly cried about unborn babies coming out of the womb addicted to a drug &/or the miscarriages because of one??? drug related crimes run the complete criminal gauntlet with murder at the very top because of them---i'm not telling you anything that you haven't heard but, what politician has honestly went about controlling our southern border to prevent their entry in our country, our communities &, even in our our grade schools??? our people lose jobs because of drug use...
2.....illegal aliens illegally entering our country presents a whole new set of problems & they drain our valuable resources in our feeble attempts to counteract their entry---when our border patrol agents & immigration authorities are prohibited from doing their jobs, we incur an even bigger problem---couple that with obama offering amensty for 5 million illegal aliens---i believe trump will beef up our border patrol agents & instruct the immigration people to do their jobs correctly &, deportations will be on the rise...

Sunday, March 20, 2016


hello america!!! just think, veterans & social security recipients couldn't get a 'cost of living allowance' for 2016, however, obama wants an 18% increase in his retirement pay...READ HERE...


hello america!!! i wish you would wake the hell up & actually understand what's going on---look, it really doesn't matter which party is control of our country, the 'powers-that-be' will always get theirs long before giving any thought to you getting yours &, that's based solely on if they even want to throw you a crumb or two...

hell, politicians do whatever they have to do in order to get elected & re-elected &, they'll tell you whatever they think you want to hear to covet your vote---they are controlled by big money & the sooner you accept that the sooner you can help get big money out of politics---what big-named company is going to 'donate' hundreds of thousands of dollars to somebody without demanding 'favors' in return for it??? &, what politician (after receiving that money) is going to refuse those demands???

donald trump & bernie sanders are not receiving money from those that want to retain their control on our country &, for that, they're catching hell---trump is catching more because he's seen as more of a risk to their 'established ways' & no effort to defeat him will go untried---

just think, if we could somehow limit the amounts of 'political money donations', we would end up with a gov't doing the will of the people for the people instead of a gov't doing the will of the special interests, lobbyists &, political superpacs---money is why our elected officials refuse to even think about 'term limits'...


hello america!!! when i compare what donald trump is saying to what obama said in 2006, i wonder how people can call trump a 'racist' for his remarks but give obama a free pass---look, i'll keep it simple...just click HERE & decide for yourselves...

Tuesday, March 15, 2016


hello america!!! how many of your family members & close friends would have to be killed by illegal aliens for you to demand that our borders be better secured??? &, just think, i'm not even talking about the other crimes they commit or resources they're draining us of!!! i came across this FOXNEWS REPORT & followed it to one that provided more detail READ HERE...

the actual homeland security redacted report is HERE...

Sunday, March 13, 2016


hello america!!! i have several questions so, please indulge me...

1.....can i enter your house (with or without your permission) & be allowed to stay there until i decide i want to leave???
2.....would you provide for all my needs???
3.....would you go out of your way to learn my language if i didn't know yours???
4.....would you allow me to trample on your religion & religious rights while demanding that you uphold mine???
5.....if i committed crimes outside of your home, would you permit me to seek sanctuary in yours???
6.....would you allow me the same rights in your home as you have (even if i didn't earn them)???
7.....can i live by my customs in your house while disregarding yours???
8.....would you treat me as your equal when i show you i don't believe in your rules or regulations???
9.....would you be happy if you had to train me for your job & you got fired after i learned it???
10...would you support me if your neighbors demanded that i leave??? wouldn't consider me a criminal if i snuck into your house or overstayed my welcome, would you??? the way, i have many, many more relatives so, would it be okay if they lived here to???

Saturday, March 12, 2016


hello america!!! i can only imagine how you'd feel if the following happened to one of your family members or close friends READ HERE &, unfortunately, it's been allowed to occur far more than it should...

amazingly (& unfortunately), the main-stream media ignores this story & the others like it, as do our 'so-called' leaders...this issue is summed up best HERE...

Monday, March 7, 2016


hello america!!! obama & company would have you believe that our economy has turned around & i have serious reservations about that because their own numbers belie their rhetoric...& yes, i'll be the first to tell you that you can 'slant' stats to prove your point---so, i'll just start with these...

46,331,011 people living in poverty
44,995,153 people on food stamps
72,936,630 people receiving medicaid
161,212,880 people receiving some form of gov't benefit
41,001,166 people still without health insurance
1,933,477 prison inmates
6,668,197 convicted felons
27,860,200 part time workers
7,795,489 unemployed workers
$6 trillion (plus & growing) debt held by foreign country's
$20 trillion (plus & growing) national debt
599,000 people walked away from the work force (feb 2016)
242,000 jobs added (feb 2016)
1,083,000 unemployment claims filed (feb 2016)

Saturday, March 5, 2016


hello america!!! perhaps gov scott brown summed it up best when he said donald trump has been a politician for about 8 months & is going up against seasoned politicians plus, he now has to take on the repub insiders that control the party---&, he's still winning!!! hell, even foxnews tried to set donald trump up for failure (during the debate) with chris wallace using charts to refute what trump had proposed---where were the charts refuting rubio & cruz's claims???

the big dogs unleashed mitt romney so that he could try & take trump down &, i have to wonder why---why use a 'loser' to attack a 'winner' &, trump is winning...i even voted for mitt...

look, i can remember when the repubs jumped on that 'bash george bush' bandwagon &, it made me ashamed that they not only abandoned him but, they actually helped feed him to the wolves---so much for, it doesn't surprise me that they're going after trump who doesn't fit into their narrow thinking of what a conservative is or should be...after all, haven't they proved how conservative they really are by kneeling to obama??? yes, i could pull up multiple issues & bills they caved on &, they caved ungraciously...

just prior to romney opening his mouth, i was getting ready to do a piece about how 'undemocratic' the democrats super-delegate crap is, however, i'll now have to do it to include the repubs...apparently, the will (nor the voice) of the people supporting trump seem to matter to the repub powers & that's just plain wrong---

for whatever reason, trump is drawing people from all walks of life (& party's) & we should embrace that & unite around it---more importantly, we all should support it...he is our 'front-runner' & regardless of how you we may feel, he should be given every chance to become the repub nominee without the interference of the repub insiders...

Wednesday, March 2, 2016


hello america!!! i actually voted for gov mitt romney &, at the time, thought he was the answer for my country to return to its greatness, however, after seeing him go after donald trump to release his taxes, i'm glad he didn't win because the real mitt romney has now risen & it's sorry to see...mitt didn't release his taxes until september so, donald still has time if he wants to release his---there is no law mandating it &, if donald has 29 pages to put forth, somebody will find something to pick apart...i once thought mitt had class but, he has recently dispelled that theory by going after donald & nobody else---hell, rubio has flip-flopped on immigration & has supported bills that republicans had vowed not to;;;cruz has problems with his ties to goldman-sach's but that's allowed to go under the radar...when the gop can send out a flunky (like mitt romney has become) to do its dirty work, i question my future support for the party...

i started out hoping that rubio would win the nomination but, he seems weaker than the others & cruz does not appeal to me on any level &, i've switched my support & hopes to trump...i live in allentown pa & people of color are talking about trump or hillary & nobody else is in that conversation &, it seems to me that trump is our best chance of winning the white house...

if the gop continues to go after trump & causes him to run as an independent, i'm running with him...

Tuesday, March 1, 2016


hello america!!! just 60 days into the new year (31 in jan & 29 in feb) & we already have 103 chicago homicides (READ HERE) that nobody seems to deem 'news-worthy'---the vast majority of the victims are of people of color & again, i wonder why obama & company are so extremely silent??? why are our 'so-called' civil rights leaders & organizations so extremely silent??? why are our own communities of people of color so extremely silent??? why are the 'non'-people of color people so extremely silent???

this report (CLICK HERE) ---(type 2016 in the 'search box') claims 105 homicides &, you can scroll down the alphabetical list to see gender, age & ethnicity---all but 4 of them are of people of color &, if i counted them correctly, 65 of those senseless killings are of people aged 30 years old or younger (the youngest was 10 years old)---at the current rate, chicago is looking at 600 plus murders this year &, just think, the warm weather isn't even here yet...

good people, think about this---a cop kills a person of color & we have 'demonstrations' in several states at the same time, however, people of color being killed in chicago doesn't cause a whimper---

i honestly believe that the following site should be required reading for all americans (SEE HERE)