Saturday, October 17, 2015


hello america!!! one would expect all our gov't people to follow all the current laws on the books regardless of position &/or agenda...if they can't or won't, they should be made to defend their actions in a court of law (just like us every day people)...

obama is on record for saying he has a phone & a pen &, he has violated several laws but, the left-wing obama-media supporters refuse to acknowledge those violations---in fact, they turn around & brand those that challenge obama & his policies racist or un-american or politically driven---well, i'm none of the three & i have a problem with what all obama has been allowed to get away with...

one of my biggest problems is, his blatant disregard for our laws concerning our southern border---we need that border secured more so than ever because of the terrorist threat to our people/property...we have an absolute need to know who's entering our borders & why & we need to be able to track them at any time---hell, just look at the illegal alien crime activity &, if it were not for donald trump, a lot of it would never have been known...

here, take your pick & learn that the talking points are just that...


hello america!!! i've previously posted about homicides within our borders so, this should come as no surprise...

for 2015, chicago has 404 homicides (288 of them either black or latino) & baltimore has 269---all lives matter; just ask the families & friends of those taken from us...

obama (& others on both sides of the isle) are so quick to get involved with all the violence outside of our borders but have nothing to say about what's occurring within them (unless it's sensationalized by the media outlets)...stronger gun laws are not the answer---both illinois & maryland have some of the strictest gun laws in the country but, they are not prohibiting gun's a list CLICK HERE...

when will our so-called leaders reach out to the communities & try to solve some of the problems that plague them??? it's common sense (at least to me it is) that those taking lives as quickly as they are:::have a problem with self-worth; probably don't have a job; have no outlet to do anything constructive---whereas, they can be taught the value of self-worth, they can be trained & prepared for employment, centers could be opened to offer & encourage people to undertake something other than violence...

Friday, October 16, 2015


hello america!!! i was very recently asked my for my opinion concerning hillary clinton's qualifications for the office of president of our united states of this america &, here's my honest response...

she's a true american & of age & that alone makes her qualified PERIOD...

however, there is a lot more to her being non-qualified that's of more concern to me...

firstly, when a husband is caught having a sexual affair (of any kind) outside of his marriage, chances are, it wasn't his first time nor do i believe it will be his last---if his wife is willing to accept his apology, that's up to her but, she should be the last person calling for female equality---she should also be the last person doing any business (for any reason) with countries that refuse to grant women any rights nor, should she have friends from those countries---this makes her deceptive & hypocritical...

as our first lady, what did she accomplish of note??? fear not, i'll wait for that answer...

as sec of state she accomplished nothing note-worthy but, she did log a lot of miles & danced with some african children---she failed to reset her russian reset button; she failed to foresee russia & china as our enemies & thus, we were not prepared to counter any of the actions they have taken to assume worldly control; she failed to put iran & north korea in check & they (both) continue to defy us & our threats; she failed to bring about peace in any of the warring african nations; she failed to bring israel & its enemies to the peace-table; she failed to establish a workable middle east policy & blindly supported obama & his agendas; she failed to recognize isis for what it was/is/will be & thus, allowed them to grow into a power; she refused to accept phone calls from muammar qaddaif's son (saif) (& directed others not to accept them) that could have led to peace-talks prior to our bombing lybia; she blatantly refused to provide enough protection for our people in lybia (which led to their deaths which she helped blame on a video); her actions (actually her non-actions) aided the arab spring which we all now know was/is/will be a complete disaster; she failed to stem the influx of illegal aliens crossing our southern border; she used her own private server to conduct gov't business & she decided what emails she would or would not present to our congress; now she wants to distance herself from some of obamas policies that she never objected to before---yes, i'm more than positive that i'm failing to mention other negative issues with her time as our sec of state...

after (what will soon be) 8 years under obama, my great country deserves better & hillary is not the person that can make it better...


hello america!!! when obama & company crammed obamacare down our throats, they did so saying it was necessary so as to insure the uninsured (approx 40 million at the time)...the law was a sham from the very beginning &, what all those opposed to it said has become truth--- would not insure all the uninsured would cost a hell of a lot more than predicted would close businesses & cost us jobs
4.....costs would rise & it would become unaffordable would revolutionize the healthcare industry in a negative way would not be able to keep your own doctor &/or network

good people, these are but a few of the many problems still plaguing obamacare & now, we have this CLICK HERE...

obama doesn't want it for his family or friends; the dems that passed the bill don't want it for themselves, family or friends; the unions that went out of their way to support it want no part of it; the average american on it is finding out that the deductibles are impossible & it is costing more (premiums have increased & will continue to rise)...

LOOK, you'd have to be a complete idiot to think that obamacare was/is/will be the answer to our healthcare needs---some of you (probably most of you) will find it's not anything like it's cracked up to be
&, it will cost you more...

obama & company refuse to give out the exact numbers on how many have signed up for it which tells you it is not as successful as they proclaim it to be---don't forget THESE ACTIONS...when all the delays & suspensions expire, you are going to be confronted with the truth about obamacare & you're not going to like it...


hello america!!! it pisses me off that our extremely liberal gov't can do the following::::

1...want to raise the minimum wage scale for financial equality for women
3...give our money to other countries
4...waste our money on stupid, non-workable projects & gov't studies
5...use our money for expensive parties & get-aways
6...use our money to support those living here illegally
this list is by no means inclusive...

BUT, they can't find a way to give its seniors & vets a paltry cola increase & blame lower oil prices as the reason why... 

Friday, October 2, 2015


hello america!!!

here we go---your chance to tell me where i went wrong:::

the greening of america---failed
the weaning of america from foreign energy---failed
the russian reset button---failed
the stopping of north korea's efforts for a nuclear weapon---failing
the stopping of iran's efforts for a nuclear weapon---failing
the open & honest gov't---failed
the most transparent gov't---failed
the reaching across the isle---failed
the making america a party of one---failed
the creation of jobs---failed (by their own time-line)
the drilling for our own oil---failed
the obamacare law---failed (by their own goals)
the closing of gitmo---failing
the balancing of our budget---failed
the promise not to hire lobbyists---failed
the promise to strengthen the 'middle-class'---failed
the promise to lower higher education costs---failed
the promise to solve or immigration problems---failed
the promise to restore our country's prominence in the world---failed
the promise to strengthen ties with our allies---failed
the sitting down at the dinner table with our enemies to bring about peace---failed
the promise of promoting women equality---failed
the promise of getting to the bottom of all of the scandals---failed
the gloating of his foreign policy---failed
the promise & duty of making america safer---failed
the withdrawal of our iraq troops---failed
the bringing our troops from afghanistan home---failed
the way we do business in washington---failed
the promise of getting rid of the federal programs that don't work---failed
the promise of strengthening the federal programs that do work---failed
the promise to straighten out the problems in out vet admin system---failed
the promise of being able to keep your doctor & hospital---failed
the promise of the 'tarp bailout'---failed
the promise of making banks make more loans---failed
the promise to strap up his boots & march with the union striker's---failed
the promise to fully fund individuals with disabilities education act (idea)---failed
the promise to establish a global education fund---failed
the promise to double federal charter school programs---failed
the promise to double funding for afterschool programs---failed
the promise to create scholarships to recruit new teachers---failed
the promise to expand service-learning in schools---failed
the promise to improve & prioritize student science assessments---failed
the promise to eliminate all oil & gas loopholes---failed

&, for everyone of them, i can give you a detailed account of why it's listed as failed or failing...

politifact is also tracking obamas broken promises as well as other media outlets---this HERE is for those i left off my list...


hello america!!! if you listen to obama & company, our economy has gotten better & our jobs market has regained all the jobs lost under pres bush---&, i'm here to remind some you that those very same people told you that the recession ended june/july now, even the most blind, deaf, & dumb supporters of obama & company have to realize they've been had (as has the rest of america)...

good people, anybody can take a stat & use it for or against any issue---the glass is either half full or, it's half empty, however, nobody seems to think they have the wrong-sized glass...

look, just be real & look at the facts & these are the job facts for new unemployment claims during the month of sept 2015 (even though they changed the system to benefit obamas 2nd campaign run)

sept 5---275,000
sept 12--264,000
sept 19--267,000
sept 26--277,000
that's 1,083,000 new people out of work for sept & this data comes from

no matter how you slice it, we've been losing 1 million jobs a month for far too long---you can look back through some of my posts & find that i've been on this for quite some time...

please, take the time to read our bureau of labor statistics report for the month of sept 2015 which was released this morning & then, tell me how well we're doing CLICK HERE...

hey, the dems have had 6 years to truly turn our employment situation around & have blamed everybody under the sun for their failures---we don't need another dem regime to replace obama!!!