hello america!!! i read & hear a lot of negative feedback about foxnews & yet, we learn more about our gov't from them then from all the other media outlets---now, i'm not saying that they are the 'bible' of all of media but, they do inform you about issues, stories, news, & scandals that you won't get from a majority of the other outlets...say what you will but, facts speak louder then finger-pointing & intentional false narratives...try to remember some of the major scandals that foxnews was accused of generating for the sake of ratings that supposedly led to repubs going on a witch hunt:::
1.....the atf's gun walking program (fast & furious) that the dems denied until it was proved it happened & it was not the fault of pres bush & comapny...
2.....the nsa's domestic spying program that the dems denied until it was proved it happened & it was not the fault of the pres bush & company...
3.....the irs's targeting political conservatives program that the dems denied until it was proved it happened & it was not the fault of pres bush & company...
4.....the doj's med snooping program that the dems denied until it was proved that it happened & it was not the fault of pres bush & company...
5.....the launch of obamacare's web-site that repeatedly failed while the dems denied its failure until it was proved it happened & it was not the fault of pres bush & company...
6.....the obama lies that you could keep your doctor & insurance that the dems denied until it was proved you wouldn't/couldn't & that it was not the fault of pres bush & company...
7.....the dep't of veteran affairs wait times program that the dems denied until it was proved it happened & that it was not the fault of pres bush & company...
8.....the secret service's handling of allowing non-invited people to attend presidential functions, drinking & prostitution problems that the dems denied until it was proved it happened & that it was not the fault of pres bush & company...
9.....the fed dep't's lavish spending on parties (etc) that the dems denied until it was proved it happened & that it was not the fault of pres bush & company...
10...the obama 'greening of america' programs that failed (solyndra, volt, etc) that the dems denied until it was proved it happened & that it was not the fault of pres bush & company...
11...the fed gov't email problems that the dems denied until it was proved it happened & that it was not the fault of pres bush & company...
12...the obama/hillary clinton failed middle east policies (to include benghazi) that the dems denied until it was proved that they happened & that it was not the fault of pres bush & company...
13...the dem controlled senate's problems (passing bills under harry reid) that the dems denied until it was proved it was not the fault of pres bush & company...
14...the false narrative that obama inherited our financial mess that the dems (& a lot of repubs supported) until was revealed CLICK HERE...........
if you've followed obama & company for even a short period of time, you know i could continue but, i'm hoping that you've got the message...if we are not better off as a country after 8 years of obama, what other dem could replace him & do better??? NO, HILLARY IS NOT THE ANSWER...
so, hats off to foxnews for all the made-up scandals they've drummed up which have led to some pretty startling honest facts....but, don't take my word for it, just google 'number1 news show' & see who comes up...i'll bet it comes up like THIS
this site will primarily consist of my political writings on what i see, hear, know &, research &, it will be predominantly about the negativety within our government, as i see it, regardless of who it may be about. above all else, it will be the truth as best i can present it.
Tuesday, July 14, 2015
Monday, July 13, 2015
hello america!!! we are seriously CONFLICTED OR, WE ARE EXTREMELY DELUSIONAL...


Oregon allowing 15-year-olds to get state-subsidized sex-change operations
'It's Just Ridiculous': Bakery Fined $135K for Refusing to Serve Gay Wedding
People Are Stomping the American Flag & Posting the Pictures Online as Part of a ‘Challenge’
A disturbing new trend has hit social media following the manhunt for Eric Sheppard, a Valdosta State University student who allegedly brought a gun on campus during anti-American flag protests last week

hello america!!! please, take a good honest look at the present state of our country & tell me that the majority made a smart choice with their votes...don't sugarcoat it---either we're better off or we're not---there is no middle ground!!!
look, we've always had problems &, we will continue having problems but, at what point do we all sit down & deal with the 'realities of life' instead of the 'how it should be' crap??? when will our elected officials do what's right for the good of our country & quit addressing their own agendas??? when will those with a public voice use that voice to bring us together instead of using it to divide us even further???
as a nation, we are undergoing a fundamental change that is extremely bad for us---we don't know who to trust in our gov't because they've all violated that trust on some level & worse, they lie about it & blame everybody else for it---nobody stands up & admits their mistakes or that they were wrong about forcing their agendas on us...what really frustrates me the most is, we continue to re-elect them knowing that they failed us the first time...correction, some do step forward & offer us a lame-ass apology but, they only do that after they've been caught (&, until they're caught, they deny everything)...
look, let's keep it real---we have white people discussing racism against black people & how blacks should or shouldn't react; we have men discussing abortions & deciding which females should or shouldn't be allowed to get one; we have the wealthy talking about the plight of those south of the national poverty line; we have people complaining about the direction our country is heading & yet, they never vote; we have community leaders complaining about our young people & yet, they don't have much to offer them to constructively occupy their time; we have a community that persecuted a couple for their religious beliefs & refusal to bake a cake for a gay couple & yet, would that same community force a black baker to bake a cake for the kkk; we have the 'powers-that-be' & the courts banning the washington redskins logo & yet, the chicago blackhawks logo never even entered the conversation; we have those that screamed for the removal of the confederate flag & yet, they're so silent in asking man to change his heart; we have those calling for us to leave less of a carbon footprint on mother earth & yet, look at how they travel; we have those telling us how great obamacare is & yet, those same people don't want it for themselves, family or friends (the unions that raised hell in support of it don't even want it); we have those that have sworn to uphold our constitution & yet, they're the ones trying to rewrite it; we have those that want to remove 'christianity' from our lives & yet, not a one of them will tell you which one of the 10 COMMANDMENTS is bad for us; we have those that want unisex public toilets & yet, how would they keep a 'straight man' from entering one occupied by a 'non-straight female'; we have politicians screaming for wage equality & yet, they're still paying their female staffers less; we have those that assist & condone illegal aliens crossing our borders & yet, they say & do nothing for our homeless; we have those telling us how much they support 'women's rights' & yet, they're still doing business with foreign nations that don't believe a woman has any rights;---WE ARE SERIOUSLY CONFLICTED & DIVIDED AS NEVER BEFORE...
we are not better off nor are we safer...by the way, where are the jobs we were promised???
look, we've always had problems &, we will continue having problems but, at what point do we all sit down & deal with the 'realities of life' instead of the 'how it should be' crap??? when will our elected officials do what's right for the good of our country & quit addressing their own agendas??? when will those with a public voice use that voice to bring us together instead of using it to divide us even further???
as a nation, we are undergoing a fundamental change that is extremely bad for us---we don't know who to trust in our gov't because they've all violated that trust on some level & worse, they lie about it & blame everybody else for it---nobody stands up & admits their mistakes or that they were wrong about forcing their agendas on us...what really frustrates me the most is, we continue to re-elect them knowing that they failed us the first time...correction, some do step forward & offer us a lame-ass apology but, they only do that after they've been caught (&, until they're caught, they deny everything)...
look, let's keep it real---we have white people discussing racism against black people & how blacks should or shouldn't react; we have men discussing abortions & deciding which females should or shouldn't be allowed to get one; we have the wealthy talking about the plight of those south of the national poverty line; we have people complaining about the direction our country is heading & yet, they never vote; we have community leaders complaining about our young people & yet, they don't have much to offer them to constructively occupy their time; we have a community that persecuted a couple for their religious beliefs & refusal to bake a cake for a gay couple & yet, would that same community force a black baker to bake a cake for the kkk; we have the 'powers-that-be' & the courts banning the washington redskins logo & yet, the chicago blackhawks logo never even entered the conversation; we have those that screamed for the removal of the confederate flag & yet, they're so silent in asking man to change his heart; we have those calling for us to leave less of a carbon footprint on mother earth & yet, look at how they travel; we have those telling us how great obamacare is & yet, those same people don't want it for themselves, family or friends (the unions that raised hell in support of it don't even want it); we have those that have sworn to uphold our constitution & yet, they're the ones trying to rewrite it; we have those that want to remove 'christianity' from our lives & yet, not a one of them will tell you which one of the 10 COMMANDMENTS is bad for us; we have those that want unisex public toilets & yet, how would they keep a 'straight man' from entering one occupied by a 'non-straight female'; we have politicians screaming for wage equality & yet, they're still paying their female staffers less; we have those that assist & condone illegal aliens crossing our borders & yet, they say & do nothing for our homeless; we have those telling us how much they support 'women's rights' & yet, they're still doing business with foreign nations that don't believe a woman has any rights;---WE ARE SERIOUSLY CONFLICTED & DIVIDED AS NEVER BEFORE...
we are not better off nor are we safer...by the way, where are the jobs we were promised???
Sunday, July 5, 2015
hello america!!! the name 'washington redskins' is offensive & must be changed!!! so say the idiots that so conveniently ignore the other derisive & offensive team names...now, i realize even obama & company have the right to 'free speech', however, in this era, how in the hell can any black person complain about the 'redskins' & remain silent on the name of the naacp (national association for the advancement of colored people)??? how about the nlb (negro league baseball)??? how about the cleveland indians with the painted red face???
there are a multitude of 'offensively' named teams, schools & business's but only the washington redskins has been single out---why??? what's up with the atlanta braves??? hey, what's the difference between the redskins logo & the chicago blackhawks logo??? &, one can only assume that the kansas city chiefs pass muster...
i guess we should all go to 'negro head point' (google it) & be happy that we can be selective in what names we accept & don't accept---after all, we still have the blackhawks, white sox, red sox &, the yankees---
at what point do we change all the names so as to be non-offensive & totally acceptable???
ask yourself this; how can a so-called 'black man' live in the 'white house' & only worry about the 'redskin' name???
by the freakin' way, what application, survey, or questionnaire have you ever filled out that didn't ask your ethnicity???
there are a multitude of 'offensively' named teams, schools & business's but only the washington redskins has been single out---why??? what's up with the atlanta braves??? hey, what's the difference between the redskins logo & the chicago blackhawks logo??? &, one can only assume that the kansas city chiefs pass muster...
i guess we should all go to 'negro head point' (google it) & be happy that we can be selective in what names we accept & don't accept---after all, we still have the blackhawks, white sox, red sox &, the yankees---
at what point do we change all the names so as to be non-offensive & totally acceptable???
ask yourself this; how can a so-called 'black man' live in the 'white house' & only worry about the 'redskin' name???
by the freakin' way, what application, survey, or questionnaire have you ever filled out that didn't ask your ethnicity???
Saturday, July 4, 2015
hello america!!! there are those 'left-wingers' that will go out of their way to prove a point & in doing so, will use any material to do so---this is a video of cnn 'fact-checking' donald trump CLICK HERE &, i want you to pay attention to the dates & then compare it to our gov'ts own facts from 2014 HERE---
now, i don't trust everything our gov't says or reports on but, i'm willing to give them the edge on immigration matters---after all, the media get their numbers from those same gov't reports but, for reasons that favor their own narratives & agendas, they purposely distort what they reveal to you...
there is no truth in today's journalism & very few of our media outlets present both sides of an issue, pretty much leaving you to either accept or reject what you hear or see---that is your choice, however, that doesn't prohibit you from doing your own homework---the internet is a wonderful tool in trying to research the rights & wrongs of an issue, just don't settle on the first site you come to...
now, i don't trust everything our gov't says or reports on but, i'm willing to give them the edge on immigration matters---after all, the media get their numbers from those same gov't reports but, for reasons that favor their own narratives & agendas, they purposely distort what they reveal to you...
there is no truth in today's journalism & very few of our media outlets present both sides of an issue, pretty much leaving you to either accept or reject what you hear or see---that is your choice, however, that doesn't prohibit you from doing your own homework---the internet is a wonderful tool in trying to research the rights & wrongs of an issue, just don't settle on the first site you come to...
hello america!!! as we celebrate this 4th of july i ask, have we really become an independent nation??? if one just takes the time to look at facebook, tweeter, youtube & all the other communication outlets, one is going to be very confused & hey, i'm not even talking about our news media outlets...
we are divided on every issue as never before but, what is getting mangled is, our right to 'FREEDOM OF SPEECH', 'FREEDOM OF CHOICE' as well as all the rest of our constitutional guarantees...our constitutional rights are being eroded at a very rapid pace by the very people that swore to protect them & yet, we continue to elect those very same people to public office...
look, let's keep it real:::if somebody disagrees with obamas (& company's) policies, they're racist if they're white or ignorant & brain-washed if they're black---those that disagreed are 'branded' & their past is dredged up & displayed by the news media for all to see...i,e; if you're for the keystone pipeline, you're branded as being an anti-environmentalist; if you're against our present foreign policies, you're branded as being an anti-american; if you're against people illegally entering our country, you're branded as being discriminative against latino's; THE LIST IS ENDLESS---
regardless of where you stand politically, the liberal left will shut down your 'freedom of speech' unless you agree with them---donald trump said some things that the left has branded as racist but, what he said was true & yet, that same left won't post the facts about his statement---what's worse is, you just jumped all over the talking points & said the hell with the message---by reading what a lot of you have publicly posted, i strongly doubt that you read or heard the whole message---rather then re-post trump's statement, READ THIS & then make your argument...you don't have to like how he said what he said but, you're going to be hard-pressed to find fault with the facts...
since the above statistics won't be enough to sway many of you, perhaps you should click HERE...if just one american dies in this country by an illegal alien, that's one too many!!!
our border security should never have become a political issue &, in this era, it should be a 'no-brainer' to secure it by any & all means available...
we are divided on every issue as never before but, what is getting mangled is, our right to 'FREEDOM OF SPEECH', 'FREEDOM OF CHOICE' as well as all the rest of our constitutional guarantees...our constitutional rights are being eroded at a very rapid pace by the very people that swore to protect them & yet, we continue to elect those very same people to public office...
look, let's keep it real:::if somebody disagrees with obamas (& company's) policies, they're racist if they're white or ignorant & brain-washed if they're black---those that disagreed are 'branded' & their past is dredged up & displayed by the news media for all to see...i,e; if you're for the keystone pipeline, you're branded as being an anti-environmentalist; if you're against our present foreign policies, you're branded as being an anti-american; if you're against people illegally entering our country, you're branded as being discriminative against latino's; THE LIST IS ENDLESS---
regardless of where you stand politically, the liberal left will shut down your 'freedom of speech' unless you agree with them---donald trump said some things that the left has branded as racist but, what he said was true & yet, that same left won't post the facts about his statement---what's worse is, you just jumped all over the talking points & said the hell with the message---by reading what a lot of you have publicly posted, i strongly doubt that you read or heard the whole message---rather then re-post trump's statement, READ THIS & then make your argument...you don't have to like how he said what he said but, you're going to be hard-pressed to find fault with the facts...
since the above statistics won't be enough to sway many of you, perhaps you should click HERE...if just one american dies in this country by an illegal alien, that's one too many!!!
our border security should never have become a political issue &, in this era, it should be a 'no-brainer' to secure it by any & all means available...
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