this site will primarily consist of my political writings on what i see, hear, know &, research &, it will be predominantly about the negativety within our government, as i see it, regardless of who it may be about. above all else, it will be the truth as best i can present it.
Friday, November 27, 2015
hello america!!! it seems that certain people & groups pick & choose what homicides they protest because they sure made their voices heard for this one CLICK HERE & yet, you couldn't find them anywhere for this one READ HERE...&, the media, for the most part, has completely ignored it...has to make you wonder how one stolen life is more newsworthy than another &, the sad part of this is, both killings occurred in chicago...i wrote about the 9 years old's death & the lack of publicity it received 12 nov (HERE)...
Friday, November 13, 2015
hello america!!! i just write about what all i have problems with (believe me, there's plenty to occupy my time) & most of it is related to some form of politics or political agenda...
we are at an extremely dangerous point in our country because our 'so-called leader' (obama, the community activist) has declared war on our police---rather then single out the 1% of cops doing wrong, he's lumped them altogether & it's us that will have to pay for that unjust branding because our police will be more hesitant to do their jobs in fear of being found doing it overly aggressively (yeah, i know, but that's my english)...good people, when the cops don't respond or act fast enough because of their apprehensiveness, our problems escalate & our communities become even more crime-ridden---those are the facts...
look, it's easier for a young person to get an illegal gun than get a high school diploma &, unfortunately, that's the way it is & no amount of stricter gun control will change it one iota...the criminals aren't going to turn their guns in & there's nothing prohibiting them for obtaining more---hell, it's harder for a law abiding citizen to get a legal gun than a criminal obtaining an illegal one---WAKE UP!!!
yes, some police are over-zealous & they should be held accountable for it but, the vast majority of them do their jobs by the book & should be rewarded & applauded for that---hell, some of them even go out of their way to make things just a little bit more bearable for those living in the hood & other crime-infested areas, however, good acts by our police don't make for good media headlines---if an off-duty white cop helps deliver a black baby in a super market, that's a 15-20 seconds sound-bite but, let a white cop kill a black person pointing a gun at him, well, that's all day've got it twisted & what's worse, you know it but you allow yourselves to get caught up in the moment---when we physically confront the police, we are putting ourselves in a 'no-win-situation'---there's no way in hell we will ever out gun or out man them---sure, we could hurt a few or even kill a few, however, when the crap hits the fan, you can expect to see the police backed up by our national guard (etc)---a war on the streets we live on is something none of us should ever want or condone...
which brings me to this:::did you ever notice, somebody has to be footing the bill for all of the 'don't live in the area' agitators to show up & incite the crowds & yet, you never question it, but you blindly follow them to destroying your own neighborhoods---&, the 'don't live in the area' agitators quietly fade away until the next uprising while leaving you to pick up the pieces of your own self-inflicted destruction in your own communities...there's something terribly wrong when a horse with blinders has better peripheral vision than you do with 20/20---
ask yourself this:::why would a white man (for that matter, any person with billions of dollars) fund black organizations designed to incite violence & physically confront armed cops &, while doing it, restrict where that violence takes place??? whether you believe it or not, there are predetermined boundaries in place which will let allow you to destroy your own & even the money-man won't cross them---nor will the puppets (regardless of race) allow you to cross them---hell, the mayor of baltimore told you that herself CLICK HERE FOR VIDEO & later tried to deny she said they gave space to those wishing to destroy---none of those demonstrators would have been allowed to get near her gated community & that's a fact---hell, the cops even said they were told to stand down while the mob was destroying it's own hood...
the next time you start to get riled up & want to join a mob hell-bent on destroying our own, please, ask yourself this---who prospers from it??? &, while you're trying to answer that, google this:::who funds 'black lives matter' & some of the other black organizations that incite chaos & violence within our communities...
as a people, we tend to get upset when a person of another color kills one of our own, especially if it's caused by the police & yet, we are so immune to black-on-black killings...we are killing our own at a much higher rate & age doesn't factor into it...another thing that doesn't factor into it is, the unbearable silence of our 'so-called leaders'---here's chicago 2015 & you don't hear crap about all the senseless homicides READ IT HERE...
approx 443 homicides in chicago this year & the vast majority of the victims were black as well as the assailants---CLICK HERE
FYI---chicago has one of the strictest gun control laws in the nation proving that what obama & company are saying 'has been/is/will always be' crap...
we are at an extremely dangerous point in our country because our 'so-called leader' (obama, the community activist) has declared war on our police---rather then single out the 1% of cops doing wrong, he's lumped them altogether & it's us that will have to pay for that unjust branding because our police will be more hesitant to do their jobs in fear of being found doing it overly aggressively (yeah, i know, but that's my english)...good people, when the cops don't respond or act fast enough because of their apprehensiveness, our problems escalate & our communities become even more crime-ridden---those are the facts...
look, it's easier for a young person to get an illegal gun than get a high school diploma &, unfortunately, that's the way it is & no amount of stricter gun control will change it one iota...the criminals aren't going to turn their guns in & there's nothing prohibiting them for obtaining more---hell, it's harder for a law abiding citizen to get a legal gun than a criminal obtaining an illegal one---WAKE UP!!!
yes, some police are over-zealous & they should be held accountable for it but, the vast majority of them do their jobs by the book & should be rewarded & applauded for that---hell, some of them even go out of their way to make things just a little bit more bearable for those living in the hood & other crime-infested areas, however, good acts by our police don't make for good media headlines---if an off-duty white cop helps deliver a black baby in a super market, that's a 15-20 seconds sound-bite but, let a white cop kill a black person pointing a gun at him, well, that's all day've got it twisted & what's worse, you know it but you allow yourselves to get caught up in the moment---when we physically confront the police, we are putting ourselves in a 'no-win-situation'---there's no way in hell we will ever out gun or out man them---sure, we could hurt a few or even kill a few, however, when the crap hits the fan, you can expect to see the police backed up by our national guard (etc)---a war on the streets we live on is something none of us should ever want or condone...
which brings me to this:::did you ever notice, somebody has to be footing the bill for all of the 'don't live in the area' agitators to show up & incite the crowds & yet, you never question it, but you blindly follow them to destroying your own neighborhoods---&, the 'don't live in the area' agitators quietly fade away until the next uprising while leaving you to pick up the pieces of your own self-inflicted destruction in your own communities...there's something terribly wrong when a horse with blinders has better peripheral vision than you do with 20/20---
ask yourself this:::why would a white man (for that matter, any person with billions of dollars) fund black organizations designed to incite violence & physically confront armed cops &, while doing it, restrict where that violence takes place??? whether you believe it or not, there are predetermined boundaries in place which will let allow you to destroy your own & even the money-man won't cross them---nor will the puppets (regardless of race) allow you to cross them---hell, the mayor of baltimore told you that herself CLICK HERE FOR VIDEO & later tried to deny she said they gave space to those wishing to destroy---none of those demonstrators would have been allowed to get near her gated community & that's a fact---hell, the cops even said they were told to stand down while the mob was destroying it's own hood...
the next time you start to get riled up & want to join a mob hell-bent on destroying our own, please, ask yourself this---who prospers from it??? &, while you're trying to answer that, google this:::who funds 'black lives matter' & some of the other black organizations that incite chaos & violence within our communities...
as a people, we tend to get upset when a person of another color kills one of our own, especially if it's caused by the police & yet, we are so immune to black-on-black killings...we are killing our own at a much higher rate & age doesn't factor into it...another thing that doesn't factor into it is, the unbearable silence of our 'so-called leaders'---here's chicago 2015 & you don't hear crap about all the senseless homicides READ IT HERE...
approx 443 homicides in chicago this year & the vast majority of the victims were black as well as the assailants---CLICK HERE
FYI---chicago has one of the strictest gun control laws in the nation proving that what obama & company are saying 'has been/is/will always be' crap...
Thursday, November 12, 2015
hello america!!! it's pretty sorry when we have our 'so-called leaders' from obama on down & activist's/demonstrator's show up & raise hell for one death while remaining absolutely silent about others---i haven't heard crap from those people about THIS or this one CLICK HERE...their silence (& media absence) is deafeningly loud...but, let a cop shoot a black/latino person & they're in your face like an army of ants on the march...
if both reports are accurate, both deaths were preventable---i guess not all black lives matter because there's no media coverage sensationalizing either story & there's no cameras rolling...for that matter, where's the aclu defending the right-to-life for these underaged youths???
how can you expect justice from others when we don't demand it from our own???
if both reports are accurate, both deaths were preventable---i guess not all black lives matter because there's no media coverage sensationalizing either story & there's no cameras rolling...for that matter, where's the aclu defending the right-to-life for these underaged youths???
how can you expect justice from others when we don't demand it from our own???
hello america!!! i was recently asked 'why not vote for hillary clinton?'---the following are my reasons why i won't even entertain voting for her...
1.....regardless of what all you may hear, as secretary of state, she was directly responsible for the safety & well-being of our overseas gov't personnel (as well as our overseas private citizens) & she failed miserably at that---the deaths of 4 of our people during the raid in benghazi is directly because of her neglect/ignorance/&/or not caring/lying---she continually echoed obama with that 'arab spring' was a good thing crap which we now know wasn't anywhere close to being a good thing...232 violent events led up to the night of the raid which she publicly blamed on a video &, she knew at the time, that was a lie but if the truth came out, obama might have lost the election---she chose politics over truth...during a congressional hearing about the deaths of the 4 personnel, she asked what difference at this point does it make how they were killed...
2.....her policies enforced obamas middle east policies & the whole place is now a disaster because of it---al qaeda was on the run---another blatant lie...
3.....she refused to add isis & boko haram to the terrorist list & you can't help but see how they've grown since then...she said she didn't want to give them fame...
4.....she calls for female financial work-place equality & yet, you have THIS &, you can find a lot of other reports on this issue & hillary...
5.....hillary & the clinton foundation did/do business with countries where women have no rights & she defends that status...
6.....she lied to the public & to congress about her private server & emails & is actually being investigated because of it---hey, when the gov't serves you papers, why don't you just turn over what you choose to & destroy the rest & see what happens---hell, she even fired her chief-of-staff (scott gration) partially for using a private email account &, she sent THIS to her own people...
7.....not once, as sec of state, did she disagree with obama & his policies & now she tries to distance herself from some of them---politics as usual...
8.....perhaps most important of all, what did she ever accomplish of note as our sec of state??? her 'russian reset button' didn't & won't work; iran & north korea continue to defy us; africa is a disater; china is still ignoring us, & the list continues of non-accomplishments...
9.....she is against the free market...
10...she would be an extension of obama & this country deserves better...
1.....regardless of what all you may hear, as secretary of state, she was directly responsible for the safety & well-being of our overseas gov't personnel (as well as our overseas private citizens) & she failed miserably at that---the deaths of 4 of our people during the raid in benghazi is directly because of her neglect/ignorance/&/or not caring/lying---she continually echoed obama with that 'arab spring' was a good thing crap which we now know wasn't anywhere close to being a good thing...232 violent events led up to the night of the raid which she publicly blamed on a video &, she knew at the time, that was a lie but if the truth came out, obama might have lost the election---she chose politics over truth...during a congressional hearing about the deaths of the 4 personnel, she asked what difference at this point does it make how they were killed...
2.....her policies enforced obamas middle east policies & the whole place is now a disaster because of it---al qaeda was on the run---another blatant lie...
3.....she refused to add isis & boko haram to the terrorist list & you can't help but see how they've grown since then...she said she didn't want to give them fame...
4.....she calls for female financial work-place equality & yet, you have THIS &, you can find a lot of other reports on this issue & hillary...
5.....hillary & the clinton foundation did/do business with countries where women have no rights & she defends that status...
6.....she lied to the public & to congress about her private server & emails & is actually being investigated because of it---hey, when the gov't serves you papers, why don't you just turn over what you choose to & destroy the rest & see what happens---hell, she even fired her chief-of-staff (scott gration) partially for using a private email account &, she sent THIS to her own people...
7.....not once, as sec of state, did she disagree with obama & his policies & now she tries to distance herself from some of them---politics as usual...
8.....perhaps most important of all, what did she ever accomplish of note as our sec of state??? her 'russian reset button' didn't & won't work; iran & north korea continue to defy us; africa is a disater; china is still ignoring us, & the list continues of non-accomplishments...
9.....she is against the free market...
10...she would be an extension of obama & this country deserves better...
hello america!!! when i have to use a calculator to figure out if the $7.00 i have in my pocket is enough to buy an $11.00 product, i definitely belong in the obama camp---we have all these 'super-smart-idiots' trying to tell us that the jobs market is robust & that (under obama) we've not only regained all the jobs lost but, we have even exceeded the lost jobs number...i can only wonder what kind of happy horse crap calculating methods they use...
for the month (oct 2015 department of labor) we had 1,313,000 new unemployment insurance claims (that's people that lost their jobs) & yet, for that same month (bureau of labor) tells us we added 271,000 new jobs (that's people filling new positions)...i have yet to have had somebody explain (in a manner i could understand) how we have such a difference in numbers & call it a good thing---WHAT AM I MISSING HERE???
without direct guidance from our gov't, i'm left to do the simple math on my own & speculate---so, subtract the little number from the bigger number & the results are 1,042,000 lost jobs for that month...Please, correct me if i'm wrong but, wouldn't you have to have added 1,580,000 new jobs to counter the jobs lost to come up with positive figures???
look, i don't make this stuff up, here's the bureau of labor's oct 2015 report CLICK HERE & here's the one from the department of labor for the same month CLICK HERE---i can only hope you can make better sense of them than i did &, if you do/did, slap me in the head with that knowledge...
another problem i have is, our bureau of labor says our unemployment rate is 5% (this is their U3 report & is supposed to be official & yet, it doesn't include all the numbers) while their U6 report says it's 9.8% (this is the true report with all the numbers)...
665,000 people (they call them discouraged workers) walked away from the jobs market in oct 2015 believing no jobs were available for them...
obama & company have never counted all the jobs lost during his first 15-17 months in office...
for the month (oct 2015 department of labor) we had 1,313,000 new unemployment insurance claims (that's people that lost their jobs) & yet, for that same month (bureau of labor) tells us we added 271,000 new jobs (that's people filling new positions)...i have yet to have had somebody explain (in a manner i could understand) how we have such a difference in numbers & call it a good thing---WHAT AM I MISSING HERE???
without direct guidance from our gov't, i'm left to do the simple math on my own & speculate---so, subtract the little number from the bigger number & the results are 1,042,000 lost jobs for that month...Please, correct me if i'm wrong but, wouldn't you have to have added 1,580,000 new jobs to counter the jobs lost to come up with positive figures???
look, i don't make this stuff up, here's the bureau of labor's oct 2015 report CLICK HERE & here's the one from the department of labor for the same month CLICK HERE---i can only hope you can make better sense of them than i did &, if you do/did, slap me in the head with that knowledge...
another problem i have is, our bureau of labor says our unemployment rate is 5% (this is their U3 report & is supposed to be official & yet, it doesn't include all the numbers) while their U6 report says it's 9.8% (this is the true report with all the numbers)...
665,000 people (they call them discouraged workers) walked away from the jobs market in oct 2015 believing no jobs were available for them...
obama & company have never counted all the jobs lost during his first 15-17 months in office...
hello america!!! joe's crab shack & a few others are trying to &/or have implemented a 'no tipping' policy---let's not all jump for joy...while i've always felt that waiters & waitresses were underpaid, i don't know if this will work for the majority of them, the company's, or the patrons because our not having to tip them is passed on to us in the form of higher menu prices---those on 'fixed incomes' will feel it the most because not all of us tip by the going rate---while judgement is still to early to be passed, common sense says; if we go to these eateries & have to pay more, we'll probably order less & visit them less frequently &, if that happens enough, hours will be cut or jobs lost---regardless of how one may think, people are in business to make a profit & when they don't, adverse things happen...
you can read this from & judge for yourselves...
you can read this from & judge for yourselves...
Wednesday, November 11, 2015
hello america!!! as far left as our country has fallen, we do not not need a dem president that talks about working with the other side but won't...simply ask yourself this, what repub policies do the dems agree with??? on the flip-side, i'll bet there are many rolling around in your head that they disagree with...
our next president will be facing more severe challenges than obama ever thought of (several will be of his own doing &/or not doing)---here is a list which i'm positive you can add to:::
1...strictly control our borders
2...reform immigration
3...reform all of our tax laws & rates (from the county level & up)
4...downsize our gov't
5...reign in gov't spending
6...hold our gov't accountable
7...eradicate drugs, gangs & bullying from our communities
8...provide our youth with more constructive after-school options & incentives
9...provide better employment for all by bringing the jobs back to our shores
10.strengthen our educational standards
11.award successful teachers & eliminate underachievers
12.make colleges affordable
13.make valid gov't issued id mandatory for all within our borders
14.ensure better care for our vets & seniors
15.make our military the absolute strongest & up-to-date in the world (all branches)
16.balance our budgets (locally & up)
17.devise trade agreements that actually work in our favor
18.become completely energy independent
19.take better care of mother earth & the animals
20.make all live by the laws congress passes with no exceptions
21.restore the american dream
22.restore faith, honor & respect to our american flag
23.repeal & replace obamacare
24.mandate affordable medicine for all
25.devise a cohesive & workable foreign policy with alternatives
26.reform & strengthen social security (hell, reform all of our entitlements programs)
27.make our enemies fear us & our allies respect us
28.patch up our differences with israel & canada
29.stop our financial involvement with amtrac, fannie mae & freddy mac & other gov't supported entities
30.confront al qaeda & isis overseas & defeat them there
31.stop assisting countries that don't like us
32.take total control of a free web/internet
33.make america great again & second to none
34.allow our three branches of gov't to function only as they were originally set up to do
35.enforce complete compliance with our constitution & laws by all
36.revisit & reform all regulations that stifle job growth & privately owed land management all religions equally
38.reform our sentencing guidelines & make them equal across the board
39.strictly prohibit cohesion between our justice department/fbi from the whitehouse term limits for our elected officials (all levels) the will of the many over the wants of a few
42.fairly open our free market to all legally qualified to participate in it
43.nominate judges based on ability & not political affiliation
44.enforce the rights of all citizens equally
45.mandate that our media outlets post only the truth
46.implement equal pay for equal work with no exceptions
47.strictly enforce inter-agency communication on all fronts
48.outlaw 'sanctuary cities'
49.decide what side of the lgbt movement you're on & follow the law
yes, you probably have other wants & needs from our next president but, ask yourself this, which party can deliver on most of the above???
our next president will be facing more severe challenges than obama ever thought of (several will be of his own doing &/or not doing)---here is a list which i'm positive you can add to:::
1...strictly control our borders
2...reform immigration
3...reform all of our tax laws & rates (from the county level & up)
4...downsize our gov't
5...reign in gov't spending
6...hold our gov't accountable
7...eradicate drugs, gangs & bullying from our communities
8...provide our youth with more constructive after-school options & incentives
9...provide better employment for all by bringing the jobs back to our shores
10.strengthen our educational standards
11.award successful teachers & eliminate underachievers
12.make colleges affordable
13.make valid gov't issued id mandatory for all within our borders
14.ensure better care for our vets & seniors
15.make our military the absolute strongest & up-to-date in the world (all branches)
16.balance our budgets (locally & up)
17.devise trade agreements that actually work in our favor
18.become completely energy independent
19.take better care of mother earth & the animals
20.make all live by the laws congress passes with no exceptions
21.restore the american dream
22.restore faith, honor & respect to our american flag
23.repeal & replace obamacare
24.mandate affordable medicine for all
25.devise a cohesive & workable foreign policy with alternatives
26.reform & strengthen social security (hell, reform all of our entitlements programs)
27.make our enemies fear us & our allies respect us
28.patch up our differences with israel & canada
29.stop our financial involvement with amtrac, fannie mae & freddy mac & other gov't supported entities
30.confront al qaeda & isis overseas & defeat them there
31.stop assisting countries that don't like us
32.take total control of a free web/internet
33.make america great again & second to none
34.allow our three branches of gov't to function only as they were originally set up to do
35.enforce complete compliance with our constitution & laws by all
36.revisit & reform all regulations that stifle job growth & privately owed land management all religions equally
38.reform our sentencing guidelines & make them equal across the board
39.strictly prohibit cohesion between our justice department/fbi from the whitehouse term limits for our elected officials (all levels) the will of the many over the wants of a few
42.fairly open our free market to all legally qualified to participate in it
43.nominate judges based on ability & not political affiliation
44.enforce the rights of all citizens equally
45.mandate that our media outlets post only the truth
46.implement equal pay for equal work with no exceptions
47.strictly enforce inter-agency communication on all fronts
48.outlaw 'sanctuary cities'
49.decide what side of the lgbt movement you're on & follow the law
yes, you probably have other wants & needs from our next president but, ask yourself this, which party can deliver on most of the above???
Monday, November 9, 2015
hello america!!! another follow-up HERE
Friday, November 6, 2015
hello america!!! this CLICK HERE is a follow up to the preceding post...
hello america!!! i woke up to this CLICK HERE & it directly relates to what i posted'll see a few articles (if we're lucky) but nothing like the sensationalized coverage when a cop shoots a black person---the group, black lives matter, along with our so-called leaders will not be making camera appearances because this tragic killing does not fit into their narrative...
we, as a people, should care about all unjust homicides regardless of race, religion or any other factors but, we allow ourselves to be led by our 'leadingless leaders' whose only function is to divide us even further & soak up free camera time...
the city of chicago had 522 homicides in 2012<>422 homicides in 2013<>435 homicides in 2014<>421 homicides since this past january &, the vast majority of the victims were people of color & nobody says crap---when you scroll through this list, you're going to be surprised at how much of this goes by without media coverage... READ HERE...
look, when you have (alleged) an 18 year old black person (trae chatmon) break into the apartment (thursday/5 nov 15) of an 89 year old black female (josephine johnson) to rob it; got caught & stabbed her to death & set fire to the apartment to cover it up, we have issues that none of our so-called leaders ever mention nor will they mention this senseless murder which occurred in chicago...murders like josephine's don't qualify for media sensationalism so our 'so-called leaders' don't get involved...HYMM???
when you look at all the ways people were killed in chicago, you'll find that shootings lead the list (by far) & yet, they have one of the strictest gun-control laws in our nation, however, our idiots in charge will use media sensationalized coverage to further push their agenda for 'stricter gun control'---&, if our gov't were to go about confiscating all the legally owed guns, the criminals & police would be the only ones armed...
we have to address the issues (that deliberately remain ignored) within all of our communities in a positive way & most of them are going to center around gangs, drugs, jobs & self-disrespect...
this is another site for you to look at CLICK HERE...
we need to elect people to office that have the balls to address the problems that afflict our communities...
we, as a people, should care about all unjust homicides regardless of race, religion or any other factors but, we allow ourselves to be led by our 'leadingless leaders' whose only function is to divide us even further & soak up free camera time...
the city of chicago had 522 homicides in 2012<>422 homicides in 2013<>435 homicides in 2014<>421 homicides since this past january &, the vast majority of the victims were people of color & nobody says crap---when you scroll through this list, you're going to be surprised at how much of this goes by without media coverage... READ HERE...
look, when you have (alleged) an 18 year old black person (trae chatmon) break into the apartment (thursday/5 nov 15) of an 89 year old black female (josephine johnson) to rob it; got caught & stabbed her to death & set fire to the apartment to cover it up, we have issues that none of our so-called leaders ever mention nor will they mention this senseless murder which occurred in chicago...murders like josephine's don't qualify for media sensationalism so our 'so-called leaders' don't get involved...HYMM???
when you look at all the ways people were killed in chicago, you'll find that shootings lead the list (by far) & yet, they have one of the strictest gun-control laws in our nation, however, our idiots in charge will use media sensationalized coverage to further push their agenda for 'stricter gun control'---&, if our gov't were to go about confiscating all the legally owed guns, the criminals & police would be the only ones armed...
we have to address the issues (that deliberately remain ignored) within all of our communities in a positive way & most of them are going to center around gangs, drugs, jobs & self-disrespect...
this is another site for you to look at CLICK HERE...
we need to elect people to office that have the balls to address the problems that afflict our communities...
Thursday, November 5, 2015
hello america!!! our greatness is slowly eroding by our allowing 'stupidness' to dictate how we should live...we, as a country, were founded on many, many christian beliefs & that's what allowed us to become the country that all others wanted to enter & be a part of---
look, when you live in america, you live by our laws, rules & standards PERIOD!!!---it's stupidity to allow foreigners to enter our borders & change, don't get me wrong, i am sensitive to the needs & wants of others but hey, just because you don't eat pork, don't force me not to sell have the right not to enter my eatery & take your money elsewhere---YOU DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO FORCE ME TO CHANGE MY MENU TO CATER TO YOUR DIETARY HABITS...
good people, we are sliding down the left-sided slope at a very perilous rate & when we hit bottom, we will be a country that's totally lost it's identity...since when was our gov't &/or courts designed to put the needs (& wants) of the few over the needs (& wants) of the many??? since when were our religious beliefs ignored in favor of other religious beliefs???
when our gov't can force a religious couple to either make a cake for a same-sex wedding or fine them for not baking it, i say we've lost our minds...the same people in favor of forcing that couple to bake that cake would never even entertain forcing a muslim bakery to bake a cake for the kkk...
there are those that want to remove all images of christianity from the publics view while at the same time saying it's ok for muslim women to wear a burka (burqa)---teachers can't wear their crosses exposed because it may offend somebody but muslim teachers can wear their burka's while teaching...HYMM??? just know that there are many that will force a christian pastor to perform a same-sex-wedding, not one of them would do the reverse...
we also have lost our minds when it comes to opening up our public bathrooms & showers to transgender's---while they may or not get the operation necessary to complete the process, certain urges are still there &, if you think pills are the answer, why do we continue to have such a very high rape rate??? i have nothing against the lgbt community but i draw the line when it comes to a male transgender in the same bathroom with my grandaughter...
we have lost our minds when we have our leaders & certain groups constantly harping on police brutality within our black communities & yet, they're like turds floating down the river (extremely quiet) when it comes to discussing black-on-black crime within those same communities---it's as if they go out of their way not to address that issue & it's a very big one...
we have lost our minds by allowing illegal immigrants to live within our borders (sanctuary cities) without fear of being rounded up, & what's even worse, allowing more to enter---who's paying for them to live here & what are they productively contributing to our way of life??? with all the technology & man-power at our disposal, nobody should be able to unlawfully enter our borders without being detected & apprehended...
we have lost our minds by not forcing everyone (immigrants & citizens alike) within our borders to have a gov't issued id---rather than debate this with you, just ask yourself this:::what can you legally do without valid, gov't issued id??? besides, with all the threats now facing us from abroad, we need to make this mandatory for our own internal security...
we have lost our minds when we have american companies folding up shop here & taking the jobs & businesses overseas & then exporting their products back to us---you could site a lot of reasons for this but, taxes, regulations, & obamacare will always be in the top three plus, unions have a lot to do with it also...
we have lost our mind when our so-called leaders get in front of cameras & call for the removal of the washington redskins name & logo & yet, not say a single word about the 'n-word' in our music---these very same people got you & the media all riled up over the confederate flag & never said a word about the kkk flag nor have they said anything about other team names in sports or their emblems (google the chicago blackhawks & see for yourself)...
we have lost our mind when we applaud those calling for women equality & fair pay & yet, we forget that they are continually doing business & accepting funds from countries that deny ANY rights to women...
we have lost our mind when it comes to our education standards & expectations for our youth---we tend to listen to those in charge & we usually defer to them (regardless of how distorted the facts may be)---most teachers & school staff actually do care & try to make a difference but, there's those that just go through the motions to collect a check &, because of unions, it's extremely hard to terminate them---
we have lost our mind when it comes to COLA (cost of living allowance) for our vets & seniors---this year, they won't get one for next year because the cost of gas is down (that's their excuse)---what kind of unhappy horse crap is that??? we can send money to foreign countries that hate us (some don't even need it) but, we can't provide for our vets & seniors---there is something terribly wrong with that picture...besides, what is our gov't doing with all the money from fines (from businesses) & taxes they took in???
my america, we have lost our mind by allowing babies to have babies & going out of our way to condone it; by not having more constructive after-school activities for our youth; by allowing gang & criminal activity to flourish in our communities because we don't speak out until we are individually affected; by allowing our politicians to tell us what they will do instead of what they have done...etc; etc;etc...
i'm sure we could add to the above, however, i'm hoping that some of it sank in---all that is wrong with our great country is fixable with the right people in office---HINT!!!
look, when you live in america, you live by our laws, rules & standards PERIOD!!!---it's stupidity to allow foreigners to enter our borders & change, don't get me wrong, i am sensitive to the needs & wants of others but hey, just because you don't eat pork, don't force me not to sell have the right not to enter my eatery & take your money elsewhere---YOU DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO FORCE ME TO CHANGE MY MENU TO CATER TO YOUR DIETARY HABITS...
good people, we are sliding down the left-sided slope at a very perilous rate & when we hit bottom, we will be a country that's totally lost it's identity...since when was our gov't &/or courts designed to put the needs (& wants) of the few over the needs (& wants) of the many??? since when were our religious beliefs ignored in favor of other religious beliefs???
when our gov't can force a religious couple to either make a cake for a same-sex wedding or fine them for not baking it, i say we've lost our minds...the same people in favor of forcing that couple to bake that cake would never even entertain forcing a muslim bakery to bake a cake for the kkk...
there are those that want to remove all images of christianity from the publics view while at the same time saying it's ok for muslim women to wear a burka (burqa)---teachers can't wear their crosses exposed because it may offend somebody but muslim teachers can wear their burka's while teaching...HYMM??? just know that there are many that will force a christian pastor to perform a same-sex-wedding, not one of them would do the reverse...
we also have lost our minds when it comes to opening up our public bathrooms & showers to transgender's---while they may or not get the operation necessary to complete the process, certain urges are still there &, if you think pills are the answer, why do we continue to have such a very high rape rate??? i have nothing against the lgbt community but i draw the line when it comes to a male transgender in the same bathroom with my grandaughter...
we have lost our minds when we have our leaders & certain groups constantly harping on police brutality within our black communities & yet, they're like turds floating down the river (extremely quiet) when it comes to discussing black-on-black crime within those same communities---it's as if they go out of their way not to address that issue & it's a very big one...
we have lost our minds by allowing illegal immigrants to live within our borders (sanctuary cities) without fear of being rounded up, & what's even worse, allowing more to enter---who's paying for them to live here & what are they productively contributing to our way of life??? with all the technology & man-power at our disposal, nobody should be able to unlawfully enter our borders without being detected & apprehended...
we have lost our minds by not forcing everyone (immigrants & citizens alike) within our borders to have a gov't issued id---rather than debate this with you, just ask yourself this:::what can you legally do without valid, gov't issued id??? besides, with all the threats now facing us from abroad, we need to make this mandatory for our own internal security...
we have lost our minds when we have american companies folding up shop here & taking the jobs & businesses overseas & then exporting their products back to us---you could site a lot of reasons for this but, taxes, regulations, & obamacare will always be in the top three plus, unions have a lot to do with it also...
we have lost our mind when our so-called leaders get in front of cameras & call for the removal of the washington redskins name & logo & yet, not say a single word about the 'n-word' in our music---these very same people got you & the media all riled up over the confederate flag & never said a word about the kkk flag nor have they said anything about other team names in sports or their emblems (google the chicago blackhawks & see for yourself)...
we have lost our mind when we applaud those calling for women equality & fair pay & yet, we forget that they are continually doing business & accepting funds from countries that deny ANY rights to women...
we have lost our mind when it comes to our education standards & expectations for our youth---we tend to listen to those in charge & we usually defer to them (regardless of how distorted the facts may be)---most teachers & school staff actually do care & try to make a difference but, there's those that just go through the motions to collect a check &, because of unions, it's extremely hard to terminate them---
we have lost our mind when it comes to COLA (cost of living allowance) for our vets & seniors---this year, they won't get one for next year because the cost of gas is down (that's their excuse)---what kind of unhappy horse crap is that??? we can send money to foreign countries that hate us (some don't even need it) but, we can't provide for our vets & seniors---there is something terribly wrong with that picture...besides, what is our gov't doing with all the money from fines (from businesses) & taxes they took in???
my america, we have lost our mind by allowing babies to have babies & going out of our way to condone it; by not having more constructive after-school activities for our youth; by allowing gang & criminal activity to flourish in our communities because we don't speak out until we are individually affected; by allowing our politicians to tell us what they will do instead of what they have done...etc; etc;etc...
i'm sure we could add to the above, however, i'm hoping that some of it sank in---all that is wrong with our great country is fixable with the right people in office---HINT!!!
Saturday, October 17, 2015
hello america!!! one would expect all our gov't people to follow all the current laws on the books regardless of position &/or agenda...if they can't or won't, they should be made to defend their actions in a court of law (just like us every day people)...
obama is on record for saying he has a phone & a pen &, he has violated several laws but, the left-wing obama-media supporters refuse to acknowledge those violations---in fact, they turn around & brand those that challenge obama & his policies racist or un-american or politically driven---well, i'm none of the three & i have a problem with what all obama has been allowed to get away with...
one of my biggest problems is, his blatant disregard for our laws concerning our southern border---we need that border secured more so than ever because of the terrorist threat to our people/property...we have an absolute need to know who's entering our borders & why & we need to be able to track them at any time---hell, just look at the illegal alien crime activity &, if it were not for donald trump, a lot of it would never have been known...
here, take your pick & learn that the talking points are just that...
obama is on record for saying he has a phone & a pen &, he has violated several laws but, the left-wing obama-media supporters refuse to acknowledge those violations---in fact, they turn around & brand those that challenge obama & his policies racist or un-american or politically driven---well, i'm none of the three & i have a problem with what all obama has been allowed to get away with...
one of my biggest problems is, his blatant disregard for our laws concerning our southern border---we need that border secured more so than ever because of the terrorist threat to our people/property...we have an absolute need to know who's entering our borders & why & we need to be able to track them at any time---hell, just look at the illegal alien crime activity &, if it were not for donald trump, a lot of it would never have been known...
here, take your pick & learn that the talking points are just that...
hello america!!! i've previously posted about homicides within our borders so, this should come as no surprise...
for 2015, chicago has 404 homicides (288 of them either black or latino) & baltimore has 269---all lives matter; just ask the families & friends of those taken from us...
obama (& others on both sides of the isle) are so quick to get involved with all the violence outside of our borders but have nothing to say about what's occurring within them (unless it's sensationalized by the media outlets)...stronger gun laws are not the answer---both illinois & maryland have some of the strictest gun laws in the country but, they are not prohibiting gun's a list CLICK HERE...
when will our so-called leaders reach out to the communities & try to solve some of the problems that plague them??? it's common sense (at least to me it is) that those taking lives as quickly as they are:::have a problem with self-worth; probably don't have a job; have no outlet to do anything constructive---whereas, they can be taught the value of self-worth, they can be trained & prepared for employment, centers could be opened to offer & encourage people to undertake something other than violence...
for 2015, chicago has 404 homicides (288 of them either black or latino) & baltimore has 269---all lives matter; just ask the families & friends of those taken from us...
obama (& others on both sides of the isle) are so quick to get involved with all the violence outside of our borders but have nothing to say about what's occurring within them (unless it's sensationalized by the media outlets)...stronger gun laws are not the answer---both illinois & maryland have some of the strictest gun laws in the country but, they are not prohibiting gun's a list CLICK HERE...
when will our so-called leaders reach out to the communities & try to solve some of the problems that plague them??? it's common sense (at least to me it is) that those taking lives as quickly as they are:::have a problem with self-worth; probably don't have a job; have no outlet to do anything constructive---whereas, they can be taught the value of self-worth, they can be trained & prepared for employment, centers could be opened to offer & encourage people to undertake something other than violence...
Friday, October 16, 2015
hello america!!! i was very recently asked my for my opinion concerning hillary clinton's qualifications for the office of president of our united states of this america &, here's my honest response...
she's a true american & of age & that alone makes her qualified PERIOD...
however, there is a lot more to her being non-qualified that's of more concern to me...
firstly, when a husband is caught having a sexual affair (of any kind) outside of his marriage, chances are, it wasn't his first time nor do i believe it will be his last---if his wife is willing to accept his apology, that's up to her but, she should be the last person calling for female equality---she should also be the last person doing any business (for any reason) with countries that refuse to grant women any rights nor, should she have friends from those countries---this makes her deceptive & hypocritical...
as our first lady, what did she accomplish of note??? fear not, i'll wait for that answer...
as sec of state she accomplished nothing note-worthy but, she did log a lot of miles & danced with some african children---she failed to reset her russian reset button; she failed to foresee russia & china as our enemies & thus, we were not prepared to counter any of the actions they have taken to assume worldly control; she failed to put iran & north korea in check & they (both) continue to defy us & our threats; she failed to bring about peace in any of the warring african nations; she failed to bring israel & its enemies to the peace-table; she failed to establish a workable middle east policy & blindly supported obama & his agendas; she failed to recognize isis for what it was/is/will be & thus, allowed them to grow into a power; she refused to accept phone calls from muammar qaddaif's son (saif) (& directed others not to accept them) that could have led to peace-talks prior to our bombing lybia; she blatantly refused to provide enough protection for our people in lybia (which led to their deaths which she helped blame on a video); her actions (actually her non-actions) aided the arab spring which we all now know was/is/will be a complete disaster; she failed to stem the influx of illegal aliens crossing our southern border; she used her own private server to conduct gov't business & she decided what emails she would or would not present to our congress; now she wants to distance herself from some of obamas policies that she never objected to before---yes, i'm more than positive that i'm failing to mention other negative issues with her time as our sec of state...
after (what will soon be) 8 years under obama, my great country deserves better & hillary is not the person that can make it better...
she's a true american & of age & that alone makes her qualified PERIOD...
however, there is a lot more to her being non-qualified that's of more concern to me...
firstly, when a husband is caught having a sexual affair (of any kind) outside of his marriage, chances are, it wasn't his first time nor do i believe it will be his last---if his wife is willing to accept his apology, that's up to her but, she should be the last person calling for female equality---she should also be the last person doing any business (for any reason) with countries that refuse to grant women any rights nor, should she have friends from those countries---this makes her deceptive & hypocritical...
as our first lady, what did she accomplish of note??? fear not, i'll wait for that answer...
as sec of state she accomplished nothing note-worthy but, she did log a lot of miles & danced with some african children---she failed to reset her russian reset button; she failed to foresee russia & china as our enemies & thus, we were not prepared to counter any of the actions they have taken to assume worldly control; she failed to put iran & north korea in check & they (both) continue to defy us & our threats; she failed to bring about peace in any of the warring african nations; she failed to bring israel & its enemies to the peace-table; she failed to establish a workable middle east policy & blindly supported obama & his agendas; she failed to recognize isis for what it was/is/will be & thus, allowed them to grow into a power; she refused to accept phone calls from muammar qaddaif's son (saif) (& directed others not to accept them) that could have led to peace-talks prior to our bombing lybia; she blatantly refused to provide enough protection for our people in lybia (which led to their deaths which she helped blame on a video); her actions (actually her non-actions) aided the arab spring which we all now know was/is/will be a complete disaster; she failed to stem the influx of illegal aliens crossing our southern border; she used her own private server to conduct gov't business & she decided what emails she would or would not present to our congress; now she wants to distance herself from some of obamas policies that she never objected to before---yes, i'm more than positive that i'm failing to mention other negative issues with her time as our sec of state...
after (what will soon be) 8 years under obama, my great country deserves better & hillary is not the person that can make it better...
hello america!!! when obama & company crammed obamacare down our throats, they did so saying it was necessary so as to insure the uninsured (approx 40 million at the time)...the law was a sham from the very beginning &, what all those opposed to it said has become truth--- would not insure all the uninsured would cost a hell of a lot more than predicted would close businesses & cost us jobs
4.....costs would rise & it would become unaffordable would revolutionize the healthcare industry in a negative way would not be able to keep your own doctor &/or network
good people, these are but a few of the many problems still plaguing obamacare & now, we have this CLICK HERE...
obama doesn't want it for his family or friends; the dems that passed the bill don't want it for themselves, family or friends; the unions that went out of their way to support it want no part of it; the average american on it is finding out that the deductibles are impossible & it is costing more (premiums have increased & will continue to rise)...
LOOK, you'd have to be a complete idiot to think that obamacare was/is/will be the answer to our healthcare needs---some of you (probably most of you) will find it's not anything like it's cracked up to be
&, it will cost you more...
obama & company refuse to give out the exact numbers on how many have signed up for it which tells you it is not as successful as they proclaim it to be---don't forget THESE ACTIONS...when all the delays & suspensions expire, you are going to be confronted with the truth about obamacare & you're not going to like it... would not insure all the uninsured would cost a hell of a lot more than predicted would close businesses & cost us jobs
4.....costs would rise & it would become unaffordable would revolutionize the healthcare industry in a negative way would not be able to keep your own doctor &/or network
good people, these are but a few of the many problems still plaguing obamacare & now, we have this CLICK HERE...
obama doesn't want it for his family or friends; the dems that passed the bill don't want it for themselves, family or friends; the unions that went out of their way to support it want no part of it; the average american on it is finding out that the deductibles are impossible & it is costing more (premiums have increased & will continue to rise)...
LOOK, you'd have to be a complete idiot to think that obamacare was/is/will be the answer to our healthcare needs---some of you (probably most of you) will find it's not anything like it's cracked up to be
&, it will cost you more...
obama & company refuse to give out the exact numbers on how many have signed up for it which tells you it is not as successful as they proclaim it to be---don't forget THESE ACTIONS...when all the delays & suspensions expire, you are going to be confronted with the truth about obamacare & you're not going to like it...
hello america!!! it pisses me off that our extremely liberal gov't can do the following::::
1...want to raise the minimum wage scale for financial equality for women
3...give our money to other countries
4...waste our money on stupid, non-workable projects & gov't studies
5...use our money for expensive parties & get-aways
6...use our money to support those living here illegally
this list is by no means inclusive...
BUT, they can't find a way to give its seniors & vets a paltry cola increase & blame lower oil prices as the reason why...
Friday, October 2, 2015
hello america!!!
here we go---your chance to tell me where i went wrong:::
the greening of america---failed
the weaning of america from foreign energy---failed
the russian reset button---failed
the stopping of north korea's efforts for a nuclear weapon---failing
the stopping of iran's efforts for a nuclear weapon---failing
the open & honest gov't---failed
the most transparent gov't---failed
the reaching across the isle---failed
the making america a party of one---failed
the creation of jobs---failed (by their own time-line)
the drilling for our own oil---failed
the obamacare law---failed (by their own goals)
the closing of gitmo---failing
the balancing of our budget---failed
the promise not to hire lobbyists---failed
the promise to strengthen the 'middle-class'---failed
the promise to lower higher education costs---failed
the promise to solve or immigration problems---failed
the promise to restore our country's prominence in the world---failed
the promise to strengthen ties with our allies---failed
the sitting down at the dinner table with our enemies to bring about peace---failed
the promise of promoting women equality---failed
the promise of getting to the bottom of all of the scandals---failed
the gloating of his foreign policy---failed
the promise & duty of making america safer---failed
the withdrawal of our iraq troops---failed
the bringing our troops from afghanistan home---failed
the way we do business in washington---failed
the promise of getting rid of the federal programs that don't work---failed
the promise of strengthening the federal programs that do work---failed
the promise to straighten out the problems in out vet admin system---failed
the promise of being able to keep your doctor & hospital---failed
the promise of the 'tarp bailout'---failed
the promise of making banks make more loans---failed
the promise to strap up his boots & march with the union striker's---failed
the promise to fully fund individuals with disabilities education act (idea)---failed
the promise to establish a global education fund---failed
the promise to double federal charter school programs---failed
the promise to double funding for afterschool programs---failed
the promise to create scholarships to recruit new teachers---failed
the promise to expand service-learning in schools---failed
the promise to improve & prioritize student science assessments---failed
the promise to eliminate all oil & gas loopholes---failed
&, for everyone of them, i can give you a detailed account of why it's listed as failed or failing...
politifact is also tracking obamas broken promises as well as other media outlets---this HERE is for those i left off my list...
here we go---your chance to tell me where i went wrong:::
the greening of america---failed
the weaning of america from foreign energy---failed
the russian reset button---failed
the stopping of north korea's efforts for a nuclear weapon---failing
the stopping of iran's efforts for a nuclear weapon---failing
the open & honest gov't---failed
the most transparent gov't---failed
the reaching across the isle---failed
the making america a party of one---failed
the creation of jobs---failed (by their own time-line)
the drilling for our own oil---failed
the obamacare law---failed (by their own goals)
the closing of gitmo---failing
the balancing of our budget---failed
the promise not to hire lobbyists---failed
the promise to strengthen the 'middle-class'---failed
the promise to lower higher education costs---failed
the promise to solve or immigration problems---failed
the promise to restore our country's prominence in the world---failed
the promise to strengthen ties with our allies---failed
the sitting down at the dinner table with our enemies to bring about peace---failed
the promise of promoting women equality---failed
the promise of getting to the bottom of all of the scandals---failed
the gloating of his foreign policy---failed
the promise & duty of making america safer---failed
the withdrawal of our iraq troops---failed
the bringing our troops from afghanistan home---failed
the way we do business in washington---failed
the promise of getting rid of the federal programs that don't work---failed
the promise of strengthening the federal programs that do work---failed
the promise to straighten out the problems in out vet admin system---failed
the promise of being able to keep your doctor & hospital---failed
the promise of the 'tarp bailout'---failed
the promise of making banks make more loans---failed
the promise to strap up his boots & march with the union striker's---failed
the promise to fully fund individuals with disabilities education act (idea)---failed
the promise to establish a global education fund---failed
the promise to double federal charter school programs---failed
the promise to double funding for afterschool programs---failed
the promise to create scholarships to recruit new teachers---failed
the promise to expand service-learning in schools---failed
the promise to improve & prioritize student science assessments---failed
the promise to eliminate all oil & gas loopholes---failed
&, for everyone of them, i can give you a detailed account of why it's listed as failed or failing...
politifact is also tracking obamas broken promises as well as other media outlets---this HERE is for those i left off my list...
hello america!!! if you listen to obama & company, our economy has gotten better & our jobs market has regained all the jobs lost under pres bush---&, i'm here to remind some you that those very same people told you that the recession ended june/july now, even the most blind, deaf, & dumb supporters of obama & company have to realize they've been had (as has the rest of america)...
good people, anybody can take a stat & use it for or against any issue---the glass is either half full or, it's half empty, however, nobody seems to think they have the wrong-sized glass...
look, just be real & look at the facts & these are the job facts for new unemployment claims during the month of sept 2015 (even though they changed the system to benefit obamas 2nd campaign run)
sept 5---275,000
sept 12--264,000
sept 19--267,000
sept 26--277,000
that's 1,083,000 new people out of work for sept & this data comes from
no matter how you slice it, we've been losing 1 million jobs a month for far too long---you can look back through some of my posts & find that i've been on this for quite some time...
please, take the time to read our bureau of labor statistics report for the month of sept 2015 which was released this morning & then, tell me how well we're doing CLICK HERE...
hey, the dems have had 6 years to truly turn our employment situation around & have blamed everybody under the sun for their failures---we don't need another dem regime to replace obama!!!
good people, anybody can take a stat & use it for or against any issue---the glass is either half full or, it's half empty, however, nobody seems to think they have the wrong-sized glass...
look, just be real & look at the facts & these are the job facts for new unemployment claims during the month of sept 2015 (even though they changed the system to benefit obamas 2nd campaign run)
sept 5---275,000
sept 12--264,000
sept 19--267,000
sept 26--277,000
that's 1,083,000 new people out of work for sept & this data comes from
no matter how you slice it, we've been losing 1 million jobs a month for far too long---you can look back through some of my posts & find that i've been on this for quite some time...
please, take the time to read our bureau of labor statistics report for the month of sept 2015 which was released this morning & then, tell me how well we're doing CLICK HERE...
hey, the dems have had 6 years to truly turn our employment situation around & have blamed everybody under the sun for their failures---we don't need another dem regime to replace obama!!!
Thursday, September 3, 2015
hello america!!! what ever happened to common sense??? how can people (of any color) rise us against the police for killing a young black person that was (allegedly) pointing a gun at them??? are the police supposed to wait until fired at before responding??? would you???
look, far too many of our people are killed every day by our people &, if 'hands up-don't shoot' or 'black lives matter' is to mean anything, we need to put a stop to it...
i guess some black lives don't matter because i haven't heard of any major protests for this innocent 9 year old black Child of GOD---CLICK HERE
look, far too many of our people are killed every day by our people &, if 'hands up-don't shoot' or 'black lives matter' is to mean anything, we need to put a stop to it...
i guess some black lives don't matter because i haven't heard of any major protests for this innocent 9 year old black Child of GOD---CLICK HERE
hello america!!! are we really that stupid???
we're being told that alaska is melting because of man's imprint on our climate, however, we need more ice-breakers?? ---followed by::: russia is flexing its muscle in the arctic region, however, we're going to decrease our military personnel in that region by 3,000 troops...yet, obama said he will surround himself with the smartest people on the planet---HMM!!!
we're being told that alaska is melting because of man's imprint on our climate, however, we need more ice-breakers?? ---followed by::: russia is flexing its muscle in the arctic region, however, we're going to decrease our military personnel in that region by 3,000 troops...yet, obama said he will surround himself with the smartest people on the planet---HMM!!!
hello america!!! it's truly amazing that the party (the repubs) that went on a 'witch-hunt' actually found the 'wicked witch' despite all the denials & protections from that other party (the dems)---hillary clinton did what the repubs thought she did & sooner or later, it should all catch up to her (& others)...however, there are those that will try to cover up her activities until the bitter end---after all, obama called her a great sec-of-state although no one can identify any major achievements during her fact, things became much worse under her & obama &, (while everybody is acknowledging that) the dems still try to push success down our throats...
good people, we should know why the 'arab spring' occurred & just how much of our then foreign policy she was responsible for; we are owed a truthful explanation as to why 4 americans were killed in benghazi & why did they (obama & company) resort to blaming those deaths on a video; we are owed a truthful explanation as to why she would put isis on the terrorist list; we are owed a truthful explanation as to why we have allowed china & russia to grow (military-wise) while we have decreased in strength & numbers; we need a truthful explanation as to why she had a private server & deleted 30,000 plus emails before they could be screened---these are but a few of the questions we need answered...
& yet, the more this 'witch-hunt' continues, the more we learn about THIS which is followed by THIS which is followed by THIS ...leaving one to wonder why would you have to plead the 5th???
good people, we should know why the 'arab spring' occurred & just how much of our then foreign policy she was responsible for; we are owed a truthful explanation as to why 4 americans were killed in benghazi & why did they (obama & company) resort to blaming those deaths on a video; we are owed a truthful explanation as to why she would put isis on the terrorist list; we are owed a truthful explanation as to why we have allowed china & russia to grow (military-wise) while we have decreased in strength & numbers; we need a truthful explanation as to why she had a private server & deleted 30,000 plus emails before they could be screened---these are but a few of the questions we need answered...
& yet, the more this 'witch-hunt' continues, the more we learn about THIS which is followed by THIS which is followed by THIS ...leaving one to wonder why would you have to plead the 5th???
Friday, August 28, 2015
hello america!!! where's the outrage for THIS BLACK LIFE??? do you mean to tell me that obama & sharpton (among others) are all worded out??? 9 years old & gone & most of you are only 'bitching' about cops killing blacks...when will we unite as a people & take control of our communities??? we have far too much power to remain helpless---yes, a lot has to change but nothing will ever change when we allow those with an agenda to push it down our throats...we have to elect & support those that will honestly try (other then just talking about it) to enable us (as a people) to eliminate economic poverty regardless of race...our country is far to great for any of us not to be successful...
when our 'so-called' leaders get 'air time' & try to ostracize the police from our communities, that's one thing---when we respond to it, that's another & hey, it's not good because the police will do less (i would) & that leaves us more open to the evil that seems to be an accepted part of our lives...
what's acceptable about a 9 year old being shot to death???
when our 'so-called' leaders get 'air time' & try to ostracize the police from our communities, that's one thing---when we respond to it, that's another & hey, it's not good because the police will do less (i would) & that leaves us more open to the evil that seems to be an accepted part of our lives...
what's acceptable about a 9 year old being shot to death???
hello america!!! i don't know why it took others so long to realize that (apparently) some lives don't matter regardless of race---i remember posting about the 500 plus chicago homicides years ago but, that issue was quickly quieted when the media lost interest & the big-shot's quit talking about it...i've been calling out our 'so-called' black leader's to do more than just show up for the homicides that become sensationalized CLICK HERE however, that's not going to happen...
black people look, we have come a long way & yet, there are those that will try to persuade you that we're still in the 60's...yes, we still have a long way to go to eradicate racial hatred &, in truth, it will never be completely dissolved...hey, face it;;;love & hatred is taught---our likes & dislikes are instilled in us by those that helped raise us---as kids, we made fun of people with braces & those that were 'over-weight', etc...but, that's for another post...
black people are killing other black people with no regard to age---PERIOD!!! look at this list & you'll see it for yourselves HERE ...where are the demonstrations for all these senseless murders??? how come this news isn't constantly front page news??? where are those black groups that supposedly fight for black peoples rights??? obama spoke about the police killing a black & (along with others) condemned them but, he's MIA when it comes to blacks killing blacks;;; al sharpton invites himself to the cities when a cop kills a black & riles up the black community in a negative way but, he's MIA on blacks killing blacks---
do you want to really see how misguided some people are??? the 'so-called' first lady runs around the country telling you what your school kids HAVE to eat (& they changed the menus to accommodate her) & yet, when was the last time you heard her (or saw her) address black-on-black violence??? yeah, i thought the same thing---something's horribly wrong with that picture...but, she is quick to talk about racism & how sorry our country is...
common sense tells me that the vast majority of homicides by guns are committed by people that are illegally in possession of that firearm---are we that stupid to believe that tightening gun control laws will change the murder-by-gun rate one iota??? which gang member or drug dealer (etc) is going to murder somebody with their own legally registered gun??? come on obama, please tell me they all do it...
it's extremely ironic that the party screaming for gun control is the very same party that allowed 2,000 guns to walk & then had the audacity to deny's also the same party that says economic poverty plays a major role & yet, they delivered public handouts in lieu jobs...
we're in trouble when the 'black lives matter' group only shows up when cops kill blacks...
black people look, we have come a long way & yet, there are those that will try to persuade you that we're still in the 60's...yes, we still have a long way to go to eradicate racial hatred &, in truth, it will never be completely dissolved...hey, face it;;;love & hatred is taught---our likes & dislikes are instilled in us by those that helped raise us---as kids, we made fun of people with braces & those that were 'over-weight', etc...but, that's for another post...
black people are killing other black people with no regard to age---PERIOD!!! look at this list & you'll see it for yourselves HERE ...where are the demonstrations for all these senseless murders??? how come this news isn't constantly front page news??? where are those black groups that supposedly fight for black peoples rights??? obama spoke about the police killing a black & (along with others) condemned them but, he's MIA when it comes to blacks killing blacks;;; al sharpton invites himself to the cities when a cop kills a black & riles up the black community in a negative way but, he's MIA on blacks killing blacks---
do you want to really see how misguided some people are??? the 'so-called' first lady runs around the country telling you what your school kids HAVE to eat (& they changed the menus to accommodate her) & yet, when was the last time you heard her (or saw her) address black-on-black violence??? yeah, i thought the same thing---something's horribly wrong with that picture...but, she is quick to talk about racism & how sorry our country is...
common sense tells me that the vast majority of homicides by guns are committed by people that are illegally in possession of that firearm---are we that stupid to believe that tightening gun control laws will change the murder-by-gun rate one iota??? which gang member or drug dealer (etc) is going to murder somebody with their own legally registered gun??? come on obama, please tell me they all do it...
it's extremely ironic that the party screaming for gun control is the very same party that allowed 2,000 guns to walk & then had the audacity to deny's also the same party that says economic poverty plays a major role & yet, they delivered public handouts in lieu jobs...
we're in trouble when the 'black lives matter' group only shows up when cops kill blacks...
Friday, August 7, 2015
hello america!!! by now you should have heard about obama comparing the gop to iranian hard-liners---well, if you listened to obama & company (to include the left-wing media), all of those that oppose 'his' agreement with iran are wrong---so, what does that make sen chuck schumer & other influential dems that disagree with the agreement???
i don't make this stuff up & you can read it for yourselves HERE & HERE...
now, don't forget, hillary supports the plan which makes me wonder just how much of it did she read...
i don't make this stuff up & you can read it for yourselves HERE & HERE...
now, don't forget, hillary supports the plan which makes me wonder just how much of it did she read...
Sunday, August 2, 2015
hello america!!! you must be a complete idiot to believe we are now better off than we were under pres bush...yes, a few of you may be better off, however, as a nation of one, we are far worse in far too many areas but, this is about obama & hillary & our non-existent foreign policy...
1.....while we may not be engaged in actual combat (war), we are far from being safer---in fact, we are not nearly as safe as our gov't would like us to believe...isis is here & home-grown terrorist's are on the rise at a very troubling pace---just about every other day you hear about somebody being arrested for wanting to go to the middle east to join isis &, instead of isolating these people in gitmo, we're putting them in our jails where they can easily influence many others to their way of thinking...but, i regress, isis is that 'jv squad' (at least that's what obama called them) & they were allowed to grow into what they now are simply because hillary clinton didn't have the back-bone to add them to our terrorist list because she didn't want to give them attention...obama & hillary not only missed the boat, hell, they even missed the water...
2.....the middle east is a hot bed of turmoil (always has been/always will be) but, our so-called leaders were so quick to tell you how great the 'arab spring' was & what it meant for the rest of the world---do any of our media robots have the balls to ask obama &/or hillary how their middle east policy is working out??? we had our hands deep in the 'arab spring' & we're paying the price for it...
3.....what happened in benghazi could have & should been prevented &, in truth, both obama & hillary (among others) should have been indicted on charges for failing to provide adequate protection for the 4 americans who had their lives snuffed out because of their failures---&, what's even worse is, they tried to sell you that bs about a video being the cause...actually, that's not the worst of it, this is:::they're still lying about what happened & why (&, they're doing their best to cover up their rolls in it)...
4.....ever since obama was sworn in, iran & north korea have steadily been getting closer to having nukes & i can't find where hillary had devised a plan to stop them---but, let's not stop there, russia & china were both flexing their muscles (during that same time frame) & neither obama or hillary had a plan to limit their growth---&, you can say what you wish but, our recent agreement with iran is a complete farce, however, it looks good on paper to those that can't read... (as a whole) is a complete disaster & obama & hillary failed to put the pieces in place to keep it stable---in fact, the problems escalated because of their inability to act...
6.....although we've always had problems with our mexican border-line, just look at the flow of illegal entrants under obama & hillary...look at the problems their lack of border enforcement has caused our country---&, even with hillary out of office, the problems are still growing...
7.....obama & hillary have repeatedly thrown our allies under the bus (hell, they even backed the bus up to make sure they had run them over)---when i look at israel's enemies & see what hasn't been done to put them in check, i actual have egypt, iran, syria, joradn & turkey & we seem to be putting their interests first---WHY??? israel has hamas, the plo, hezbollah & fatah gunning for them & we get upset when israel defends itself---to this day, we willingly continue to give 'aid' to those that would wipe israel off the map...
8.....under pres bush, iraq & afghanistan were somewhat stable compared to now---obama & hillary have allowed both country's to revert back to pre-bush, WMD's were never found, however, under pres bush, our presence was making a big difference which cannot be said today...
9.....both obama & hillary speak of women's rights & equal pay & yet, they both do business with country's that don't recognize women as having any rights---hell, both of them have been accused of paying their own female staffers less than their male counter-parts...&, while we're at it, they talk a good game about gay rights but, just look at the anti-gay country's they support...
under obama & hillary, our foreign policy was one based on denial & reaction & not pro-action & it's not changed one iota since---hillary can say what she wishes to but, she cannot distance herself from obama;;;they're locked together at the hip, lip & brain---a vote for her is a vote for obama...
1.....while we may not be engaged in actual combat (war), we are far from being safer---in fact, we are not nearly as safe as our gov't would like us to believe...isis is here & home-grown terrorist's are on the rise at a very troubling pace---just about every other day you hear about somebody being arrested for wanting to go to the middle east to join isis &, instead of isolating these people in gitmo, we're putting them in our jails where they can easily influence many others to their way of thinking...but, i regress, isis is that 'jv squad' (at least that's what obama called them) & they were allowed to grow into what they now are simply because hillary clinton didn't have the back-bone to add them to our terrorist list because she didn't want to give them attention...obama & hillary not only missed the boat, hell, they even missed the water...
2.....the middle east is a hot bed of turmoil (always has been/always will be) but, our so-called leaders were so quick to tell you how great the 'arab spring' was & what it meant for the rest of the world---do any of our media robots have the balls to ask obama &/or hillary how their middle east policy is working out??? we had our hands deep in the 'arab spring' & we're paying the price for it...
3.....what happened in benghazi could have & should been prevented &, in truth, both obama & hillary (among others) should have been indicted on charges for failing to provide adequate protection for the 4 americans who had their lives snuffed out because of their failures---&, what's even worse is, they tried to sell you that bs about a video being the cause...actually, that's not the worst of it, this is:::they're still lying about what happened & why (&, they're doing their best to cover up their rolls in it)...
4.....ever since obama was sworn in, iran & north korea have steadily been getting closer to having nukes & i can't find where hillary had devised a plan to stop them---but, let's not stop there, russia & china were both flexing their muscles (during that same time frame) & neither obama or hillary had a plan to limit their growth---&, you can say what you wish but, our recent agreement with iran is a complete farce, however, it looks good on paper to those that can't read... (as a whole) is a complete disaster & obama & hillary failed to put the pieces in place to keep it stable---in fact, the problems escalated because of their inability to act...
6.....although we've always had problems with our mexican border-line, just look at the flow of illegal entrants under obama & hillary...look at the problems their lack of border enforcement has caused our country---&, even with hillary out of office, the problems are still growing...
7.....obama & hillary have repeatedly thrown our allies under the bus (hell, they even backed the bus up to make sure they had run them over)---when i look at israel's enemies & see what hasn't been done to put them in check, i actual have egypt, iran, syria, joradn & turkey & we seem to be putting their interests first---WHY??? israel has hamas, the plo, hezbollah & fatah gunning for them & we get upset when israel defends itself---to this day, we willingly continue to give 'aid' to those that would wipe israel off the map...
8.....under pres bush, iraq & afghanistan were somewhat stable compared to now---obama & hillary have allowed both country's to revert back to pre-bush, WMD's were never found, however, under pres bush, our presence was making a big difference which cannot be said today...
9.....both obama & hillary speak of women's rights & equal pay & yet, they both do business with country's that don't recognize women as having any rights---hell, both of them have been accused of paying their own female staffers less than their male counter-parts...&, while we're at it, they talk a good game about gay rights but, just look at the anti-gay country's they support...
under obama & hillary, our foreign policy was one based on denial & reaction & not pro-action & it's not changed one iota since---hillary can say what she wishes to but, she cannot distance herself from obama;;;they're locked together at the hip, lip & brain---a vote for her is a vote for obama...
Tuesday, July 14, 2015
hello america!!! i read & hear a lot of negative feedback about foxnews & yet, we learn more about our gov't from them then from all the other media outlets---now, i'm not saying that they are the 'bible' of all of media but, they do inform you about issues, stories, news, & scandals that you won't get from a majority of the other outlets...say what you will but, facts speak louder then finger-pointing & intentional false narratives...try to remember some of the major scandals that foxnews was accused of generating for the sake of ratings that supposedly led to repubs going on a witch hunt:::
1.....the atf's gun walking program (fast & furious) that the dems denied until it was proved it happened & it was not the fault of pres bush & comapny...
2.....the nsa's domestic spying program that the dems denied until it was proved it happened & it was not the fault of the pres bush & company...
3.....the irs's targeting political conservatives program that the dems denied until it was proved it happened & it was not the fault of pres bush & company...
4.....the doj's med snooping program that the dems denied until it was proved that it happened & it was not the fault of pres bush & company...
5.....the launch of obamacare's web-site that repeatedly failed while the dems denied its failure until it was proved it happened & it was not the fault of pres bush & company...
6.....the obama lies that you could keep your doctor & insurance that the dems denied until it was proved you wouldn't/couldn't & that it was not the fault of pres bush & company...
7.....the dep't of veteran affairs wait times program that the dems denied until it was proved it happened & that it was not the fault of pres bush & company...
8.....the secret service's handling of allowing non-invited people to attend presidential functions, drinking & prostitution problems that the dems denied until it was proved it happened & that it was not the fault of pres bush & company...
9.....the fed dep't's lavish spending on parties (etc) that the dems denied until it was proved it happened & that it was not the fault of pres bush & company...
10...the obama 'greening of america' programs that failed (solyndra, volt, etc) that the dems denied until it was proved it happened & that it was not the fault of pres bush & company...
11...the fed gov't email problems that the dems denied until it was proved it happened & that it was not the fault of pres bush & company...
12...the obama/hillary clinton failed middle east policies (to include benghazi) that the dems denied until it was proved that they happened & that it was not the fault of pres bush & company...
13...the dem controlled senate's problems (passing bills under harry reid) that the dems denied until it was proved it was not the fault of pres bush & company...
14...the false narrative that obama inherited our financial mess that the dems (& a lot of repubs supported) until was revealed CLICK HERE...........
if you've followed obama & company for even a short period of time, you know i could continue but, i'm hoping that you've got the message...if we are not better off as a country after 8 years of obama, what other dem could replace him & do better??? NO, HILLARY IS NOT THE ANSWER...
so, hats off to foxnews for all the made-up scandals they've drummed up which have led to some pretty startling honest facts....but, don't take my word for it, just google 'number1 news show' & see who comes up...i'll bet it comes up like THIS
1.....the atf's gun walking program (fast & furious) that the dems denied until it was proved it happened & it was not the fault of pres bush & comapny...
2.....the nsa's domestic spying program that the dems denied until it was proved it happened & it was not the fault of the pres bush & company...
3.....the irs's targeting political conservatives program that the dems denied until it was proved it happened & it was not the fault of pres bush & company...
4.....the doj's med snooping program that the dems denied until it was proved that it happened & it was not the fault of pres bush & company...
5.....the launch of obamacare's web-site that repeatedly failed while the dems denied its failure until it was proved it happened & it was not the fault of pres bush & company...
6.....the obama lies that you could keep your doctor & insurance that the dems denied until it was proved you wouldn't/couldn't & that it was not the fault of pres bush & company...
7.....the dep't of veteran affairs wait times program that the dems denied until it was proved it happened & that it was not the fault of pres bush & company...
8.....the secret service's handling of allowing non-invited people to attend presidential functions, drinking & prostitution problems that the dems denied until it was proved it happened & that it was not the fault of pres bush & company...
9.....the fed dep't's lavish spending on parties (etc) that the dems denied until it was proved it happened & that it was not the fault of pres bush & company...
10...the obama 'greening of america' programs that failed (solyndra, volt, etc) that the dems denied until it was proved it happened & that it was not the fault of pres bush & company...
11...the fed gov't email problems that the dems denied until it was proved it happened & that it was not the fault of pres bush & company...
12...the obama/hillary clinton failed middle east policies (to include benghazi) that the dems denied until it was proved that they happened & that it was not the fault of pres bush & company...
13...the dem controlled senate's problems (passing bills under harry reid) that the dems denied until it was proved it was not the fault of pres bush & company...
14...the false narrative that obama inherited our financial mess that the dems (& a lot of repubs supported) until was revealed CLICK HERE...........
if you've followed obama & company for even a short period of time, you know i could continue but, i'm hoping that you've got the message...if we are not better off as a country after 8 years of obama, what other dem could replace him & do better??? NO, HILLARY IS NOT THE ANSWER...
so, hats off to foxnews for all the made-up scandals they've drummed up which have led to some pretty startling honest facts....but, don't take my word for it, just google 'number1 news show' & see who comes up...i'll bet it comes up like THIS
Monday, July 13, 2015
hello america!!! we are seriously CONFLICTED OR, WE ARE EXTREMELY DELUSIONAL...


Oregon allowing 15-year-olds to get state-subsidized sex-change operations
'It's Just Ridiculous': Bakery Fined $135K for Refusing to Serve Gay Wedding
People Are Stomping the American Flag & Posting the Pictures Online as Part of a ‘Challenge’
A disturbing new trend has hit social media following the manhunt for Eric Sheppard, a Valdosta State University student who allegedly brought a gun on campus during anti-American flag protests last week

hello america!!! please, take a good honest look at the present state of our country & tell me that the majority made a smart choice with their votes...don't sugarcoat it---either we're better off or we're not---there is no middle ground!!!
look, we've always had problems &, we will continue having problems but, at what point do we all sit down & deal with the 'realities of life' instead of the 'how it should be' crap??? when will our elected officials do what's right for the good of our country & quit addressing their own agendas??? when will those with a public voice use that voice to bring us together instead of using it to divide us even further???
as a nation, we are undergoing a fundamental change that is extremely bad for us---we don't know who to trust in our gov't because they've all violated that trust on some level & worse, they lie about it & blame everybody else for it---nobody stands up & admits their mistakes or that they were wrong about forcing their agendas on us...what really frustrates me the most is, we continue to re-elect them knowing that they failed us the first time...correction, some do step forward & offer us a lame-ass apology but, they only do that after they've been caught (&, until they're caught, they deny everything)...
look, let's keep it real---we have white people discussing racism against black people & how blacks should or shouldn't react; we have men discussing abortions & deciding which females should or shouldn't be allowed to get one; we have the wealthy talking about the plight of those south of the national poverty line; we have people complaining about the direction our country is heading & yet, they never vote; we have community leaders complaining about our young people & yet, they don't have much to offer them to constructively occupy their time; we have a community that persecuted a couple for their religious beliefs & refusal to bake a cake for a gay couple & yet, would that same community force a black baker to bake a cake for the kkk; we have the 'powers-that-be' & the courts banning the washington redskins logo & yet, the chicago blackhawks logo never even entered the conversation; we have those that screamed for the removal of the confederate flag & yet, they're so silent in asking man to change his heart; we have those calling for us to leave less of a carbon footprint on mother earth & yet, look at how they travel; we have those telling us how great obamacare is & yet, those same people don't want it for themselves, family or friends (the unions that raised hell in support of it don't even want it); we have those that have sworn to uphold our constitution & yet, they're the ones trying to rewrite it; we have those that want to remove 'christianity' from our lives & yet, not a one of them will tell you which one of the 10 COMMANDMENTS is bad for us; we have those that want unisex public toilets & yet, how would they keep a 'straight man' from entering one occupied by a 'non-straight female'; we have politicians screaming for wage equality & yet, they're still paying their female staffers less; we have those that assist & condone illegal aliens crossing our borders & yet, they say & do nothing for our homeless; we have those telling us how much they support 'women's rights' & yet, they're still doing business with foreign nations that don't believe a woman has any rights;---WE ARE SERIOUSLY CONFLICTED & DIVIDED AS NEVER BEFORE...
we are not better off nor are we the way, where are the jobs we were promised???
look, we've always had problems &, we will continue having problems but, at what point do we all sit down & deal with the 'realities of life' instead of the 'how it should be' crap??? when will our elected officials do what's right for the good of our country & quit addressing their own agendas??? when will those with a public voice use that voice to bring us together instead of using it to divide us even further???
as a nation, we are undergoing a fundamental change that is extremely bad for us---we don't know who to trust in our gov't because they've all violated that trust on some level & worse, they lie about it & blame everybody else for it---nobody stands up & admits their mistakes or that they were wrong about forcing their agendas on us...what really frustrates me the most is, we continue to re-elect them knowing that they failed us the first time...correction, some do step forward & offer us a lame-ass apology but, they only do that after they've been caught (&, until they're caught, they deny everything)...
look, let's keep it real---we have white people discussing racism against black people & how blacks should or shouldn't react; we have men discussing abortions & deciding which females should or shouldn't be allowed to get one; we have the wealthy talking about the plight of those south of the national poverty line; we have people complaining about the direction our country is heading & yet, they never vote; we have community leaders complaining about our young people & yet, they don't have much to offer them to constructively occupy their time; we have a community that persecuted a couple for their religious beliefs & refusal to bake a cake for a gay couple & yet, would that same community force a black baker to bake a cake for the kkk; we have the 'powers-that-be' & the courts banning the washington redskins logo & yet, the chicago blackhawks logo never even entered the conversation; we have those that screamed for the removal of the confederate flag & yet, they're so silent in asking man to change his heart; we have those calling for us to leave less of a carbon footprint on mother earth & yet, look at how they travel; we have those telling us how great obamacare is & yet, those same people don't want it for themselves, family or friends (the unions that raised hell in support of it don't even want it); we have those that have sworn to uphold our constitution & yet, they're the ones trying to rewrite it; we have those that want to remove 'christianity' from our lives & yet, not a one of them will tell you which one of the 10 COMMANDMENTS is bad for us; we have those that want unisex public toilets & yet, how would they keep a 'straight man' from entering one occupied by a 'non-straight female'; we have politicians screaming for wage equality & yet, they're still paying their female staffers less; we have those that assist & condone illegal aliens crossing our borders & yet, they say & do nothing for our homeless; we have those telling us how much they support 'women's rights' & yet, they're still doing business with foreign nations that don't believe a woman has any rights;---WE ARE SERIOUSLY CONFLICTED & DIVIDED AS NEVER BEFORE...
we are not better off nor are we the way, where are the jobs we were promised???
Sunday, July 5, 2015
hello america!!! the name 'washington redskins' is offensive & must be changed!!! so say the idiots that so conveniently ignore the other derisive & offensive team, i realize even obama & company have the right to 'free speech', however, in this era, how in the hell can any black person complain about the 'redskins' & remain silent on the name of the naacp (national association for the advancement of colored people)??? how about the nlb (negro league baseball)??? how about the cleveland indians with the painted red face???
there are a multitude of 'offensively' named teams, schools & business's but only the washington redskins has been single out---why??? what's up with the atlanta braves??? hey, what's the difference between the redskins logo & the chicago blackhawks logo??? &, one can only assume that the kansas city chiefs pass muster...
i guess we should all go to 'negro head point' (google it) & be happy that we can be selective in what names we accept & don't accept---after all, we still have the blackhawks, white sox, red sox &, the yankees---
at what point do we change all the names so as to be non-offensive & totally acceptable???
ask yourself this; how can a so-called 'black man' live in the 'white house' & only worry about the 'redskin' name???
by the freakin' way, what application, survey, or questionnaire have you ever filled out that didn't ask your ethnicity???
there are a multitude of 'offensively' named teams, schools & business's but only the washington redskins has been single out---why??? what's up with the atlanta braves??? hey, what's the difference between the redskins logo & the chicago blackhawks logo??? &, one can only assume that the kansas city chiefs pass muster...
i guess we should all go to 'negro head point' (google it) & be happy that we can be selective in what names we accept & don't accept---after all, we still have the blackhawks, white sox, red sox &, the yankees---
at what point do we change all the names so as to be non-offensive & totally acceptable???
ask yourself this; how can a so-called 'black man' live in the 'white house' & only worry about the 'redskin' name???
by the freakin' way, what application, survey, or questionnaire have you ever filled out that didn't ask your ethnicity???
Saturday, July 4, 2015
hello america!!! there are those 'left-wingers' that will go out of their way to prove a point & in doing so, will use any material to do so---this is a video of cnn 'fact-checking' donald trump CLICK HERE &, i want you to pay attention to the dates & then compare it to our gov'ts own facts from 2014 HERE---
now, i don't trust everything our gov't says or reports on but, i'm willing to give them the edge on immigration matters---after all, the media get their numbers from those same gov't reports but, for reasons that favor their own narratives & agendas, they purposely distort what they reveal to you...
there is no truth in today's journalism & very few of our media outlets present both sides of an issue, pretty much leaving you to either accept or reject what you hear or see---that is your choice, however, that doesn't prohibit you from doing your own homework---the internet is a wonderful tool in trying to research the rights & wrongs of an issue, just don't settle on the first site you come to...
now, i don't trust everything our gov't says or reports on but, i'm willing to give them the edge on immigration matters---after all, the media get their numbers from those same gov't reports but, for reasons that favor their own narratives & agendas, they purposely distort what they reveal to you...
there is no truth in today's journalism & very few of our media outlets present both sides of an issue, pretty much leaving you to either accept or reject what you hear or see---that is your choice, however, that doesn't prohibit you from doing your own homework---the internet is a wonderful tool in trying to research the rights & wrongs of an issue, just don't settle on the first site you come to...
hello america!!! as we celebrate this 4th of july i ask, have we really become an independent nation??? if one just takes the time to look at facebook, tweeter, youtube & all the other communication outlets, one is going to be very confused & hey, i'm not even talking about our news media outlets...
we are divided on every issue as never before but, what is getting mangled is, our right to 'FREEDOM OF SPEECH', 'FREEDOM OF CHOICE' as well as all the rest of our constitutional guarantees...our constitutional rights are being eroded at a very rapid pace by the very people that swore to protect them & yet, we continue to elect those very same people to public office...
look, let's keep it real:::if somebody disagrees with obamas (& company's) policies, they're racist if they're white or ignorant & brain-washed if they're black---those that disagreed are 'branded' & their past is dredged up & displayed by the news media for all to see...i,e; if you're for the keystone pipeline, you're branded as being an anti-environmentalist; if you're against our present foreign policies, you're branded as being an anti-american; if you're against people illegally entering our country, you're branded as being discriminative against latino's; THE LIST IS ENDLESS---
regardless of where you stand politically, the liberal left will shut down your 'freedom of speech' unless you agree with them---donald trump said some things that the left has branded as racist but, what he said was true & yet, that same left won't post the facts about his statement---what's worse is, you just jumped all over the talking points & said the hell with the message---by reading what a lot of you have publicly posted, i strongly doubt that you read or heard the whole message---rather then re-post trump's statement, READ THIS & then make your don't have to like how he said what he said but, you're going to be hard-pressed to find fault with the facts...
since the above statistics won't be enough to sway many of you, perhaps you should click HERE...if just one american dies in this country by an illegal alien, that's one too many!!!
our border security should never have become a political issue &, in this era, it should be a 'no-brainer' to secure it by any & all means available...
we are divided on every issue as never before but, what is getting mangled is, our right to 'FREEDOM OF SPEECH', 'FREEDOM OF CHOICE' as well as all the rest of our constitutional guarantees...our constitutional rights are being eroded at a very rapid pace by the very people that swore to protect them & yet, we continue to elect those very same people to public office...
look, let's keep it real:::if somebody disagrees with obamas (& company's) policies, they're racist if they're white or ignorant & brain-washed if they're black---those that disagreed are 'branded' & their past is dredged up & displayed by the news media for all to see...i,e; if you're for the keystone pipeline, you're branded as being an anti-environmentalist; if you're against our present foreign policies, you're branded as being an anti-american; if you're against people illegally entering our country, you're branded as being discriminative against latino's; THE LIST IS ENDLESS---
regardless of where you stand politically, the liberal left will shut down your 'freedom of speech' unless you agree with them---donald trump said some things that the left has branded as racist but, what he said was true & yet, that same left won't post the facts about his statement---what's worse is, you just jumped all over the talking points & said the hell with the message---by reading what a lot of you have publicly posted, i strongly doubt that you read or heard the whole message---rather then re-post trump's statement, READ THIS & then make your don't have to like how he said what he said but, you're going to be hard-pressed to find fault with the facts...
since the above statistics won't be enough to sway many of you, perhaps you should click HERE...if just one american dies in this country by an illegal alien, that's one too many!!!
our border security should never have become a political issue &, in this era, it should be a 'no-brainer' to secure it by any & all means available...
Sunday, June 21, 2015
hello america!!! there are those (obama & company) that want to make the senseless killings in the sc church a political issue regarding 'GUN CONTROL' & 'RACISM'---well, let me ask you this:::where was their voice concerning all the homicides since the death of freddie gray in baltimore??? &, in case you've been living on another planet, CLICK HERE...
while the taking of any life is a tragedy, the only ones that get the lime-light are the ones that further political agendas & become sensationalized media coverage---what's so frustrating about that is, we, (as citizens) get involved & allow ourselves to get swept up in the frenzy...
we will always have some form of racism until we can change man's way of thinking because it's taught from birth---we like to put 'labels' on events & when they don't fit our narratives,we change the rules in the middle of the game---
so, please allow me to ask you the following---if a black man were to enter an all black church & start shooting/killing black people while yelling that he hates black people, would that be a 'hate crime'??? would it be racist??? most of you would say that he was 'BRAINWASHED' or 'SICK' & chalk it up to the victims being in the wrong place at the wrong time---
good people, accept what is for what it is---recently a young black lady threw her baby into a river (allentown, pa) & then, she jumped in trying to end her own life &, even though it made the news, there's not a lot of follow-up---unfortunately, the baby died & the mother was arrested---can't we call that a 'hate crime' for the sake of the baby??? NO!!! many of you will be the first to say that the mother of that child had many problems & for whatever reason, she snapped...on the other hand, wasn't that baby's life worth the same news coverage & outrage as any other life???
i am in no way trying to belittle the killings of those people in that place of worship---listening to all the 'evidence' that's NOW coming out, it could probably have been avoided had others acted on their own common sense---those that 'knew' the shooter had problems should have said something to some form of authority & hopefully, they would have acted in time to spare the lives of 9 people...all too often we hear about friends & family that knew of the existing problems & usually, it's too late...
gun control is not the problem---the free willingness to take another's life is the problem---if we were to collect all the guns out there, the cops & bad guys would be the only ones armed...if you think that's a good idea, please, write obama & others to have their security details to get rid of theirs first---
while the taking of any life is a tragedy, the only ones that get the lime-light are the ones that further political agendas & become sensationalized media coverage---what's so frustrating about that is, we, (as citizens) get involved & allow ourselves to get swept up in the frenzy...
we will always have some form of racism until we can change man's way of thinking because it's taught from birth---we like to put 'labels' on events & when they don't fit our narratives,we change the rules in the middle of the game---
so, please allow me to ask you the following---if a black man were to enter an all black church & start shooting/killing black people while yelling that he hates black people, would that be a 'hate crime'??? would it be racist??? most of you would say that he was 'BRAINWASHED' or 'SICK' & chalk it up to the victims being in the wrong place at the wrong time---
good people, accept what is for what it is---recently a young black lady threw her baby into a river (allentown, pa) & then, she jumped in trying to end her own life &, even though it made the news, there's not a lot of follow-up---unfortunately, the baby died & the mother was arrested---can't we call that a 'hate crime' for the sake of the baby??? NO!!! many of you will be the first to say that the mother of that child had many problems & for whatever reason, she snapped...on the other hand, wasn't that baby's life worth the same news coverage & outrage as any other life???
i am in no way trying to belittle the killings of those people in that place of worship---listening to all the 'evidence' that's NOW coming out, it could probably have been avoided had others acted on their own common sense---those that 'knew' the shooter had problems should have said something to some form of authority & hopefully, they would have acted in time to spare the lives of 9 people...all too often we hear about friends & family that knew of the existing problems & usually, it's too late...
gun control is not the problem---the free willingness to take another's life is the problem---if we were to collect all the guns out there, the cops & bad guys would be the only ones armed...if you think that's a good idea, please, write obama & others to have their security details to get rid of theirs first---
hello america!!! when i see THIS & remember what all obama pledged when he first ran for office, i get upset that so many americans didn't see through his 'fakeness'---in case you're wondering, i'm here to refresh your stagnant memory---i'm sure you'll understand what i'm talking about when you view this VIDEO &, if that's not enough, you can actually read it for yourselves HERE...
obamas broken promises are a direct reflection of the actions of most of the dems that make our laws---we need to change that in the next general election...
obamas broken promises are a direct reflection of the actions of most of the dems that make our laws---we need to change that in the next general election...
Monday, May 11, 2015
hello america!!! i'm inviting you to my table so, please wipe your shoes off, wash your hands, sit down, shut the hell up & quietly read the menu---& pray you don't get what you so richly deserve...
all of the following (obama, our new attorney general loretta lynch, al sharpton, congressman elijah cummings, baltimore mayor stephanie rawlings, state attorney for baltimore marilyn j mosby, baltimore chief of police anthony batts) have two things in common...
1. they're all black (based solely on skin color)
2. they've been all over the news about the death of freddie gray, the riots, the down-trodden conditions of baltimore, racism &, the condemnation of the police force..............
what concerns me (as well as it should concern everybody else) is just how quickly they've disappeared from the headlines &, their MIA is even more obvious when you click HERE...
for that matter, where is the outrage by the media & the people of baltimore at??? where are those 'peaceful protestor's at??? where are the bloods & crips at??? where's that outspoken black pastor at??? where's heraldo rivera???
in a 2-week period you have 40 people shot & 25 killed & that's less important than the death of freddie gray??? wait a minute---40 people being shot doesn't fit the narrative that cops are bad & their policies need to be overhauled;;;black-on-black crime doesn't fit the narrative that cops are racist;;;25 homicides by gunshot doesn't warrant protests or media coverage...
on the flip-side, perhaps the cops have read the memo that reads, they are watching & judging everything so, if there are any questions, you'll have to prove your innocence first but, only after the 'powers that be' tarnish your reputation---SO, WHO COULD BLAME THE COPS IF THEY DECIDE TO ACT MORE CAUTIOUSLY OR, TURN A BLIND EYE???
good people, just keep allowing the 'powers that be' to push their narrative down your throat &, while you're gagging on it, ask yourself this:::which family member or friend of those 40/25 doesn't wish a cop had been close by to prevent the shootings???
yes, we have some cops that are racist &, some that are over-zealous but, by far, the majority of them do an outstanding job & we should focus on that...
when all is said & done, the city of baltimore will quietly revert back to what it was before freddie gray's death, however, if the authority can't convict the 'chosen 6' of some heavy crimes, the city will burn & you'll have the 'powers that be' to blame because of their 'liberalization policies'
all of the following (obama, our new attorney general loretta lynch, al sharpton, congressman elijah cummings, baltimore mayor stephanie rawlings, state attorney for baltimore marilyn j mosby, baltimore chief of police anthony batts) have two things in common...
1. they're all black (based solely on skin color)
2. they've been all over the news about the death of freddie gray, the riots, the down-trodden conditions of baltimore, racism &, the condemnation of the police force..............
what concerns me (as well as it should concern everybody else) is just how quickly they've disappeared from the headlines &, their MIA is even more obvious when you click HERE...
for that matter, where is the outrage by the media & the people of baltimore at??? where are those 'peaceful protestor's at??? where are the bloods & crips at??? where's that outspoken black pastor at??? where's heraldo rivera???
in a 2-week period you have 40 people shot & 25 killed & that's less important than the death of freddie gray??? wait a minute---40 people being shot doesn't fit the narrative that cops are bad & their policies need to be overhauled;;;black-on-black crime doesn't fit the narrative that cops are racist;;;25 homicides by gunshot doesn't warrant protests or media coverage...
on the flip-side, perhaps the cops have read the memo that reads, they are watching & judging everything so, if there are any questions, you'll have to prove your innocence first but, only after the 'powers that be' tarnish your reputation---SO, WHO COULD BLAME THE COPS IF THEY DECIDE TO ACT MORE CAUTIOUSLY OR, TURN A BLIND EYE???
good people, just keep allowing the 'powers that be' to push their narrative down your throat &, while you're gagging on it, ask yourself this:::which family member or friend of those 40/25 doesn't wish a cop had been close by to prevent the shootings???
yes, we have some cops that are racist &, some that are over-zealous but, by far, the majority of them do an outstanding job & we should focus on that...
when all is said & done, the city of baltimore will quietly revert back to what it was before freddie gray's death, however, if the authority can't convict the 'chosen 6' of some heavy crimes, the city will burn & you'll have the 'powers that be' to blame because of their 'liberalization policies'
Tuesday, May 5, 2015
hello america!!! i just saw a video of a young black female stomping on our american flag while it lay on the ground &, it's nauseating---& what's worse is, she has a right to do that without fear of criminal charges...i find it repulsive to think that her actions will go unpunished & that there are those who will seek her & her video out to 'glorify' her & others like her...
her actions aren't a black, white, or latino thing---nor are they about economics or geographical locations---her actions are disrespectful, ungrateful, steeped in denial, self-serving &, completely un-needed...
look, if you don't like where you're living, go somewhere else &, while i know that finance plays a big role in relocating, that young lady could have spent that same time promoting a positive video for our youth---like, let's stop black-on-black crime; like, let's stop 'slingin' drugs in the hood; like, let's get together & become a more powerful political force & change our conditions; like, let's focus on a much-improved education system that caters to all; like, let's help the homeless & elderly; like, let's clean up our communities & make them cleaner & safer for all, etc; etc; etc---
there were a lot of positive things that young lady could have done instead of telling our veterans that their actions didn't matter & that she's not grateful for living in the freest country in the world that fought for her right to stomp our flag------
i will not post the video or name the young lady because i will not promote her actions....
her actions aren't a black, white, or latino thing---nor are they about economics or geographical locations---her actions are disrespectful, ungrateful, steeped in denial, self-serving &, completely un-needed...
look, if you don't like where you're living, go somewhere else &, while i know that finance plays a big role in relocating, that young lady could have spent that same time promoting a positive video for our youth---like, let's stop black-on-black crime; like, let's stop 'slingin' drugs in the hood; like, let's get together & become a more powerful political force & change our conditions; like, let's focus on a much-improved education system that caters to all; like, let's help the homeless & elderly; like, let's clean up our communities & make them cleaner & safer for all, etc; etc; etc---
there were a lot of positive things that young lady could have done instead of telling our veterans that their actions didn't matter & that she's not grateful for living in the freest country in the world that fought for her right to stomp our flag------
i will not post the video or name the young lady because i will not promote her actions....
Friday, May 1, 2015
hello america!!! as a repub, i love it when the 'left-wing-nuts' argue among themselves---case in point; obama called the baltimore looter's 'thugs' (as did the baltimore mayor) & now, you have all these others idiots trying to connect that one word to 'race'...obama's standing by it while the baltimore mayor is trying to walk it back---
look, what happened in baltimore this past monday night (rock-throwing; breaking, entering &, looting stores; starting fires; property destruction; etc...) was plain old 'thuggery' & race didn't have anything to do with it---whites, blacks &, latino's were all involved in that lawlessness...
i've never sided with obama, however, he was correct for calling it like it was (just wish he'd do that for all the scandals his admin's been involved in) &, if people would just take the time to think before they react, the whole world would be better off...
so, for the idiots that just like to move their jaws, here's merriam-webster's DEFINITION &, if you want to apply it to what Tupac said, check this out HERE...
look, what happened in baltimore this past monday night (rock-throwing; breaking, entering &, looting stores; starting fires; property destruction; etc...) was plain old 'thuggery' & race didn't have anything to do with it---whites, blacks &, latino's were all involved in that lawlessness...
i've never sided with obama, however, he was correct for calling it like it was (just wish he'd do that for all the scandals his admin's been involved in) &, if people would just take the time to think before they react, the whole world would be better off...
so, for the idiots that just like to move their jaws, here's merriam-webster's DEFINITION &, if you want to apply it to what Tupac said, check this out HERE...
Thursday, April 30, 2015
hello america!!! yes, all lives matter as well as how all people are treated---it should not be based on skin-color, religion, gender, size, political affiliation, sexual preference or, geographical location---all people should be treated with care & respect until they put themselves in a position to harm or steal from others...PERIOD!!!
that said, police & other arresting authorities know the difference between 'enough force' & 'excessive force' &, while we can't live without them, we shouldn't be condemning all of them for the actions of a few---there's bad apples in every bushel & it's up to us (as a people of one) to force our leaders to seek them out & comply with whatever the law demands, however, we need to use peaceful tactics instead of violence---violence will only be met with more violence & none of us need that just to make a point...
baltimore will probably erupt in violence & more destruction this weekend because a report the police were suppose to release friday, will not be released---that's the equivalent of pouring gasoline on a fire & expecting no reaction---couple that with the report that claims freddie gray harmed himself & you can almost see baltimore going up in flames...who can look at what is going on & not SMELL a cover-up in the making???
yes, freddie gray's death could have (& should have) been prevented &, it was a tragedy, however, no amount of rock-throwing, property destruction or looting will change one iota of his demise---in fact, those negative actions will only serve to offer our 'so-called leaders' ample fodder to politicize gray's unfortunate death & allow them to renew their 'wrongful finger-pointing' campaign...
good people, the focus should remain on gray's death but, the monday night 'thugs' have shifted that focus...what happened there should never have been allowed to occur & i honestly believe the mayor is completely at fault here &, since she's an elected democrat, i know you won't take my word for it so, click HERE---plus, there are those within the police force saying she gave the 'stand-down' order---&, she supposedly was in contact with obama & holder (just like hillary & benghazi)...
obama & others are now talking about baltimore's (as well as other city's) poverty level as the root of the problem & they're trying to blame it on the republicans---i have some disappointing news for them as well as other democrats---both senators representing maryland are democrats (mikulski-1987 & cardin-2007) &, 7 of the 8 house of representatives are democrats (hoyer-1981, cummings-1996, hollen jr-2003, ruppersberger-2003, sarbanes-2007, edwards-2008, delaney-2013) & lastly is repub harris-2011---the gov (hogan) is a white repub, the mayor (stephanie rawlings-blake) is both black & a democrat---the police commissioner (anthony w batts) is black------so please, color me stupid but, how in the hell are the repubs at fault for the poverty levels in baltimore???
where was obama & company during his first 2 years in office asking congress to act on the blight of all of our 'baltimore's??? where were the conversations from obama, holder & sharpton calling for helping the black people of america???
if this unfortunate incident is going to be blamed on the repubs, the dems need to look hard & long in the mirror because they 'SQUANDERED' their opportunity to help the people that needed their help the i've often written, don't take my word, do your own homework &, while you're at it, please tell me how many of those 'shovel-ready jobs' ended up in the 'hood'???
black people, know this & research it, obama made no promises to you & you weren't singled out during his campaign speeches---in fact, he bloviated about helping the middle-class & completely ignored those that live south of their status---besides, he said 'middle-class is a state of mind'...
let's be honest, the baltimore's of our country have been allowed to fall out of favor for decades---they were promised jobs but, they got welfare instead..................
that said, police & other arresting authorities know the difference between 'enough force' & 'excessive force' &, while we can't live without them, we shouldn't be condemning all of them for the actions of a few---there's bad apples in every bushel & it's up to us (as a people of one) to force our leaders to seek them out & comply with whatever the law demands, however, we need to use peaceful tactics instead of violence---violence will only be met with more violence & none of us need that just to make a point...
baltimore will probably erupt in violence & more destruction this weekend because a report the police were suppose to release friday, will not be released---that's the equivalent of pouring gasoline on a fire & expecting no reaction---couple that with the report that claims freddie gray harmed himself & you can almost see baltimore going up in flames...who can look at what is going on & not SMELL a cover-up in the making???
yes, freddie gray's death could have (& should have) been prevented &, it was a tragedy, however, no amount of rock-throwing, property destruction or looting will change one iota of his demise---in fact, those negative actions will only serve to offer our 'so-called leaders' ample fodder to politicize gray's unfortunate death & allow them to renew their 'wrongful finger-pointing' campaign...
good people, the focus should remain on gray's death but, the monday night 'thugs' have shifted that focus...what happened there should never have been allowed to occur & i honestly believe the mayor is completely at fault here &, since she's an elected democrat, i know you won't take my word for it so, click HERE---plus, there are those within the police force saying she gave the 'stand-down' order---&, she supposedly was in contact with obama & holder (just like hillary & benghazi)...
obama & others are now talking about baltimore's (as well as other city's) poverty level as the root of the problem & they're trying to blame it on the republicans---i have some disappointing news for them as well as other democrats---both senators representing maryland are democrats (mikulski-1987 & cardin-2007) &, 7 of the 8 house of representatives are democrats (hoyer-1981, cummings-1996, hollen jr-2003, ruppersberger-2003, sarbanes-2007, edwards-2008, delaney-2013) & lastly is repub harris-2011---the gov (hogan) is a white repub, the mayor (stephanie rawlings-blake) is both black & a democrat---the police commissioner (anthony w batts) is black------so please, color me stupid but, how in the hell are the repubs at fault for the poverty levels in baltimore???
where was obama & company during his first 2 years in office asking congress to act on the blight of all of our 'baltimore's??? where were the conversations from obama, holder & sharpton calling for helping the black people of america???
if this unfortunate incident is going to be blamed on the repubs, the dems need to look hard & long in the mirror because they 'SQUANDERED' their opportunity to help the people that needed their help the i've often written, don't take my word, do your own homework &, while you're at it, please tell me how many of those 'shovel-ready jobs' ended up in the 'hood'???
black people, know this & research it, obama made no promises to you & you weren't singled out during his campaign speeches---in fact, he bloviated about helping the middle-class & completely ignored those that live south of their status---besides, he said 'middle-class is a state of mind'...
let's be honest, the baltimore's of our country have been allowed to fall out of favor for decades---they were promised jobs but, they got welfare instead..................
Sunday, April 19, 2015
some of you are so quick to post cops killing blacks, black-on-black beat-downs, black females twerking, selfies displaying your bottles of alcohol & yet, you're MIA when it comes to this CLICK HERE---news wasn't always like this---
the innocent killings of our young & helpless seems to not be a 'major newsworthy topic' & i can only assume that is why obama, sharpton & holder (& others like the naacp) aren't on the airways lambasting the violence of black-on-black homicides...however, let a white cop kill a black person & they're all over it---
speaking of all over it, where are all of those demonstrator's at??? wait a minute, they're right HERE...i'm sorry, i thought they were grouping up to protest our young & helpless being murdered...
look, let's keep it butt-hole simple---if the major news outlets don't 'blast' these senseless killings on tv & the radio, they seem to slip under the radar---it's like they've become 'acceptable' & not worthy of major airtime...
we are a 'fickle' people---we've ALLOWED our community's to become rife with violence, gangs & drugs & we expect the police to do a much better job of policing them & yet, we don't support them---we can't wait for the bad ones to show up & do something stupid---NO, i'm not calling for 'community vigilantes', however, i am calling for our community's to honestly get together & help the police better police them---when a crime is committed, we tend to not see anything, not hear anything or not know anything & then we ask why aren't the cops doing a better job---far too many us remain silent when we know where the gangs, drugs & guns are...
there is no reason for a 1 year old of any color to die because of a gunshot...PERIOD---nor is there any reason for a person to take the life of one...PERIOD!!!
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
hello america!!! there are so many conflicting statements being made about our 'deals' with iran & cuba that one is left scratching one's head---however, based on a pattern of lies having come from obama & company, i'm inclined to believe everyone but them---& yes, i have some serious questions...
what deal could we possibly make with iran that doesn't DEMAND the following:::
1...release all american prisoners forthwith
2...stop all support of terrorist organizations & training forthwith
3...allow announced/unannounced inspections of all sites forthwith
4...stop all nuclear testing forwith
5...stop all suppression of human right forthwith
&, once those demands are met, we can all sit at the table & talk about lifting sanctions & if not, we can take it to the next level & flatten those bomb making shelters at will...
what deal could we possibly make with cuba that doesn't DEMAND the following:::
1...release all american suspected fugitives from justice forthwith
2...stop all support of terrorist organizations & training forthwith
3...stop all suppression of human rights forthwith
4...stop pitting russia against us forthwith
&, once those demands are met, we can all sit at the table & talk about lifting sanctions & if not,we can ratchet up the sanctions...
since obama & company say the sanctions have worked/are working/will continue to work, why negotiate from a position of weakness???
what deal could we possibly make with iran that doesn't DEMAND the following:::
1...release all american prisoners forthwith
2...stop all support of terrorist organizations & training forthwith
3...allow announced/unannounced inspections of all sites forthwith
4...stop all nuclear testing forwith
5...stop all suppression of human right forthwith
&, once those demands are met, we can all sit at the table & talk about lifting sanctions & if not, we can take it to the next level & flatten those bomb making shelters at will...
what deal could we possibly make with cuba that doesn't DEMAND the following:::
1...release all american suspected fugitives from justice forthwith
2...stop all support of terrorist organizations & training forthwith
3...stop all suppression of human rights forthwith
4...stop pitting russia against us forthwith
&, once those demands are met, we can all sit at the table & talk about lifting sanctions & if not,we can ratchet up the sanctions...
since obama & company say the sanctions have worked/are working/will continue to work, why negotiate from a position of weakness???
Monday, April 13, 2015
hello america!!! seemingly, when a white cop kills a black person, the media outlets & us (you) get all bent out of shape---facebook, twitter, & tv go out of their way to tell us how much the cops are racist &, demonstrations (sometimes violent) spring up overnight---hell, some of our 'big-shots' (i.e; al sharpton, obama, william holder & other's) jump into the limelight to bemoan the (entire) police force...however, this goes unmentioned CLICK HERE---very few facebooker's take the time to post it & the media reports it as an 'afterthought'...have we become that desensitized to our youth's departing violently from us ahead of their time???
i'll take my chances with the cops any day compared to my chances with my own people---that, good people, is the reality of life in the streets, the parks, the clubs &, yeah, i'm saying it, sitting on your own porch minding your own business---
when i look at the senseless homicides around my country, i always end up looking at chicago---i just can't believe that all of those killings (of all people/by all people) don't get the same coverage ferguson received...the majority of those deaths were youthful people of color by the hands of people of color---
racism exists in all walks of life among all races---newsflash america, it's taught from birth, however, when you look at the cop-killings, just ask yourself this:::did that white cop wake up this morning thinking he would take a black life??? flip it around & think how many of those defying the cops said they weren't going back to jail---we have some bad cops just as we have some bad people & hey, they come in all colors, sizes, & religions---while i am in no way trying to justify all of the killings, i do want to point this out:::the vast majority of the victims were running/fighting/threatening because of their connection to crime---while many of us know that we've been pulled over or questioned, complied with requests & allowed to continue our journey with no harm or foul words---
all lives matter but we don't need the 'big-shots' to show up just because they can make the six oclock news, we need them to be out there 24/7---365....
you can see the homicides in chicago HERE & another one HERE...but please, don't forget about that 3 year old shooting a 1 year old in the head & watch, you won't see the 'big-shots' talking about it...
i'll take my chances with the cops any day compared to my chances with my own people---that, good people, is the reality of life in the streets, the parks, the clubs &, yeah, i'm saying it, sitting on your own porch minding your own business---
when i look at the senseless homicides around my country, i always end up looking at chicago---i just can't believe that all of those killings (of all people/by all people) don't get the same coverage ferguson received...the majority of those deaths were youthful people of color by the hands of people of color---
racism exists in all walks of life among all races---newsflash america, it's taught from birth, however, when you look at the cop-killings, just ask yourself this:::did that white cop wake up this morning thinking he would take a black life??? flip it around & think how many of those defying the cops said they weren't going back to jail---we have some bad cops just as we have some bad people & hey, they come in all colors, sizes, & religions---while i am in no way trying to justify all of the killings, i do want to point this out:::the vast majority of the victims were running/fighting/threatening because of their connection to crime---while many of us know that we've been pulled over or questioned, complied with requests & allowed to continue our journey with no harm or foul words---
all lives matter but we don't need the 'big-shots' to show up just because they can make the six oclock news, we need them to be out there 24/7---365....
you can see the homicides in chicago HERE & another one HERE...but please, don't forget about that 3 year old shooting a 1 year old in the head & watch, you won't see the 'big-shots' talking about it...
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