Monday, June 30, 2014


hello america!!! you wanted 'big bird' & that's exactly what you got---a 'big dodo' who doesn't have a clue as to how to help our country...obama told you he was going to surround himself with the smartest people on the planet & yet, when you look at that bunch of 'super-smart-idiots', you have to feel sorry for the young people in our thinking is:::if you graduate from college only to help our country regress &/or you support the lies that are constantly fed to us, you wasted your time & money...PERIOD!!!

obama & company don't have a clue as to how to right our ship &, rather than work with repubs, they're sticking to their course while their actions are screaming 'the hell with everything else'...&, even a blind person can plainly see the damage they are wreaking upon us........

look, our employment picture is a lot worse than obama & company let on---the numbers are out there & it's up to each & every one of you to look them up---we are hurting for jobs growth &, obama & company are doing everything they can to keep you from working---in fact, they're rather enroll you on food stamps & welfare than put you to work--------

here are some startling facts from the bureau of labor........

jan 2014---1,341,000 people filed new unemployment claims verses 113,000 new jobs created...
feb 2014---1,352,000 people filed new unemployment claims verses 175,000 new jobs created...
mar 2014---1,274,000 people filed new unemployment claims verses 192,000 new jobs created...
apr 2014---1,279,000 people filed new unemployment claims verses 288,000 new jobs created...
may 2014---1,552,000 people filed new unemployment claims verses 217,000 new jobs created...

i don't care how you slice it, you can't claim 985,000 jobs created as a success in the face of 6,798,000 unemployment claims for the very same time frame---only a 'dodo' or an 'idiot' would spin the numbers to a positive--------you do the math & you'll find we're losing more jobs than we're creating &, in case you missed it, our economy shrank 2.9% for the first quarter---spin that!!!

Tuesday, June 24, 2014


hello america!!! there can be no doubt that we are not safer than we were five plus years ago...our foreign policy (whatever it may be), has not worked/is not working/will not work & yet, obama & company don't even pretend to care about fixing it............

closer to home---the influx of illegal aliens crossing our borders presents a major security concern on several fronts that seem to be ignored.........we honestly don't know where they come from, nor do we know who they're attached to &, regardless of what others may say, we don't know their true intentions...& then, there's element of unknowing........

obama, would you allow your daughters to walk among them in a closed room not knowing what health problems they may or may not have??? you haven't a clue as to what diseases they may carry & yet, you allowed them to cross our borders........need i say more????????????


hello america!!! obama & company have been 'flirting' with a VMT (vehicle mileage tax) from the beginning &, if it's up to them, it may become a reality...CLICK HERE...of course this would just be another broken promise to our nation about raising taxes on the middle-class.......

you may argue about where i get my facts, however, i do my homework---this comes directly from the horses mouth...CBO REPORT...


hello america!!! first, you show pictures of polar bears stuck on little blocks of floating ice (just don't tell anybody that they are excellent long distance swimmers); then, you show pictures of glaciers breaking off & falling into the sea; then, you spread the story about how the arctic wildlife is about to be wiped out because it's so warm; then, you conjure up 'facts' that seemingly support your direction of thought; then, you blame mankind for the melting ice (global warming)------well, if you truly believe all that they've told you, this story will have no effect on your thinking but, read it anyway...HERE...


hello america!!! when the repubs & others told you this was coming...CLICK HERE---you laughed but, it is no laughing matter now---it's actually happening---HERE---it's just a matter of time before those 'gov't death squads' start flexing their muscles denying you certain examinations & tests---yes, you were warned that this was coming & obama & company denied it---it is also one of many reasons why they (& unions) don't want any parts of it for themselves, families & friends, however, it's good enough for you because your gov't said it was & they seem to know what your healthcare needs are better than you & your doctor do........


hello america...please look around the world &, pretty much, all you see is major violence &, unfortunately, the middle-east is in dire straights but, we always have obama & company to remind us how well we're doing over their...CLICK HERE...iraq is pretty close to falling &, you can't help but notice how much stronger, bigger, bolder, & better al qaeda now is......however, obama said they are on the run.......


hello america!!! i blogged about this...CLICK HERE when it first happened...HERE'S MY PROOF...why did they give it to him??? what did he do then & what has he done since to promote peace except bump his i to understand that (in order to be awarded the nobel) all one has to do is talk??? in reality, there is more 'warring' occurring all over the world now than when obama received the award &, his foreign policies have not worked/are not working/will not work...

Friday, June 13, 2014


hello america!!! with the increasing influx of foreign children illegally crossing our mexican border, one has to wonder what all is inspiring it---well, let's see, we advertise food stamps in foreign countries; we've sent the message that all are welcome; that we are very conflicted about immigration reform (with obama & company calling for comprehensive reform which will offer amnesty); that we do not enforce our deportation laws; that we are still the land of milk, honey, & dreams; &, we don't give a crap about who enters our country illegally.........

while immigration reform is one thing, our border security is another & that issue should be the first thing addressed by obama & congress---enforcing our illegal alien laws second......when you have children illegally entering our country, by themselves & willfully turning themselves in, that's one thing {& yes, we can count those numbers pretty accurately} however, what about all of those that make it through without us knowing about them due to the lax security conditions that now exist---to include all the adults regardless of their good or bad intentions---that's another thing & seemingly, much more serious because we can't track them; we don't know who they are; &, we have no way of knowing if they're sneaking in here to harm us...

we have an obligation to ourselves to secure our mexican border immediately---we have to stop all illegal border crossings---only then should we attempt immigration reform........

Thursday, June 12, 2014


hello america!!! obama was told what was going to happen when he first announced he was taking the troops out of iraq &, i'll be damned, the repubs told him the truth. &, as is usual, he waits until the last moment to even get involved, much less make a decision.......

iraq is about to fall unless we step back in (in some form) &, i know obama hates doing that because it means all of the repubs were right (once again).......

how could camp obama not see this??? hell, if the cops said they were leaving the east side of a city on a certain date, guess where the crime rate would increase??? on top of all that, obama knew the iraqi gov't wasn't ready........

i think of all of the american lives lost; all of the injured soldiers; all of those suffering from some form of mental problems; all of those families that suffered not knowing if their loved one was ever going to return; &, i need to know if the sacrifice was worth it---was it???

our own state department says the violence in iraq is at its worse since 2007...&, if they know it, obama knows it but, for it to be said in public means the war in iraq is not over........

look, syria, lybia, egypt, iraq, afghanistan (yes, afghanistan is going to go the same route as iraq) &, i could throw in parts of africa, iran, north korea, cuba, mexico, turkey, china & russia (just to name the main ones) have all turned out to be foreign policy disasters (hilary clinton, your hands in all of them)...hilary ran all around the world & kerry is now doing the same without any positive results---what do we need them for???

& who can forget vp joe bidden...CLICK HERE

NEWSFLASH!!! we are sending in support but, what guarantee is there that more iraqi soldiers won't lay down their weapons & walk away??? plus, iran's revolutionary military is inside iraq trying to help them---i wonder where the weapons we give iraq will end up???

i see no possible way we can just send support weapons & hope for a good outcome...HERE...

this is how bad it is...HERE...

obama, yet again, dropped the ball---i wonder if he'll blame pres bush for that!!!!


hello america!!! say whatever you wish to but, let me ask you this:::what part of obamas 'foreign policy' has worked, is working &, will work??? now, i'm not going to give you hell for not being able to answer the question, however, while you're trying to formulate an intelligent response other then 'umm', please bear in mind that hilary clinton may run for president in 2016 & her lack of doing anything while serving as our sec of state is all over the world & is coming back to bite us in the butt..........&, before you bite my head off, why don't you answer this question also---exactly what were hilary's major achievements as our sec of state???

i know that both questions are unfair because after you rack your brain for an answer, there's google, there's wikipedia, there are your friends, there is msnbc & cnn, however, at the end of the day, you still won't be able to answer either question unless you write down 'n o n e'..............

while i don't want to alarm you, russia has been trying us &, in case you don't believe me, there's does not take a harvard grad to know that russia has been flexing their muscles because we seem weaker by the day.....&, obama doesn't know what to do because he told russia he would have more flexibility after he was re-elected & his reset button isn't working & it has nothing to do with bad batteries........


hello america!!! i am under no false illusions that the repub party can solve all of our problems, however, i know they can put us back to work & make us a much stronger world-wide force than we presently are...

yes, obama took over when we were free-falling but hey, if you voluntarily run into a burning building to save the china closet & burn your hands, don't come out bitching about who started the fire---in the case of pres bush, had we of listened to him starting in 2001, we would probably have avoided the housing market collaspe--- please take the time to...READ THIS...

let's keep it real---the repubs have been warning you from the very beginning that obama & company's policy's would hurt our country &, for whatever reason, you still supported them, which is totally your now, it should be clear to all that the dems haven't a clue as to how to put our country back together &, come november, i hope your vote reflects that...........

we've been lied to from the very beginning by obama & company &, unfortunately, the lying just won't stop---not even when they get caught lying---

the obamacare mandate is not a tax---& yet, obamas own lawyers argued to the supreme court that it was & that's why it became law...all the dems in power (at the time) said it was not a tax...

you can keep your doctor/hospital/insurance policy---& yet, obama & companyknew it when they wrote the rules (2010) so that you would be forced from your policy...

obamacare would be affordable & lower the deficit---& yet, obama & company knew that it would be more costly (premiums/deductibles/out-of-pocket expences)...

obamacare would create millions of jobs---& yet, obama & company knew it wouldn't...actaully, the exact opposite has happened:::hours have been cut/layoffs/non-hiring/businesses folding up &/or moving outside of our borders...

benghazi happened because of a video---& yet, obama & company knew (in real time) that it was a deadly, orchestrated, terrorist attack with al qaeda having a part in it...

al qaeda is on the run---& yet, obama & company knew it wasn't true when it was first said & they damn sure know it now...

the 'gun walking program' aka 'fast & furious' was started by pres bush---& yet, obama & company knew that they had halted pres bush's program before 'fast & furious' & started their own which led to border agent, brian terry being killed &, they lost track of thousands of guns (which are showing up at crime scenes)...

the 'dream act' was killed by the repubs---& yet, obama & company knew that the bill fell short by five votes (because 5 dems voted against it)...

the nsa program spying on americans---& yet, obama & company first denied it knowing that they were a very big part of it...

the irs program targeting conservatives---& yet, obama & company first denied knowledge of, then they denied it was happening & they're still trying to stonewall their way out of it...

the va wait lists---& yet, obama & company denied they were happening then denied knowing about them & yet, back in 2009, obama gave a speech about improving the wait times...

the tarp bailout---& yet, obama & company knew it wasn't going to do all it was proclaimed to do &, it didn't...

the war in iraq is over---& yet, obama & company knew that the iraqi gov't wasn't strong enough to take over & rule their country...

the green energy programs---& yet, obama & company knew they weren't working & still fed the company's tax-payer money only to have the several company's fail...

the trade with the taliban for sgt bergdahl---& yet, obama & company knew it was a bad trade & lied::: first they cited his health; then they said the taliban might kill him if word of the trade got out; they couldn't trust congress; there wasn't time to tell anybody about it; that bergdahl was a hero & served with distinction; that we don't leave anybody behind...

that the repubs are holding america back from working---& yet, obama & company know that there are 30 plus house of reps jobs bills just sitting at the dem controlled senate...

that the deficit would be cut in half during obamas first two years in office---obama & company knew they could do it & they didn't even try...

other then the obama & company lies, the one other constant is:::the repubs warned you that what has happened, would happen.......look, i could spend considerably much more time listing the lies but, hopefully, you got my point &, if you did, you should be as fed up with obama & company as i am...

& yes, i challenge you to prove me wrong---i can back up what i'm posting & you know its all true....

Wednesday, June 11, 2014


hello america!!! this is just a follow-up to previous blog...CLICK HERE...obama, why don't you just invite them to the whitehouse for a beer & some friendly conversation---i'm sure they'll lay their arms down.....


hello america!!! obama, i'm so glad that al qaeda is on the run but, how in the hell can you possibly even try to explain this...CLICK HERE...your narrative sounded so sincere & yet, it was so false...&, even our very own state department can't say al qaeda...HERE...seems to me that we left there just a little bit too early.....

& then, you have this (which should have never been allowed to happen), i have to politely ask, exactly how many 'redlines' will you come up with?????????

i wrote this yesterday & this is what i woke up to today...READ HERE---contrary to what obama has been saying, al qaeda is alive &, seemingly, doing rather well................

Tuesday, June 10, 2014


hello america!!! by now, even the most ardent supporters of obama & company have to be thoroughly disgusted by their inability to put this country on the right track...&, they have to be totally fed up with all of the obama admin 'phony scandals' that are proving to have much more merit than the left-wing media reports on them having.....

it seems that every week starts with the obama admin doing something that is un-american &, they put their little spin on it, then they change the spin, then they find others to blame it on, they try to cover it up &, they stonewall any & all investigations...not once have they or will they say, 'hey we made a mistake & we're sorry'---not one single time!!! they would rather 'LIE' to you repeatedly rather then admit to having done something the way, nobody is ever 'held responsible' & the heads of these disgraced departments are allowed to 'resign' with honor & benefits.....

when others 'attack' obamas policy's, actions or, non-actions, people pull out the 'race card' so, i must be a racist because i've had problems about the way obama has not led my country from the very beginning &, he's done nothing to change my opinion about his lack of fact, i am so fed up with him that i also call for his impeachment---for which the evidence seems to be overwhelming.....look, i told you in the very beginning that i had a problem with obama because of the company he kept & that he would not allow the release of his college records---i double dog dare you to try & get them!!!

i am tired of the lies, cover-ups, spins, stonewalling, hiding of witnesses &, the further deterioration of my country.....................i can only hope that the repubs take control of our senate while retaining control of the house & impeach obama............................

if this is true, it can get worse, read this CLICK HERE.......


hello america!!! how dare you protest against obamas foreign policy---all one has to do is look at egypt & it's as clear as mud...we supported egyptian president hosni murbarak but somehow allowed him to be run out of office; then we supported the muslim brotherhood's mohamed morsi who became president only to have the military remove him from power led by the general of their army, abdel fattah el-sisi, who just happens to now be their president...&, as is becoming our norm, we will also support him---you should read this...HERE...

here's the kicker, instead of egypt just killing those against them in the streets, they take them to court & 'legally' sentence them to death or life in prison...CLICK HERE...

now, before the left-wing media turns this around, obama has proclaimed the arab spring a success...HERE...

if you didn't know anything about the arab spring, you can catch up...HERE...

&, if you're really interested in reading more...READ THIS...

&, before you pack your bags to travel oversees, you just might want to consult with our state department before you book your hotel room...SEE HERE...after all, hilary & obama have made the world a safer place...

if obama can't keep his cabinet in order, how in the hell can you expect him to have a clear, understandable & effective foreign policy???


hello america!!! the following numbers come from the department of labor statistics.......

march, 1,274,000 people filed new unemployment claims verses 192,000 new jobs created...
april, 1,279,000 people filed new unemployment claims verses 288,000 new jobs created...
may, 1,552,000 people filed new unemployment claims verses 217,000 new jobs created...

in a 3 month period, we had 4,105,000 claims verses 697,000 jobs & it's a good thing??? what part of this am i missing??? unless my math skills are non-existent, there's a difference there of 3,426,000 &, if i'm understanding the reports correctly, it seems that the gov't is only counting the jobs created for their numbers & they have nothing to do with the jobs lost....BLS REPORT...

this comes from...CNN MONEY...&, i've looked at other media outlets saying the same thing...let's keep it real---at some point, somebody has to wake up & realize that the numbers just won't balance---the 'math' discrepancy is too great...or, am i to ignore the 'job losses' in favor of the 'jobs created'?????????

Thursday, June 5, 2014


hello america!!! while obama may have told you to stop talking about his obamacare, the hits & worries about it just refuse to be fact, as of right now, there are many, many more questions than answers, however, obama & company are adamant about not answering we can start with this...
READ THIS...which has to make you wonder why they would refuse to disclose future enrollment numbers when they wasted no time in hailing 8 million plus obamacare enrollees as a 'great acheivement'...&, you already know that they refuse to breakdown those numbers...i.e; how many are first-timer's; how many had just lost their coverage (approx. 5 million people lost them) & enrolled; how many actually qualified & received tax credits/reduced premiums; how many had pre-existing conditions; etc; etc;'s truly amazing that those numbers are not available to the public...

i can only guess that the shrinking healthcare networks & doctors that won't participate in &/or accept obamacare patients is not worth talking about...

it goes without saying that talking about what happens when all of those obama delays kick back in is not to spoken about &, since i know you were wondering about the list of delays/changes, CLICK HERE...

nope!!! obamacare doesn't need to be talked about---especially knowing that the 'old' insurance policy's will still be 'illegal' (when the delays expire) & will have to cancelled...

obama & company forced obamacare on us & now that their disaster is unraveling, they don't want to talk about it any longer &, all of those that do talk negatively about it are either politically driven or racist...of course, they couldn't be simple americans refusing to accept a law that's extremely negative for our country...

so, this should not come as a shock to anyone...CLICK HERE...8 million enrollees minus 5 million that lost their coverage minus 2 million because of paperwork equals 1 million remaining---you just have to applaud obama & the dems for designing a law that was supposed to insure those (approx 30-48 million americans) that weren't insured & cover those with pre-existing conditions &, the kicker is, you're not supposed to talk about it any more........

perhaps somebody smarter than this 65 year old black american can explain why unions are still talking about obamacare...READ IT HERE...after all, they supported obama & the dems push for this law & now that they may have to pay for more of their own share of it, they are ready to revolt...what's good enough for the average american is not good enough for the unions!!!