hello america!!! look, you'd have to be rated south of being an idiot if you're not 'up-to-date' regarding all the obamacare problems &, no matter which side you support, all of the problems rest on obamas shoulders.
from its inception, obamacare was doomed---obama said he wouldn't sign any bill that didn't include a'universal healthcare system' &, you are now finding out what he settled for & yes, he had a direct hand in it. or, perhaps you've forgotten about all those closed-door, back-room sessions he held at the whitehouse with the dems & repubs to pressure them into voting 'yea'; or, perhaps you forgot that then speaker of the house, nancy pelosi, said, 'we have to pass the bill to find out what's in it'---nobody had the proper time to read the whole bill to include obama, who signed it into law.
seemingly, everything the repubs said would happen, has happened & yet, obama & the dems are still defending their decision to 'force' obamacare on us---i should say, not all dems because several of them are jumping off the obamacare train-wreck...
the oct 1st obamacare rollout has been a disaster---there is no other way to describe it &, it's still not functioning like we were told it would function. if you want an extremely recent example, how about this one?
obama is the one putting dates out there & his 'website will be fixed' date of nov 30th will not be met. if you followed any of the congressional hearings, you know there are key parts of the website that haven't even been built yet &, there are still security issues.
obamas way of fixing the problems with people losing their insurance is complicated---after the bill became law, insurance standards were deliberately changed to force people into losing their coverage---this was not an unintended consequence---the law/regulations would have to be changed to actually fix the problem to allow existing policies to be kept...
please, don't forget this; S.J. Res 39 (sponsored by the repubs in sept 2010) was shot down by the dems & would have allowed existing plans to be kept...
this site will primarily consist of my political writings on what i see, hear, know &, research &, it will be predominantly about the negativety within our government, as i see it, regardless of who it may be about. above all else, it will be the truth as best i can present it.
Thursday, November 21, 2013
Saturday, November 16, 2013
hello america!!! i didn't like obama even before his first election because i did my homework on him & his 'then' beliefs & 'non-accomplishments'. i found more reasons to 'distrust' him than to support him &, had all of the media outlets objectively reported the 'news' about him, he would never have been elected. however, here it is five plus years since he was first elected &, if you take an honest, non-biased look at our country, we are, by far, worse off now then prior to his taking office...
seemingly, everything obama has touched has turned out negatively for us, however, depending on who & where you get your news from, has or will determine how you judge him. when i say 'judge him', i'm strictly talking about his policy making & performance & how it's affected our country. from his tarp (the obamabailout) to his acr (obamacare), i'm extremely hard-pressed to find more 'good' than 'bad', however, i want to talk about obamacare...
i just can't find where there are more 'good' elements in obamacare than 'bad' ones---don't get me wrong, i'm all for insuring those with pre-existing conditions; i'm all for eliminating caps; i'm all for halting cancellations; &, i'm all for allowing children to stay on their family insurance plans---&, i'm certain that there are 'good' elements in the law that i don't even know about yet...
on the flip-side<><><>i don't like how this law came about through secret back-room deals with the exclusion of the repubs<><><>i don't like how this law has eliminated my 'freedom of choice'<><><>i don't like how obama lied to us saying the 'mandates' weren't taxes & yet, he's lawyers argued to the supreme court that they were<><><>i don't like the promise obama made that it would 'save' us $2,500<><><>i don't like the promises obama made about us keeping our (then) healthcare policies & doctors knowing they were lies<><><>i don't like how 'regulations' were written into the law to force insurance companies to comply with federal law to ensure that 'grandfathering' was eliminated<><><>i don't like the healthcare.gov website because it gives you a choice between two ages only<><><>i don't like being forced to having all 10 of the essentials included in my coverage<><><>i don't like the website plans because not one of them covers you 100%<><><>i don't like knowing that all my info is on a site that the gov't now tells me it doesn't know if it can protect it<><><>i don't like the 'high prices' on the website<><><>i don't like smokers being charged more than non-smokers<><><>i don't like that unions & others were/are granted obamacare waivers<><><>i don't like the fact that obama extended the employer mandate for one year without extending the individual mandate<><><>i don't like obama & the dems telling me they know what's best for me<><><>i don't like the failure of the rollout & the headaches it's caused<><><>i don't like the fact that more people are signing up for medicaid/medicare than obamacare<><><>i don't like the fact that far too many americans have lost their jobs &/or had their hours reduced because of obamacare<><><>i don't like the fact that far too many companies won't expand hiring because of obamacare<><><>i don't like the fact that even if obamacare were to be as successful as they proclaimed, there'd still be 30 million american's uninsured<><><>i don't like the fact that obama & company are finding everybody else to blame for the obamacare failure ('so-far') other then themselves<><><>i don't like the 'half-hearted' apologies coming from obama about the dismal failures of obamacare<><><>i don't like obama trying to circumvent congress by telling insurance companies to disregard the federal law for a year<><><>i don't like obama & company refusing to compromise on any parts of obamacare<><><>i don't like the fact that far too many americans cannot afford obamacare<><><>i don't like the fact that all obama has tried to do is kick the can past the elections because the law & regulations will still kick in forcing millions more in cancellations<><><>i don't like the fact that we were told, 'we have to pass the bill to find out what's in it'---what kind of governing is that?<><><>i don't like the fact that it took obama 21 days to get in front of a camera to say the website wasn't working as expected & apologize for it<><><>i don't like the fact that it took 45 days for obama to get in front of a camera to say he was going to do something about the people that have lost coverage because of obamacare<><><>i don't like the fact that obama signed obamacare into law, added new requirements to it & then blames the insurance companies for canceling policies that don't meet that requirement<><><>most of all, i don't like not being able to have the right to choose which coverage is best for me<><><><><><><><>
hey good people, check these likns out & pay attention to the dates---https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/111/sjres39/text & it never received the media coverage it should have &, this is every vote for & against it...https://www.govtrack.us/congress/votes/111-2010/s244
the dems know they screwed up & in trying to cover their butts, 39 of them voted for yesterday's repub sponsored bill...http://clerk.house.gov/evs/2013/roll587.xml
say what you will, however, up to this point, obamacare has been an abject failure........
seemingly, everything obama has touched has turned out negatively for us, however, depending on who & where you get your news from, has or will determine how you judge him. when i say 'judge him', i'm strictly talking about his policy making & performance & how it's affected our country. from his tarp (the obamabailout) to his acr (obamacare), i'm extremely hard-pressed to find more 'good' than 'bad', however, i want to talk about obamacare...
i just can't find where there are more 'good' elements in obamacare than 'bad' ones---don't get me wrong, i'm all for insuring those with pre-existing conditions; i'm all for eliminating caps; i'm all for halting cancellations; &, i'm all for allowing children to stay on their family insurance plans---&, i'm certain that there are 'good' elements in the law that i don't even know about yet...
on the flip-side<><><>i don't like how this law came about through secret back-room deals with the exclusion of the repubs<><><>i don't like how this law has eliminated my 'freedom of choice'<><><>i don't like how obama lied to us saying the 'mandates' weren't taxes & yet, he's lawyers argued to the supreme court that they were<><><>i don't like the promise obama made that it would 'save' us $2,500<><><>i don't like the promises obama made about us keeping our (then) healthcare policies & doctors knowing they were lies<><><>i don't like how 'regulations' were written into the law to force insurance companies to comply with federal law to ensure that 'grandfathering' was eliminated<><><>i don't like the healthcare.gov website because it gives you a choice between two ages only<><><>i don't like being forced to having all 10 of the essentials included in my coverage<><><>i don't like the website plans because not one of them covers you 100%<><><>i don't like knowing that all my info is on a site that the gov't now tells me it doesn't know if it can protect it<><><>i don't like the 'high prices' on the website<><><>i don't like smokers being charged more than non-smokers<><><>i don't like that unions & others were/are granted obamacare waivers<><><>i don't like the fact that obama extended the employer mandate for one year without extending the individual mandate<><><>i don't like obama & the dems telling me they know what's best for me<><><>i don't like the failure of the rollout & the headaches it's caused<><><>i don't like the fact that more people are signing up for medicaid/medicare than obamacare<><><>i don't like the fact that far too many americans have lost their jobs &/or had their hours reduced because of obamacare<><><>i don't like the fact that far too many companies won't expand hiring because of obamacare<><><>i don't like the fact that even if obamacare were to be as successful as they proclaimed, there'd still be 30 million american's uninsured<><><>i don't like the fact that obama & company are finding everybody else to blame for the obamacare failure ('so-far') other then themselves<><><>i don't like the 'half-hearted' apologies coming from obama about the dismal failures of obamacare<><><>i don't like obama trying to circumvent congress by telling insurance companies to disregard the federal law for a year<><><>i don't like obama & company refusing to compromise on any parts of obamacare<><><>i don't like the fact that far too many americans cannot afford obamacare<><><>i don't like the fact that all obama has tried to do is kick the can past the elections because the law & regulations will still kick in forcing millions more in cancellations<><><>i don't like the fact that we were told, 'we have to pass the bill to find out what's in it'---what kind of governing is that?<><><>i don't like the fact that it took obama 21 days to get in front of a camera to say the website wasn't working as expected & apologize for it<><><>i don't like the fact that it took 45 days for obama to get in front of a camera to say he was going to do something about the people that have lost coverage because of obamacare<><><>i don't like the fact that obama signed obamacare into law, added new requirements to it & then blames the insurance companies for canceling policies that don't meet that requirement<><><>most of all, i don't like not being able to have the right to choose which coverage is best for me<><><><><><><><>
hey good people, check these likns out & pay attention to the dates---https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/111/sjres39/text & it never received the media coverage it should have &, this is every vote for & against it...https://www.govtrack.us/congress/votes/111-2010/s244
the dems know they screwed up & in trying to cover their butts, 39 of them voted for yesterday's repub sponsored bill...http://clerk.house.gov/evs/2013/roll587.xml
say what you will, however, up to this point, obamacare has been an abject failure........
Sunday, November 10, 2013
hello america!!! in the very beginning, i disliked obama & all ideas regarding obamacare---here it is 5 plus years later &, i must go on the record to admit i would be wrong to say i dislike them now---i despise them both immensely.
obama has proved to be what i predicted when he first announced he was running for office. i said it then & i loudly say it again, obama is not good for this country!!! to hear him spin his supposed achievements, one would have to rate him right along with the sun breaking through the clouds. to objectively examine what he's done to this country, one would have to rate him right along with all the other petty thugs that have had their hands in our country not being all that it can & should be.
to you blind obama supporters i ask this: 1. since pres bush left office, are we actually better off now? 2. have we grown as a country? 3. is our country heading in the right direction? 4. has obama set this country on a path that insures americans can still achieve that 'american dream'? 5. has obama made us safer abroad & within our borders? 6. has obama changed how business in washington is conducted for the betterment of this country? 7. has obama kept all of his promises to the american people?
before you answer any questions, i want you to remember that in obamas first two years in office, he could have passed any bills he wanted to---he had the dem majority in both chambers of congress so, please think about that. hell, he could have had a bill passed that would have made it illegal for men to stand up & urinate... he had the votes & the popularity, however, all we (as a nation) got out of those first two years was 'tarp' (the bailout bill) & obamacare---&, neither has done what it was supposed to do.
so, let's keep it real---
answer 1---no, we are not better off!!! people are still losing their homes; banks are still not making loans; jobs are still being lost & hours are being cut...obamas 'tarp' bill (a/k/a the bailouts) was supposed to put an end to those problems, however, it did not work as it was intended to. obama sold his bailout plan as the end to our problems & changed that to say it was simply a bandaid...
answer 2---no, we have not grown one iota!!! we are more divided then ever. if a white person or group challenges any of obamas ideas, the media & others pull out the race-card; if a black person does it, he/she is black-balled & investigated (by our fed gov't). we have regressed to the point that crosses are being challenged on public buildings; groups are protesting at the funerals of our fallen soldiers; we are far less trusting of our gov't then we ever were under pres bush...
answer 3---no, we are not heading in the right direction!!! we will soon be $18 trillion dollars in national debt &, there are no plans in the near future for us to cut back on our reckless spending ways. hey, call me stupid but, why don't you try this: max out your credit card & then ask the credit card company to increase your debt limit---see how that works out for you. the dems that control the senate can't agree with the repubs that control the house & obama wants what he wants when he wants it & blames the repubs & pres bush for all our problems. under obama & the dems in the senate, america's future looks extremely bleak...as it stands right now, every american citizen owes $54,000 of that debt (please note that the gov't doesn't include those that are here illegally) or, another way of putting it is: every taxpayer owes $149,499 of that debt---hurry up & put those checks in the mail. just think, your grandchildren will have to face this debt at some time in the very near future because you didn't have the balls to elect somebody that would have dealt with it now.
answer 4---no, obama has all but killed the 'american dream'!!! those that have achieved financial success now find themselves forced to pay more for those that don't even get out of bed in the morning to look for a job. yes, we actually do have families that must depend on gov't services to get by, however, quite a few of those receiving some form of gov't assistance should be out there job-hunting. hey, 48 million americans are receiving food stamps & look at how our ssd rolls have dramatically increased. if you can't keep or find a job, that 'american dream' cannot be acheived---however, obama is all for the middle class which he says is a state of mind...
answer 5---no, we are not safer abroad or within our borders!!! just look at benghazi; look at our mexico border; look at our home-grown terrorists that we keep ignoring until it's too late; look at the homicides in chicago...we have lost our respect overseas & here at home. in obama, we have a man whose words mean less then words. in obama we have a man that allowed (then secretary of state) hilary clinton to travel the world to represent us & he proclaimed her 'great' for a job well-done...by the way, please tell me exactly what she ever accomplished. countries no longer fear us or our abilities to bring peace to the world. russia, china, north korea, iran, cuba, syria & africa still defy us to our faces. how in the hell can we even think we're safer when we knowingly sold guns to mexican cartels that have been used against us? if our gov't can say they are trying to legalize 11 million illegal aliens, we should know that that number is a lot higher & yes, there are those that wish to do us harm hidden in that group...
answer 6---no, obama has not changed how business is conducted in washington for our betterment!!! in fact, he has made it worse. his feeble efforts to reach across the isle are (& were) a big joke. he is leading with a 'my way or the highway' approach. he won't negotiate, he won't compromise &, sadly, he wants no parts of whatever the repubs offer. just remember how obamacare was passed---closed door meetings, back-room deals &, no repub inclusion in any of it (just think, the dems blame the repubs for the obamacare failures). obama downplays his failures (& there are a lot of them). you elected him to lead this country &, if you just listen to him, you know he's either not leading us or, he straight-up lying to us every time he has to defend his failures. the commander-in-chief didn't know anything about benghazi until it was too late to do anything? give me a break!!! he didn't know anything about the 'fast & furious' gun-walking program until afterwards; he didn't know anything about the irs targeting of tea party applicants until afterwards; he didn't know anything about the nsa/cia spying on american people until afterwards; he didn't know anything about news reporters being investigated until afterwards; he didn't know anything about the boston bombers until afterwards (russia even warned us in advance); he didn't know anything about the anti-american sentiment towards america in libya (232 negative, violent incidents leading up to 9/11 benghazi) until afterwards; he didn't know anything about the canceled health insurance policies until afterwards---hell, he knew in 2010 because he changed the grandfathering requirements...obama has not changed one bit of how business is conducted &, when it doesn't work out in his favor, he just lies about it. you elected him to lead us to a better place---when you look at how obamacare has been forced on us, did you get your votes worth? hey, look at it this way: obama jumped all over pres bush for his 'torture tactics' & yet, obama decides who gets killed without having a trial---it's called 'trial by drone' & if americans happen to be in the cross-hairs, that's okay because he can explain it.
answer 7---no, obama has not kept his promises to the american people!!! to prove a point about obamas lying---when the 'dream act' (immigration bill) failed to pass the senate, obama blamed the repubs. the bill failed by 5 votes. guess what? 5 dems voted against that bill but obama would rather lie to you then tell you his own party killed the bill. what's so sad about all of it is: the media knew the truth & just refused to print it. from day one, obama has lied to you &, he will continue to do so...here is a list of his broken promises...
i'm sure that every american can remember a promise that obama has not kept &, there will be more coming...
IF YOU LIKE YOUR HEALTH INSURANCE, YOU CAN KEEP IT PERIOD!!! obamas recent response to that is to tell you that what you heard him say isn't what you heard him say &, it goes like this:
"If you had or have one of these plans before the Affordable Care Act came into law and you really like that plan, what we said was, you could keep it if hasn't changed since the law's passed,"
before you agree that it's the fault of the insurance companies, remember this---obama & company wrote the regulations after the bill became law & they did it in 2010. plus they wrote it in such a way that most previously issued policies would no longer be legal...that was deliberately done to force people into the obamacare marketplace...
i really wish that the repubs would get together & vote in the people we need to save our country & our dreams because obama & the dems are hell-bent on ruining them...
obama has proved to be what i predicted when he first announced he was running for office. i said it then & i loudly say it again, obama is not good for this country!!! to hear him spin his supposed achievements, one would have to rate him right along with the sun breaking through the clouds. to objectively examine what he's done to this country, one would have to rate him right along with all the other petty thugs that have had their hands in our country not being all that it can & should be.
to you blind obama supporters i ask this: 1. since pres bush left office, are we actually better off now? 2. have we grown as a country? 3. is our country heading in the right direction? 4. has obama set this country on a path that insures americans can still achieve that 'american dream'? 5. has obama made us safer abroad & within our borders? 6. has obama changed how business in washington is conducted for the betterment of this country? 7. has obama kept all of his promises to the american people?
before you answer any questions, i want you to remember that in obamas first two years in office, he could have passed any bills he wanted to---he had the dem majority in both chambers of congress so, please think about that. hell, he could have had a bill passed that would have made it illegal for men to stand up & urinate... he had the votes & the popularity, however, all we (as a nation) got out of those first two years was 'tarp' (the bailout bill) & obamacare---&, neither has done what it was supposed to do.
so, let's keep it real---
answer 1---no, we are not better off!!! people are still losing their homes; banks are still not making loans; jobs are still being lost & hours are being cut...obamas 'tarp' bill (a/k/a the bailouts) was supposed to put an end to those problems, however, it did not work as it was intended to. obama sold his bailout plan as the end to our problems & changed that to say it was simply a bandaid...
answer 2---no, we have not grown one iota!!! we are more divided then ever. if a white person or group challenges any of obamas ideas, the media & others pull out the race-card; if a black person does it, he/she is black-balled & investigated (by our fed gov't). we have regressed to the point that crosses are being challenged on public buildings; groups are protesting at the funerals of our fallen soldiers; we are far less trusting of our gov't then we ever were under pres bush...
answer 3---no, we are not heading in the right direction!!! we will soon be $18 trillion dollars in national debt &, there are no plans in the near future for us to cut back on our reckless spending ways. hey, call me stupid but, why don't you try this: max out your credit card & then ask the credit card company to increase your debt limit---see how that works out for you. the dems that control the senate can't agree with the repubs that control the house & obama wants what he wants when he wants it & blames the repubs & pres bush for all our problems. under obama & the dems in the senate, america's future looks extremely bleak...as it stands right now, every american citizen owes $54,000 of that debt (please note that the gov't doesn't include those that are here illegally) or, another way of putting it is: every taxpayer owes $149,499 of that debt---hurry up & put those checks in the mail. just think, your grandchildren will have to face this debt at some time in the very near future because you didn't have the balls to elect somebody that would have dealt with it now.
answer 4---no, obama has all but killed the 'american dream'!!! those that have achieved financial success now find themselves forced to pay more for those that don't even get out of bed in the morning to look for a job. yes, we actually do have families that must depend on gov't services to get by, however, quite a few of those receiving some form of gov't assistance should be out there job-hunting. hey, 48 million americans are receiving food stamps & look at how our ssd rolls have dramatically increased. if you can't keep or find a job, that 'american dream' cannot be acheived---however, obama is all for the middle class which he says is a state of mind...
answer 5---no, we are not safer abroad or within our borders!!! just look at benghazi; look at our mexico border; look at our home-grown terrorists that we keep ignoring until it's too late; look at the homicides in chicago...we have lost our respect overseas & here at home. in obama, we have a man whose words mean less then words. in obama we have a man that allowed (then secretary of state) hilary clinton to travel the world to represent us & he proclaimed her 'great' for a job well-done...by the way, please tell me exactly what she ever accomplished. countries no longer fear us or our abilities to bring peace to the world. russia, china, north korea, iran, cuba, syria & africa still defy us to our faces. how in the hell can we even think we're safer when we knowingly sold guns to mexican cartels that have been used against us? if our gov't can say they are trying to legalize 11 million illegal aliens, we should know that that number is a lot higher & yes, there are those that wish to do us harm hidden in that group...
answer 6---no, obama has not changed how business is conducted in washington for our betterment!!! in fact, he has made it worse. his feeble efforts to reach across the isle are (& were) a big joke. he is leading with a 'my way or the highway' approach. he won't negotiate, he won't compromise &, sadly, he wants no parts of whatever the repubs offer. just remember how obamacare was passed---closed door meetings, back-room deals &, no repub inclusion in any of it (just think, the dems blame the repubs for the obamacare failures). obama downplays his failures (& there are a lot of them). you elected him to lead this country &, if you just listen to him, you know he's either not leading us or, he straight-up lying to us every time he has to defend his failures. the commander-in-chief didn't know anything about benghazi until it was too late to do anything? give me a break!!! he didn't know anything about the 'fast & furious' gun-walking program until afterwards; he didn't know anything about the irs targeting of tea party applicants until afterwards; he didn't know anything about the nsa/cia spying on american people until afterwards; he didn't know anything about news reporters being investigated until afterwards; he didn't know anything about the boston bombers until afterwards (russia even warned us in advance); he didn't know anything about the anti-american sentiment towards america in libya (232 negative, violent incidents leading up to 9/11 benghazi) until afterwards; he didn't know anything about the canceled health insurance policies until afterwards---hell, he knew in 2010 because he changed the grandfathering requirements...obama has not changed one bit of how business is conducted &, when it doesn't work out in his favor, he just lies about it. you elected him to lead us to a better place---when you look at how obamacare has been forced on us, did you get your votes worth? hey, look at it this way: obama jumped all over pres bush for his 'torture tactics' & yet, obama decides who gets killed without having a trial---it's called 'trial by drone' & if americans happen to be in the cross-hairs, that's okay because he can explain it.
answer 7---no, obama has not kept his promises to the american people!!! to prove a point about obamas lying---when the 'dream act' (immigration bill) failed to pass the senate, obama blamed the repubs. the bill failed by 5 votes. guess what? 5 dems voted against that bill but obama would rather lie to you then tell you his own party killed the bill. what's so sad about all of it is: the media knew the truth & just refused to print it. from day one, obama has lied to you &, he will continue to do so...here is a list of his broken promises...
i'm sure that every american can remember a promise that obama has not kept &, there will be more coming...
IF YOU LIKE YOUR HEALTH INSURANCE, YOU CAN KEEP IT PERIOD!!! obamas recent response to that is to tell you that what you heard him say isn't what you heard him say &, it goes like this:
"If you had or have one of these plans before the Affordable Care Act came into law and you really like that plan, what we said was, you could keep it if hasn't changed since the law's passed,"
before you agree that it's the fault of the insurance companies, remember this---obama & company wrote the regulations after the bill became law & they did it in 2010. plus they wrote it in such a way that most previously issued policies would no longer be legal...that was deliberately done to force people into the obamacare marketplace...
i really wish that the repubs would get together & vote in the people we need to save our country & our dreams because obama & the dems are hell-bent on ruining them...
Saturday, November 9, 2013
hello america!!! let me see if i have this right---obama doesn't want obamacare for himself, his family or, his staffers; the democrats (that wrote the law & support the law) don't want obamacare for themselves, their families or, their staffers; union bosses don't want obamacare for themselves, their families or, their members; certain influential friends & donors to obama don't want obamacare for themselves, their families or, their friends; big company's don't want obamacare & have been granted a one year waiver from the employer mandate; churches don't want obamacare for religious reasons---so, tell me, if obamacare is the law of the land & it's good for 'everybody', how come 'everybody' doesn't include the above named people/groups???
why is this law forced on some americans but not the rest? either it's good for all or it's not good for any!!!
why is this law forced on some americans but not the rest? either it's good for all or it's not good for any!!!
Thursday, October 31, 2013
i just don't know why people still support obama...what part of honesty do they not understand? as americans, regardless of your race or religion, when you get repeatedly lied to, you should rise up to demand only the truth. for you blind supporters, why don't you go to the obamacare site & check the 'estimated prices' for obamacare---it is expensive &, for some of you my age (64), what do you need maternity & newborn care for?
yes, some of you will qualify for the reduced costs through tax credits, however, when i look at what coverage you can get, there is not one of the plans offered on healthcare.gov website (see plans now) that offers you full coverage so, there' going to be out-of-pocket expenses that will have to be paid assuming you can get by the co-costs & deductibles. simply put, obamacare offers you the following plans only:::catastrophic-covers less then 60%; bronze-covers 60%; silver-covers 70%; gold-covers 80%; platinum-covers 90%---but, don't take my word for it, go to the site & see for yourself---
it would have been more feasible to raise taxes & convert everyone to medicaid...
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
hello america!!! i wish i could say that i'm writing about the 'voter id' issue for the very last time, however, i fear that this issue will not be solved in the near future.........
in truth, i don't care where you stand on the issue, you're all wrong!!! while those on the left are fighting against it & those on the right are fighting for it, &, neither side has presented a plan that would help people without valid gov't issued id cards get one. yes, there are already programs in place that may help people to pay the cost of getting an id card however, a lot of people can't afford to get to the gov't centers......
so, let's keep it real::::we can afford to aid country's that wish us harm & yet, we can't implement a simple, mobile program that would have the capability to travel to those that can't travel to those gov't centers & issue valid gov't id cards....THAT'S PURE BS!!! hell, all we have to do is take a page out of the mobile blood-bank books.
we'd need funding (without waste) for the equipment & to pay for the id cards, we'd need mobile vans/rv's equipped with a camera, a gov't computer, 2-3 technicians with a driver, &, a sheriff---we could then travel to those impoverished &/or rural areas & issue those id cards. we could advertise in the areas we'd be going to so as to let the people know what documents they would need to bring with them & when to bring them........end of problem.....
when i see our 'so-called' leaders argue against the id card issue, i get upset. these are the very people that should be arguing for it. to say that some people of color are too poor & live to far away is a very lame excuse, especially when they offer no plans to help them.
to have a black man in charge of our country; to have a black attorney general; to have congressional members of color; to have the jessie jacksons & al sharptons; to have the congressional black caucus; to have the naacp all chime in & fight against mandatory gov't id cards (FOR VOTING OR ANY OTHER REASON) is a fight directly against people of color...they should be leading the charge for them to obtain those id cards because, without them, they will never be able to even dream about that american dream.
obama & company say the people are too poor & would have to travel too far & yet, they helped &/or expected those same people to vote...
good people, let me ask you this: what in the hell can you legally do in this country without a valid, gov't issued id card??? please, just give that some thought.....
well, without it, you have this: no legal employment which also means they are not putting any money away for their social security days; no driver's license or insurance; no bank accounts, no cashing checks, no being able to obtain loans; no public welfare or other gov't programs; look, blockbuster's even requires an id card as do our libraries & school systems; no renting homes---need i go on?
without an id card, you really are unable to live as an american & with one, the world is your playground...
by the way, try visiting the whitehouse without a valid, pictured, gov't issued id card. try getting into one of the congressional black caucus's meeting without one. but, they expect these people they are denying that id card to, to get up, travel to where ever & vote??????????????
in truth, i don't care where you stand on the issue, you're all wrong!!! while those on the left are fighting against it & those on the right are fighting for it, &, neither side has presented a plan that would help people without valid gov't issued id cards get one. yes, there are already programs in place that may help people to pay the cost of getting an id card however, a lot of people can't afford to get to the gov't centers......
so, let's keep it real::::we can afford to aid country's that wish us harm & yet, we can't implement a simple, mobile program that would have the capability to travel to those that can't travel to those gov't centers & issue valid gov't id cards....THAT'S PURE BS!!! hell, all we have to do is take a page out of the mobile blood-bank books.
we'd need funding (without waste) for the equipment & to pay for the id cards, we'd need mobile vans/rv's equipped with a camera, a gov't computer, 2-3 technicians with a driver, &, a sheriff---we could then travel to those impoverished &/or rural areas & issue those id cards. we could advertise in the areas we'd be going to so as to let the people know what documents they would need to bring with them & when to bring them........end of problem.....
when i see our 'so-called' leaders argue against the id card issue, i get upset. these are the very people that should be arguing for it. to say that some people of color are too poor & live to far away is a very lame excuse, especially when they offer no plans to help them.
to have a black man in charge of our country; to have a black attorney general; to have congressional members of color; to have the jessie jacksons & al sharptons; to have the congressional black caucus; to have the naacp all chime in & fight against mandatory gov't id cards (FOR VOTING OR ANY OTHER REASON) is a fight directly against people of color...they should be leading the charge for them to obtain those id cards because, without them, they will never be able to even dream about that american dream.
obama & company say the people are too poor & would have to travel too far & yet, they helped &/or expected those same people to vote...
good people, let me ask you this: what in the hell can you legally do in this country without a valid, gov't issued id card??? please, just give that some thought.....
well, without it, you have this: no legal employment which also means they are not putting any money away for their social security days; no driver's license or insurance; no bank accounts, no cashing checks, no being able to obtain loans; no public welfare or other gov't programs; look, blockbuster's even requires an id card as do our libraries & school systems; no renting homes---need i go on?
without an id card, you really are unable to live as an american & with one, the world is your playground...
by the way, try visiting the whitehouse without a valid, pictured, gov't issued id card. try getting into one of the congressional black caucus's meeting without one. but, they expect these people they are denying that id card to, to get up, travel to where ever & vote??????????????
Friday, August 23, 2013
hello america!!! this comes from the nevada state afl-cio...i can only wonder why they fought so hard for obamacare & now, here it is, that 11th hour & they want no parts of it...
hello america!!! this letter was sent from delta airlines to the obama admin & it comes from redstate.com

hello america!!! they say that there are two sides to a coin (i used to get in trouble as a kid for saying it had three sides but, we won't go there today)---on one side, we have obama & company while on the other side we have the repubs. one side told you that obamacare was the 'be-all' for america---the other side said it wasn't; one side said it would create jobs---one side said it would hurt jobs; one side said you could keep your present doctor & healthcare plan---the other side said you wouldn't; one side said it was affordable---the other side said it wasn't----need i continue???
it's a 'them vs us' type of thing & who's right depends on where you do or don't get your news from. well, let me put your thoughts to rest...well, i've been trying to keep up with obamacare & i've been posting what all i've found---
regardless of who you may think is wrong or right, this may have thinking...
look, realistically, i could provide link after link after link saying the same thing. what's surprising is the silence from the 'pro-obama media' that support obama & obamacare. the proof is here &, company after company have been saying the same thing---the 40 hour work week is done with...
good people, if you continue to listen & accept what all obama tells you without ever questioning it, you've got problems i can't help you with. just about everything he's ever told us about obamacare has been proved false. what more do you need?
&, just think, hilary clinton may replace him.
it's a 'them vs us' type of thing & who's right depends on where you do or don't get your news from. well, let me put your thoughts to rest...well, i've been trying to keep up with obamacare & i've been posting what all i've found---
regardless of who you may think is wrong or right, this may have thinking...
look, realistically, i could provide link after link after link saying the same thing. what's surprising is the silence from the 'pro-obama media' that support obama & obamacare. the proof is here &, company after company have been saying the same thing---the 40 hour work week is done with...
good people, if you continue to listen & accept what all obama tells you without ever questioning it, you've got problems i can't help you with. just about everything he's ever told us about obamacare has been proved false. what more do you need?
&, just think, hilary clinton may replace him.
hello america!!! here is obamas speech & as usual, he says the things we want to hear, however, when you compare his rhetoric to reality, you'll be forced to same conclusion that i arrived at:::he just likes to lie & will never admit his mistakes........
regardless of how you feel about obama, one has to admit that the middle-class has suffered (& will continue to suffer) under obama & company. he says all of the right things but his actions belie his words. his latest examples of not caring about the middle-class are:::his delaying 'medicare cuts' until after the elections; his delaying the obamacare 'employer mandate' until after the elections &, his not delaying the obamacare 'individual mandate'; his delaying the obamacare 'cap' for 'out-of-pocket-costs' until after the elections. those are the facts & they have nothing to do with the other side-of-the-isle....
in truth, at least for one more year:::'medicare' is free to charge whatever they want; business's are 'exempt' from obamacare; &, 'out-of-pocket-costs' will continue to spiral upwards for you. so much for telling you one thing while doing the opposite to you---the obamacare individual mandate is scheduled to go into effect on time...you know, the one that fines you for not having obama approved healthcare coverage........by the way, just so you'll know, obama is going to allow business's to comply with obamacare under the 'honor system' which brings me back to---why bother to make it a law???
middle-class; obama said it's a 'state of mind'---losing your homes; not being able to get a loan; not being able to find a job, keep a job or keep your hours; not being able to afford health coverage; forced to seek some form of gov't assistance----------yeah, that state of mind.
just how in the hell can obama be serious about helping the middle-class when everything he's done has hurt them...obama is very deceitful & the media just refuses to challenge him---he said the "our businesses have created 7.3 million new jobs over the last 41 months"----that's a good thing, right? WRONG!!! do the math yourself...obama gave this speech thursday night (8/22/2013) which means he's been in office for 54 months. what happened to those other 13 months? do they not count? obamas time started when he was first sworn in, not 13 months after that.
we can play with the jobs lost &/or created numbers & spin them to our advantage, however, let the middle-class spin these numbers that come out monthly from our very own bureau of labor statistics (depart' of labor)::::::for the month of july 2013, we created 162,000 new jobs---good news, right? Wrong!!! for that same month 1,367,000 new jobless claims were filed::::in june 2013, 195,000 jobs were created compared to new jobless claims of 1,383,000 &, for may 2013, 175,000 jobs were created compared to new jobless claims of 1,738,000--------
okay, color me stupid::::i surrender!!! in 3 months (may, june & july), we've created 532,000 jobs---WOW!!! ROLL OUT THE RED CARPET!!! PUT obama ON MOUNT RUSHMORE-----wait just a long minute. during those same 3 months, we've had 4,488,000 file new jobless claims---meaning: THEY LOST THEIR JOBS!!!
i wonder how many of those jobs gained &/or lost fell on the middle-class people...when you only praise the creation of jobs numbers & deliberately omit to talk about the lost jobs numbers, one is being deceitful (willfully lying) to the american people however, obama doesn't see it that way...he once said 'we have turned the corner' & those lost jobs are just 'bumps in the road'...in his speech i have to agree with his 'we've come a long way'---yes we have. we have more debt coupled with less jobs. we have an admin that refuses to tell us the truth about all the 'phony scandals' they're involved in. we have an admin that still blames pres bush & the repubs for all of problems. we have an admin that has gone out of their way to divide us among one another. we have an admin that continually lies to us. we have an admin that says they care about the middle-class & then does something that hurts them. we have an admin that would rather advertise our food stamp program in mexico then stand in front of you & talk about their failures to put america back to work...
yes, education reform is needed however, when you don't strengthen the good programs we already have in place & you do nothing to get rid of the ones that have failed, the costs of education don't even matter...
regardless of how you feel about obama, one has to admit that the middle-class has suffered (& will continue to suffer) under obama & company. he says all of the right things but his actions belie his words. his latest examples of not caring about the middle-class are:::his delaying 'medicare cuts' until after the elections; his delaying the obamacare 'employer mandate' until after the elections &, his not delaying the obamacare 'individual mandate'; his delaying the obamacare 'cap' for 'out-of-pocket-costs' until after the elections. those are the facts & they have nothing to do with the other side-of-the-isle....
in truth, at least for one more year:::'medicare' is free to charge whatever they want; business's are 'exempt' from obamacare; &, 'out-of-pocket-costs' will continue to spiral upwards for you. so much for telling you one thing while doing the opposite to you---the obamacare individual mandate is scheduled to go into effect on time...you know, the one that fines you for not having obama approved healthcare coverage........by the way, just so you'll know, obama is going to allow business's to comply with obamacare under the 'honor system' which brings me back to---why bother to make it a law???
middle-class; obama said it's a 'state of mind'---losing your homes; not being able to get a loan; not being able to find a job, keep a job or keep your hours; not being able to afford health coverage; forced to seek some form of gov't assistance----------yeah, that state of mind.
just how in the hell can obama be serious about helping the middle-class when everything he's done has hurt them...obama is very deceitful & the media just refuses to challenge him---he said the "our businesses have created 7.3 million new jobs over the last 41 months"----that's a good thing, right? WRONG!!! do the math yourself...obama gave this speech thursday night (8/22/2013) which means he's been in office for 54 months. what happened to those other 13 months? do they not count? obamas time started when he was first sworn in, not 13 months after that.
we can play with the jobs lost &/or created numbers & spin them to our advantage, however, let the middle-class spin these numbers that come out monthly from our very own bureau of labor statistics (depart' of labor)::::::for the month of july 2013, we created 162,000 new jobs---good news, right? Wrong!!! for that same month 1,367,000 new jobless claims were filed::::in june 2013, 195,000 jobs were created compared to new jobless claims of 1,383,000 &, for may 2013, 175,000 jobs were created compared to new jobless claims of 1,738,000--------
okay, color me stupid::::i surrender!!! in 3 months (may, june & july), we've created 532,000 jobs---WOW!!! ROLL OUT THE RED CARPET!!! PUT obama ON MOUNT RUSHMORE-----wait just a long minute. during those same 3 months, we've had 4,488,000 file new jobless claims---meaning: THEY LOST THEIR JOBS!!!
i wonder how many of those jobs gained &/or lost fell on the middle-class people...when you only praise the creation of jobs numbers & deliberately omit to talk about the lost jobs numbers, one is being deceitful (willfully lying) to the american people however, obama doesn't see it that way...he once said 'we have turned the corner' & those lost jobs are just 'bumps in the road'...in his speech i have to agree with his 'we've come a long way'---yes we have. we have more debt coupled with less jobs. we have an admin that refuses to tell us the truth about all the 'phony scandals' they're involved in. we have an admin that still blames pres bush & the repubs for all of problems. we have an admin that has gone out of their way to divide us among one another. we have an admin that continually lies to us. we have an admin that says they care about the middle-class & then does something that hurts them. we have an admin that would rather advertise our food stamp program in mexico then stand in front of you & talk about their failures to put america back to work...
yes, education reform is needed however, when you don't strengthen the good programs we already have in place & you do nothing to get rid of the ones that have failed, the costs of education don't even matter...
Thursday, August 22, 2013
hello america!!! when will obama & company finally admit they have made mistakes in trying to guide our economy? even before obamacare was voted on, the repubs told you it would hurt jobs growth &, obama & company steadfastly denied it. even in the face of mounting evidence (proving the repubs correct) the dems refuse to retreat from their position. business owner after business owner has come forth & told us that they are doing whatever it takes to circumvent the obamacare mandates & taxes.
it's one thing to believe that your plan is the right one however, when it's proved not to be, you should change your tactics. obamacare is really hurting us & the dems know it---yet, they won't budge...they'd rather continue to blame pres bush & the repubs for our jobs problems.
just recently, ups & the university of virginia (along with other business's) are no longer going to offer healthcare coverage to the spouses of their workers (if they're eligible to get it elsewhere) &, they actually cited obamacare as the culprit; other colleges, university's &, public schools are trying to lower teachers & professors hours to avoid obamacare; too many company's are not hiring or, are laying off workers or, are cutting employee work weeks to less then 30 hours or, are passing on the added costs of obamacare to their workers or, are not going to offer healthcare coverage; unions that fought so dramatically for obamacare have had second thoughts & now, don't want it citing added costs & shorter work weeks; members of congress & their staffers don't want obamacare; doctors & hospitals don't want obamacare; several very big insurance company's have dropped out of the obamacare exchanges...
look, obama & company have said it's not hurting jobs & yet, you have this:::jobs created since march of this year breaks down like this: 187,000 full time jobs verses 791,000 part time jobs-----you do the math & then tell me it's pres bush's fault........this is obamas baby & he's going to have a miscarry....
it's one thing to believe that your plan is the right one however, when it's proved not to be, you should change your tactics. obamacare is really hurting us & the dems know it---yet, they won't budge...they'd rather continue to blame pres bush & the repubs for our jobs problems.
just recently, ups & the university of virginia (along with other business's) are no longer going to offer healthcare coverage to the spouses of their workers (if they're eligible to get it elsewhere) &, they actually cited obamacare as the culprit; other colleges, university's &, public schools are trying to lower teachers & professors hours to avoid obamacare; too many company's are not hiring or, are laying off workers or, are cutting employee work weeks to less then 30 hours or, are passing on the added costs of obamacare to their workers or, are not going to offer healthcare coverage; unions that fought so dramatically for obamacare have had second thoughts & now, don't want it citing added costs & shorter work weeks; members of congress & their staffers don't want obamacare; doctors & hospitals don't want obamacare; several very big insurance company's have dropped out of the obamacare exchanges...
look, obama & company have said it's not hurting jobs & yet, you have this:::jobs created since march of this year breaks down like this: 187,000 full time jobs verses 791,000 part time jobs-----you do the math & then tell me it's pres bush's fault........this is obamas baby & he's going to have a miscarry....
hello america!!! i wonder how you now feel about that 'look you in the eye while lying to you guy' obama who repeadtedly denied we were being spied on. he just refuses to tell you the truth about anything. obama had to know that his lies would catch up with him as this one did...
even cbs is finally publishing those obama lie...
even cbs is finally publishing those obama lie...
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
hello america!!! when i think of all that obama & company said about the 'arab spring' & the way they praised it, i look at benghazi, syria, libya, pakistan & egypt & just know they knew they were lying about it. &, i think of all the praise bestowed on hilary clinton & i wonder why---just what in the hell did she accomplish?
obama says the world is safer & yet, where in the hell can you travel to? here's a list of warnings... http://travel.state.gov/travel/cis_pa_tw/tw/tw_1764.html
& this supersedes the previous one concerning egypt... http://travel.state.gov/travel/cis_pa_tw/tw/tw_1764.html
yet, we're not supposed to even questions obamas middle east policy??????????
obama says the world is safer & yet, where in the hell can you travel to? here's a list of warnings... http://travel.state.gov/travel/cis_pa_tw/tw/tw_1764.html
& this supersedes the previous one concerning egypt... http://travel.state.gov/travel/cis_pa_tw/tw/tw_1764.html
yet, we're not supposed to even questions obamas middle east policy??????????
hello america!!! the closer we get to obamacare, the more truth you will hear. obama & company have steadfastly denied that obamacare hurts our jobs market yet, company after company has come out & blamed obamacare for their:::cutting workers hours to below 30 per week; laying off workers; or not hiring at all...http://news.yahoo.com/analysis-obamacare-tepid-u-growth-fuel-part-time-050714399.html
company's are very concerned about the additional costs associated with obamacare &, this is another issue obama & company denied was/would happen & yet, it is happening & will continue to happen....
when you look at the above & understand it, the follows makes complete sense because, if enough employers stop offering healthcare insurance to spouses, working parents will not be able to carry their young (up to age 26) on their policy's, thus forcing them to fend for themselves. regardless of the outcome, obama & company either ignored that would happen or, they just weren't smart enough to foresee it
after reading all i have read on the cost of obamacare & what it forces insurance company's to provide & cover, the following is not a shock &, just like everything else, obama & company denied it would happen. the repubs told you that premiums would sky-rocket in advance of obamacare &, you must not have believed them because you voted for obama, the proof is in the pudding. many of you have already felt those increases...
company's are very concerned about the additional costs associated with obamacare &, this is another issue obama & company denied was/would happen & yet, it is happening & will continue to happen....
when you look at the above & understand it, the follows makes complete sense because, if enough employers stop offering healthcare insurance to spouses, working parents will not be able to carry their young (up to age 26) on their policy's, thus forcing them to fend for themselves. regardless of the outcome, obama & company either ignored that would happen or, they just weren't smart enough to foresee it
after reading all i have read on the cost of obamacare & what it forces insurance company's to provide & cover, the following is not a shock &, just like everything else, obama & company denied it would happen. the repubs told you that premiums would sky-rocket in advance of obamacare &, you must not have believed them because you voted for obama, the proof is in the pudding. many of you have already felt those increases...
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
hello america!!! this is obama at his very best---say one thing & do the opposite...
either he's against what is going on over there or he's for it. he just can't be in the middle.
either he's against what is going on over there or he's for it. he just can't be in the middle.
hello america!!! check this out...http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2013-08-19/obamacare-strikes-forever-21-which-forcibly-demotes-some-workers-295-hours-week
when the repubs warned that this would happen, obama & company scoffed them & yet, you voted for obama anyway. so i sincerely ask, after 4 1/2 years, exactly what promises has obama made & kept? to sell the obamacare bill to you, every democrat (from obama on down) promised that the bill would create millions of jobs &, your vote says you believed them---just as the repubs said obamacare would cost us jobs, you didn't believe them & you didn't vote for them...in truth, obama is hiring more people to & for the
irs to enforce his obamacare mandates &, depending on where you get your news from, that number is in the thousands--------this is a problem in itself & i'll have more on it later on........
obamacare is not what obama told you it would be. nobody read the bill &, those that did are now admitting they didn't understand it (good one dems)---by the way, that includes obama. he flew all across america touting obamacare as the 'be all' for america; he said you could keep your present doctor; he said you could keep your present healthcare coverage; he said it would create millions of jobs; he said it would be affordable; he said it would cover pre-existing conditions; he said it would not add to our deficit--he said it would reduce the deficit; he said it would roll out on time; he said it was not a tax (his own lawyers argued to the supreme court that it was)...good people, which of what he said is true???
no, obamacare is not the 'be all':::the polls says that the majority of americans don't want it &, if it was all it was cracked up to be, obama wouldn't be spending our tax dollars ($684 million) to get young americans to sign up for it-they don't need it when they can stay on their parents plans until they are 26 years old. for those young people that don't have that luxury, it's cheaper for them to pay the $95 mandate tax then get insurance.
no, for far too many of you, you can't keep your present doctor because too many have of them have left &/or are leaving the field or, they're not accepting obamacare insurance. too many other doctors (& hospitals) are still up in the air because they're not sure how obamacare with affect their finances & services.
no, for far too many of you, you can't keep your present healthcare coverage because your employer has cut your hours to less then 30 per week &/or has laid you off so as not to have to comply with the obamacare employer mandate. far too many employers have simply dropped offering healthcare coverage because of obamacare. & yes, far too many employer rates have already increased to offset the added costs of obamacare.
no, it will not create millions of jobs. it will create jobs for the irs to monitor obamacare & deal with the mandates.
no, it is not affordable (maybe down the road it will be). compared to last years rate, premiums are constantly increasing. one way or the other, you are going to pay that difference.
no, coverage of pre-existing conditions has been indefinitely suspended.
no, it has to add to our deficit because they are now finding, it will not pay for itself.
no, it will not roll out on time because of the many complications associated with it. plus, there are elections right around the corner so, obama has 'delayed' implementation of several key elements of obamacare because he now knows (but won't ever admit it) that obamacare, once fully implemented, will severely hurt our already fragile economy. repubs (from day one) have been saying that however, obama & company just blew them off & then---& then---& then obama had all those businessman at the whitehouse & he came out of that meeting delaying the employer mandate because it was too complicated to implement. FYI:::he refuses to delay the individual mandate---now why is that?
no, the mandates in obamacare are not fines---they are taxes & the supreme court said so...........
now, i could provide many, many links to what all i written however, i'll just put this one here & let you read which ones that interest you...https://www.google.com/search?output=search&sclient=
for those out there that believe obamacare is good for this country, think about this: the unions that went out of their way to support the passage of obamacare don't want it; congressmen & women along with their staffers don't want it; teachers, firemen. policemen & media personnel don't want it; employers don't want it; doctors & hospitals don't want it; churches & religious providers don't want it; hell the very same people that wrote the bill & voted to pass it don't even want it....& yet, you, the guy with no voice in the matter, are stuck with it until you vote the dems out of congressional power...
when the repubs warned that this would happen, obama & company scoffed them & yet, you voted for obama anyway. so i sincerely ask, after 4 1/2 years, exactly what promises has obama made & kept? to sell the obamacare bill to you, every democrat (from obama on down) promised that the bill would create millions of jobs &, your vote says you believed them---just as the repubs said obamacare would cost us jobs, you didn't believe them & you didn't vote for them...in truth, obama is hiring more people to & for the
irs to enforce his obamacare mandates &, depending on where you get your news from, that number is in the thousands--------this is a problem in itself & i'll have more on it later on........
obamacare is not what obama told you it would be. nobody read the bill &, those that did are now admitting they didn't understand it (good one dems)---by the way, that includes obama. he flew all across america touting obamacare as the 'be all' for america; he said you could keep your present doctor; he said you could keep your present healthcare coverage; he said it would create millions of jobs; he said it would be affordable; he said it would cover pre-existing conditions; he said it would not add to our deficit--he said it would reduce the deficit; he said it would roll out on time; he said it was not a tax (his own lawyers argued to the supreme court that it was)...good people, which of what he said is true???
no, obamacare is not the 'be all':::the polls says that the majority of americans don't want it &, if it was all it was cracked up to be, obama wouldn't be spending our tax dollars ($684 million) to get young americans to sign up for it-they don't need it when they can stay on their parents plans until they are 26 years old. for those young people that don't have that luxury, it's cheaper for them to pay the $95 mandate tax then get insurance.
no, for far too many of you, you can't keep your present doctor because too many have of them have left &/or are leaving the field or, they're not accepting obamacare insurance. too many other doctors (& hospitals) are still up in the air because they're not sure how obamacare with affect their finances & services.
no, for far too many of you, you can't keep your present healthcare coverage because your employer has cut your hours to less then 30 per week &/or has laid you off so as not to have to comply with the obamacare employer mandate. far too many employers have simply dropped offering healthcare coverage because of obamacare. & yes, far too many employer rates have already increased to offset the added costs of obamacare.
no, it will not create millions of jobs. it will create jobs for the irs to monitor obamacare & deal with the mandates.
no, it is not affordable (maybe down the road it will be). compared to last years rate, premiums are constantly increasing. one way or the other, you are going to pay that difference.
no, coverage of pre-existing conditions has been indefinitely suspended.
no, it has to add to our deficit because they are now finding, it will not pay for itself.
no, it will not roll out on time because of the many complications associated with it. plus, there are elections right around the corner so, obama has 'delayed' implementation of several key elements of obamacare because he now knows (but won't ever admit it) that obamacare, once fully implemented, will severely hurt our already fragile economy. repubs (from day one) have been saying that however, obama & company just blew them off & then---& then---& then obama had all those businessman at the whitehouse & he came out of that meeting delaying the employer mandate because it was too complicated to implement. FYI:::he refuses to delay the individual mandate---now why is that?
no, the mandates in obamacare are not fines---they are taxes & the supreme court said so...........
now, i could provide many, many links to what all i written however, i'll just put this one here & let you read which ones that interest you...https://www.google.com/search?output=search&sclient=
for those out there that believe obamacare is good for this country, think about this: the unions that went out of their way to support the passage of obamacare don't want it; congressmen & women along with their staffers don't want it; teachers, firemen. policemen & media personnel don't want it; employers don't want it; doctors & hospitals don't want it; churches & religious providers don't want it; hell the very same people that wrote the bill & voted to pass it don't even want it....& yet, you, the guy with no voice in the matter, are stuck with it until you vote the dems out of congressional power...
hello america!!! only obama could acknowledge that the egyptian military forcibly removed a democratically elected president from office & yet, fail to call it a coup. why is he riding the middle? this is what got us into trouble with the arab spring---his extremely flawed thinking & policy's.
it's like his 'assad must go & syria better not cross that line'---assad's still there &, they supposedly did cross the line. it's like his 'our words must mean more then words' in reference to his speech in prague (2009) when north korea defiantly sent up a missile. it's like his constant warnings to iran concerning their quest to have nukes. it's like his telling us that al qadea has been decimated & is on the run & yet, they're alive & thriving. it's like his telling us that we are safer now then we were 4 plus years ago however, we won't count benghazi against him because he called it a phony scandal &, we can't hold the boston bombings against him because we didn't understand that russia was warning us. it's like his telling us the borders are more secure then they were 4 plus years ago & yet, we can't count the violence & border agents bryan terry's death against him because obama lives in washington dc.
obamas problem is, he only acts on his thoughts---the hell with everybody else. he won't even accept suggestions from his own panals---he tries to please both sides &, in this day & age, you can't. nobody seems to respect of fear our country---we have lost a lot of face under obama & there's no way we can reclaim our spot in the world with him & his at the helm...
how's this for respect...http://www.foxnews.com/world/2013/08/20/gulf-nations-split-with-west-to-back-egyptian-military/
had obama been decisive when the military first overthrew president morsi & called it a coup, withdrawing our aid to egypt would have sent a stronger message however, he still hasn't done that so, we here's where we are...http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2013/08/19/white-house-says-egyptian-aid-decision-evolving-after-congress-urges-action/
it's like his 'assad must go & syria better not cross that line'---assad's still there &, they supposedly did cross the line. it's like his 'our words must mean more then words' in reference to his speech in prague (2009) when north korea defiantly sent up a missile. it's like his constant warnings to iran concerning their quest to have nukes. it's like his telling us that al qadea has been decimated & is on the run & yet, they're alive & thriving. it's like his telling us that we are safer now then we were 4 plus years ago however, we won't count benghazi against him because he called it a phony scandal &, we can't hold the boston bombings against him because we didn't understand that russia was warning us. it's like his telling us the borders are more secure then they were 4 plus years ago & yet, we can't count the violence & border agents bryan terry's death against him because obama lives in washington dc.
obamas problem is, he only acts on his thoughts---the hell with everybody else. he won't even accept suggestions from his own panals---he tries to please both sides &, in this day & age, you can't. nobody seems to respect of fear our country---we have lost a lot of face under obama & there's no way we can reclaim our spot in the world with him & his at the helm...
how's this for respect...http://www.foxnews.com/world/2013/08/20/gulf-nations-split-with-west-to-back-egyptian-military/
had obama been decisive when the military first overthrew president morsi & called it a coup, withdrawing our aid to egypt would have sent a stronger message however, he still hasn't done that so, we here's where we are...http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2013/08/19/white-house-says-egyptian-aid-decision-evolving-after-congress-urges-action/
hello america!!! when this was brought up during the debates, the repubs were cast aside as if they didn't know what they were talking about---here it is less then a year later &, guess what? the repubs were correct, however, nobody from obama & company will ever apologize.
good people, food stamps are a problem: yes, many, many people actually need them however, many, many more abuse the system because under obama, they don't have to look for work. once people are on the food stamps rolls, there is no accountability accept to fill out another form when their year expires. there are far too many homes where people are receiving gov't benefits & have given up being a productive member of society. too many members in those same homes can work, should work but refuse to even think of working. they almost make ends meet however, they're always borrowing, out of food, behind in bills &, you'll always hear them say, 'we just have to make it until next month'.
mandate that they physically seek employment...
good people, food stamps are a problem: yes, many, many people actually need them however, many, many more abuse the system because under obama, they don't have to look for work. once people are on the food stamps rolls, there is no accountability accept to fill out another form when their year expires. there are far too many homes where people are receiving gov't benefits & have given up being a productive member of society. too many members in those same homes can work, should work but refuse to even think of working. they almost make ends meet however, they're always borrowing, out of food, behind in bills &, you'll always hear them say, 'we just have to make it until next month'.
mandate that they physically seek employment...
Sunday, August 18, 2013
hello america!!! let me see if i have this right:::::our congressional people & their staffers don't want obamacare; the unions (now that they've read the law) don't want obamacare; many schools & colleges are trying to go to 30 hour work-weeks for faculty on down so as to avoid obamacare; too many company's are going to 30 hour work-weeks so as to avoid obamacare; obama has delayed the implementation of several parts of obamacare---to include the signing up of those with pre-existing conditions; our police & fire departments don't want obamacare; obamacare is more confusing now then when (then speaker of the house) nancy pelosi said 'we have to pass the bill so you can find out what's in it'---so much so that the feds have released $67 million to help americans shop for obamacare; obamacare will not be fully implemented on time regardless of what the law says; too many doctors & hospitals don't want obamacare; too many states don't want obamacare------
hell, the only group left are the middle-class (you know, those people obama vowed to help) &, when you sort through all of obamas bs, they're going to be the only ones facing the obamacare mandate come this january...
i ask this of obama & the dems, if obamacare is so good for america, why don't you sign up for it & lead by example??????
hell, the only group left are the middle-class (you know, those people obama vowed to help) &, when you sort through all of obamas bs, they're going to be the only ones facing the obamacare mandate come this january...
i ask this of obama & the dems, if obamacare is so good for america, why don't you sign up for it & lead by example??????
Thursday, August 15, 2013
hello america!!! i'll begin like this::::::THANK YOU CBS...i was amazed to find this coming from a pro-obama news outlet..................
good people, from 2010 to the present, we still don't have answers to many, many questions because of all the lying & stonewalling by obama & company...
as is usual with this admin, when the media finds out about something, obama & company automatically lie about it until they get fenced in. then they resort to stonewalling, distortion, distraction & blaming others.........
it's gotten to the point where they don't know what to do so, obama came out & called all of the scandals 'phony'---
well, he's entitled to his 'free speech' even though he would like to 'stifle' ours however::::::what's 'phony' about allowing guns to be bought by known criminals & shortly afterwards, losing track of them & yet, one killed border agent bryan terry & others are continually turning up at various crime-scenes. we still don't have a number on how many are still outstanding or whether they're in the states or mexico....nobody has been held accountable & obama, because he doesn't want certain information released to the congressional investigations even gave ag william holder (who has been found to be in contempt of congress) executive privilege---
the dems are ruining our country & we need to vote them out of office...
good people, from 2010 to the present, we still don't have answers to many, many questions because of all the lying & stonewalling by obama & company...
as is usual with this admin, when the media finds out about something, obama & company automatically lie about it until they get fenced in. then they resort to stonewalling, distortion, distraction & blaming others.........
it's gotten to the point where they don't know what to do so, obama came out & called all of the scandals 'phony'---
well, he's entitled to his 'free speech' even though he would like to 'stifle' ours however::::::what's 'phony' about allowing guns to be bought by known criminals & shortly afterwards, losing track of them & yet, one killed border agent bryan terry & others are continually turning up at various crime-scenes. we still don't have a number on how many are still outstanding or whether they're in the states or mexico....nobody has been held accountable & obama, because he doesn't want certain information released to the congressional investigations even gave ag william holder (who has been found to be in contempt of congress) executive privilege---
the dems are ruining our country & we need to vote them out of office...
hello america!!! former rep jackson wasn't sorry when he was doing his dirty deeds---&, if you care to remember, he disappeared for a while & finally resigned...
it's amazing how everybody is so sorry after they've been found guilty of wrong-doing. what's also amazing is: how quiet the dems have been on this & yet, they can't seem to holler loud enough when it comes to the repubs who get in trouble..........
the above reminds me of how quiet the dems were when dem rep, charles rangel, was going through his ordeal with all his denials...http://www.politico.com/news/stories/1110/45198.html
& please, don't forget (former dem rep) anthony weiner who resigned because of sexting in 2011 who, supposedly sought treatment, joined the mayoral race in nyc in apr 2013 only to be involved in more sexting since then...
in looking back 4 1/2 years, you will be extremely hard-pressed to find a dem (from obama on down) that has told us the truth about anything....
i am in no way saying that repubs are saints however, they can & will run our country a hell of lot better then obama & company has &, if you don't start following ALL THE NEWS, hilary clinton is going to have a good shot at following obama...
nor am i saying we aren't ready for a female president---we are but not hilary. she was the head of our state department for four years & you see where that got us plus, she failed desperately with everything benghazi related...
i almost forgot this one; hilary missed all the warnings & signs that led to the boston bombings; especially the direct warnings from russia----obama & hilary should have been able to prevent both the boston bombings & the attacks in benghazi but didn't---HOW COULD YOU EVEN POSSIBLY CONSIDER HER TO LEAD OUR NATION? SHE HAS ALREADY FAILED US!!!
it's amazing how everybody is so sorry after they've been found guilty of wrong-doing. what's also amazing is: how quiet the dems have been on this & yet, they can't seem to holler loud enough when it comes to the repubs who get in trouble..........
the above reminds me of how quiet the dems were when dem rep, charles rangel, was going through his ordeal with all his denials...http://www.politico.com/news/stories/1110/45198.html
& please, don't forget (former dem rep) anthony weiner who resigned because of sexting in 2011 who, supposedly sought treatment, joined the mayoral race in nyc in apr 2013 only to be involved in more sexting since then...
in looking back 4 1/2 years, you will be extremely hard-pressed to find a dem (from obama on down) that has told us the truth about anything....
i am in no way saying that repubs are saints however, they can & will run our country a hell of lot better then obama & company has &, if you don't start following ALL THE NEWS, hilary clinton is going to have a good shot at following obama...
nor am i saying we aren't ready for a female president---we are but not hilary. she was the head of our state department for four years & you see where that got us plus, she failed desperately with everything benghazi related...
i almost forgot this one; hilary missed all the warnings & signs that led to the boston bombings; especially the direct warnings from russia----obama & hilary should have been able to prevent both the boston bombings & the attacks in benghazi but didn't---HOW COULD YOU EVEN POSSIBLY CONSIDER HER TO LEAD OUR NATION? SHE HAS ALREADY FAILED US!!!
hello america!!! who even bothers to listen to us anymore? our words no longer carry the full weight of our convictions...so, this is no surprise...http://news.yahoo.com/exclusive-west-warned-egypts-sisi-end-dont-195719007.html
we may not have liked or agreed with the muslim brotherhood but, they were elected to office democratically &, they were swept from office by the military & yet, we won't put our foot down & stop aiding these people...
we may not have liked or agreed with the muslim brotherhood but, they were elected to office democratically &, they were swept from office by the military & yet, we won't put our foot down & stop aiding these people...
hello america!!! when i see things like the following, i often wonder why no one has asked obama if he would personally invest some of his own money in these ventures???????
hello america!!! like all the other important issues obama & company lied to us about, here is another one...
it's 1:45am/est-8/15/2013 & i can't find abc, cbs, cnn or, nbc reporting on this issue within the first 5 pages of google---now why is that?
good people, if the media had of been doing its job correctly, they would print the 'good & bad' about obama but, as you can see, it's not working like that & yet, they all want foxnews to close up shop.
here's the doj's up-date...http://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/2012/October/12-ag-1216.html
& here's obamas ag, william holder on 9 oct 2012---just prior to the elections...
seemingly, all we've gotten from obama & company is lie after lie after lie &, when they can't lie anymore, they either 'stonewall' the truth coming out or, as in the case of the scandals, brand them as phony & blame the repubs...
i wonder how the rest of the media will respond to this issue!!!!!!!!!!!
good people, we need to restore our country to its greatness & we won't be able to do that until we can throw the dems out of power......
it's 1:45am/est-8/15/2013 & i can't find abc, cbs, cnn or, nbc reporting on this issue within the first 5 pages of google---now why is that?
good people, if the media had of been doing its job correctly, they would print the 'good & bad' about obama but, as you can see, it's not working like that & yet, they all want foxnews to close up shop.
here's the doj's up-date...http://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/2012/October/12-ag-1216.html
& here's obamas ag, william holder on 9 oct 2012---just prior to the elections...
seemingly, all we've gotten from obama & company is lie after lie after lie &, when they can't lie anymore, they either 'stonewall' the truth coming out or, as in the case of the scandals, brand them as phony & blame the repubs...
i wonder how the rest of the media will respond to this issue!!!!!!!!!!!
good people, we need to restore our country to its greatness & we won't be able to do that until we can throw the dems out of power......
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
hello america!!! i'm so glad we don't have 'free speech' in this country---wait a minute, that 'free speech' depends on who's doing the talking...check this video out...http://therightscoop.com/obama-ive-never-called-anyone-unpatriotic-oh-wait-a-minute-yes-i-have/
can you remember sen harry reid using the senate floor to say somebody told him that gov romney didn't pay taxes? can you remember the ad attack on rep paul ryan...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OGnE83A1Z4U
can you remember sen harry reid using the senate floor to say somebody told him that gov romney didn't pay taxes? can you remember the ad attack on rep paul ryan...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OGnE83A1Z4U
so, what in the hell is wrong about this...aug 10, 2013
when you have americans doing this...
& this
& yet, the very same people that speak out about the clown making fun of obama are silent on all the rest...
look you idiots...when you fight to keep GOD & prayers out of our schools & homes, (etc), &, you allow the late-night talk hosts to make fun of public officials & obama, how can you suddenly draw a line & say something has crossed the line. when have you ever heard obama condemn the burning of our flag in the muslim country's??? where was your pathetic voice when they made fun of pres bush???
WAKE UP!!! you all raise hell about a clown & yet, you're extremely silent on the scandals that have rocked the obama admin....
hello america!!! as long as the congressional hearings are on-going, more info will come out that obama & company would rather keep concealed. if these scandals were truly 'phony' obama & company would not be stonewalling the investigations---they would welcome the truth to come out---however, that is not the case. it seems that every day we learn of another 'disappointing developement' that makes the press; or, to put it another way, doesn't make the press. if the following is true, obama should have been the first to tell us...
http://www.cnsnews.com/news/article/benghazi-was-about-400-surface-air-missiles-stolen-some-very-ugly-people-digenova-says on the other hand, benghazi happened just before the elections &, if what we now know had of come out before people cast their vote, obama may very well have lost. from obama on down, the truth about what really happened in benghazi & why should be allowed to come out. please, after you read the above link, scroll to the bottom of that page & click on some of the related issues...
as far as the other big scandal, our irs, every day we learn of something new. the following was revealed during the congressional hearings...http://www.nationalreview.com/article/348428/nine-lies-lois-lerner-kevin-williamson
then you have this...the irs may have shared personal data with the fec &, hold on to your seat, we have this & there must be something to it...http://www.wcpo.com/dpp/news/political/house-oversight-committee-louis-lerner-used-personal-email-for-irs-business
now mind you, we have obama that said these all these scandals are 'phony' &, that's after he first acknowledged them as problems....
we still don't have the full story on the gun-walking program however, you be the judge.
http://www.cnsnews.com/news/article/benghazi-was-about-400-surface-air-missiles-stolen-some-very-ugly-people-digenova-says on the other hand, benghazi happened just before the elections &, if what we now know had of come out before people cast their vote, obama may very well have lost. from obama on down, the truth about what really happened in benghazi & why should be allowed to come out. please, after you read the above link, scroll to the bottom of that page & click on some of the related issues...
as far as the other big scandal, our irs, every day we learn of something new. the following was revealed during the congressional hearings...http://www.nationalreview.com/article/348428/nine-lies-lois-lerner-kevin-williamson
then you have this...the irs may have shared personal data with the fec &, hold on to your seat, we have this & there must be something to it...http://www.wcpo.com/dpp/news/political/house-oversight-committee-louis-lerner-used-personal-email-for-irs-business
now mind you, we have obama that said these all these scandals are 'phony' &, that's after he first acknowledged them as problems....
we still don't have the full story on the gun-walking program however, you be the judge.
Sunday, August 11, 2013
hello america!!!
1.....our border with mexico is no safer now then it was 4 1/2 years ago---thank you hilary; great job
2.....drugs & illegals are still entering our country from mexico---thank you hilary; great job
3.....iran is still hell-bent on having nukes just as much now (if not more) then 4 1/2 years ago & defy us every step of the way---thank you hilary; great job
4.....north korea is still hell-bent on having nukes just as much now (if not more) then 4 1/2 years ago & defy us every step of the way---thank you hilary; great job
5.....the middle east is just as unstable now (if not more) then it was 4 1/2 years ago---thank you hilary; great job
6.....cuba is as much a thorn in our butts now (if not more) a it was 4 1/2 years ago---thank you hilary; great job
7.....russia & china are more of a problem to us now then 4 1/2 years ago---thank you hilary; great job
8.....many, many country's still suppress the right of its citizens due to their sex, religion, political affiliation, & sexual preference---thank you hilary; great job
9.....there is just as much conflict in africa today (if not more) then there was 4 1/2 years ago---thank you hilary; great job
10...what happened in benghazi could have been prevented if our state department had of been doing its job instead of trying to make obama look good---thank you hilary; great job
11...when i see the state departments list of travel warnings, i can't find where our state department made it safer for anybody to go there---thank you hilary; great job
12...israel wasn't at the peace table---thank you hilary; great job
13...people all over the world are as hungry now (if not more) as they were 4 1/2 years ago---thank you hilary; great job
exactly what did hilary clinton do during her stint as secretary of state that made a visible, positive difference in this world???
&, to hilary: yes it matters how our people died because all the warning signs went ignored...
1.....our border with mexico is no safer now then it was 4 1/2 years ago---thank you hilary; great job
2.....drugs & illegals are still entering our country from mexico---thank you hilary; great job
3.....iran is still hell-bent on having nukes just as much now (if not more) then 4 1/2 years ago & defy us every step of the way---thank you hilary; great job
4.....north korea is still hell-bent on having nukes just as much now (if not more) then 4 1/2 years ago & defy us every step of the way---thank you hilary; great job
5.....the middle east is just as unstable now (if not more) then it was 4 1/2 years ago---thank you hilary; great job
6.....cuba is as much a thorn in our butts now (if not more) a it was 4 1/2 years ago---thank you hilary; great job
7.....russia & china are more of a problem to us now then 4 1/2 years ago---thank you hilary; great job
8.....many, many country's still suppress the right of its citizens due to their sex, religion, political affiliation, & sexual preference---thank you hilary; great job
9.....there is just as much conflict in africa today (if not more) then there was 4 1/2 years ago---thank you hilary; great job
10...what happened in benghazi could have been prevented if our state department had of been doing its job instead of trying to make obama look good---thank you hilary; great job
11...when i see the state departments list of travel warnings, i can't find where our state department made it safer for anybody to go there---thank you hilary; great job
12...israel wasn't at the peace table---thank you hilary; great job
13...people all over the world are as hungry now (if not more) as they were 4 1/2 years ago---thank you hilary; great job
exactly what did hilary clinton do during her stint as secretary of state that made a visible, positive difference in this world???
&, to hilary: yes it matters how our people died because all the warning signs went ignored...
Thursday, August 8, 2013
hello america!!! guess what??? if you are 18 or older, 'you will need to present a valid, government-issued id' to visit the whitehouse. you're supposed to set your tour up through your own member of congress in advance &, the info you submit to them 'must exactly match the info on your gov't issued id'...
well, suppose i'm black or latino & can't afford an id, can i still tour the whitehouse??? after all, obtaining a valid, gov't issued id may create an undo hardship on me both distance-wise & financially so, can i get a break?
no, i'm not crazy. i was checking to see the status of whitehouse visits & this is what i found & honestly, i wasn't even looking for it...http://www.whitehouse.gov/about/tours-and-events &, this site is up-to-date...
if the 'valid id card' issue was not so serious, i'd be laughing my butt off. obama & company have said that forcing people of color to get a valid gov't issued id card would create an undo hardship on them & yet, they expect them to overcome that hardship to vote; attend congressional black caucus meetings; become productive members of our society; etc..............
the above should prove to you just how hypocritical obama & company are........
well, suppose i'm black or latino & can't afford an id, can i still tour the whitehouse??? after all, obtaining a valid, gov't issued id may create an undo hardship on me both distance-wise & financially so, can i get a break?
no, i'm not crazy. i was checking to see the status of whitehouse visits & this is what i found & honestly, i wasn't even looking for it...http://www.whitehouse.gov/about/tours-and-events &, this site is up-to-date...
if the 'valid id card' issue was not so serious, i'd be laughing my butt off. obama & company have said that forcing people of color to get a valid gov't issued id card would create an undo hardship on them & yet, they expect them to overcome that hardship to vote; attend congressional black caucus meetings; become productive members of our society; etc..............
the above should prove to you just how hypocritical obama & company are........
hello america!!! everybody is telling you we're broke & yet, obama doesn't act like we are: as seen here...
while i'm in favor of this country helping the smaller ones, i am not in favor of helping them more then we help ourselves...for some, this may not even be on your radar however, if obama would use just a portion of that money to set up a gov't mobile agency to reach the 'out-laying' areas, he could offer those 'disenfranchised people' id cards & that would put that argument to bed.........
while i'm in favor of this country helping the smaller ones, i am not in favor of helping them more then we help ourselves...for some, this may not even be on your radar however, if obama would use just a portion of that money to set up a gov't mobile agency to reach the 'out-laying' areas, he could offer those 'disenfranchised people' id cards & that would put that argument to bed.........
hello america!!! yeah, i know, i'm a butt-head however, obama will do this...http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2013/08/07/feds-say-will-stop-cotton-payments-to-brazil/?test=latestnews & yet, he won't suspend money & aid going to country's that don't like us. pakistan & egypt should have been cut off a long time ago.
&, just for the record, here's obama & brazil march 11, 2011...http://www.examiner.com/article/obama-to-brazil-we-will-buy-your-oil-after-giving-you-2-billion-to-drill-it
also for the record, obama is against us drilling our own oil...........
&, just for the record, here's obama & brazil march 11, 2011...http://www.examiner.com/article/obama-to-brazil-we-will-buy-your-oil-after-giving-you-2-billion-to-drill-it
also for the record, obama is against us drilling our own oil...........
hello america!!! once an idiot, always an idiot....what can we possibly gain from the following?????????????
knowing that we have already released detainees only to find them fighting against us once again, where in the hell are these people supposed to go. once they're released in yemen, they're going to be seen as martyr's & used to recruit even more members to al qaeda.
on the other hand, perhaps obama is thinking that they will join him for breakfast & all will be forgiven...
however, what can you reasonably expect from somebody that actually believes al qaeda is 'decimated & on the run'????
knowing that we have already released detainees only to find them fighting against us once again, where in the hell are these people supposed to go. once they're released in yemen, they're going to be seen as martyr's & used to recruit even more members to al qaeda.
on the other hand, perhaps obama is thinking that they will join him for breakfast & all will be forgiven...
however, what can you reasonably expect from somebody that actually believes al qaeda is 'decimated & on the run'????
Sunday, August 4, 2013
hello america!!! people of color, i must ask??? exactly what did your vote for obama get you? many of you can say: extended unemployment compensation; food stamps; &, much easier access to welfare & disability. well, so much for your american dream.
what many of you cannot say is: inclusion in a better way forward; a way to buy &/or keep your homes; a way to put your kids through college; a way to prosper as a people & an american; &, most importantly, employment.
what happened to travon martin was a travesty however, the evidence did not support the charges against zimmerman. for obama & our (so-called) civil rights leaders to focus on this one case is ludicrous. where is their outrage concerning black-on-black or latino-on-latino crime? where is their outrage that the jobs obama promised them are nonexistent?
good people, our national unemployment rate has fallen to 7.4% for the whole country yet black's are at 12.6% &, latino's are at 9.4%...hell, on obamas recent trip to africa, he cautioned them not to leave the children behind & yet, he hasn't addressed the 23.7% unemployment rate for our very own teenagers.
please tell me i'm blowing hot air & then read & explain this: our 16-19 year old blacks have an unemployment rate of 41.6% & nobody even seems to know or mention it. more importantly, nobody seems to have any plans to even try to change that rate.
look, we could split hairs about all the jobs numbers however, they come from our gov't as seen here...
in july 2013, 162,000 new jobs were filled &, it sounds good until you look july's new unemployment claims:
week ending 6 july---360,000
13 july---336,000
20 july---345,000
27 july---326,000
how in the hell can obama & company be happy about the disparity between 162,000 jobs gained & the 1,367,000 jobs lost?
just think about this: we lost 1,367,000 jobs last month alone & obama & company (along with some repubs) want to add 11 million people to the rolls---people of color, you should be extremely upset by all the numbers.
what many of you cannot say is: inclusion in a better way forward; a way to buy &/or keep your homes; a way to put your kids through college; a way to prosper as a people & an american; &, most importantly, employment.
what happened to travon martin was a travesty however, the evidence did not support the charges against zimmerman. for obama & our (so-called) civil rights leaders to focus on this one case is ludicrous. where is their outrage concerning black-on-black or latino-on-latino crime? where is their outrage that the jobs obama promised them are nonexistent?
good people, our national unemployment rate has fallen to 7.4% for the whole country yet black's are at 12.6% &, latino's are at 9.4%...hell, on obamas recent trip to africa, he cautioned them not to leave the children behind & yet, he hasn't addressed the 23.7% unemployment rate for our very own teenagers.
please tell me i'm blowing hot air & then read & explain this: our 16-19 year old blacks have an unemployment rate of 41.6% & nobody even seems to know or mention it. more importantly, nobody seems to have any plans to even try to change that rate.
look, we could split hairs about all the jobs numbers however, they come from our gov't as seen here...
in july 2013, 162,000 new jobs were filled &, it sounds good until you look july's new unemployment claims:
week ending 6 july---360,000
13 july---336,000
20 july---345,000
27 july---326,000
how in the hell can obama & company be happy about the disparity between 162,000 jobs gained & the 1,367,000 jobs lost?
just think about this: we lost 1,367,000 jobs last month alone & obama & company (along with some repubs) want to add 11 million people to the rolls---people of color, you should be extremely upset by all the numbers.
Friday, August 2, 2013
hello america!!! i'm so glad that obamas 'reset button' is working. he should be furious about the following...
hello america!!! please ask obama what these people are talking about. he said obamacare would be affordable & listed ny & cali to prove it....why didn't he list the others that prove it's not as affordable as he thinks???http://smallbusiness.yahoo.com/advisor/ohio-rates-services-increase-under-health-law-194049589.html
hello america!!! this is just one more of obamas sterling examples of his way is best for our country &, his stimulus did not, is not &, will not work...http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2013/08/01/us-homeownership-tanks-obama-pivots-back-to-housing/
obama mocks the numbers (even from the state deparment) that the keystone pipeline could provide. he should accept anybody willing to put americans back to work---he can't.
&, as usual, he wants to invest in infrastructure one more time---a stimulus is just a boost. when the bridges & roads are fixed & the money dries up, those employed become unemployed once again...
his stimulus was supposed to keep people in their homes---don't you think it's time he should revise what it actually did?
obama mocks the numbers (even from the state deparment) that the keystone pipeline could provide. he should accept anybody willing to put americans back to work---he can't.
&, as usual, he wants to invest in infrastructure one more time---a stimulus is just a boost. when the bridges & roads are fixed & the money dries up, those employed become unemployed once again...
his stimulus was supposed to keep people in their homes---don't you think it's time he should revise what it actually did?
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
hello america!!! i told you in the beginning that obama was not good for this country &, his actions have proved that beyond any doubt. it seems that whatever he touches instantly fails. most of his past associates have been throw under the bus & forgotten---one could even argue that oprah was a casualty.
contrary to what obama & company have told you, obamas stimulus failed this country. it was sold to you as the 'cure-all' for our ailing economy &, it did not live up to it's billing. had he told us he was just putting a band-aid on a very serious cut to stem the bleeding, he would have been correct. however, the cut never stopped bleeding.
look at all the 'green' programs he's poured our money in & look at their failure rate. do you remember caterpillar???http://finance.yahoo.com/news/caterpillar-2q-profit-falls-43-pct-cuts-outlook-122818136.html
can you remember his housing program???http://www.localnews8.com/lifestyle/money/watchdog-borrowers-in-obama-housing-program-redefaulting/-/461672/21137896/-/y77kcz/-/index.html
obama has that 'gift of gab' & he could sell water to a fish...look at how we are actually falling apart because of this one persons policy's....
contrary to what obama & company have told you, obamas stimulus failed this country. it was sold to you as the 'cure-all' for our ailing economy &, it did not live up to it's billing. had he told us he was just putting a band-aid on a very serious cut to stem the bleeding, he would have been correct. however, the cut never stopped bleeding.
look at all the 'green' programs he's poured our money in & look at their failure rate. do you remember caterpillar???http://finance.yahoo.com/news/caterpillar-2q-profit-falls-43-pct-cuts-outlook-122818136.html
can you remember his housing program???http://www.localnews8.com/lifestyle/money/watchdog-borrowers-in-obama-housing-program-redefaulting/-/461672/21137896/-/y77kcz/-/index.html
obama has that 'gift of gab' & he could sell water to a fish...look at how we are actually falling apart because of this one persons policy's....
hello america!!! this is a follow up to my previous post & should cast a shadow on obamas willingness to put america back to work...http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2013/07/30/obama-low-ball-keystone-fact-check/
Monday, July 29, 2013
hello america!!! isn't this the very same 'keystone pipeline' that obama said he was going to do all he could do to put approval on the fast-track???http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2013/07/29/obama-comments-on-keystone-sparks-ire-more-concerns-about-projects-future/
i told you in the beginning, obama does not care about jobs growth &, to date, all of his actions are proving that statement to be 100% correct.
i told you in the beginning, obama does not care about jobs growth &, to date, all of his actions are proving that statement to be 100% correct.
hello america!!! the following is the absolute truth regarding obamacare & employment &, the repubs could not find a better example...http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2013/07/29/workers-at-obamacare-call-center-angry-after-being-offered-jobs-without-health/
this is not what the people expected & hey, please take a look at how 'affordable' healthcare coverage is for those that are part-time...http://www.contracostatimes.com/rss/ci_23733819
you were told in the early days, when obama & company were first talking obamacare, that it would hurt employment. need you look any further to find our it has, it is &, it will continue to do so.
the only good thing about obamacare was the 'pre-existing conditions' mandate &, even that has run into problems. obama has suspended accepting new applicants suffering from pre-existing conditions until further notice...http://tavernkeepers.com/obamacare-suspended-pre-existing-condition-coverage/ &, please don't forget the way 'snuck' that $63 fee per person on everybody with coverage to help pay for the pre-existing conditions part.
ever since obamacare was signed into law, obama has had more then enough time to see that it would be fully operational come jan 1 2014 however, he just 'suspended' the emplorer mandate for one year while leaving 'intact' the individual mandate-------in other words, he going to give 'big business's' a break & force the middle-class to obtain their own coverage. so much for 'fairness!!!!!!!
like nancy pelosi said, 'we have to pass the bill to find out what's in it' &, other then her, obama & harry reid, nobody seems to like it. obama has even said, 'once you get obamacare you'll like it' however, spending millions of our dollars on getting the word out is not likable....
this is not what the people expected & hey, please take a look at how 'affordable' healthcare coverage is for those that are part-time...http://www.contracostatimes.com/rss/ci_23733819
you were told in the early days, when obama & company were first talking obamacare, that it would hurt employment. need you look any further to find our it has, it is &, it will continue to do so.
the only good thing about obamacare was the 'pre-existing conditions' mandate &, even that has run into problems. obama has suspended accepting new applicants suffering from pre-existing conditions until further notice...http://tavernkeepers.com/obamacare-suspended-pre-existing-condition-coverage/ &, please don't forget the way 'snuck' that $63 fee per person on everybody with coverage to help pay for the pre-existing conditions part.
ever since obamacare was signed into law, obama has had more then enough time to see that it would be fully operational come jan 1 2014 however, he just 'suspended' the emplorer mandate for one year while leaving 'intact' the individual mandate-------in other words, he going to give 'big business's' a break & force the middle-class to obtain their own coverage. so much for 'fairness!!!!!!!
like nancy pelosi said, 'we have to pass the bill to find out what's in it' &, other then her, obama & harry reid, nobody seems to like it. obama has even said, 'once you get obamacare you'll like it' however, spending millions of our dollars on getting the word out is not likable....
Sunday, July 28, 2013
hello america!!! the pro-obama media blindly support obama & that's a fact. truth be told, if it were not for them, obama would have never won either election. so, it's no wonder that they continue to support him by 'ignoring' or 'down-playing' anything negative about him. this comes as no surprise to me---actually, i expected it...http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2013/07/27/are-media-buying-into-phony-scandal-claim/
anybody that actually believes that the 'scandals' rocking the obama admin are 'phony' & are just 'distractions' are idiots. PERIOD...
i defy the media to answers these five (there could be many more) questions as honestly as they can::::::
1. if border agent (brian terry) were your son, would you be satisfied with the answers you haven't gotten?
2. if your son was one of the four americans that were killed in benghazi or, one of those that had been wounded, would you be satisfied with the answers you haven't gotten?
3. if that had of been your own reporter (&/or news agency) that had had their phone & email records searched, would you be satisfied with the answers you haven't gotten?
4. if that had of been your own organization that had been unfairly targeted by the irs, would you be satisfied with the answers you haven't gotten?
5. how can you stay silent about the nsa going through your phone & email records?
we all know what your honest answer would be...look, quit 'slanting' the news & report it as honestly as you can. all of the five mentioned events began under obamas 'so-called' leadership & yes, he screwed it up. in a nutshell, obama is ultimately responsible for the actions of all of those below him & no side-stepping can get around that fact.
the scandals are not 'phony' nor are they 'distractions' &, above all else, they are not republican made. they should be investigated & reported honestly & openly...
anybody that actually believes that the 'scandals' rocking the obama admin are 'phony' & are just 'distractions' are idiots. PERIOD...
i defy the media to answers these five (there could be many more) questions as honestly as they can::::::
1. if border agent (brian terry) were your son, would you be satisfied with the answers you haven't gotten?
2. if your son was one of the four americans that were killed in benghazi or, one of those that had been wounded, would you be satisfied with the answers you haven't gotten?
3. if that had of been your own reporter (&/or news agency) that had had their phone & email records searched, would you be satisfied with the answers you haven't gotten?
4. if that had of been your own organization that had been unfairly targeted by the irs, would you be satisfied with the answers you haven't gotten?
5. how can you stay silent about the nsa going through your phone & email records?
we all know what your honest answer would be...look, quit 'slanting' the news & report it as honestly as you can. all of the five mentioned events began under obamas 'so-called' leadership & yes, he screwed it up. in a nutshell, obama is ultimately responsible for the actions of all of those below him & no side-stepping can get around that fact.
the scandals are not 'phony' nor are they 'distractions' &, above all else, they are not republican made. they should be investigated & reported honestly & openly...
Saturday, July 27, 2013
hello america!!! nothing is sacred to obama except his own wants. the following has to border on insanity...
if obama has his way, daycare centers will unknowingly hire convicted child molesters; banks would unknowingly hire convicted armed robbers, etc. however, anybody applying for a secret service job will undergo a rigorous background check.
i guess if you a have a 3-time convicted dui person applying for a driving job, you won't have the option to find out about it.
just because a man attended harvard & columbia doesn't mean he can't be an idiot...
if obama has his way, daycare centers will unknowingly hire convicted child molesters; banks would unknowingly hire convicted armed robbers, etc. however, anybody applying for a secret service job will undergo a rigorous background check.
i guess if you a have a 3-time convicted dui person applying for a driving job, you won't have the option to find out about it.
just because a man attended harvard & columbia doesn't mean he can't be an idiot...
hello america!!! it's amazing what the computer shows...i've been watching (real-time) what's been going on in syria with a syrian & he's been kind enough to translate for me. he's shown me the devastation & killings that have become a part of syrian's every day life. it seems it's the rebels that are causing all the hell--at least from my friends point of view--& that assad is good for the country while we say he must go. &, you have this...http://online.wsj.com/article/BT-CO-20130727-700951.html?mod=googlenews_wsj
all i know is: the mid east is very unstable---contrary to what obama & company would have you believe---&, there doesn't seem to be any stability coming in the near future.
when all of the people took to the streets before the 'arab spring', obama was all over it. now that it's ended, nothing has been settled except to show that his mid east policy should be rethought.
this comes from cbs & you should actually take the time to use the arrow to see what's happened since the arab spring...http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-202_162-57595817/massive-jailbreak-near-benghazi-libya-lets-more-than-1000-inmates-free/
all i know is: the mid east is very unstable---contrary to what obama & company would have you believe---&, there doesn't seem to be any stability coming in the near future.
when all of the people took to the streets before the 'arab spring', obama was all over it. now that it's ended, nothing has been settled except to show that his mid east policy should be rethought.
this comes from cbs & you should actually take the time to use the arrow to see what's happened since the arab spring...http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-202_162-57595817/massive-jailbreak-near-benghazi-libya-lets-more-than-1000-inmates-free/
hello america!!! let's look at those 'phony scandals'...
the fed gov't (atf & the justice depart) allowed guns to be sold so they could track them to the mexican cartels but, somewhere along the line, they lost them & one of them was used to kill border agent (brian terry) while others have now been linked to other killings. both gov't agency's stonewalled the congressional investigations (&, still are) &, our ag (eric holder) was found to be in contempt of congress. the agency heads tried to blame 'much lower level' personnel which has been proved wrong. at first, nobody at the top knew anything & this has been proved wrong. the investigations are still ongoing because we still don't have the answers we so desperately need---such as:::how many guns are still outstanding? how do we prevent this from ever happening again? who was ultimately responsible & why won't that person (s) be fully punished? if there was no wrong-doing, why did holder need obama to apply executive privilege? why is the justice depart still withholding requested documents? who knew what & when did they know it? who is ultimately in control of the atf & justice depart?
obama, the state depart, the cia &, the military allowed our consulate to be attacked & overcome which directly led to the deaths of four americans & the wounding of others. the biggest problem is, they all used 'talking points' which blamed a video for the violence & yet, the attack was seen in real-time in washington dc by members of our state depart & others. there were 230 violent events (within a one year span) in libya leading up to the benghazi attack that our gov't ignored; our security was (at best) extremely weak &, the budget was not the reason; requests for additional security were denied; their safe-house was also attacked. why were the talking points changed &, who's responsible for that? why are so many different versions being uncovered at the congressional hearings? why weren't attempts made to rescue our people? what can we do to prevent this from ever happening again? why are the department heads still stonewalling the investigation? 10 months later & we still have a lot of unanswered questions. who knew what & when did they know it? who is ultimately in charge of the state department, cia &, military?
i must say that obama did say 'these acts of terror will not go unpunished' however, he did not label the benghazi attack an act of terror perse....
C)---james rosen & foxnews
at first, our ag (eric holder) didn't know anything about foxnews reporter (james rosen) having his phone & email records searched & yet, he's the one that signed off for the warrant. he lied to congress while under oath & seemingly, he lied to the judge that issued the warrant. &, as usual, he's still stonewalling congress. how come holder only went after foxnews? who is ultimately in charge of our justice department?
D)---nsa spying
at first, the heads of several departments denied that our phone & email records were being spied on however, the truth has started to imerge. under oath, department heads lied to congress---there's a pattern here---& they should be held accountable. the investigation is still ongoing. what's to stop this from ever happening again? who is ultimately in charge of the nsa & fbi?
E)---secret service
this agency had a problem from the very beginning of obamas first term. if you care to remember, they allowed uninvited guests to attend obamas parties & rub elbows with him & his wife. they are also guilty of prostitution problems as well as raucous behavior. when their problems were first leaked, they were denied. who is ultimately in charge of the secret service?
F)---homeland security
sexual inappropriate comments, lewd behavior &, bribery have rocked this agency. of course, nobody knew anything in the beginning & yet, it's all been proved true. who is ultimately in charge of homeland security?
first, nobody at the irs selectively targeted certain groups or people; than second, it was blamed on three low-level employees that implemented the targeting program; than third, it has reached all the way to an obama political appointee in washington dc that just happened to be visiting obama just days before the targeting began. conflicting testimony has been given at the congressional hearings one person has pleaded the fifth. fitting the pattern is the lack of knowledge the various agency heads & managers have about what's going on? the investigation is still ongoing & the stonewalling continues...who knew what & when? who gave the final approval for the targeting to take place? why was it just conservative groups &/or people targeted? how do we prevent this from ever happening again? who is ultimately in charge of the irs?
out of all of the above, this one & benghazi bothers me the most. how can obama choose which part of a law he wants to follow or not? as much as i'm anti-obamacare, it is the law &, for obama to delay the implementation of a part of it (especially at this time) makes me wonder. business's have been telling the whole country how obamacare will cause them not to expand or hire people from day one &, he didn't listen to them then so, why now? if he were a man of his own rhetoric, he would have delayed the individual mandate & implemented the employer mandate---after all, that would better serve the middle-class. if obama had a problem with the law he's spent so much time on getting through congress & the supreme court, he didn't have to sign it into law. he's been telling us how much we needed it & had to have it & now, he's delaying a part of it. by what authority does he have to do this? i guess his oath means nothing!!! our executive branch of gov't is supposed to enforce the laws--PERIOD!!! hell, if the truth be told, every day, obama is acting more & more like the very tyrants he wants to overthrow in the mid east & africa. the problem here is: obama & company say they have no control over the irs (only to distance themselves from the irs scandal) & yet, when it suits their purposes, they can dictate to them, which laws they can delay.......
HYMM??? if obama has the power to delay any part of obamacare, he also has the power to tell them to delay collecting taxes on americans making $30,000 per year or less. (EXCUSE ME, I DIDN'T HEAR YOU!!!!!!!!!) obamacare (as much as i don't like it) was legally passed by both the house of reps & the senate & signed into law by obama & withstood the scrutiny of the supreme court---how can he legally delay any part of it? obamas actions are trampling on the constitution of the united states---his authority is not to make law or to decide if the law is lawful---his authority is to enforce it regardless of whether it's good or bad for our country. so yes, i have a very big problem with obamas actions & the inaction's of all members of congress to take him to court over this issue...i don't care whether or not you like obamacare, to give the employers a one year break from the employer mandate (&, i'm certain they have a hell of a lot more money then the middleclass) &, not give the middleclass that same break (&, i'm just as certain they have a whole lot less money then the employers) is not fair. & yet, obamas always preaching about looking out for the middleclass---when he has to back up his rhetoric, why do his actions always fall so short of the mark? well, if the constitution & ours law do not apply to obama, all american people of color should be more then upset. after all, doesn't he have the power to delay (for one year) the arrests of people of color for same color crimes?
obama said all of the above are 'phony scandals'...perhaps somebody within his admin should provide him with a dictionary & point out the definition of the word 'phony'. the above scandals have teeth & obama acknowledged they exist & vowed to get to the bottom of them...so much for his words.
obama is the 'phony' one for calling the above distractions & phony scandals---it's all happening under his watch & he should be held accountable. obama & company took their eye off the ball during the first 2 years of obamas first election & have never looked back. however, obama now says it's time to refocus...on what? the economy he doesn't know how to help? infrastructure---didn't work than/won't work now; green jobs investments/didn't work than/won't work now. hey, i have an idea...why not have the dem controlled senate revisit those 30 plus house-passed jobs related bill just sitting there (i'm sorry, obama doesn't want you to know that)? why not review exactly which regulations are hurting job growth? why not review exactly which taxes are hurting job growth? why not review exactly how obamacare is hurting job growth?
obama has surrounded himself with some of the 'smartest people on the planet' (his words) & this is as far as we've gotten. in truth, obama doesn't know what he's doing & those 'super-smart-idiots can't even control their own agency's &, he can't control them...............
hey, the repubs didn't start any of these scandals & that's a fact.
the fed gov't (atf & the justice depart) allowed guns to be sold so they could track them to the mexican cartels but, somewhere along the line, they lost them & one of them was used to kill border agent (brian terry) while others have now been linked to other killings. both gov't agency's stonewalled the congressional investigations (&, still are) &, our ag (eric holder) was found to be in contempt of congress. the agency heads tried to blame 'much lower level' personnel which has been proved wrong. at first, nobody at the top knew anything & this has been proved wrong. the investigations are still ongoing because we still don't have the answers we so desperately need---such as:::how many guns are still outstanding? how do we prevent this from ever happening again? who was ultimately responsible & why won't that person (s) be fully punished? if there was no wrong-doing, why did holder need obama to apply executive privilege? why is the justice depart still withholding requested documents? who knew what & when did they know it? who is ultimately in control of the atf & justice depart?
obama, the state depart, the cia &, the military allowed our consulate to be attacked & overcome which directly led to the deaths of four americans & the wounding of others. the biggest problem is, they all used 'talking points' which blamed a video for the violence & yet, the attack was seen in real-time in washington dc by members of our state depart & others. there were 230 violent events (within a one year span) in libya leading up to the benghazi attack that our gov't ignored; our security was (at best) extremely weak &, the budget was not the reason; requests for additional security were denied; their safe-house was also attacked. why were the talking points changed &, who's responsible for that? why are so many different versions being uncovered at the congressional hearings? why weren't attempts made to rescue our people? what can we do to prevent this from ever happening again? why are the department heads still stonewalling the investigation? 10 months later & we still have a lot of unanswered questions. who knew what & when did they know it? who is ultimately in charge of the state department, cia &, military?
i must say that obama did say 'these acts of terror will not go unpunished' however, he did not label the benghazi attack an act of terror perse....
C)---james rosen & foxnews
at first, our ag (eric holder) didn't know anything about foxnews reporter (james rosen) having his phone & email records searched & yet, he's the one that signed off for the warrant. he lied to congress while under oath & seemingly, he lied to the judge that issued the warrant. &, as usual, he's still stonewalling congress. how come holder only went after foxnews? who is ultimately in charge of our justice department?
D)---nsa spying
at first, the heads of several departments denied that our phone & email records were being spied on however, the truth has started to imerge. under oath, department heads lied to congress---there's a pattern here---& they should be held accountable. the investigation is still ongoing. what's to stop this from ever happening again? who is ultimately in charge of the nsa & fbi?
E)---secret service
this agency had a problem from the very beginning of obamas first term. if you care to remember, they allowed uninvited guests to attend obamas parties & rub elbows with him & his wife. they are also guilty of prostitution problems as well as raucous behavior. when their problems were first leaked, they were denied. who is ultimately in charge of the secret service?
F)---homeland security
sexual inappropriate comments, lewd behavior &, bribery have rocked this agency. of course, nobody knew anything in the beginning & yet, it's all been proved true. who is ultimately in charge of homeland security?
first, nobody at the irs selectively targeted certain groups or people; than second, it was blamed on three low-level employees that implemented the targeting program; than third, it has reached all the way to an obama political appointee in washington dc that just happened to be visiting obama just days before the targeting began. conflicting testimony has been given at the congressional hearings one person has pleaded the fifth. fitting the pattern is the lack of knowledge the various agency heads & managers have about what's going on? the investigation is still ongoing & the stonewalling continues...who knew what & when? who gave the final approval for the targeting to take place? why was it just conservative groups &/or people targeted? how do we prevent this from ever happening again? who is ultimately in charge of the irs?
out of all of the above, this one & benghazi bothers me the most. how can obama choose which part of a law he wants to follow or not? as much as i'm anti-obamacare, it is the law &, for obama to delay the implementation of a part of it (especially at this time) makes me wonder. business's have been telling the whole country how obamacare will cause them not to expand or hire people from day one &, he didn't listen to them then so, why now? if he were a man of his own rhetoric, he would have delayed the individual mandate & implemented the employer mandate---after all, that would better serve the middle-class. if obama had a problem with the law he's spent so much time on getting through congress & the supreme court, he didn't have to sign it into law. he's been telling us how much we needed it & had to have it & now, he's delaying a part of it. by what authority does he have to do this? i guess his oath means nothing!!! our executive branch of gov't is supposed to enforce the laws--PERIOD!!! hell, if the truth be told, every day, obama is acting more & more like the very tyrants he wants to overthrow in the mid east & africa. the problem here is: obama & company say they have no control over the irs (only to distance themselves from the irs scandal) & yet, when it suits their purposes, they can dictate to them, which laws they can delay.......
HYMM??? if obama has the power to delay any part of obamacare, he also has the power to tell them to delay collecting taxes on americans making $30,000 per year or less. (EXCUSE ME, I DIDN'T HEAR YOU!!!!!!!!!) obamacare (as much as i don't like it) was legally passed by both the house of reps & the senate & signed into law by obama & withstood the scrutiny of the supreme court---how can he legally delay any part of it? obamas actions are trampling on the constitution of the united states---his authority is not to make law or to decide if the law is lawful---his authority is to enforce it regardless of whether it's good or bad for our country. so yes, i have a very big problem with obamas actions & the inaction's of all members of congress to take him to court over this issue...i don't care whether or not you like obamacare, to give the employers a one year break from the employer mandate (&, i'm certain they have a hell of a lot more money then the middleclass) &, not give the middleclass that same break (&, i'm just as certain they have a whole lot less money then the employers) is not fair. & yet, obamas always preaching about looking out for the middleclass---when he has to back up his rhetoric, why do his actions always fall so short of the mark? well, if the constitution & ours law do not apply to obama, all american people of color should be more then upset. after all, doesn't he have the power to delay (for one year) the arrests of people of color for same color crimes?
obama said all of the above are 'phony scandals'...perhaps somebody within his admin should provide him with a dictionary & point out the definition of the word 'phony'. the above scandals have teeth & obama acknowledged they exist & vowed to get to the bottom of them...so much for his words.
obama is the 'phony' one for calling the above distractions & phony scandals---it's all happening under his watch & he should be held accountable. obama & company took their eye off the ball during the first 2 years of obamas first election & have never looked back. however, obama now says it's time to refocus...on what? the economy he doesn't know how to help? infrastructure---didn't work than/won't work now; green jobs investments/didn't work than/won't work now. hey, i have an idea...why not have the dem controlled senate revisit those 30 plus house-passed jobs related bill just sitting there (i'm sorry, obama doesn't want you to know that)? why not review exactly which regulations are hurting job growth? why not review exactly which taxes are hurting job growth? why not review exactly how obamacare is hurting job growth?
obama has surrounded himself with some of the 'smartest people on the planet' (his words) & this is as far as we've gotten. in truth, obama doesn't know what he's doing & those 'super-smart-idiots can't even control their own agency's &, he can't control them...............
hey, the repubs didn't start any of these scandals & that's a fact.
Friday, July 26, 2013
hello america!!! so much for that obama bs about us having al qaeda on the run. i know it sounds good to say it however, it just isn't true...http://www.foxnews.com/world/2013/07/23/iraq-arm-al-qaida-says-it-was-responsible-for-prison-raids-outside-baghdad/
like everything else that comes out of obamas mouth, his crap about al qaeda is just another lie.......
like everything else that comes out of obamas mouth, his crap about al qaeda is just another lie.......
hello america!!! when obama was parading all across america looking for support of his obamacare, can you remember all those union heads & members that demonstrated for it? well, guess what, they want no parts of it now but, it's okay for you or me...obama can say whatever he wishes to however, the numbers are quickly rising for those against obamacare................
hello america!!! the obamacare train wreck is right around the corner........
i would never have expected to find his on nbc but, here it is...http://video.cnbc.com/gallery/?
&, here's another link not favorable to obamacare...
can you handle one more???
i would never have expected to find his on nbc but, here it is...http://video.cnbc.com/gallery/?
&, here's another link not favorable to obamacare...
can you handle one more???
hello america!!! so, to let obama tell it, these 'phony scandals' are just 'distractions'...good people, please click on the following links & i'll post my comments below them...
first of all, obama never had his eye on the ball---his eyes have always been centered on what he wants. he's spent all his time: forcing his 'bailout' on us; forcing 'obamacare' on us; forcing 'unneeded regulations' on us; forcing 'higher taxes' on us; forcing 'division' among us; 'denigrating' every republican plan that runs contrary to his; 'deceiving' us about what is honestly going on in his administration; 'destroying' the american dream; 'choosing' which laws he want to enforce &/or not enforce; &, 'not honoring' his oath of office.....look, i could go on for a very long time however, i think you got the message.
in keeping it real, can you agree that these phony scandals are just 'phony'??????????
1) border agent brian terry shot & killed by one of the very weapons obama & company released in their gun-walking scheme;
2) sex problems & raucous behavior on the part of some of obamas secret service agents;
3) benghazi & the killing of four americans along with obamas middle east policies;
4) irs targeting specific groups which has led directly back to an obama appointee in washing dc;
5) nsa spying on americans at their own leisure;
6) homeland security bribery & prostitution problems;
7) lavish, uncontrolled spending by various departments under obama;
8) the stonewalling & lying by department heads to congress while under oath;
i could list more & every one of them is true however, you got my point. obama, as usual, has it wrong.......
first of all, obama never had his eye on the ball---his eyes have always been centered on what he wants. he's spent all his time: forcing his 'bailout' on us; forcing 'obamacare' on us; forcing 'unneeded regulations' on us; forcing 'higher taxes' on us; forcing 'division' among us; 'denigrating' every republican plan that runs contrary to his; 'deceiving' us about what is honestly going on in his administration; 'destroying' the american dream; 'choosing' which laws he want to enforce &/or not enforce; &, 'not honoring' his oath of office.....look, i could go on for a very long time however, i think you got the message.
in keeping it real, can you agree that these phony scandals are just 'phony'??????????
1) border agent brian terry shot & killed by one of the very weapons obama & company released in their gun-walking scheme;
2) sex problems & raucous behavior on the part of some of obamas secret service agents;
3) benghazi & the killing of four americans along with obamas middle east policies;
4) irs targeting specific groups which has led directly back to an obama appointee in washing dc;
5) nsa spying on americans at their own leisure;
6) homeland security bribery & prostitution problems;
7) lavish, uncontrolled spending by various departments under obama;
8) the stonewalling & lying by department heads to congress while under oath;
i could list more & every one of them is true however, you got my point. obama, as usual, has it wrong.......
Thursday, July 25, 2013
hello america!!! can you remember obama saying that gm & chrysler paid every penny they owed us back? if that's the case, what's this??? http://news.yahoo.com/govt-needs-95-51-per-040323726.html
i told you in the beginning that obama just cannot tell the truth. he goes out of his way to lie to you &, the main-stream media allows him to do so by not challenging his facts. why didn't somebody from cbs or msnbc ask him just how long does he have to sit on that gm stock to get all of our money back? yeah, i know, it's such a stupid, hard to think of question...
i told you in the beginning that obama just cannot tell the truth. he goes out of his way to lie to you &, the main-stream media allows him to do so by not challenging his facts. why didn't somebody from cbs or msnbc ask him just how long does he have to sit on that gm stock to get all of our money back? yeah, i know, it's such a stupid, hard to think of question...
Monday, July 22, 2013
hello america!!! one would think that by now, obama would have held a mandatory 'department heads only' meeting behind closed doors at the whitehouse & told those people he was not accepting any more scandals. PERIOD!!! but no, that's not his style (due to inexperience in running a business) so, we have this to look forward to...http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2013/07/22/whos-watching-watchdog-records-show-ig-billed-taxpayers-for-questionable-trips/
hello america!!! in the week ending 13 july, 334,000 new jobless claims were filed &, for the month of june, 195,000 jobs were filled (our gov't says it was better then expected---i guess they forgot about seasonal hiring)....look, we are far from being out of the woods concerning our employment situation &, whoever suggests differently is a liar or a complete idiot::::::::::::
just look at these jobless claims numbers:
week ending 8 june---336,000
week ending 15 june---355,000
week ending 22 june---348,000
week ending 29 june---344,000
hey that's 1,383,000 new jobless claims for the month of june & bear in mind all of the seasonal hiring that took place.
please, give this some thought:::1,383,000 people lost their jobs in the month of june but, all you hear about is the 195,000 jobs that were filled. how can you balance that out? how do you spin that to say that the gains was more important then the losses? HYMM!!!!!!!!!!!
&, in case you're wondering about july:
week ending 6 july---358,000
week ending 13 july---334,000
that's another 702,000 new jobless claims & yes, we'll top the 1,000,000 mark with room to spare.
in the month of may 2013, we had 1,738,000 new jobless claims.
america was promised jobs 4 1/2 years ago & that promise has not been honored. in 3 1/2 years from now, that promise still will not have been honored. if obama & company had of spent just half the energy of putting america back to work as they spent on obamacare, regulations & raising taxes, we'd be in much better shape. in their defense, they're going to continue to blame pres bush & the repubs. & here's an example of an idiot...http://www.cnbc.com/id/100902776
if you wish to check my figures just google the department of labor jobless claims........
just look at these jobless claims numbers:
week ending 8 june---336,000
week ending 15 june---355,000
week ending 22 june---348,000
week ending 29 june---344,000
hey that's 1,383,000 new jobless claims for the month of june & bear in mind all of the seasonal hiring that took place.
please, give this some thought:::1,383,000 people lost their jobs in the month of june but, all you hear about is the 195,000 jobs that were filled. how can you balance that out? how do you spin that to say that the gains was more important then the losses? HYMM!!!!!!!!!!!
&, in case you're wondering about july:
week ending 6 july---358,000
week ending 13 july---334,000
that's another 702,000 new jobless claims & yes, we'll top the 1,000,000 mark with room to spare.
in the month of may 2013, we had 1,738,000 new jobless claims.
america was promised jobs 4 1/2 years ago & that promise has not been honored. in 3 1/2 years from now, that promise still will not have been honored. if obama & company had of spent just half the energy of putting america back to work as they spent on obamacare, regulations & raising taxes, we'd be in much better shape. in their defense, they're going to continue to blame pres bush & the repubs. & here's an example of an idiot...http://www.cnbc.com/id/100902776
if you wish to check my figures just google the department of labor jobless claims........
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