hello america!!! here's your daily jobs situation...http://www.dailyjobcuts.com/ there is never any good news on here. it's more then just jobs layoffs, this 'closings' list is equally as devastating.
i took the liberty to put post some of them below so as to give you an idea that we are not 'heading in the right direction' &, to label all these jobs losses as 'a bump in the road' is callous & remorseless & obama should apologize to all of those people that have lost their jobs through no fault of their own.
this is effective nov 30th
this is effective dec
this is effective early dec
this effective early 2013
this is effective july 2013
this is effective by the end of 2014
this site will primarily consist of my political writings on what i see, hear, know &, research &, it will be predominantly about the negativety within our government, as i see it, regardless of who it may be about. above all else, it will be the truth as best i can present it.
Saturday, September 29, 2012
hello america!!! here's your daily jobs situation...http://www.dailyjobcuts.com/ there's just no stopping the layoffs &, obama & company offer no reasonable hope, except to ask for 4 more years of instituting more of their failed policy's.....
instead of facing our problems headon, obama & company would rather re-open the 'blame game' & deflect the conversation from the realities that are hurting us. & again, as seen here, they would rather circumvent the federal law, & do as they wish...http://money.cnn.com/2012/09/28/news/economy/spending-cuts-fiscal-cliff/index.html?iid=HP_LN
how can obama not warn all the people that could possibly be effected by the massive layoffs? common sense says it would be better to warn them now then just lay them off without the 60 day notice. this is politics at its worse. congress & obama can't seem to agree on what they should do about sequestration &, the workers are caught in the middle.
the kicker is, obama will protect the contractors & not the people. he wants the news of more unemployment to be downplayed because he wants 4 years even more &, knows the notices would possibly harm his chances.
his actions negate what he says about helping the middle class. they won't have a warning &, if the layoffs do happen, tens of thousands could be laidoff with only a days notice..i guess obama thinks that's just okay because after all, it's just 'a bump in the road'.
america, you cannot trust obamas word...where has he kept it?
instead of facing our problems headon, obama & company would rather re-open the 'blame game' & deflect the conversation from the realities that are hurting us. & again, as seen here, they would rather circumvent the federal law, & do as they wish...http://money.cnn.com/2012/09/28/news/economy/spending-cuts-fiscal-cliff/index.html?iid=HP_LN
how can obama not warn all the people that could possibly be effected by the massive layoffs? common sense says it would be better to warn them now then just lay them off without the 60 day notice. this is politics at its worse. congress & obama can't seem to agree on what they should do about sequestration &, the workers are caught in the middle.
the kicker is, obama will protect the contractors & not the people. he wants the news of more unemployment to be downplayed because he wants 4 years even more &, knows the notices would possibly harm his chances.
his actions negate what he says about helping the middle class. they won't have a warning &, if the layoffs do happen, tens of thousands could be laidoff with only a days notice..i guess obama thinks that's just okay because after all, it's just 'a bump in the road'.
america, you cannot trust obamas word...where has he kept it?
Thursday, September 27, 2012
hello america!!! obama gave a major speech to all the leaders at the UN &, there were so many things missing from it...http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2012/09/25/did-obama-stand-up-for-a-free-society-at-the-un0.html
obama recently gave an interview to univision saying his biggest failure was his failure to pass immigration reform. at the UN, immigration reform didn't even cross his thoughts. HYMM!!!
where was his urging other country's to be more tolerant of 'same sex' relationships??? HYMM!!!
he never mentioned that other country's should follow his lead & hire more teachers & other public service personnel to help the middle class citizens. HYMM!!!
in a room full of world leaders, obama didn't talk about better 'protecting' mother earth from polution nor did he say anything about 'global warming. HYMM!!!
he didn't tell those leaders that the whole world needs fairer trades agreements. HYMM!!!
&, i must have gone to the men's room when he told all of those leaders that america will be in a much better position to aid them when he puts america back to work...he didn't say anything? HYMM!!!
well, obama said a lot however, this speech was a knock on the rights of an american to produce a video &, it was his way of kissing the muslim world's ass. the msnbc's, cbs's, abc's won't even mention this &, it is to my understanding that obama tried to get this one sentence taken out of the video on his speech but, here it is: "the future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of islam"...you can read it for yourselves in the 13th paragraph from the bottom of the above link.
that sentence alone should tell you where obama really stands & unfortunately, it's not on the side of america. here, in his own country, people slander GOD & he just overlooks it. you don't hear him say, 'the future of america must not belong to those that slander GOD'...HYMM!!!
america, i told you in 2008 that obama was not good food this country &, his actions & words have proved it...
obama recently gave an interview to univision saying his biggest failure was his failure to pass immigration reform. at the UN, immigration reform didn't even cross his thoughts. HYMM!!!
where was his urging other country's to be more tolerant of 'same sex' relationships??? HYMM!!!
he never mentioned that other country's should follow his lead & hire more teachers & other public service personnel to help the middle class citizens. HYMM!!!
in a room full of world leaders, obama didn't talk about better 'protecting' mother earth from polution nor did he say anything about 'global warming. HYMM!!!
he didn't tell those leaders that the whole world needs fairer trades agreements. HYMM!!!
&, i must have gone to the men's room when he told all of those leaders that america will be in a much better position to aid them when he puts america back to work...he didn't say anything? HYMM!!!
well, obama said a lot however, this speech was a knock on the rights of an american to produce a video &, it was his way of kissing the muslim world's ass. the msnbc's, cbs's, abc's won't even mention this &, it is to my understanding that obama tried to get this one sentence taken out of the video on his speech but, here it is: "the future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of islam"...you can read it for yourselves in the 13th paragraph from the bottom of the above link.
that sentence alone should tell you where obama really stands & unfortunately, it's not on the side of america. here, in his own country, people slander GOD & he just overlooks it. you don't hear him say, 'the future of america must not belong to those that slander GOD'...HYMM!!!
america, i told you in 2008 that obama was not good food this country &, his actions & words have proved it...
hello america!!! here's your daily jobs situation...http://www.dailyjobcuts.com/ one day i hope to click on this site & see no layoffs or closings. that said, i have no faith or hope that that will happen as long as obama is in office...he promised all of these jobs & to cut our deficit in half by the end of his first term &, good people, take a long, hard look around our & tell me where are we better off then we were 4 years ago....
i've often said, true math doesn't lie. obama can spin the numbers any way he wishes to however, it's up to you to find the truth &, msnbc won't give it to you...the dismal jobs numbers for august were pitiful; only 96,000 new jobs &, for whatever reason, 386,000 people stopped looking for work (which cause the national unemployment rate to drop to 8.1%). that said, there were 382,000 new benefits claims last week. now, i realize (according to obama) that all of the above is just a "bump in the road". actually, that 382,000 was revised by labor department up to 385,00 &, the increase was kept under the wire. that said, today's new jobless claims came out at 359,000. please bear in mind that seasonal hiring is starting to take place for halloween, thanksgiving & christmas so, the numbers might just stabilize for a quick minute.
hmmm!!! you lose your job; can't find another; file for benefits (if you qualify) which pay less; mortgage or rent becomes a problem as does: the car payment, insurance, monthly bills, grocery & gasoline costs &, if you got a child or two in school, you've got problems but hey, worry not...it's just a "bump in the road" & "we're heading in the right direction". &, if you are lucky enough to find a job, chances are it will pay less then your old one so it might just be better to collect your unemployment benefits until they expire.
not to rain on your parade, read this...http://www.usatoday.com/money/business/story/2012/09/26/fewer-ceos-planning-to-expand-hire-in-next-six-months/57845340/1
i know you remember that 'hope & change' thing &, obama latest is 'forward'---well, after you read the following article, please tell me which direction is 'forward'...http://www.cnbc.com/id/49138635
&, i have one more for you...http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/09/26/household-income-down-82-percent-since-obama-took-office-study-shows/
we are not better off then we were 4 years ago & america, we are steadily moving backwards...
i've often said, true math doesn't lie. obama can spin the numbers any way he wishes to however, it's up to you to find the truth &, msnbc won't give it to you...the dismal jobs numbers for august were pitiful; only 96,000 new jobs &, for whatever reason, 386,000 people stopped looking for work (which cause the national unemployment rate to drop to 8.1%). that said, there were 382,000 new benefits claims last week. now, i realize (according to obama) that all of the above is just a "bump in the road". actually, that 382,000 was revised by labor department up to 385,00 &, the increase was kept under the wire. that said, today's new jobless claims came out at 359,000. please bear in mind that seasonal hiring is starting to take place for halloween, thanksgiving & christmas so, the numbers might just stabilize for a quick minute.
hmmm!!! you lose your job; can't find another; file for benefits (if you qualify) which pay less; mortgage or rent becomes a problem as does: the car payment, insurance, monthly bills, grocery & gasoline costs &, if you got a child or two in school, you've got problems but hey, worry not...it's just a "bump in the road" & "we're heading in the right direction". &, if you are lucky enough to find a job, chances are it will pay less then your old one so it might just be better to collect your unemployment benefits until they expire.
not to rain on your parade, read this...http://www.usatoday.com/money/business/story/2012/09/26/fewer-ceos-planning-to-expand-hire-in-next-six-months/57845340/1
i know you remember that 'hope & change' thing &, obama latest is 'forward'---well, after you read the following article, please tell me which direction is 'forward'...http://www.cnbc.com/id/49138635
&, i have one more for you...http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/09/26/household-income-down-82-percent-since-obama-took-office-study-shows/
we are not better off then we were 4 years ago & america, we are steadily moving backwards...
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
hello america!!! yes, i can fix your leaky roof for x amount of dollars. yes, out of all of those roofers, i am the only one that can fix it. yes, we need to do it immediately; right now. (& later) i fixed it ahead of schedule & under budget. yes, i fixed it to do exactly what i designed it to do---stop the leaks.
months later, you ask, WHY IN THE HELL IS MY ROOF STILL LEAKING? my response is: i didn't tell you the leaks would stop in a few months. i've been telling you that it takes time. i never told you i would fix all the leaks. these things take time. you have the sun in the summer; the snow in the winter; the rain in the spring; the bird droppings all year round; the rotted wood that was left on there by my competitor; you have the gradual sinking of the surrounding grounds; you have overweight people & heavy couches in your house; the obese people in europe affected the slope of the earth in america; the melting of the icecaps have created more moisture in the air that hurts our metal nails that we import from china; the tree happy lovers are keeping us from getting the good wood; your neighbors religious music is affecting my workers performance; besides, you park that big-assed suv in the driveway that cants the level of your house.
so, hell no---it's not my fault however, if you rehire me, i promise to do exactly what i've already done & that should solve the problem.................http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s2MjQ17kDng
now, you have a choice between me & my competitors (their ways have been proven over time) while i offer you 'hope & change' & i'm the only one that can move your roofing project 'forward'.....
YOU BE THE JUDGE & I CAN ONLY HOPE YOU ARE AN HONEST ONE..........WOULD YOU GIVE ME ANOTHER SHOT AT YOUR ROOF??? by the way, i have some extra buckets for those little 'bumps in the road'.
months later, you ask, WHY IN THE HELL IS MY ROOF STILL LEAKING? my response is: i didn't tell you the leaks would stop in a few months. i've been telling you that it takes time. i never told you i would fix all the leaks. these things take time. you have the sun in the summer; the snow in the winter; the rain in the spring; the bird droppings all year round; the rotted wood that was left on there by my competitor; you have the gradual sinking of the surrounding grounds; you have overweight people & heavy couches in your house; the obese people in europe affected the slope of the earth in america; the melting of the icecaps have created more moisture in the air that hurts our metal nails that we import from china; the tree happy lovers are keeping us from getting the good wood; your neighbors religious music is affecting my workers performance; besides, you park that big-assed suv in the driveway that cants the level of your house.
so, hell no---it's not my fault however, if you rehire me, i promise to do exactly what i've already done & that should solve the problem.................http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s2MjQ17kDng
now, you have a choice between me & my competitors (their ways have been proven over time) while i offer you 'hope & change' & i'm the only one that can move your roofing project 'forward'.....
YOU BE THE JUDGE & I CAN ONLY HOPE YOU ARE AN HONEST ONE..........WOULD YOU GIVE ME ANOTHER SHOT AT YOUR ROOF??? by the way, i have some extra buckets for those little 'bumps in the road'.
hello america!!! here's your daily jobs situation...http://www.dailyjobcuts.com/ we continue to lose jobs in big numbers every day &, business's are closing just as fast. we've had 41 bank failures this year alone. a million plus homes have been foreclosed on with a million plus more on the chopping block.
all of the above is happening on obamas watch &what are his respones to the above? it's just a 'bump in the road'; 'we're heading in the right direction'; 'the private sector is doing just fine'; '4 more years of hiring teachers & other public sector, unionized labor personnel; 'tighten your belts'.......&, this is the truest measure of obama failures; he 'can't change washington from the inside'...
good people, if you honestly did your own homework, you'd find that we are in this mess CRA was weakened under pres clinton &, obama sued banks to take advantage of it &, their supporting cast was senate majority leader (harry reid), barney frank, chris dodd, dems & repubs........google the above & become informed---i don't just make this stuff up. &, to show you how you jumped on the wrong wagon when obama started that 'blame pres bush' thing, please google 'bush warns congress about fannie & freddie'.
yes, a lot of damage has been done to our country & correcting it should have been, & continue to be, our number one priority. obama says you have to change with 'grassroots' efforts & yet, look at how he denigrated the tea party & how quickly he supported occupy wallstreet (&, he never once denounced the violence & destruction they did)...&, who can forget his outspoken support of the teacher's demonstrations in wisconsin, to include the governors recall & yet, he was to busy to walk with the labor union or visit the state...however, he did fly over the state for fundraising events.
obamas had 4 years to fix our problems &, he's failed. not once did obama say he would need 8 years to fix our problems when he was running around the country during his first campaign or when he was running around the country trying to get support for his stimulus. NOT ONCE!!! since then, he's moved the GOALPOSTS. he's now telling you he's told you time & time again that it will take more then one term...what a lie...whatever happened to: 'if i don't get it done in 3 years, it'll be a term proposition'. whatever happened to: 'i'll cut the deficit in 1/2' & yet, he's expanded it.
we will never get right under obama because he's not honest with us. he touts this jobs created number that is not based on all the facts:::4 million plus. well yes, it sounds impressive however, look at where he starts counting from. if he's going to credit pres bush for every day of his presidency for every job lost or created then obama must be held to the same standard...& remember, he freely ran for this office so, his jobs numbers have to count from his first day---not one year or so later. furthermore, if you allow him a free year, you're as bad as the refs that ruled a touchdown for the seattle seahawks....it's wrong. using 'obamalogic' every team in the nfl would be undefeated......hell, the other team scored 14 points against us in the 1st quarter & we scored 7 points in the 2nd & nobody scored after that so, let's just throw out the 1st quarter & we win. what's really so pathetic about this is, the media accepts it &, that's all you see. DOUBLE HELL, MY BRONCOS WOULD BE UNDEFEATED IF I USE 'OBAMALOGIC'. unfortunately for my team, the time starts when the clock starts....
obama can't change washington from the inside because he doesn't know how to barter...it's either his way or no way....he had a 2 year run where he could have put this country right & squandered it. his stimuus & obamacare are all he really cared about & he shoved them down our throats. his regulations, tax uncertainty's &, the dodd/frank bill are hurting us. he knows it but, he won't change horses because he might get wet..........
look, be real with the facts: obama told you to 'tighten your belts' while he or his family went on 18 vacations. that alone should tell you all you need to know about 'CHARACTER'---which is lacking in obama. not once has he said, 'america, i'm sorry because some of my efforts came up short & i promise to make good on my mistakes'...not once. & yet, he apologizes to our 'sworn' enemies for our being america.
all of the above is happening on obamas watch &what are his respones to the above? it's just a 'bump in the road'; 'we're heading in the right direction'; 'the private sector is doing just fine'; '4 more years of hiring teachers & other public sector, unionized labor personnel; 'tighten your belts'.......&, this is the truest measure of obama failures; he 'can't change washington from the inside'...
good people, if you honestly did your own homework, you'd find that we are in this mess CRA was weakened under pres clinton &, obama sued banks to take advantage of it &, their supporting cast was senate majority leader (harry reid), barney frank, chris dodd, dems & repubs........google the above & become informed---i don't just make this stuff up. &, to show you how you jumped on the wrong wagon when obama started that 'blame pres bush' thing, please google 'bush warns congress about fannie & freddie'.
yes, a lot of damage has been done to our country & correcting it should have been, & continue to be, our number one priority. obama says you have to change with 'grassroots' efforts & yet, look at how he denigrated the tea party & how quickly he supported occupy wallstreet (&, he never once denounced the violence & destruction they did)...&, who can forget his outspoken support of the teacher's demonstrations in wisconsin, to include the governors recall & yet, he was to busy to walk with the labor union or visit the state...however, he did fly over the state for fundraising events.
obamas had 4 years to fix our problems &, he's failed. not once did obama say he would need 8 years to fix our problems when he was running around the country during his first campaign or when he was running around the country trying to get support for his stimulus. NOT ONCE!!! since then, he's moved the GOALPOSTS. he's now telling you he's told you time & time again that it will take more then one term...what a lie...whatever happened to: 'if i don't get it done in 3 years, it'll be a term proposition'. whatever happened to: 'i'll cut the deficit in 1/2' & yet, he's expanded it.
we will never get right under obama because he's not honest with us. he touts this jobs created number that is not based on all the facts:::4 million plus. well yes, it sounds impressive however, look at where he starts counting from. if he's going to credit pres bush for every day of his presidency for every job lost or created then obama must be held to the same standard...& remember, he freely ran for this office so, his jobs numbers have to count from his first day---not one year or so later. furthermore, if you allow him a free year, you're as bad as the refs that ruled a touchdown for the seattle seahawks....it's wrong. using 'obamalogic' every team in the nfl would be undefeated......hell, the other team scored 14 points against us in the 1st quarter & we scored 7 points in the 2nd & nobody scored after that so, let's just throw out the 1st quarter & we win. what's really so pathetic about this is, the media accepts it &, that's all you see. DOUBLE HELL, MY BRONCOS WOULD BE UNDEFEATED IF I USE 'OBAMALOGIC'. unfortunately for my team, the time starts when the clock starts....
obama can't change washington from the inside because he doesn't know how to barter...it's either his way or no way....he had a 2 year run where he could have put this country right & squandered it. his stimuus & obamacare are all he really cared about & he shoved them down our throats. his regulations, tax uncertainty's &, the dodd/frank bill are hurting us. he knows it but, he won't change horses because he might get wet..........
look, be real with the facts: obama told you to 'tighten your belts' while he or his family went on 18 vacations. that alone should tell you all you need to know about 'CHARACTER'---which is lacking in obama. not once has he said, 'america, i'm sorry because some of my efforts came up short & i promise to make good on my mistakes'...not once. & yet, he apologizes to our 'sworn' enemies for our being america.
hello america!!! it truly is amazing what comes out of obamas mouth. this is an excerpt from his UN speech...
"And that is what we saw play out in the last two weeks, where a crude and disgusting video sparked outrage throughout the Muslim world. Now, I have made it clear that the United States government had nothing to do with this video, and I believe its message must be rejected by all who respect our common humanity. It is an insult not only to Muslims, but to America as well."
Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/09/25/transcript-obama-address-to-un-general-assembly/#ixzz27WM8cto0
firstly, he tried to use the video as the reason for the deaths to 4 americans & arab uprisings as the excuse. he's back-tracked some but, he still refuses to call it what it really was--- muslim terrorists doing what they have always vowed to do---harm or kill americans.
secondly, how can obama denigrate the video & yet, he acknowledges the rights of others outside of our borders---doesn't that video maker have RIGHTS, guaranteed him under the CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES, to make any kind of video he wishes to as long as it is legal?
thirdly, obama says nothing about 'GOD' being kicked out our schools & 'CROSSES' being removed from public places...where was his voice on HBO's "urinating on JESUS"?
fourthly, if israel is our strongest ally in the middle east, shouldn't obama have said, 'an attack or threat against israel is an attack or threat against america'?
fifthly, at what point do we actually tell iran & north korea 'STOP, or we're bombing you' & mean it?
sixthly, obama never mentioned the rights of all those people in our backyard---CUBA &, he never mentioned the rights of the people in russia & china.
seventhly, regardless of what obama may tell you, he lost all his respect, to the leaders of the middle east country's, as a man & so-called leader when he opted to publicly say he supported same sex marriage. he knows it, i know it, all muslims know it & now, you know it. obama is viewed as less then a dog...&, you just might have noticed his speech didn't even mention the rights of same sex partners here or elsewhere. don't take my word for it, ask obama what's the punishment for his stance outside our borders?
"And that is what we saw play out in the last two weeks, where a crude and disgusting video sparked outrage throughout the Muslim world. Now, I have made it clear that the United States government had nothing to do with this video, and I believe its message must be rejected by all who respect our common humanity. It is an insult not only to Muslims, but to America as well."
Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/09/25/transcript-obama-address-to-un-general-assembly/#ixzz27WM8cto0
firstly, he tried to use the video as the reason for the deaths to 4 americans & arab uprisings as the excuse. he's back-tracked some but, he still refuses to call it what it really was--- muslim terrorists doing what they have always vowed to do---harm or kill americans.
secondly, how can obama denigrate the video & yet, he acknowledges the rights of others outside of our borders---doesn't that video maker have RIGHTS, guaranteed him under the CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES, to make any kind of video he wishes to as long as it is legal?
thirdly, obama says nothing about 'GOD' being kicked out our schools & 'CROSSES' being removed from public places...where was his voice on HBO's "urinating on JESUS"?
fourthly, if israel is our strongest ally in the middle east, shouldn't obama have said, 'an attack or threat against israel is an attack or threat against america'?
fifthly, at what point do we actually tell iran & north korea 'STOP, or we're bombing you' & mean it?
sixthly, obama never mentioned the rights of all those people in our backyard---CUBA &, he never mentioned the rights of the people in russia & china.
seventhly, regardless of what obama may tell you, he lost all his respect, to the leaders of the middle east country's, as a man & so-called leader when he opted to publicly say he supported same sex marriage. he knows it, i know it, all muslims know it & now, you know it. obama is viewed as less then a dog...&, you just might have noticed his speech didn't even mention the rights of same sex partners here or elsewhere. don't take my word for it, ask obama what's the punishment for his stance outside our borders?
Sunday, September 23, 2012
hello america!!! remember me? i'm the one that tells you the TRUTH & you ignore it...so, i'll try again...obama had a direct hand in our economic downfall...http://www.mediacircus.com/2008/10/obama-sued-citibank-under-cra-to-force-it-to-make-bad-loans/
& here...http://foxnewsinsider.com/2012/09/03/did-obama-court-case-help-bankrupt-black-homeowners-daily-caller-reveals-presidents-legal-backfire/
hey, don't just take my word, google it for yourselves & see what you come up with.
obama & company know what they did & they blame pres bush however, check this out & you can be the judge...http://georgewbush-whitehouse.archives.gov/news/releases/2008/10/20081009-10.html
so much for lies, deception & distortions...when will the american people & the media hold obama accountable? the media paints obama as this 'squeaky clean' man & yet, he's been just as dirty as everyone else to include senate majority leader, harry reid. &, to add the icing to the cake, obama allowed the dodd/frank bill to become law...&, if you went to the third link, you now know that dodd, frank & reid were instrumental in rejecting pres bush's warnings & are very much the reason why we had the housing crisis that started our downfall.
& here...http://foxnewsinsider.com/2012/09/03/did-obama-court-case-help-bankrupt-black-homeowners-daily-caller-reveals-presidents-legal-backfire/
hey, don't just take my word, google it for yourselves & see what you come up with.
obama & company know what they did & they blame pres bush however, check this out & you can be the judge...http://georgewbush-whitehouse.archives.gov/news/releases/2008/10/20081009-10.html
so much for lies, deception & distortions...when will the american people & the media hold obama accountable? the media paints obama as this 'squeaky clean' man & yet, he's been just as dirty as everyone else to include senate majority leader, harry reid. &, to add the icing to the cake, obama allowed the dodd/frank bill to become law...&, if you went to the third link, you now know that dodd, frank & reid were instrumental in rejecting pres bush's warnings & are very much the reason why we had the housing crisis that started our downfall.
hello america!!! here's your daily jobs situation...http://www.dailyjobcuts.com/ it's quiet until tomorrow...
good people, do you honestly think this country would have gone to hell in a handbag had obama not intervened? if gm had of gone through bankruptcy, like ford did, would that have been the end of them? if our states hadn't been 'bailed out', would we no longer have had teachers? if obama hadn't bailed out chrysler, wouldn't it still be an american owned company?
you & i both know that america would have recovered on her own. if there had been no intervention, our economy would have bottomed out & we'd have bounced back & have a hell of a lot more to show for it then we do now. if anything, obama is more of a hindrance then a helper.
america was like a drug addict &, despite all the promises, when you give an addict more money, they're going to buy more drugs. you can't 'make' a drug addict give up drugs---they have to want to stop on their own & hey, NEWS FLASH, it usually happens after they hit rock bottom & then they become productive members of our society.
we have not hit rock bottom because of obamas intervention so, we will continue falling because we are still craving & using our drugs. until we are ready to give up our drugs, we are going to be at the hands of our drug councilor's (obama & our politicians). &, their way of helping us stop using drugs is to give us more money...
by the way, we're addicted to all those things we can't afford without going into debt, whether it be that new house, that new car, those name-brand clothes & footwear, weekly visits to the beauty parlor, partying, vacations (&, everyone of you know this one), that young kid on the block with that $700 hoopti, that always needs a jump-start, & yet, it has that $2,000 stereo system in it that rattles the windows & sets off other car alarms when it passes by. &, we have those big-assed tv's sitting in the living room that we just have to make the payments on (no matter what). &, you all know somebody like this; when they go out, they have on on that expensive clothing & jewelery & yet, their kids have dirty faces, cheap clothes & holes in their sneakers. i actually know family's that struggle with enough food for the month & yet they always find ways to buy cigarettes & expensive vodka....&, many of you know this person::: every other week she changes her hair color or weave & yet, she's always asking for a few dollars to buy tampons....
we have become addicted to living above our means &, to give us more money so we can continue in our addiction is wrong. i know family's that can't wait for that next welfare check & when they get it, they're broke 3 days later...same with the food stamps & yet, they have soda & cheese doodles up the butt & they never have enough meats & staples...true facts!
america, we need help, not a hand out. another way of putting it is so accurate..."give a man a fish & you feed him for a day, teach a man to fish & you feed him for a lifetime"...
good people, it's time for you to stand up & hold those that are not helping us accountable. obama ran around this country telling us we needed his stimulus bill 'immediately', 'right now' & then he went on to say this, 'the stimulus did everything it was designed to do. it came in ahead of schedule & under budget'...CHALLENGE ME, I CAN POST THE ACTUAL VIDEO LINKS & YOU CAN SEE & HEAR IT FOR YOURSELVES....no where have you heard obama say it will take more then 1 term to turn our country around however, he's now saying he's told you time & time again that he needed more then 1 term...if obama had of told you he needed 8 years to get our country right, you'd have voted for hilary or john mccain...
ask yourself this: what is honestly holding back business's from hiring? when you find that answer, ask yourself this: who's at fault? we've had 4 years under obama & this is as far we come???
good people, do you honestly think this country would have gone to hell in a handbag had obama not intervened? if gm had of gone through bankruptcy, like ford did, would that have been the end of them? if our states hadn't been 'bailed out', would we no longer have had teachers? if obama hadn't bailed out chrysler, wouldn't it still be an american owned company?
you & i both know that america would have recovered on her own. if there had been no intervention, our economy would have bottomed out & we'd have bounced back & have a hell of a lot more to show for it then we do now. if anything, obama is more of a hindrance then a helper.
america was like a drug addict &, despite all the promises, when you give an addict more money, they're going to buy more drugs. you can't 'make' a drug addict give up drugs---they have to want to stop on their own & hey, NEWS FLASH, it usually happens after they hit rock bottom & then they become productive members of our society.
we have not hit rock bottom because of obamas intervention so, we will continue falling because we are still craving & using our drugs. until we are ready to give up our drugs, we are going to be at the hands of our drug councilor's (obama & our politicians). &, their way of helping us stop using drugs is to give us more money...
by the way, we're addicted to all those things we can't afford without going into debt, whether it be that new house, that new car, those name-brand clothes & footwear, weekly visits to the beauty parlor, partying, vacations (&, everyone of you know this one), that young kid on the block with that $700 hoopti, that always needs a jump-start, & yet, it has that $2,000 stereo system in it that rattles the windows & sets off other car alarms when it passes by. &, we have those big-assed tv's sitting in the living room that we just have to make the payments on (no matter what). &, you all know somebody like this; when they go out, they have on on that expensive clothing & jewelery & yet, their kids have dirty faces, cheap clothes & holes in their sneakers. i actually know family's that struggle with enough food for the month & yet they always find ways to buy cigarettes & expensive vodka....&, many of you know this person::: every other week she changes her hair color or weave & yet, she's always asking for a few dollars to buy tampons....
we have become addicted to living above our means &, to give us more money so we can continue in our addiction is wrong. i know family's that can't wait for that next welfare check & when they get it, they're broke 3 days later...same with the food stamps & yet, they have soda & cheese doodles up the butt & they never have enough meats & staples...true facts!
america, we need help, not a hand out. another way of putting it is so accurate..."give a man a fish & you feed him for a day, teach a man to fish & you feed him for a lifetime"...
good people, it's time for you to stand up & hold those that are not helping us accountable. obama ran around this country telling us we needed his stimulus bill 'immediately', 'right now' & then he went on to say this, 'the stimulus did everything it was designed to do. it came in ahead of schedule & under budget'...CHALLENGE ME, I CAN POST THE ACTUAL VIDEO LINKS & YOU CAN SEE & HEAR IT FOR YOURSELVES....no where have you heard obama say it will take more then 1 term to turn our country around however, he's now saying he's told you time & time again that he needed more then 1 term...if obama had of told you he needed 8 years to get our country right, you'd have voted for hilary or john mccain...
ask yourself this: what is honestly holding back business's from hiring? when you find that answer, ask yourself this: who's at fault? we've had 4 years under obama & this is as far we come???
Saturday, September 22, 2012
hello america!!! well it take obama long to attack gov mitt romney's tax records however, this article is by no means fair...http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/ticket/obama-romney-sure-afford-pay-little-more-taxes-235711857--election.html for whatever reason, yahoonews didn't think the actual numbers were important enough to print.........
&, here' why it isn't fair...gov romney reportedly made $13.7 million in 2011, paid nearly 2 million in fed taxes & here's the kicker, he contributed $4.021million to charity but only claimed a $2.25 million deduction. his tax rate was 14.1%....
i don't know what charity gov romney gave his money to nor do i care. that said, i'm glad he gave it to a charity instead of the gov't because this way, it will get to those that need it the most.
obama should applaud him instead of attacking him & ask more americans to donate to charity.
&, here' why it isn't fair...gov romney reportedly made $13.7 million in 2011, paid nearly 2 million in fed taxes & here's the kicker, he contributed $4.021million to charity but only claimed a $2.25 million deduction. his tax rate was 14.1%....
i don't know what charity gov romney gave his money to nor do i care. that said, i'm glad he gave it to a charity instead of the gov't because this way, it will get to those that need it the most.
obama should applaud him instead of attacking him & ask more americans to donate to charity.
hello america!!! if you're a non-smoker & you notice smoke coming out of your mouth, that smoke is not because of the tobacco users, it comes from obama blowing smoke up your butt. case in point: obamas been in 'campaign mode' for about a year---he's done absolutely nothing to solve any of our major issues. actually, he's spent more effort to divide & distract us with continous lies then he has in doing his job. in fact, it seems like he's given up on america. however, to take the focus off of what he hasn't been doing, he attacks our congress...http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/09/22/obama-accused-hill-lawmakers-ducking-elected-duties-amid-criticism-doing/
both chambers of congress actually have triple duties: 1, to the country; 2, to their state; 3, to their districts so, i can undertand & accept them taking the to get out of washington & do whatever they need to do for their other interests. it's the same thing obama did when he first decided to run for office. how can he find fault with them for doing what he did? &, who can forget obama telling us we needed to tighten our belts while in less then 4 years his family (with or without him) have been on at least 18 vacations.....
& then, we have this...http://news.yahoo.com/obama-vows-defend-medicare-social-security-154147418--election.html another bunch of BS...obamas knocked down every plan ever proposed, to include actually lying about them. paul ryan's plan did not effect seniors but obama tells you differently. obama has even said that our entitlements programs need to be reformed &, do you mean to tell me that in 4 years, obama couldn't come up with just one blueprint on his own? i mean, he told you that he hired the smartest people on the planet to help him guide america &, together, none of them have put forth a reform package. while it's so easy to denigrate the repubs proposals, how serious can obama be when he can't even outline his own? why aren't you & the media demanding he present his own plans for entitlements reform?
with so much negativity in the middle east &, with so many conflicting stories coming from the whitehouse, one would think that obama would set the american people straight. good luck on that one. obama must be the only person on the planet not to realize that attacks on the consulate & safehouse were orchestrated by terrorists...&, it's even more of a stretch when you say that the video was the cause of the violence & american deaths. what obama should be telling the american people is: he dropped the ball & come clean instead of trying to slide his way out of being responsible. obama should have had enhanced security for our diplomats over there,,,1-because of 9/11 & 2, the recent attacks before then. &, for those idiots that say we had adequate protection---4 american deaths proves differently...so much for our foreign policy, something didn't work... http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/09/21/lawmakers-to-obama-get-your-story-straight-on-libya-attack/
both chambers of congress actually have triple duties: 1, to the country; 2, to their state; 3, to their districts so, i can undertand & accept them taking the to get out of washington & do whatever they need to do for their other interests. it's the same thing obama did when he first decided to run for office. how can he find fault with them for doing what he did? &, who can forget obama telling us we needed to tighten our belts while in less then 4 years his family (with or without him) have been on at least 18 vacations.....
& then, we have this...http://news.yahoo.com/obama-vows-defend-medicare-social-security-154147418--election.html another bunch of BS...obamas knocked down every plan ever proposed, to include actually lying about them. paul ryan's plan did not effect seniors but obama tells you differently. obama has even said that our entitlements programs need to be reformed &, do you mean to tell me that in 4 years, obama couldn't come up with just one blueprint on his own? i mean, he told you that he hired the smartest people on the planet to help him guide america &, together, none of them have put forth a reform package. while it's so easy to denigrate the repubs proposals, how serious can obama be when he can't even outline his own? why aren't you & the media demanding he present his own plans for entitlements reform?
with so much negativity in the middle east &, with so many conflicting stories coming from the whitehouse, one would think that obama would set the american people straight. good luck on that one. obama must be the only person on the planet not to realize that attacks on the consulate & safehouse were orchestrated by terrorists...&, it's even more of a stretch when you say that the video was the cause of the violence & american deaths. what obama should be telling the american people is: he dropped the ball & come clean instead of trying to slide his way out of being responsible. obama should have had enhanced security for our diplomats over there,,,1-because of 9/11 & 2, the recent attacks before then. &, for those idiots that say we had adequate protection---4 american deaths proves differently...so much for our foreign policy, something didn't work... http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/09/21/lawmakers-to-obama-get-your-story-straight-on-libya-attack/
Friday, September 21, 2012
hello america!!! here's your daily jobs situation...http://www.dailyjobcuts.com/ while it's sad to say this, it has to be said...obama has given up trying to create jobs or help put america back to work...
you all just keep on listening to what obama tells you &, if you don't research it yourselves, you're doomed to accept his lies. obama & company told you during the recent dnc just how good our manufacturing sector was doing &, you ate it up...however, the truth is, that sector has been slumping for some time...http://news.yahoo.com/jobless-claims-fall-last-week-trend-weak-123228820--business.html he knew it before he even opened his mouth & hopes that you don't do what a lot of us do: find out for ourselves.
let me ask you this: how many lies can you accept before you say you've had enough & want that liar out of your life? obama lies when he says, 'the stimulus did everything we intended it to do'. if it did, we would be in better economical shape &, he would not need to tell us that we need 4 more years of the same. he did not sell us his stimulus as a bandaid---it was sold as a fix. do you honestly believe that if gm & chrysler had gone through bankruptcy on their own (as did ford) that they would no longer exist? did you ever google the senate vote on the dream act to find out who did or didn't vote it or, did you just accept obamas lie that the repubs blocked it? a little while back, obamas biggest regret was communication; last night it was not being able to change washington from the inside---which is it? he started out lying to you about transparency, an open & honest gov't &, not hiring lobbyists &, he's been lying ever since.
at his acceptance speech he just told another lie about how well the state department was doing & all hell has broken out since. how can he say he's made us safer in the face of border agent, brian terry's death & the deaths of americans due to attacks on our consulates & embassy's? how can he call the attacks anything but what they are---terrorists flexing their muscles that wish us harm.
you all just keep on listening to what obama tells you &, if you don't research it yourselves, you're doomed to accept his lies. obama & company told you during the recent dnc just how good our manufacturing sector was doing &, you ate it up...however, the truth is, that sector has been slumping for some time...http://news.yahoo.com/jobless-claims-fall-last-week-trend-weak-123228820--business.html he knew it before he even opened his mouth & hopes that you don't do what a lot of us do: find out for ourselves.
let me ask you this: how many lies can you accept before you say you've had enough & want that liar out of your life? obama lies when he says, 'the stimulus did everything we intended it to do'. if it did, we would be in better economical shape &, he would not need to tell us that we need 4 more years of the same. he did not sell us his stimulus as a bandaid---it was sold as a fix. do you honestly believe that if gm & chrysler had gone through bankruptcy on their own (as did ford) that they would no longer exist? did you ever google the senate vote on the dream act to find out who did or didn't vote it or, did you just accept obamas lie that the repubs blocked it? a little while back, obamas biggest regret was communication; last night it was not being able to change washington from the inside---which is it? he started out lying to you about transparency, an open & honest gov't &, not hiring lobbyists &, he's been lying ever since.
at his acceptance speech he just told another lie about how well the state department was doing & all hell has broken out since. how can he say he's made us safer in the face of border agent, brian terry's death & the deaths of americans due to attacks on our consulates & embassy's? how can he call the attacks anything but what they are---terrorists flexing their muscles that wish us harm.
while many of you giants fan think your last game was giants football, i'm here to bust your bubble...you've played 3 games &, you've fielded 3 different teams. not one of you can tell me which giants team will show up for game 4 because you honestly don't have clue &, we're not talking hopes & faith. let's just keep to the facts...game 1 was a disappointment & a loss; game 2 was a slugfast which was giants football; game 3 was an offensive & defensive blowout which is not giants football. however, you fans wish this was team the would be on the field for your remaining 13 games---get real! look at your history under coach coughlin. it's not going to change...last season...
7 loses
5 wins by 4 points or less
1 win by 12 points
1 win by 13 points
1 win by 15 points
1 win by 17 points
that's your regular season for all 16 games &, every team you played scored at least 14 points. 7 4th quarter comebacks for a total of 8 game winning drives...so, again, it was an awesome win however, it was not giants football.
incidentaly, the panthers are 13th from the bottom in superbowl odds so, don't put on your 'big girl panties' just yet....http://www.betvega.com/super-bowl-odds/
7 loses
5 wins by 4 points or less
1 win by 12 points
1 win by 13 points
1 win by 15 points
1 win by 17 points
that's your regular season for all 16 games &, every team you played scored at least 14 points. 7 4th quarter comebacks for a total of 8 game winning drives...so, again, it was an awesome win however, it was not giants football.
incidentaly, the panthers are 13th from the bottom in superbowl odds so, don't put on your 'big girl panties' just yet....http://www.betvega.com/super-bowl-odds/
hello america!!! when you hear obama say that you can't change washington from the inside, that should tell you that after 4 years, the headwinds are just too strong for him & he doesn't know how to change tack. it's also an admissions that he didn't get the job done & it's a subtle way of shifting blame.
now, you can say what you wish about me however, you can't dispute my facts: when obama talks to an all black crowd he talks a different way to them then he does when he talks to an all white crowd. he does the same when he's on univision or talking to a specific group of people...well, let's go back to the univisions interviews...obama 1st blamed the repubs for the failure of the dream cats to pass through the senate. you all ate it up & gave obama props for trying. do you honestly know the truth about why the dream act failed in the senate? are you that stupid that you just relied on what obama told you & you accepted it as GOSPEL? don't just take my word on it, google the senate dream act for yourselves & learn just how much obama lies to you. the dream act needed 60 senate votes to become a law---since you want to take obamas word on this issue, i'm giving you facts---http://tucsoncitizen.com/community/2010/12/18/dream-act-roll-call-vote-in-u-s-senate/ this was the actual senate vote & i defy you to side with obamas lie that 'the other side got together & blocked it'. now, the repubs may have been blockers since however, to my knowledge, that was the only bill passed by the house & sent to the senate. why couldn't obama just tell the truth that 5 dems voted against the bill & that is why it failed passing?
the dream act failing to pass through the senate is obamas fault. he doesn't have the ability or strength to keep his own party to back his. he did it for his stimulus & obamacare &, he did it with backdoor meetings & sweet deals & lies.
to say you can't change washington from within is to say you've given up. the only way washington can change is from within. it doesn't matter who we send there, it's what their willing not to do when they get there. for somebody that been a politician for as long as obama has & to now say what he said means it's time for him to go...&, it's not that he can't fight any longer, it's that he lost the heart to fight.
obama is phony...&, he caters to whichever group is in front of him. i'm just surprised that univision doesn't have the resources to look in a computer, pull up the facts &, challenge obama to tell them the truth.
now, you can say what you wish about me however, you can't dispute my facts: when obama talks to an all black crowd he talks a different way to them then he does when he talks to an all white crowd. he does the same when he's on univision or talking to a specific group of people...well, let's go back to the univisions interviews...obama 1st blamed the repubs for the failure of the dream cats to pass through the senate. you all ate it up & gave obama props for trying. do you honestly know the truth about why the dream act failed in the senate? are you that stupid that you just relied on what obama told you & you accepted it as GOSPEL? don't just take my word on it, google the senate dream act for yourselves & learn just how much obama lies to you. the dream act needed 60 senate votes to become a law---since you want to take obamas word on this issue, i'm giving you facts---http://tucsoncitizen.com/community/2010/12/18/dream-act-roll-call-vote-in-u-s-senate/ this was the actual senate vote & i defy you to side with obamas lie that 'the other side got together & blocked it'. now, the repubs may have been blockers since however, to my knowledge, that was the only bill passed by the house & sent to the senate. why couldn't obama just tell the truth that 5 dems voted against the bill & that is why it failed passing?
the dream act failing to pass through the senate is obamas fault. he doesn't have the ability or strength to keep his own party to back his. he did it for his stimulus & obamacare &, he did it with backdoor meetings & sweet deals & lies.
to say you can't change washington from within is to say you've given up. the only way washington can change is from within. it doesn't matter who we send there, it's what their willing not to do when they get there. for somebody that been a politician for as long as obama has & to now say what he said means it's time for him to go...&, it's not that he can't fight any longer, it's that he lost the heart to fight.
obama is phony...&, he caters to whichever group is in front of him. i'm just surprised that univision doesn't have the resources to look in a computer, pull up the facts &, challenge obama to tell them the truth.
hello america!!! here's your daily jobs situation...http://www.dailyjobcuts.com/ the good news is: it's friday & the listings will slow down until monday---the bad news is: jobs are still being lost....
obama said it all when he said the following & you should take him to task for it...http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/09/20/obama-cant-change-washington-from-inside/
obama ran on his 'hope & change' platform &, in the face of reality, one must admit that as a nation, there is very little 'hope' & we have 'changed' for the worse. he was the one that told america that he was the only candidate that could go to washington & 'change' how business was conducted, something he's failed miserably at &, for his 1st two years he had all the tools he needed to conduct business any way he wanted to but 1st, i have to go here...
obama said his biggest regret is not passing immigration reform & he will probably never ever admit that 5 dems voted against immigration reform in the senate & that is why the bill failed (55 for & 41 against & it needed 60 votes to proceed). AMERICA, DON'T TAKE MY WORD, GOOGLE SENATE VOTE ON THE DREAM ACT, then tell me why obama has always lied about the repubs getting together to block the bill...do your own homework......
obama also says he got his obamacare passed because of the 'grassroots efforts'...another lie. obama lied to his own party about obamacare mandates being 'taxes' & had they of known that then, obamacare would never have become law......
i had to go back in time to pull this up but, do you remember obamas $447 billion jobs bill??? well, look here at all the dem support it didn't get...http://cnsnews.com/blog/michael-w-chapman/pelosi-not-co-sponsor-obama-s-jobs-bill-challenges-gop-support-it needless to say, pelosi & company never even presented their own jobs bill, nor did they pass obamas budget proposals....
for the past 4 years, the only problem in washington has been obama. other then his failed stimulus & obamacare, he really hasn't done much. he uses executive privilege like he's a dictator. obama has only himself to blame for the gridlock in washington...it's one thing to blame everybody else for your own failures & it's another when your too busy juggling which constituents you pander to.
obama said it all when he said the following & you should take him to task for it...http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/09/20/obama-cant-change-washington-from-inside/
obama ran on his 'hope & change' platform &, in the face of reality, one must admit that as a nation, there is very little 'hope' & we have 'changed' for the worse. he was the one that told america that he was the only candidate that could go to washington & 'change' how business was conducted, something he's failed miserably at &, for his 1st two years he had all the tools he needed to conduct business any way he wanted to but 1st, i have to go here...
obama said his biggest regret is not passing immigration reform & he will probably never ever admit that 5 dems voted against immigration reform in the senate & that is why the bill failed (55 for & 41 against & it needed 60 votes to proceed). AMERICA, DON'T TAKE MY WORD, GOOGLE SENATE VOTE ON THE DREAM ACT, then tell me why obama has always lied about the repubs getting together to block the bill...do your own homework......
obama also says he got his obamacare passed because of the 'grassroots efforts'...another lie. obama lied to his own party about obamacare mandates being 'taxes' & had they of known that then, obamacare would never have become law......
i had to go back in time to pull this up but, do you remember obamas $447 billion jobs bill??? well, look here at all the dem support it didn't get...http://cnsnews.com/blog/michael-w-chapman/pelosi-not-co-sponsor-obama-s-jobs-bill-challenges-gop-support-it needless to say, pelosi & company never even presented their own jobs bill, nor did they pass obamas budget proposals....
for the past 4 years, the only problem in washington has been obama. other then his failed stimulus & obamacare, he really hasn't done much. he uses executive privilege like he's a dictator. obama has only himself to blame for the gridlock in washington...it's one thing to blame everybody else for your own failures & it's another when your too busy juggling which constituents you pander to.
Thursday, September 20, 2012
hello america!!! the following is just further proof that obama will not change his rhetoric no matter what. if he says it, he sticks to it, even in the face of being called a liar. obama doesn't apologize; he doesn't admit mistakes &, he doesn't apologize......please read this...http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/09/20/carney-elf-evident-benghazi-attack-was-terrorism/
&, i went to msnbc to see what they reported on the foxnews article & this page didn't even mention it at 10:15pm...http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/3032525/ they just refuse to print anything negative about obama so yes, what you get from them is pro-obama slanted...
obamas foreign policy in the middle east is coming back to bite him in the butt. he actively supported the 'arab spring' & even called for the 'overthrow' of certain regimes...rather then say he made a mistake, he's going to continue to tell you that the video is the culprit & the people doing the uprisings are just responding to it.
what a crock! the attacks on our consulates & embassy's on 9/11 were not only pre-planned, there were 4 other attacks on us leading up to the death of our ambassador & security should have been heightened across the board. but it wasn't....
obama dropped the ball on this one. short & simple. period. & the worse part of all this is: it comes just after he gave his acceptance speech at the dnc & praised our state department.
obama has failed to keep us safe & what's going on in the middle east is further proof of that...
somebody should tell obama that the chant over there is 'death to america' which is what it has always been.
&, i went to msnbc to see what they reported on the foxnews article & this page didn't even mention it at 10:15pm...http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/3032525/ they just refuse to print anything negative about obama so yes, what you get from them is pro-obama slanted...
obamas foreign policy in the middle east is coming back to bite him in the butt. he actively supported the 'arab spring' & even called for the 'overthrow' of certain regimes...rather then say he made a mistake, he's going to continue to tell you that the video is the culprit & the people doing the uprisings are just responding to it.
what a crock! the attacks on our consulates & embassy's on 9/11 were not only pre-planned, there were 4 other attacks on us leading up to the death of our ambassador & security should have been heightened across the board. but it wasn't....
obama dropped the ball on this one. short & simple. period. & the worse part of all this is: it comes just after he gave his acceptance speech at the dnc & praised our state department.
obama has failed to keep us safe & what's going on in the middle east is further proof of that...
somebody should tell obama that the chant over there is 'death to america' which is what it has always been.
hello america!!! before i continue, many people ask me, why fox news? & the answer is, i went to msnbc, cbs, ny times & usa today & out of the following 5 links, usa today was the only one that reported on them & they only reported on just one. the information is purposely being kept from you &, you should contact the media & tell them to report all the news, not just what's favorable to obama but also what's negative....
here's your daily jobs situation...http://www.dailyjobcuts.com/ again, the news is not good or encouraging. in fact, it's just the opposite...
the cbo has revised their figures for who gets hit with a tax penalty & yes, this will reach right into the middle class---so much for obama not raising your taxes...
this comes from usatoday...http://content.usatoday.com/communities/theoval/post/2012/09/19/cbo-health-care-penalty-to-hit-6m-people/70000720/1#.UFqNEbJmRIE
&, this is foxnews...http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/09/19/tax-penalty-to-hit-nearly-6m-uninsured-people/
yes, we do lose jobs because of obamas policy's...http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/09/19/romney-pro-business-groups-blame-obama-polices-on-recent-mine-closings/
here it is a week plus after the consulate & embassy attacks & obama & company are just now calling it for what it is. up to now, they have gone out of their way not to use the terrorist &, also up to now, they have claimed it to be anything but a well planned attack...http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/09/19/top-administration-official-says-strike-in-libya-was-terror-attack/
& then, you have this...http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/09/19/dhs-report-warned-last-week-call-for-burning-embassy-down-in-cairo/
here's your daily jobs situation...http://www.dailyjobcuts.com/ again, the news is not good or encouraging. in fact, it's just the opposite...
the cbo has revised their figures for who gets hit with a tax penalty & yes, this will reach right into the middle class---so much for obama not raising your taxes...
this comes from usatoday...http://content.usatoday.com/communities/theoval/post/2012/09/19/cbo-health-care-penalty-to-hit-6m-people/70000720/1#.UFqNEbJmRIE
&, this is foxnews...http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/09/19/tax-penalty-to-hit-nearly-6m-uninsured-people/
yes, we do lose jobs because of obamas policy's...http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/09/19/romney-pro-business-groups-blame-obama-polices-on-recent-mine-closings/
here it is a week plus after the consulate & embassy attacks & obama & company are just now calling it for what it is. up to now, they have gone out of their way not to use the terrorist &, also up to now, they have claimed it to be anything but a well planned attack...http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/09/19/top-administration-official-says-strike-in-libya-was-terror-attack/
& then, you have this...http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/09/19/dhs-report-warned-last-week-call-for-burning-embassy-down-in-cairo/
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
hello america!!! here's your daily jobs situation...http://www.dailyjobcuts.com/ if you visit the site & look at the jobs losses for yesterday, one would expect obama to say something however, he's just too busy...
obama is so hell-bent on re-election that he has no time to do his job, well, for that matter, he never did his job...case in point, he has no time to meet with his jobs council; doesn't meet with his security council daily; was too busy to visit the wisconsin teacher's demonstrations to 'put on that soft pair of shoes & march' with them; was too busy to even visit wisconsin to help in the governors recall; was too busy to visit chicago & stand with the teacher's union---he didn't even comment on it; is too busy to meet with president netanyahu & discuss israel's future; he was too busy to understand & act on all the warning signs leading up to our diplomats death; he's much too busy to actually tell the american people the truth about the real state of our economy; &, for almost 4 years, he's been too busy to do the job he was hired to do..........
good people, look around america & tell me where 'hope & change' have worked for our betterment? the 'hope' has become:::
1.....hoping you can keep your job or find another job
2.....hoping you can keep your home or get more financing for it, or pay your rent
3.....hoping you can continue to pay your bills, car payments &, put food on the table
4.....hoping that you really can keep your present healthcare coverage & doctor
5.....hoping that obamacare really is affordable
6.....hoping that the bush tax cuts will remain in place
7.....hoping we become energy dependent so we can afford to fill the car up
8.....hoping we can pay down our national debt so as not to burden our children's children with them
9.....hoping we can become a nation of one & put all this divisionism behind us
10...hoping that we can attain that 'AMERICAN DREAM'
11...hoping that our future years will always be better then our past ones
while you may not like the 'TRUTH', all you have to do is look around this great nation & it will smack you into reality. we are not better off now then we were 4 years ago &, i don't care who does the story-telling...
you 'hired' obama to FIX our problems &, after 4 years, they've become worse. his stimulus failed miserably & we are seeing the backlash of it now. what happened to all those 'millions' of jobs he was suppose to create? what happened to that '90% of all stimulus jobs would be created in the private sector'? why are our states/city's still deep in the red after receiving stimulus funds? why haven't banks loaned out more money to those that really need it after being bailed out? why hasn't gm & chrysler returned all of the bailout money they were loaned since obama said they were doing so well. why has obama added $5 trillion plus to our national deficit in less then 4 years (more then all of pres bush's 8 years) after promising to cut it in half by the end of his 1st term? why are more americans receiving some form of gov't assistance now then before obama was sworn in? why are the prices for goods & services steadily rising? why is the federal reserve printing more money that will actually hurt our seniors when they cash in their cd's? what happened to all of those 'green jobs' & obamas investments in 'green technology'? why are we 'buying' more items imported then we export?
obama said 'we are heading in the right direction' so, why did 386,000 people just walk away from looking for jobs last month? why were only 96,000 new jobs created last month? how do explain that there are 30 house of reps passed jobs related bills just sitting at the dem controlled senate that have been collecting dust for months & obama hasn't (even once) asked the senate to act on them? since the 'summer of recovery' was so successful, why are we still recovering? look, when you have almost 50 million americans receiving 'food stamps', our last 4 years were not good ones.
obama reminds me of a chef that never does the actual cooking & spends his time mingling with the diners. he pops in the kitchen, says what he wants & leaves &, when the diners complain, he blames everybody but himself & his cooks...i.e; the flour came in wet; the meats were the wrong size cuts; the previous chef never fixed the freezers or stoves; the mice & roaches that have nibbled on your food came from the storm that went through there last year; the waiter's & waitress's come from his competitors restaurants & doesn't want him to succeed; the water is muddy because of the oil spill; your potatoes are not fully cooked because the cook used the glasses he got from china; &, even though we can seat 200 people in here &, you only see 6 people, the threat of next years corn prices are keeping people home; however, since i inherited this mess from the last chef (4 years ago) i promise you more of the same if you hire me as your chef for the next 4 years. oh, by the way, i promise that i can fix those water-stained napkins---they'll still have the water stains but, i can put some of these illegal immigrants to work ironing out the wrinkles.............
we are falling apart & obama knows it. he would rather spend the time attacking the romney/ryan ticket then trying to explain why his agendas & policy's have failed us. rather then say that the chef competing for his job is well dressed & looks & acts the part, he'd rather tell you that the steaks he cooks are tailor made for that snobbish crowd that knows the difference between well-done & burnt...........
obama is so hell-bent on re-election that he has no time to do his job, well, for that matter, he never did his job...case in point, he has no time to meet with his jobs council; doesn't meet with his security council daily; was too busy to visit the wisconsin teacher's demonstrations to 'put on that soft pair of shoes & march' with them; was too busy to even visit wisconsin to help in the governors recall; was too busy to visit chicago & stand with the teacher's union---he didn't even comment on it; is too busy to meet with president netanyahu & discuss israel's future; he was too busy to understand & act on all the warning signs leading up to our diplomats death; he's much too busy to actually tell the american people the truth about the real state of our economy; &, for almost 4 years, he's been too busy to do the job he was hired to do..........
good people, look around america & tell me where 'hope & change' have worked for our betterment? the 'hope' has become:::
1.....hoping you can keep your job or find another job
2.....hoping you can keep your home or get more financing for it, or pay your rent
3.....hoping you can continue to pay your bills, car payments &, put food on the table
4.....hoping that you really can keep your present healthcare coverage & doctor
5.....hoping that obamacare really is affordable
6.....hoping that the bush tax cuts will remain in place
7.....hoping we become energy dependent so we can afford to fill the car up
8.....hoping we can pay down our national debt so as not to burden our children's children with them
9.....hoping we can become a nation of one & put all this divisionism behind us
10...hoping that we can attain that 'AMERICAN DREAM'
11...hoping that our future years will always be better then our past ones
while you may not like the 'TRUTH', all you have to do is look around this great nation & it will smack you into reality. we are not better off now then we were 4 years ago &, i don't care who does the story-telling...
you 'hired' obama to FIX our problems &, after 4 years, they've become worse. his stimulus failed miserably & we are seeing the backlash of it now. what happened to all those 'millions' of jobs he was suppose to create? what happened to that '90% of all stimulus jobs would be created in the private sector'? why are our states/city's still deep in the red after receiving stimulus funds? why haven't banks loaned out more money to those that really need it after being bailed out? why hasn't gm & chrysler returned all of the bailout money they were loaned since obama said they were doing so well. why has obama added $5 trillion plus to our national deficit in less then 4 years (more then all of pres bush's 8 years) after promising to cut it in half by the end of his 1st term? why are more americans receiving some form of gov't assistance now then before obama was sworn in? why are the prices for goods & services steadily rising? why is the federal reserve printing more money that will actually hurt our seniors when they cash in their cd's? what happened to all of those 'green jobs' & obamas investments in 'green technology'? why are we 'buying' more items imported then we export?
obama said 'we are heading in the right direction' so, why did 386,000 people just walk away from looking for jobs last month? why were only 96,000 new jobs created last month? how do explain that there are 30 house of reps passed jobs related bills just sitting at the dem controlled senate that have been collecting dust for months & obama hasn't (even once) asked the senate to act on them? since the 'summer of recovery' was so successful, why are we still recovering? look, when you have almost 50 million americans receiving 'food stamps', our last 4 years were not good ones.
obama reminds me of a chef that never does the actual cooking & spends his time mingling with the diners. he pops in the kitchen, says what he wants & leaves &, when the diners complain, he blames everybody but himself & his cooks...i.e; the flour came in wet; the meats were the wrong size cuts; the previous chef never fixed the freezers or stoves; the mice & roaches that have nibbled on your food came from the storm that went through there last year; the waiter's & waitress's come from his competitors restaurants & doesn't want him to succeed; the water is muddy because of the oil spill; your potatoes are not fully cooked because the cook used the glasses he got from china; &, even though we can seat 200 people in here &, you only see 6 people, the threat of next years corn prices are keeping people home; however, since i inherited this mess from the last chef (4 years ago) i promise you more of the same if you hire me as your chef for the next 4 years. oh, by the way, i promise that i can fix those water-stained napkins---they'll still have the water stains but, i can put some of these illegal immigrants to work ironing out the wrinkles.............
we are falling apart & obama knows it. he would rather spend the time attacking the romney/ryan ticket then trying to explain why his agendas & policy's have failed us. rather then say that the chef competing for his job is well dressed & looks & acts the part, he'd rather tell you that the steaks he cooks are tailor made for that snobbish crowd that knows the difference between well-done & burnt...........
hello america!!! here's your daily jobs situation...http://www.dailyjobcuts.com/ &, this is devastating news for thousands of people. how can obama not address these job losses? is his campaigning & fund raising more important? is this truly who we deserve for the next 4 years?
good people, we need somebody that will put our interests above their own &, that's not obama. we need somebody that will try a different approach to fixing our job problems...
good people, we need somebody that will put our interests above their own &, that's not obama. we need somebody that will try a different approach to fixing our job problems...
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
hello america!!! it really is a shame that obama & company are denying that the uprisings in the middle east have anything to do with obamas foreign policy, america, or the obama admin. when will they, just for once, admit they made a mistake? & obama, for him to have grown up in muslim country's & pride himself on speaking arabic, has to know that most muslim country's don't like the western country's. he has to know that, through history, killing americans is a good thing for them & they don't need much of an excuse to do so. to them we are the 'infidels' & that won't change in our lifetime.
obama dropped the ball on our embassy protection & he dropped the ball on issuing an upgraded warning to our people over there. there were 4 separate incidents (that had nothing to do with any video) over there prior to 9/11 that should have warranted the upgrade.
for obama to blame the video for the attacks & uprisings is his way of deflecting blame from himself. from all the pictures i see on tv, i don't see the people calling for the head of the video producer---i see them burning our flags & destroying our embassy's & saying 'death to america'.
simply put, these uprisings were pre-planned & organized to coincide with 9/11....
our foreign policy is not working.....http://news.yahoo.com/us-troop-surge-ends-setbacks-piling-203722889.html
obama dropped the ball on our embassy protection & he dropped the ball on issuing an upgraded warning to our people over there. there were 4 separate incidents (that had nothing to do with any video) over there prior to 9/11 that should have warranted the upgrade.
for obama to blame the video for the attacks & uprisings is his way of deflecting blame from himself. from all the pictures i see on tv, i don't see the people calling for the head of the video producer---i see them burning our flags & destroying our embassy's & saying 'death to america'.
simply put, these uprisings were pre-planned & organized to coincide with 9/11....
our foreign policy is not working.....http://news.yahoo.com/us-troop-surge-ends-setbacks-piling-203722889.html
Saturday, September 15, 2012
hello america!!! it really is mind-boggling that obama & company can't call the mid east uprisings exactly what they are:::muslim extremists rallied by muslim terrorists using the video film as an excuse to do what they do best; harm & kill americans & our friends, timed to coincide with 9/11.
the video has been laying around for several months---where was this outrage when it first roared its ugly head? the video is a pathetic labeling to cover up obama & company failure to keep our people safe. period.
the facts that have surfaced point directly to the man at the top not taking 4 recent & separate incidents against us seriously. now, whether or not obama doesn't attend his daily intel briefings daily or doesn't fully read their notes, he dropped the ball on this one...HE'S KNOWN SINCE JUNE ABOUT THE 4 SEPARATE INCIDENTS & IF HE DIDN'T, HE'S NOT EVEN THE 'SO-CALLED LEADER' HE PORTRAYS HIMSELF TO BE........
On June 6, an IED was thrown at the perimeter of the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi. On June 11, the British ambassador's motorcade came under attack by a rocket propelled grenade or RPG. Two security personnel were injured. Seven days later, on June 18, armed gunmen attacked the Tunisian consulate and burned its flag. And on August 5, five weeks before the assault on the U.S. Consulate, the International Committee of the Red Cross building in Benghazi was also struck by RPGs.
Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/09/14/diplomatic-western-posts-targeted-repeatedly-in-benghazi-in-run-up-to-deadly/#ixzz26Xk6J0W9
let's call it like it is:::if the video was shown on 9/11 & has sparked all this unrest, we have either seriously underestimated the abilities of our enemy's or, we just ignored them. in any case, the american deaths tell the story that those in power won't. the attack on our consulate was 2-pronged & somebody had to give out the location of the safehouse.
look, even if you were passing out $20 bills in times square, you couldn't get all these people together on short notice. can you honestly imagine that all those people saw the video at the same time, got offended, dropped what they were doing &, collectively & mindlessly, just happened to show up at the consulate? &, if you can imagine that, can you also imagine that the weapons just happened to show there also. then asked yourself this: what or who actually sparked them to violence? well, while you're imagining, can you imagine all this violence just happened to spread to other country's? i just can't imagine why australia got dragged into the mix.
these uprisings were well planned to coincide with 9/11 (which on its own should been a day of heightened security---&, even more so in the face of the 4 previous attacks) & the video is being used as the excuse for them.
simply put, & contrary to what obama & his mouthpieces say, these uprisings are against americans & our friends. deflecting the blame doesn't make you blameless.
america, just look across the globe & tell me exactly what has obama & our state department done!!! yes, they'll spin it to put on the good face but, in reality, we're worse overseas then we were 4 years ago. why does it take american lives to tighten security around 9/11? what possible effective foreign policy can you have & defend that leaves our diplomats with less then the security they actually need?
ok, this video was so demeaning to muslims all over the world & yet, the muslims right here are so very quiet about it. or, are we suppressing their voices?
when salman rushide published his book, muslims called for his head...when the danish cartoonist published those cartoons of the muslim prophet, they wanted the head...when our soldiers burned the quran, muslims wanted their heads...now we have them supposedly reacting violently to a video &, it's death to america.......HMMM!!!
now, if you get all of your news from msnbc, cbs, abc or c-span, you're probably comfortable in your thinking that we are safer...you were never more wrong in your life. you only see what the pro-obama biased news media wants you to see, which will not be anything negative towards obama. obama won't tell you the truth about anything &, unfortunately, hilary clinton is caught up in his mess. yes, she was dancing in laughing & dancing in africa---now ask her exactly how many lives she actually saved? better yet, i bet you can't even tell me why she was over there.....yeah, google it & it should give you a clue to just how uninformed you really are. every overseas trip she returns from is billed as a success & yet, we haven't gotten crap out of them. i've posted on here articles like this one...http://edagener.blogspot.com/2012/09/sreaking-about-foreign-policy.html
as the days go forward, expect more people in the mid east to join the uprisings which can all be attributed to obamas support of the arab spring & continuing statements to overthrow the gov't of syria. so yes, it's a direct reflection on obamas foreign policy. his sending in backup security is after the fact &, last night, we lost 2 more americans in our own afghanistan compound...yeah, that group must have just seen the video.
we have 90,000 plus americans in the mid east & unfortunately, they're all at risk. ask them if obama has made us safer...hell, ask obama. bet you won't see any photo-ops with him in the mid east any time soon for any reason---that's just how safe it is.
the next time obama, & company get on tv telling you how safe they've kept us, ask them to allow obamas daughters to visit the mid east. you're not going to like your answer........
the video has been laying around for several months---where was this outrage when it first roared its ugly head? the video is a pathetic labeling to cover up obama & company failure to keep our people safe. period.
the facts that have surfaced point directly to the man at the top not taking 4 recent & separate incidents against us seriously. now, whether or not obama doesn't attend his daily intel briefings daily or doesn't fully read their notes, he dropped the ball on this one...HE'S KNOWN SINCE JUNE ABOUT THE 4 SEPARATE INCIDENTS & IF HE DIDN'T, HE'S NOT EVEN THE 'SO-CALLED LEADER' HE PORTRAYS HIMSELF TO BE........
On June 6, an IED was thrown at the perimeter of the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi. On June 11, the British ambassador's motorcade came under attack by a rocket propelled grenade or RPG. Two security personnel were injured. Seven days later, on June 18, armed gunmen attacked the Tunisian consulate and burned its flag. And on August 5, five weeks before the assault on the U.S. Consulate, the International Committee of the Red Cross building in Benghazi was also struck by RPGs.
Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/09/14/diplomatic-western-posts-targeted-repeatedly-in-benghazi-in-run-up-to-deadly/#ixzz26Xk6J0W9
let's call it like it is:::if the video was shown on 9/11 & has sparked all this unrest, we have either seriously underestimated the abilities of our enemy's or, we just ignored them. in any case, the american deaths tell the story that those in power won't. the attack on our consulate was 2-pronged & somebody had to give out the location of the safehouse.
look, even if you were passing out $20 bills in times square, you couldn't get all these people together on short notice. can you honestly imagine that all those people saw the video at the same time, got offended, dropped what they were doing &, collectively & mindlessly, just happened to show up at the consulate? &, if you can imagine that, can you also imagine that the weapons just happened to show there also. then asked yourself this: what or who actually sparked them to violence? well, while you're imagining, can you imagine all this violence just happened to spread to other country's? i just can't imagine why australia got dragged into the mix.
these uprisings were well planned to coincide with 9/11 (which on its own should been a day of heightened security---&, even more so in the face of the 4 previous attacks) & the video is being used as the excuse for them.
simply put, & contrary to what obama & his mouthpieces say, these uprisings are against americans & our friends. deflecting the blame doesn't make you blameless.
america, just look across the globe & tell me exactly what has obama & our state department done!!! yes, they'll spin it to put on the good face but, in reality, we're worse overseas then we were 4 years ago. why does it take american lives to tighten security around 9/11? what possible effective foreign policy can you have & defend that leaves our diplomats with less then the security they actually need?
ok, this video was so demeaning to muslims all over the world & yet, the muslims right here are so very quiet about it. or, are we suppressing their voices?
when salman rushide published his book, muslims called for his head...when the danish cartoonist published those cartoons of the muslim prophet, they wanted the head...when our soldiers burned the quran, muslims wanted their heads...now we have them supposedly reacting violently to a video &, it's death to america.......HMMM!!!
now, if you get all of your news from msnbc, cbs, abc or c-span, you're probably comfortable in your thinking that we are safer...you were never more wrong in your life. you only see what the pro-obama biased news media wants you to see, which will not be anything negative towards obama. obama won't tell you the truth about anything &, unfortunately, hilary clinton is caught up in his mess. yes, she was dancing in laughing & dancing in africa---now ask her exactly how many lives she actually saved? better yet, i bet you can't even tell me why she was over there.....yeah, google it & it should give you a clue to just how uninformed you really are. every overseas trip she returns from is billed as a success & yet, we haven't gotten crap out of them. i've posted on here articles like this one...http://edagener.blogspot.com/2012/09/sreaking-about-foreign-policy.html
as the days go forward, expect more people in the mid east to join the uprisings which can all be attributed to obamas support of the arab spring & continuing statements to overthrow the gov't of syria. so yes, it's a direct reflection on obamas foreign policy. his sending in backup security is after the fact &, last night, we lost 2 more americans in our own afghanistan compound...yeah, that group must have just seen the video.
we have 90,000 plus americans in the mid east & unfortunately, they're all at risk. ask them if obama has made us safer...hell, ask obama. bet you won't see any photo-ops with him in the mid east any time soon for any reason---that's just how safe it is.
the next time obama, & company get on tv telling you how safe they've kept us, ask them to allow obamas daughters to visit the mid east. you're not going to like your answer........
hello america!!! here it is almost 4 years since obama was elected &, he's still 'blaming' others. when will he step up & assume responsibility for our economic mess? when will he be truthful with the american people & admit his role in training the acorn demonstrators that pressured banks to make those 'sub-prime loans'? when will he tell america that he was a lawyer that sued citibank to force them to make those same 'sub-prime loans'?
while many article have been written on the subject, i like the following because they give you some background that you can actually verify...http://www.mediacircus.com/2008/10/obama-sued-citibank-under-cra-to-force-it-to-make-bad-loans/
the main stream media has repeatedly gone out of their way to keep the above from being reported. this should have been 'front page' news back in 2008. now, while obama didn't do anything illegal, he did have a direct & active hand in our economy's downfall & he should be held accountable for his actions. he should have to explain why 'sub-prime loans' to people that can't afford to repay them is a good thing for america.
good people, if the above was all obama did & owned up to it, this writing would stop here. that said, rather then admit how our collapse really came about, he blamed pres bush for it. to show you how false that is, i'm going to the very same site that saves obamas whitehouse records &, i'm going to pull up what pres bush tried to do to keep us from an economic freefall....http://georgewbush-whitehouse.archives.gov/news/releases/2008/10/20081009-10.html a lot of you may be wondering how come you didn't know about any of the above & yet, i wrote about on this very same blog & told you to do your own homework.
on another note, just to show you what kind of 'CHARACTER' obama doesn't have: his press secretary, jay carney said, the uprisings in the middle east have nothing to do with obamas foreign policy, obamas admin or, obama. supposedly, obama had a 48 hour warning of what was going on but, as they put it: they had no actionable intelligence. hey asshole, how about a heads up to our people outside of our borders like, hey, we don't know what's going on but, with 9/11 coming, take extra precautions.
this is what obama does & he's good at it. he great at 'deflecting' blame & assigning it to others. for obama to blame the video is stupid. the video has been out there all this time & is just now coming into play. these arab uprisings were planned to occur on 9/11 & the video is really hindsight....
while many article have been written on the subject, i like the following because they give you some background that you can actually verify...http://www.mediacircus.com/2008/10/obama-sued-citibank-under-cra-to-force-it-to-make-bad-loans/
the main stream media has repeatedly gone out of their way to keep the above from being reported. this should have been 'front page' news back in 2008. now, while obama didn't do anything illegal, he did have a direct & active hand in our economy's downfall & he should be held accountable for his actions. he should have to explain why 'sub-prime loans' to people that can't afford to repay them is a good thing for america.
good people, if the above was all obama did & owned up to it, this writing would stop here. that said, rather then admit how our collapse really came about, he blamed pres bush for it. to show you how false that is, i'm going to the very same site that saves obamas whitehouse records &, i'm going to pull up what pres bush tried to do to keep us from an economic freefall....http://georgewbush-whitehouse.archives.gov/news/releases/2008/10/20081009-10.html a lot of you may be wondering how come you didn't know about any of the above & yet, i wrote about on this very same blog & told you to do your own homework.
on another note, just to show you what kind of 'CHARACTER' obama doesn't have: his press secretary, jay carney said, the uprisings in the middle east have nothing to do with obamas foreign policy, obamas admin or, obama. supposedly, obama had a 48 hour warning of what was going on but, as they put it: they had no actionable intelligence. hey asshole, how about a heads up to our people outside of our borders like, hey, we don't know what's going on but, with 9/11 coming, take extra precautions.
this is what obama does & he's good at it. he great at 'deflecting' blame & assigning it to others. for obama to blame the video is stupid. the video has been out there all this time & is just now coming into play. these arab uprisings were planned to occur on 9/11 & the video is really hindsight....
Friday, September 14, 2012
hello america!!! here's your daily jobs situation...http://www.dailyjobcuts.com/
obama vocally & actively supported the 'arab spring' & he's even gone as far as to praise the 'violent' efforts of the citizens in the streets 'fighting' their gov't. he's on record saying which leader should step down. those people were cheering 'USA' & you all ate it up. he delay action in lybia & then sent in our planes & on syria he's done nothing but run his mouth. &, if you care to remember, our people were not attacked during the arab spring.
what i find the most troubling about the four american deaths & the number of americans injured is, their lack of security, for whatever reason, has to be thoroughly investigation. what idiot would not have ordered even more security for our middle east diplomats on 9/11? hell, just about every tv station aired the 9/11 disasters & there was a ceremony for the family's of the fallen where the world trade towers used to be...what part of that did obama, as america's #1 protector, not understand?
look america, when you have our 'so-called leader' dictating which middle east leaders have to leave power & then, actively supporting that, we're going to have bad problems. &, during & after the 'arab spring' that same 'so-called leader' touts the uprisings as a success, we're going to have bad problems. when you have that same 'so-called leader' bowing & kissing rings of middle east leaders, we're going to have bad problems. when you have that same 'so-called leader' publicly support same sex marriage, we're going to have bad problems. when you have that same 'so-called leader' pander to those factions & apologize for america being america, we're going to have bad problems.
there are just too many different factions in the middle east that all wish us harm or death. it's been that way for eons &, regardless of how much arabic obama may speak to them, it won't change their mind-set.
there are many facts that have not yet been made public but, the underlying logic says, obama has not made us stronger---he's made us weaker &, if you don't believe that, we wouldn't just now be stationing 2 ships near lybia & sending marines to now protect our people.
obama vocally & actively supported the 'arab spring' & he's even gone as far as to praise the 'violent' efforts of the citizens in the streets 'fighting' their gov't. he's on record saying which leader should step down. those people were cheering 'USA' & you all ate it up. he delay action in lybia & then sent in our planes & on syria he's done nothing but run his mouth. &, if you care to remember, our people were not attacked during the arab spring.
what i find the most troubling about the four american deaths & the number of americans injured is, their lack of security, for whatever reason, has to be thoroughly investigation. what idiot would not have ordered even more security for our middle east diplomats on 9/11? hell, just about every tv station aired the 9/11 disasters & there was a ceremony for the family's of the fallen where the world trade towers used to be...what part of that did obama, as america's #1 protector, not understand?
look america, when you have our 'so-called leader' dictating which middle east leaders have to leave power & then, actively supporting that, we're going to have bad problems. &, during & after the 'arab spring' that same 'so-called leader' touts the uprisings as a success, we're going to have bad problems. when you have that same 'so-called leader' bowing & kissing rings of middle east leaders, we're going to have bad problems. when you have that same 'so-called leader' publicly support same sex marriage, we're going to have bad problems. when you have that same 'so-called leader' pander to those factions & apologize for america being america, we're going to have bad problems.
there are just too many different factions in the middle east that all wish us harm or death. it's been that way for eons &, regardless of how much arabic obama may speak to them, it won't change their mind-set.
there are many facts that have not yet been made public but, the underlying logic says, obama has not made us stronger---he's made us weaker &, if you don't believe that, we wouldn't just now be stationing 2 ships near lybia & sending marines to now protect our people.
Thursday, September 13, 2012
hello america!!! in reference to the deaths & continued attacks on our embassy's & consulates, the first words out of obamas mouth should have been to condemn them...after all, they are an extension of him & his vision. it's really stupid of him to attack any americans that speak out about the violence over there that is directed at america.
that said, i just very recently posted on here about obamas foreign policy & state department & then, we have these attacks which are growing...
america, your choice this november has to be the smart one...when obama allows confusion to abound in his admin, no clear message will ever be generated. the embassy says one thing, obama agrees to it & then disagrees...he say egypt is not our ally, the state department says it is...http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/09/13/state-department-corrects-obama-says-egypt-is-ally/
obama is a man of contradictions:::his excuse for not visiting wisconsin during the governors recall & marching with the people was, his duties keep him busy...however, he was campaigning & fundraising & actually flew over the state...instead of him going to las vegas, he should have stayed in the whitehouse & attended his own security meeting...here, read this...http://news.yahoo.com/obama-wont-meet-netanyahu-over-iran-row-israeli-184047333.html
& then you have this...http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-09-12/netanyahu-says-he-has-duty-to-keep-atomic-arms-from-iran.html
well, it's to my understanding that they will miss each other by a few days however, obama didn't invite him to the whitehouse &, he'll be out campaigning & will be on a talk show. plus, there are reports obamas will sit down with the leader of the muslim brotherhood...
obama lost all of his respect with the muslim nations when he openly sided with same sex marriages. you don't have to believe me, just ask obama which muslim leader still views him as the man he once was??? so, to answer an unasked question, no, we are not safer. 9/11 & obama doesn't have our middle east security on alert???
that said, i just very recently posted on here about obamas foreign policy & state department & then, we have these attacks which are growing...
america, your choice this november has to be the smart one...when obama allows confusion to abound in his admin, no clear message will ever be generated. the embassy says one thing, obama agrees to it & then disagrees...he say egypt is not our ally, the state department says it is...http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/09/13/state-department-corrects-obama-says-egypt-is-ally/
obama is a man of contradictions:::his excuse for not visiting wisconsin during the governors recall & marching with the people was, his duties keep him busy...however, he was campaigning & fundraising & actually flew over the state...instead of him going to las vegas, he should have stayed in the whitehouse & attended his own security meeting...here, read this...http://news.yahoo.com/obama-wont-meet-netanyahu-over-iran-row-israeli-184047333.html
& then you have this...http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-09-12/netanyahu-says-he-has-duty-to-keep-atomic-arms-from-iran.html
well, it's to my understanding that they will miss each other by a few days however, obama didn't invite him to the whitehouse &, he'll be out campaigning & will be on a talk show. plus, there are reports obamas will sit down with the leader of the muslim brotherhood...
obama lost all of his respect with the muslim nations when he openly sided with same sex marriages. you don't have to believe me, just ask obama which muslim leader still views him as the man he once was??? so, to answer an unasked question, no, we are not safer. 9/11 & obama doesn't have our middle east security on alert???
hello america!!! look, you don't have to be a rocket scientist to know that something is hindering employers from hiring. nor do you have to know what allows balloons to 'fly' to know that the massive layoffs have nothing to do with the weather. the new weekly jobless claims, 382,000, says it all &, the extremely sad part of all of this is: obama & company have no workable solutions to aid our jobs sector.
you know you have problems when your 'so-called leader' knows the dismal jobs numbers the night before they are publicly released &, doesn't have the 'balls' to include them in his acceptance speech the following night. obama could have spoken in a way to soften the numbers & pre-warn this country about them...only 96,000 jobs were created for the whole month of august, while 386,000 people just suddenly stopped looking for work. those numbers caught all the 'experts' by surprise &, today's numbers were also 'unexpected'. &, yes, the national unemployment rate dropped from 8.3% to 8.1% however, LET ME BE CLEAR, it dropped for the wrong reasons &, only an idiot would tout its dropping as a success because, to do so, would be admitting that you have no solutions for the people that gave up looking for work.
in truth, obama has not done what you hired him to do. almost 4 years ago, you voted obama into office on the wings of 'hope & change' &, if you honestly look at where we are today, he has failed to do his job. his stimulus has failed miserably because, if it had of succeeded, the jobs numbers would be reversed. &, for those of you that tout obamacare, just watch as it becomes even more unaffordable...
obama was suppose to champion the cause of the middle class...well, let's look at that. food & services prices have been steadily going up; the majority of jobs lost have fell on the middle class; the majority of homes lost have fell on the middle class; the number of loans not issued have fell on the middle class...honest math does not lie....&, please don't forget to include that the middle class's median income has also fell by about $4,000. &, before you get your panties in a twist, the majority of all taxes paid is by the top 20%...so glad they don't pay their fair share.
other then food stamps & extended unemployment benefits, obama has done nothing except talk about what he wants to do. unfortunately, he's very good at that, along with blaming others. nothing that has negatively occurred under obamas watch is his fault---it's always somebody elses, or the weather, or the tsunami however, when it comes to receiving praise, it's all his & his alone.
obama just says what you want to hear &, he says it very forcefully. the sad thing is, you want to hear those things & you listen blindly. well, before you condemn me to hell & back, ask yourself this: where is his detailed blueprint for putting america back to work? where is his detailed blueprint for paying down our national debt? where is his detailed blueprint for keeping people in their homes? where is his detailed blueprint for uniting america as a party of one? where is his detailed blueprint to reform immigration & our entitlements programs? where is his detailed blueprint for reforming our tax code? where is his detailed blueprint for returning america to its prior 'greatness'? where is his detailed blueprint for keeping america safe & strong? where is his detailed blueprint to actually aid the private sector? where is his detailed blueprint to rid us of the gangs, drugs & violence that plague our communities & schools? where is his detailed blueprint to allow america to become self-energy sufficient? where is his detailed blueprint to elevate those living south of the national poverty line? where is his detailed blueprint to elevate the quality of education?
i am not 'slinging mud'---i'm just stating the facts. obamas vision of adding more public sector, unionized labor contracts to our system is not the answer. in honesty, it's like you losing your job, you're on the verge of filing for bankruptcy & me, as your PDA (professional data analyst), think you should put in a new underground swimming pool.
obama is wrong for this country!!!!!!!!!!!
you know you have problems when your 'so-called leader' knows the dismal jobs numbers the night before they are publicly released &, doesn't have the 'balls' to include them in his acceptance speech the following night. obama could have spoken in a way to soften the numbers & pre-warn this country about them...only 96,000 jobs were created for the whole month of august, while 386,000 people just suddenly stopped looking for work. those numbers caught all the 'experts' by surprise &, today's numbers were also 'unexpected'. &, yes, the national unemployment rate dropped from 8.3% to 8.1% however, LET ME BE CLEAR, it dropped for the wrong reasons &, only an idiot would tout its dropping as a success because, to do so, would be admitting that you have no solutions for the people that gave up looking for work.
in truth, obama has not done what you hired him to do. almost 4 years ago, you voted obama into office on the wings of 'hope & change' &, if you honestly look at where we are today, he has failed to do his job. his stimulus has failed miserably because, if it had of succeeded, the jobs numbers would be reversed. &, for those of you that tout obamacare, just watch as it becomes even more unaffordable...
obama was suppose to champion the cause of the middle class...well, let's look at that. food & services prices have been steadily going up; the majority of jobs lost have fell on the middle class; the majority of homes lost have fell on the middle class; the number of loans not issued have fell on the middle class...honest math does not lie....&, please don't forget to include that the middle class's median income has also fell by about $4,000. &, before you get your panties in a twist, the majority of all taxes paid is by the top 20%...so glad they don't pay their fair share.
other then food stamps & extended unemployment benefits, obama has done nothing except talk about what he wants to do. unfortunately, he's very good at that, along with blaming others. nothing that has negatively occurred under obamas watch is his fault---it's always somebody elses, or the weather, or the tsunami however, when it comes to receiving praise, it's all his & his alone.
obama just says what you want to hear &, he says it very forcefully. the sad thing is, you want to hear those things & you listen blindly. well, before you condemn me to hell & back, ask yourself this: where is his detailed blueprint for putting america back to work? where is his detailed blueprint for paying down our national debt? where is his detailed blueprint for keeping people in their homes? where is his detailed blueprint for uniting america as a party of one? where is his detailed blueprint to reform immigration & our entitlements programs? where is his detailed blueprint for reforming our tax code? where is his detailed blueprint for returning america to its prior 'greatness'? where is his detailed blueprint for keeping america safe & strong? where is his detailed blueprint to actually aid the private sector? where is his detailed blueprint to rid us of the gangs, drugs & violence that plague our communities & schools? where is his detailed blueprint to allow america to become self-energy sufficient? where is his detailed blueprint to elevate those living south of the national poverty line? where is his detailed blueprint to elevate the quality of education?
i am not 'slinging mud'---i'm just stating the facts. obamas vision of adding more public sector, unionized labor contracts to our system is not the answer. in honesty, it's like you losing your job, you're on the verge of filing for bankruptcy & me, as your PDA (professional data analyst), think you should put in a new underground swimming pool.
obama is wrong for this country!!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
hello america!!! here's your daily jobs situation...http://www.dailyjobcuts.com/ regardless of what you hear, layoffs & closings are really getting out of hand. they seem to be increasing &, there's no ending in sight. if it continues as it is, new jobs will not be able to keep pace with the loss of jobs.
fiat, which now own chrysler, is having plenty of its own problems in italy...see here...http://in.reuters.com/article/2012/09/12/fiat-factories-idINL5E8KC86K20120912
&, that goes hand in hand with this...http://www.marketwatch.com/story/gm-to-cut-1000-jobs-at-opel-headquarters-report-2012-09-12
what bothers me the most is; obama & company are not honest about just how bad things really are in the jobs market...
fiat, which now own chrysler, is having plenty of its own problems in italy...see here...http://in.reuters.com/article/2012/09/12/fiat-factories-idINL5E8KC86K20120912
&, that goes hand in hand with this...http://www.marketwatch.com/story/gm-to-cut-1000-jobs-at-opel-headquarters-report-2012-09-12
what bothers me the most is; obama & company are not honest about just how bad things really are in the jobs market...
hello america!!! you can dress the following article up any way you wish to but, the middle class is really taking a beating all across the board...http://www.usatoday.com/money/economy/story/2012-09-11/median-household-income/57757352/1
while obama touts what he would like to do for the middle class, his actions have not helped them; in fact, they are not only losing jobs, they're also losing money with the jobs they do manage to keep.
whether you support obama or not, starting in 2008, he always talked about helping the 'middle class' & now, 4 years later, i have to ask, just how has he helped the middle class? they're still losing their homes; they're still losing their jobs (&, the jobs they do manage to get are underpaying); &, the banks still are not loaning them money...&, before we go any further: healthcare costs have gone up; teachers, firemen & police were losing their jobs before obamas stimulus was passed & they've been losing them ever since. obama did bailout gm & chrysler (which was sold to a foreign car company, fiat). obama has backed gm's $40,000 chevy volt with $7,500 tax break however, he's the only one buying them...http://www.foxnews.com/us/2012/09/11/taxpayers-to-get-charged-as-pentagon-buys-up-chevy-volts/?test=latestnews
america, there's something wrong with this picture. obama took our money to bailout gm; gives a $7,500 for an over-priced car most americans do not want; then buys the same car with our money. in the meantime, we still own about 26% of gm & their stock is dropping......
by the way, there's this...http://www.foxnews.com/leisure/2012/09/10/gm-denys-report-it-is-losing-4g-on-each-volt-sold-while-admitting-program-
good people, contrary to what obama said, if gm had of entered into bankruptcy on its own, do you think it would have just disappeared as some want you to believe? just look at ford.
for someone that really wants to help the middle class, where were his comments on the dismal jobs numbers
&, our ever-growing national debt. oh, sorry, obama did say he would use the money we'll save when the wars end---what he didn't tell you is: we borrowed the money for those wars & there will be no savings for him to reach into...we just won't have to borrow anymore for the war.
while obama touts what he would like to do for the middle class, his actions have not helped them; in fact, they are not only losing jobs, they're also losing money with the jobs they do manage to keep.
whether you support obama or not, starting in 2008, he always talked about helping the 'middle class' & now, 4 years later, i have to ask, just how has he helped the middle class? they're still losing their homes; they're still losing their jobs (&, the jobs they do manage to get are underpaying); &, the banks still are not loaning them money...&, before we go any further: healthcare costs have gone up; teachers, firemen & police were losing their jobs before obamas stimulus was passed & they've been losing them ever since. obama did bailout gm & chrysler (which was sold to a foreign car company, fiat). obama has backed gm's $40,000 chevy volt with $7,500 tax break however, he's the only one buying them...http://www.foxnews.com/us/2012/09/11/taxpayers-to-get-charged-as-pentagon-buys-up-chevy-volts/?test=latestnews
america, there's something wrong with this picture. obama took our money to bailout gm; gives a $7,500 for an over-priced car most americans do not want; then buys the same car with our money. in the meantime, we still own about 26% of gm & their stock is dropping......
by the way, there's this...http://www.foxnews.com/leisure/2012/09/10/gm-denys-report-it-is-losing-4g-on-each-volt-sold-while-admitting-program-
good people, contrary to what obama said, if gm had of entered into bankruptcy on its own, do you think it would have just disappeared as some want you to believe? just look at ford.
for someone that really wants to help the middle class, where were his comments on the dismal jobs numbers
&, our ever-growing national debt. oh, sorry, obama did say he would use the money we'll save when the wars end---what he didn't tell you is: we borrowed the money for those wars & there will be no savings for him to reach into...we just won't have to borrow anymore for the war.
hello america!!! we just can't afford any more job losses for any reason. something must be done to keep company's from closing. &, with that said, i realize not every job loss is obamas fault nor is every job created his success however, they're both occurring on his watch & both have to be attached to his name & policy's...so, it goes without saying, the following is also on obamas watch &, it's another big one...600 store closures by early 2013...http://commercial-news.com/local/x2056640732/Fashion-Bug-to-close-all-stores
spin it anyway you want but many, many people will be out of work which has a domino effect: it effects the business's that supply the goods & services for all the fashion bugs; it effects where these now unemployed people will not be shopping at; it effects the states & city's revenue intake thus adding to their already overwhelming burdens---that lost revenue effects how the states provide services & paychecks. it also adds, for those now unemployed, concerns about mortgages/rents, every day bills, healthcare costs & car payments, etc.......
to not put the blame on obama is foolish because if his stimulus had of really worked, we would not have all these business's closing because, more americans would be working & spending their money in these stores.
furthermore, for obama to say 'we're heading in the right direction' is telling me he doesn't even have a full grasp of the real situation...it's like telling your wife that you're about to lose the car, house & your job however, you found $20 on the ground so, you're heading in the right direction......
spin it anyway you want but many, many people will be out of work which has a domino effect: it effects the business's that supply the goods & services for all the fashion bugs; it effects where these now unemployed people will not be shopping at; it effects the states & city's revenue intake thus adding to their already overwhelming burdens---that lost revenue effects how the states provide services & paychecks. it also adds, for those now unemployed, concerns about mortgages/rents, every day bills, healthcare costs & car payments, etc.......
to not put the blame on obama is foolish because if his stimulus had of really worked, we would not have all these business's closing because, more americans would be working & spending their money in these stores.
furthermore, for obama to say 'we're heading in the right direction' is telling me he doesn't even have a full grasp of the real situation...it's like telling your wife that you're about to lose the car, house & your job however, you found $20 on the ground so, you're heading in the right direction......
hello america!!! i am so glad that obama said our state department & foreign policy's are doing okay. i mean, i was really beginning to get worried that everything outside of our borders was starting to unravel. obamas words so un-reassured me that i likened them to somebody telling me that jumping in the river won't get me wet....
while i've posted about the negativity's with our foreign policy & state department previously, the attacks on our embassy's in lybia & cairo have re-triggered the warning bells. &, obama & company cannot say anything like, 'the death of one american is worth the freedom for the arab masses' because it flies in the face of being against 'water boarding' while outright murder is okay. confusing? yes it is....because you have this...
& this...http://news.yahoo.com/japan-buy-disputed-islands-angering-china-121834666.html
then this...http://news.yahoo.com/china-sends-patrol-ships-islands-held-japan-051725925.html
obama can say whatever he wishes to however, just look around the world & tell me where we have made a difference? where have we been a deterrent? where have our policy's actually worked? iraq & afghanistan are both lost causes; north korea & iran don't fear us & they have the support of china & russia; russia & china have become a 'team' that opposes us; africa is still killing its own; syria is hellbent on retaining its power & they have the support of russia; cuba is still cuba & may allow russia to build a naval base there; we have thrown israel to the wolves; we are telling europe how to fix their economically problems while we can't fix our own; obama apologizes for america & submissively bows to foreign leaders; obama has also lost his respect with arab leaders with his supporting 'same sex marriages'; we have said the hell with canada; we're still having major problems with our mexican border; despite the promises from obama, haiti is still in dire need of help; pakistan is not our friend; obama & company say we have broken the back of al-quada & yet, they are just as dangerous today as when obama was sworn in; obama strongly supported the arab spring & you now see where that has gotten us; so, while i'm positive that we must have done some good out there, i just wish somebody would point it out to me......
while i've posted about the negativity's with our foreign policy & state department previously, the attacks on our embassy's in lybia & cairo have re-triggered the warning bells. &, obama & company cannot say anything like, 'the death of one american is worth the freedom for the arab masses' because it flies in the face of being against 'water boarding' while outright murder is okay. confusing? yes it is....because you have this...
& this...http://news.yahoo.com/japan-buy-disputed-islands-angering-china-121834666.html
then this...http://news.yahoo.com/china-sends-patrol-ships-islands-held-japan-051725925.html
obama can say whatever he wishes to however, just look around the world & tell me where we have made a difference? where have we been a deterrent? where have our policy's actually worked? iraq & afghanistan are both lost causes; north korea & iran don't fear us & they have the support of china & russia; russia & china have become a 'team' that opposes us; africa is still killing its own; syria is hellbent on retaining its power & they have the support of russia; cuba is still cuba & may allow russia to build a naval base there; we have thrown israel to the wolves; we are telling europe how to fix their economically problems while we can't fix our own; obama apologizes for america & submissively bows to foreign leaders; obama has also lost his respect with arab leaders with his supporting 'same sex marriages'; we have said the hell with canada; we're still having major problems with our mexican border; despite the promises from obama, haiti is still in dire need of help; pakistan is not our friend; obama & company say we have broken the back of al-quada & yet, they are just as dangerous today as when obama was sworn in; obama strongly supported the arab spring & you now see where that has gotten us; so, while i'm positive that we must have done some good out there, i just wish somebody would point it out to me......
hello america!!! i guess you know that i'm against the strike by the teachers in chicago. you should also know that this is the very same overburdened system obama wants to hire more teachers & other public sector workers for. those are his words & his vision for our next 4 years. it doesn't matter that just about every one of our states is already in the deep red, obamas answer is to pile more debt on them with unionized labor.
the reasons for the strike have nothing to do with the students needs...the teachers are demanding a 35% raise, more healthcare contributions from the gov't, easier tenure &, less teacher performance evaluations. so, who suffers? the students that aren't being educated because of greed; the parents that now must work out other ways to provide 'babysitting' or take time off of work; the school bus drivers & the services sector that provide services to the schools; the business's in the school areas...the list goes on.
now, one might argue that this is why obama wants to dump more money into the education system & yet, obama & company won't even touch this issue however, the romney/ryan ticket will...
see here...http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/ticket/paul-ryan-chicago-teacher-strike-stand-rahm-emanuel-211106035--election.html
i am hoping the mayor rahm emanuel can find a way to file for bankruptcy, disband the teachers union & start all over.......
by the way, it's been reported that the chicago teachers are the highest paid within our borders &, just so you'll know, don't look for obama to show up with those soft pair of shoes on to march with the teachers---just like he didn't march with the unions in wisconsin-----says a lot about keeping his word to america......
oh, one more thing, the teachers slogan is: "ON STRIKE FOR BETTER SCHOOLS"
the reasons for the strike have nothing to do with the students needs...the teachers are demanding a 35% raise, more healthcare contributions from the gov't, easier tenure &, less teacher performance evaluations. so, who suffers? the students that aren't being educated because of greed; the parents that now must work out other ways to provide 'babysitting' or take time off of work; the school bus drivers & the services sector that provide services to the schools; the business's in the school areas...the list goes on.
now, one might argue that this is why obama wants to dump more money into the education system & yet, obama & company won't even touch this issue however, the romney/ryan ticket will...
see here...http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/ticket/paul-ryan-chicago-teacher-strike-stand-rahm-emanuel-211106035--election.html
i am hoping the mayor rahm emanuel can find a way to file for bankruptcy, disband the teachers union & start all over.......
by the way, it's been reported that the chicago teachers are the highest paid within our borders &, just so you'll know, don't look for obama to show up with those soft pair of shoes on to march with the teachers---just like he didn't march with the unions in wisconsin-----says a lot about keeping his word to america......
oh, one more thing, the teachers slogan is: "ON STRIKE FOR BETTER SCHOOLS"
hello america!!! here's your daily jobs situation...http://www.dailyjobcuts.com/ &, there is an update about walgreens...instead of closing just 24 stores, they've upped it to 76 stores by november. our jobs market is taking a beating & obama & company have no answers except to point fingers...why don't they point the fingers at the dem controlled senate &, here's why...http://www.gop.gov/indepth/jobs/tracker how come obama never mentioned this? how come the media is so quiet on this?
this is obamas neck of the woods; http://qctimes.com/news/state-and-regional/illinois/illinois-layoffs-topped-last-month/article_f96a27ba-fb9e-11e1-9e95-0019bb2963f4.html
it's also where (chicago) the highest paid teachers in the country want a 35% raise, more contributions to their healthcare packages &, they're fighting against 'teacher performance tests............
this is obamas neck of the woods; http://qctimes.com/news/state-and-regional/illinois/illinois-layoffs-topped-last-month/article_f96a27ba-fb9e-11e1-9e95-0019bb2963f4.html
it's also where (chicago) the highest paid teachers in the country want a 35% raise, more contributions to their healthcare packages &, they're fighting against 'teacher performance tests............
good people, the caption reads: "ON STRIKE FOR BETTER SCHOOLS"!!!
the whitehouse isn't even going to touch this because it would pit abama against his former chief-of-staff, mayor rahm emanuel against the union.....
the day before the dismal august jobs numbers were revealed, obama knew about them & said nothing. however, his vp, joe biden said, 'we are turning the corner'
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
hello america!!! teachers are on strike in chicago & their placards read, "ON STRIKE FOR BETTER SCHOOLS". how in the hell does a 35% pay increase along with more healthcare benefits translate into better schools? oh, i know, if you pay them more, they'll teach better. why didn't i think of that???
&, they don't want tougher teacher evalutions.....
hello america!!! here's your daily jobs situation...http://www.dailyjobcuts.com/ in truth, it's not getting better--actually, it's getting worse. hewlett packard is going to now cut 29,000 jobs within the next two years; kodak is going to cut 1,000 jobs by the end of the year; walgreens is closing 24 stores in arkansas in the next 60 days; american airlines is closing its ft worth maintenance facility by december cutting 1,090 jobs;
40 american banks have failed in 2012...the layoffs & closings just seem endless &, obama & company think the best way to deal with it is to not mention our jobs related problems or, blame pres bush & the repubs when the subject does come up.
obamas vision for our future would sound great if it were not the same vision he had in 2008. &, when he tried to turn his theory into practice, it did not work. only an idiot would try the same thing again....
look, obama says the things he thinks you want to hear...just look at his actions. he tells you that gm would have just fallen apart without his intervention.....that's pure BS. gm could have entered into bankruptcy on its own (JUST LIKE FORD DID) &, if they did everything the courts agreed to, they would have come out it on their own---not partly owned (26%) by the taxpayers. obama also bailed out chrysler & yet, he doesn't tell you he forced them to be sold to a foreign car maker (FIAT). still, obama touts the bailouts as a success.
the following chart comes from...http://blogs.cars.com/kickingtires/2012/05/top-10-best-selling-cars-april-2012.html judge it for yourselves..............

40 american banks have failed in 2012...the layoffs & closings just seem endless &, obama & company think the best way to deal with it is to not mention our jobs related problems or, blame pres bush & the repubs when the subject does come up.
obamas vision for our future would sound great if it were not the same vision he had in 2008. &, when he tried to turn his theory into practice, it did not work. only an idiot would try the same thing again....
look, obama says the things he thinks you want to hear...just look at his actions. he tells you that gm would have just fallen apart without his intervention.....that's pure BS. gm could have entered into bankruptcy on its own (JUST LIKE FORD DID) &, if they did everything the courts agreed to, they would have come out it on their own---not partly owned (26%) by the taxpayers. obama also bailed out chrysler & yet, he doesn't tell you he forced them to be sold to a foreign car maker (FIAT). still, obama touts the bailouts as a success.
the following chart comes from...http://blogs.cars.com/kickingtires/2012/05/top-10-best-selling-cars-april-2012.html judge it for yourselves..............
Monday, September 10, 2012
hello america!!! here's your daily jobs situation...http://www.dailyjobcuts.com/ a very quiet weekend...
this should come as no surprise...http://news.yahoo.com/chicago-teachers-strike-talks-fail-030846765.html
&, this is why they're on strike...http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/local/breaking/chi-key-issues-separating-chicago-public-schools-and-the-chicago-teachers-union-20120909,0,1256005.story
if you care to remember, rahm emanuel was obamas chief of staff & resigned to become chicago's mayor. i wonder if he still supports obamas positions on hiring more teachers & other public sector personnel? perhaps he might be kind enough to call obama & tell him that 'more' is not the aanswer & it would just add more burdens to an already 'over-taxed' system......
hey, what are the odds that obama won't put on that soft pair of shoes & march with the strikers? while, on the other hand, this would be a perfect opportunity to show the unions that he's still with them............
this should come as no surprise...http://news.yahoo.com/chicago-teachers-strike-talks-fail-030846765.html
&, this is why they're on strike...http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/local/breaking/chi-key-issues-separating-chicago-public-schools-and-the-chicago-teachers-union-20120909,0,1256005.story
if you care to remember, rahm emanuel was obamas chief of staff & resigned to become chicago's mayor. i wonder if he still supports obamas positions on hiring more teachers & other public sector personnel? perhaps he might be kind enough to call obama & tell him that 'more' is not the aanswer & it would just add more burdens to an already 'over-taxed' system......
hey, what are the odds that obama won't put on that soft pair of shoes & march with the strikers? while, on the other hand, this would be a perfect opportunity to show the unions that he's still with them............
Sunday, September 9, 2012
hello america!!! unwittingly, if you support obama, you support the majority of the DNC delegates that did not want 'GOD' or 'jerusalem as the capital of israel' restored to the dems platform. it was not by accident that it was left out &, if the repubs had not of said anything about it, it would have gone on un-noticed...that said, there were 3 separate voice votes on this issue & they all favored keeping the 2 issues out. however, the dems did what they do best, they ignored the voices of their own party & proceeded on their own. see it here...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cncbOEoQbOg&feature=em-share_video_user
now, i'm not going to be hypocritical & tell you that i go to church every sunday however, i do strongly believe in GOD &, i fear GOD. it is through HIS SON, JESUS CHRIST, that my next life will be greater then this one----& yes, i strongly believe that.
that said, the dems & others have stripped prayer out of schools, crosses out of public places &, are very staunch supporters of the separation of church & states...makes you wonder how congress can have a prayer said before they open a session...makes you wonder how they can even say, 'GOD BLESS AMERICA' after a public speech.............
look, let's be real...obama may have 'evolved' to say he supports same sex marriage &, you idiots jump up & down with giddiness. well, why don't you ask him if he wants his oldest daughter to marry a women? ask him if that's what he wants for her future? & please, don't accept that BS that it's her choice...ask him what he really wants. which one of you parents ever said, i hope my young (obamas children's ages) child will marry someone of the same sex. that's like a crack head or crack dealer saying, i hope my 13/14 year old becomes a crackhead. can't you just picture a young mother telling her 12 year old daughter, i really hope you grow up & become a 'hooker' just like me?
if you honestly believe obamas stand on same sex marriage, you're delusional---he can't even have a conversation with leaders of arab or african country's unless he whispers to them that he only said he supports same sex marriage to get their votes....JUST THINK ABOUT THAT!!!!!!!!!!!
the above video says it all---the majority of the dem delegates did not want GOD or jerusalem restored to their platform & yes, they do represent dems all across our country &, regardless of how you may personally feel, if you support obama, you support them........bottom line, baby!!!!!!!!!
now, i'm not going to be hypocritical & tell you that i go to church every sunday however, i do strongly believe in GOD &, i fear GOD. it is through HIS SON, JESUS CHRIST, that my next life will be greater then this one----& yes, i strongly believe that.
that said, the dems & others have stripped prayer out of schools, crosses out of public places &, are very staunch supporters of the separation of church & states...makes you wonder how congress can have a prayer said before they open a session...makes you wonder how they can even say, 'GOD BLESS AMERICA' after a public speech.............
look, let's be real...obama may have 'evolved' to say he supports same sex marriage &, you idiots jump up & down with giddiness. well, why don't you ask him if he wants his oldest daughter to marry a women? ask him if that's what he wants for her future? & please, don't accept that BS that it's her choice...ask him what he really wants. which one of you parents ever said, i hope my young (obamas children's ages) child will marry someone of the same sex. that's like a crack head or crack dealer saying, i hope my 13/14 year old becomes a crackhead. can't you just picture a young mother telling her 12 year old daughter, i really hope you grow up & become a 'hooker' just like me?
if you honestly believe obamas stand on same sex marriage, you're delusional---he can't even have a conversation with leaders of arab or african country's unless he whispers to them that he only said he supports same sex marriage to get their votes....JUST THINK ABOUT THAT!!!!!!!!!!!
the above video says it all---the majority of the dem delegates did not want GOD or jerusalem restored to their platform & yes, they do represent dems all across our country &, regardless of how you may personally feel, if you support obama, you support them........bottom line, baby!!!!!!!!!
hello america!!! here's your daily jobs situation...http://www.dailyjobcuts.com/ i wonder how many people whose lives are being turned upside down by the loss of jobs can agree that 'we have turned the corner'? how many of those 23/24 million people out of work or underemployed think we are better off now then we were 4 years ago? are the 46.7 million people receiving food stamps now better off? did the 386,000 people that left the workforce in august think is was not worth waiting on obamas call to 'hold on'? what part of black america's 14.1% unemployment rate inspires 'hope'? is the 700,000 plus women that have lost jobs under obama the 'change'?
america, obama knew about our dismal jobs report before he uttered one word of his speech & yet he went on with what had been pre-prepared. this man, who is asking for 4 more years, did not think enough of you to say, 'america, i'm sorry but, tomorrows jobs report will not be a good one. i haven't had the time to scrutinize the numbers or the reasons, however, i didn't want you to wake up to it in the morning'...no, not obama---that would be beneath him.
damn his speech...just think about this great country & then realize we only 'HIRED' 96,000 people last month. that in itself is bad enough however, 386,000 americans left the workforce---they have (for whatever reason) given up on looking for work. & yes, the national unemployment dropped to 8.1% however, it did so only because of the people leaving the workforce.
good people, we have a big jobs problems. hiring more teachers, firemen, policemen &, infrastructure jobs doesn't even dent the problem. during the dnc, speakers were touting the manufacturing sector however, in hindsight, they now look like idiots because the sector cut 15,000 jobs alone in august.
look, let's keep it real...we have more then enough people that are wanting to work; we have more then enough business's wanting to sell their products/services & yet, something is holding this back from happening. we have obamas hand picked 'jobs council' that obama hasn't met with in 6 months & has rejected everything they suggested. by the way, jeffrey immelt (ceo of GE) chairs that council, you know, the same one that has moved so much of GE overseas & yet, obama & company want us to buy those energy saving lightbulbs that are made in china. JUST SAYING......
i'm going to put it this way...regardless of all that comes out of obamas month, until he's ready to rescind his business regulations, suspend obamacare, bring about tax certainty, open up our federal lands & waters to energy production, kill the dodd/frank bill, establish a truer & enforceable trades agreement, quit promoting & actively assisting unionized labor, put pressure on harry reid to act on the 30 house passed jobs related bills just sitting in the senate &, actual accept a bipartisan bill to pay down our debt, we are not going to grow as a nation..........
here's the jobs report from the horses mouth...http://www.bls.gov/news.release/empsit.t02.htm
& then, you have this...http://news.yahoo.com/white-house-misses-deadline-outlining-defense-cuts-190804694--abc-news-politics.html
there's something very 'fishy' with this: the labor department is just now saying that 41,000 fewer jobs were added during june & july.
america, obama knew about our dismal jobs report before he uttered one word of his speech & yet he went on with what had been pre-prepared. this man, who is asking for 4 more years, did not think enough of you to say, 'america, i'm sorry but, tomorrows jobs report will not be a good one. i haven't had the time to scrutinize the numbers or the reasons, however, i didn't want you to wake up to it in the morning'...no, not obama---that would be beneath him.
damn his speech...just think about this great country & then realize we only 'HIRED' 96,000 people last month. that in itself is bad enough however, 386,000 americans left the workforce---they have (for whatever reason) given up on looking for work. & yes, the national unemployment dropped to 8.1% however, it did so only because of the people leaving the workforce.
good people, we have a big jobs problems. hiring more teachers, firemen, policemen &, infrastructure jobs doesn't even dent the problem. during the dnc, speakers were touting the manufacturing sector however, in hindsight, they now look like idiots because the sector cut 15,000 jobs alone in august.
look, let's keep it real...we have more then enough people that are wanting to work; we have more then enough business's wanting to sell their products/services & yet, something is holding this back from happening. we have obamas hand picked 'jobs council' that obama hasn't met with in 6 months & has rejected everything they suggested. by the way, jeffrey immelt (ceo of GE) chairs that council, you know, the same one that has moved so much of GE overseas & yet, obama & company want us to buy those energy saving lightbulbs that are made in china. JUST SAYING......
i'm going to put it this way...regardless of all that comes out of obamas month, until he's ready to rescind his business regulations, suspend obamacare, bring about tax certainty, open up our federal lands & waters to energy production, kill the dodd/frank bill, establish a truer & enforceable trades agreement, quit promoting & actively assisting unionized labor, put pressure on harry reid to act on the 30 house passed jobs related bills just sitting in the senate &, actual accept a bipartisan bill to pay down our debt, we are not going to grow as a nation..........
here's the jobs report from the horses mouth...http://www.bls.gov/news.release/empsit.t02.htm
& then, you have this...http://news.yahoo.com/white-house-misses-deadline-outlining-defense-cuts-190804694--abc-news-politics.html
there's something very 'fishy' with this: the labor department is just now saying that 41,000 fewer jobs were added during june & july.
hello america!!! here's your daily jobs situation...http://www.dailyjobcuts.com/ quiet over the weekends but come monday, you'll see we are not going 'forward' nor have 'we turned the corner'......
iraq seems to be a lost cause because we didn't give it our all. by 'openly' announcing our departure dates, we have weakened our own security there as well as that of the people living there. while obama & company say we may broken the backs of al-qaida, they are still wreaking havoc all over the world. they are still very active & deadly in iraq....http://www.businessweek.com/ap/2012-09-09/bombing-in-iraq-kills-7-police-recruits
so, while obama is happy to pat his own back, our state department seems to be lacking in getting the job done. the stakes are much higher now then when obama took office &, he's done absolutely nothing to show the world that 'our words must mean more then words'...i'll never forget those word when obama first said them because i thought, finally, he does have a spine... in truth, his words are just that, words &, as your seeing all around the world, they're empty words. the way circumstances are shaping up, our tomorrow is starting to look very bleak...&, i've been writing about this 'obama weakness' from the very beginning. & just to prove a point, russia is a bigger threat to us then al-qaida is & no, i'm not forgetting 9/11. we had them several times but our agency's failed to communicate with one another.......in reality, al-qaida only succeeded because our own systems failed.
meanwhile, russia is challenging us on every front to include building a naval station in cuba which we seem unwilling to stop......just googe 'russian naval base in cuba' & you won't find msnbc, abc, cbs reporting on this story within the 1st 5 pages on google....http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Peace/2012/07/29/Obama-Looks-The-Other-Way-As-Russia-Plans-Naval-Base-in-Cuba
&, how do we counter this with 'just words'...........http://www.voanews.com/content/russia-building-ties-with-asia/1504211.html
or this...http://news.yahoo.com/russia-rebuffs-clinton-syria-iran-penalties-152652475.html
iraq seems to be a lost cause because we didn't give it our all. by 'openly' announcing our departure dates, we have weakened our own security there as well as that of the people living there. while obama & company say we may broken the backs of al-qaida, they are still wreaking havoc all over the world. they are still very active & deadly in iraq....http://www.businessweek.com/ap/2012-09-09/bombing-in-iraq-kills-7-police-recruits
so, while obama is happy to pat his own back, our state department seems to be lacking in getting the job done. the stakes are much higher now then when obama took office &, he's done absolutely nothing to show the world that 'our words must mean more then words'...i'll never forget those word when obama first said them because i thought, finally, he does have a spine... in truth, his words are just that, words &, as your seeing all around the world, they're empty words. the way circumstances are shaping up, our tomorrow is starting to look very bleak...&, i've been writing about this 'obama weakness' from the very beginning. & just to prove a point, russia is a bigger threat to us then al-qaida is & no, i'm not forgetting 9/11. we had them several times but our agency's failed to communicate with one another.......in reality, al-qaida only succeeded because our own systems failed.
meanwhile, russia is challenging us on every front to include building a naval station in cuba which we seem unwilling to stop......just googe 'russian naval base in cuba' & you won't find msnbc, abc, cbs reporting on this story within the 1st 5 pages on google....http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Peace/2012/07/29/Obama-Looks-The-Other-Way-As-Russia-Plans-Naval-Base-in-Cuba
&, how do we counter this with 'just words'...........http://www.voanews.com/content/russia-building-ties-with-asia/1504211.html
or this...http://news.yahoo.com/russia-rebuffs-clinton-syria-iran-penalties-152652475.html
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