Saturday, April 25, 2009


hello america! just heard obamas radio address. after signing his spending bills into law, he now has the audacity to talk about fiscal responsibility.

okay obama, you want fiscal responsibility, return all the campaign money you received from those companies that you gave tarp money to. let's just start there. then you can influence the rest of washington to do the same. then, sit your black behind down & really read those bills you signed & have washington repeal every item in them that does not immediately help the economy. then, you take a good look at how much you've grown the federal government & start weaning out the excessive agencies you've created. then you look at your executive orders & repeal those that have us americans paying for overseas non essentials, like abortions &, giving money to pakistan, etc.

now, i can look at your bills & see where we can save big bucks but, you have to do it. you have to stop bailing out these failing companies & let corporate america fix their own problems. you can't continue to use our money to 'help' them when they continue to lay people off, throw them out of their homes &, won't lend them any money.

you dump all that money into an education system that needs to be repaired from the outside in. that is; the surrounding school areas need to be cleansed of the drugs, gangs &, violence as do the schools themselves. no amount of money you pay the teachers &, no matter how modern you make the school building, you'll never address the real problems. as a former community organizer, you should have known this better then most. we already have armed police within the schools, cameras & metal detectors & the problems still exist. &, as you very well know, most of the students & teachers won't speak out because you can't protect them. you can dump a trillion dollars in cabrini green & all you'll have done is paint rotted wood.

obama, you have the american people behind you (well, quite a few of us are not), & you have a great opportunity to do what's good for this country but, you have to lead by example. &, your starting with spending a lot & now wanting to cut back is not a good example. before you go any further, clean up the mess you have made & then go forward.

another thing, obama. you didn't inherit this economic mess, you were a part of it back in 1993 (remember) & you've been a big part of it since you were first elected to washington &, you did nothing to stem the tide then & you were in the majority.


hello america! it is with great pride that i pen the following::::FORD MOTOR COMPANY seems to be doing okay.

if you remember, they were part of the 'big three' that had requested bailout money but, didn't take a cent. &, this leads me to wonder what in the hell is my government doing?

ford didn't get any federal money, nor did they file for bankruptcy & seem to be headed in a positive direction.

meanwhile, gm & chrysler did receive federal money & seem extremely close to 'failure'.

there is something very wrong with this picture.

so, i say this to obama, keep your dirty little hands out of corporate america. everything you have touched is failing. &, while i'm at it, return the campaign money you got from the 'tarp' recipients.


hello america! obamas plan is working---here i am (again), talking about 'torture' & not the economy.

obama has the 'power' to put this whole thing to bed. he's already released 4 memos---don't tease us---release them all. he didn't care about national security then-don't let him care now. let him release all of the memos. let america decide for themselves..just publish the facts per obamas 'transparency' crap without any spin to it, & we, as a people, can figure it out. put it on the web.

FOR THE RECORD, I DO NOT CONDONE WHOLESALE TORTURE BUT, if torture will save american lives, i'm all for it. we get so caught up in the right & wrongs of war but, those we are at war with don't play by our rules.

how can you apply our rules & laws to those that send women & children into markets to detonate bombs? how can you want to investigate those that use devious methods to stop them?

america, let's get this right. if some group were to snatch my sons or grandsons, i wouldn't care what methods were used on the offenders to bring my loved ones to safety. would you?

so america, contact obama & tell him to release all the documents & memos on torture, to include what info was gleamed from the tortures-------let us decide for ourselves. i know now that if the minutues from the 2002 meeting that pelosi was in, she would be ready to throw the towel in.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


hello america! obama is very slick &, i don't mean in a good way. he's now saying 'let's move forward' after opening the door about the torture tactics used at gitmo. he got the ball rolling by releasing the memos & now wants to sit on the side lines as a good guy that doesn't want to get caught up in the politics of an investigation. & yet, he & biden said during their campaign speeches that they were going to go after pres george can 'google' it or go here...

so now, the media is all over the upcoming investigation by ag william holder, &, it should never have gotten this far. common sense says that if the tactics used saved just one american life &/or the lives of our allies, then it was worth it. drop all this public window-dressing, rewrite the torture policy behind very closed doors &, move on.

if obama was as honest as he would like to dupe you into thinking, he would order his ag to investigate why the government dropped the ball on our economy. but, this won't happen because it would cost the democrats their seats---they allowed this to happen on their watch of which obama was a part of---don't swallow that 'we inherited this mess' crap. how can you inherited something you've been a part of for the last 2 plus years?

this going after pres bush & his administration is pure democrat takes the obama spending off the front page; it covers the failed bailout attempts; &, more importantly, it hides what a democrat controled house & senate failed to do for this country since 2006. but, don't get me wrong...there are plenty of republicans that need to be nailed to the wall also.

Saturday, April 18, 2009


hello america! let's start with the 'TRUTH'. unions are only good for those companies & markets that can support them. that being said, i just need you to name successful unionized companies. okay, that's a hard one to answer so, i'll ask you an easy one...can you name a unionized company that's either failing or has failed? it's amazing how many roll off your tongue.

well, with obama & the democrats pushing for unionized labor, you'll have quite a few more companies to name. they are trying to make it so easy for unions to form within any & all businesses with just a simple, public 'yes or no' vote---no more debates/no more meetings. &, intentional or not, their plans will wreck this country faster then anything else &, the union leaders will help anyway they can because it means more money & power for them---the hell with the country.

unions cause companies to raise prices, which are passed on to us-the consumer. they also cause companies to fold up or relocate overseas. this is how it works:::::::::

1...certain companies are targeted by the union leaders;
2...debates & meetings (as it is now) determine which way the company goes based on secret ballot;
3...once the company is unionized, the members pay dues to the union for various services, ie; collective bargaining (which is a fancy way of saying higher wages), a voice in washington, etc.
4...companies are forced to raise their prices to afford paying the union members, thus, charging you more for their goods & services...which in turn put the union member & company in a higher tax bracket.

let me break it down like this...if you take target, walmart, jc penny, sears, & costco & unionize them, i don't think you'd be shopping them as much as you now do. they would be forced to raise their prices & pass them on to the consumer. can you imagine what a pizza would cost if dominoes became unionized? or, if all the truckers became unionized? how about the taxi companies? wherever there's a union, prices are higher......please prove me wrong, please.

come on america, tell me we would be better of with mcdonalds & burger king you wouldn't find a dollar menu anymore. let long john silver go union & i'll bet you won't be eating there much, if at all. can you imagine going to wendy's or kfc if they join the union?

some of the above named companies would be forced to fold up or move overseas---they simply could not stay in business, &, moreso for those companies that depend on repeat customers. maybe you would be willing to sponsor beauticians & barbers unionizing.

you see what unions have done to the caterpillar plant obama visited. you see what they have done to the auto industry. &, you see what they are doing to all of professional sports. we have lost so much here because of unions. bethlehem steel, mac trucks just to name 2 of them. yes, corporate greed has played a big role.

yes, people need to earn more then what they are getting but, unionizing them is not the way. if we are to think that obama & the democrats are serious about upgrading the pay scale, why did they give us such a low minimum wage? they vote themselves 'cost-of-living' allowances & raises almost yearly & yet, have done so little for the minimum wage earner. &, their plans for unions don't help them. you look at our national minimum wage---you have to admit it's a joke.

unionizing the above named companies will flood the unemployment rolls because most of the companies can't or won't stay here.

america, you don't have to believe what i'm telling you---just do this to find out how wrong i am....the next time you have a plumbing or electrical problem in your home or business, call a licensed, unionized company to come out & fix it. before you hire them, call a licensed, non-unionized company to come out & fix it. compare the estimates---i'm willing to bet that the work will be the same but, the costs to you will be very different.

Friday, April 17, 2009


hello america! sleeping dogs should be left sleeping, especially, the big ones. but, it seems that those that wish to further damage pres bushs' reputation, never learned the dangers of waking the dog up.

the methods used, (torture), to extract information from our captured enemies should be a national secret. when the idiots---you know who you are---expose those secrets, they expose our national interests as well...they tell our allies that we are weak &, they tell our enemies what to expect or, what not to expect.

ie; if i can break into your home knowing what you will & won't do, doesn't that give me an added advantage? &, your ally next door knows you can't keep your big mouth shut &, does & says
nothing about my breaking in gives me even more of an advantage.

i wrote of this subject before & the questions i pose to those that have a problem with torture remain the same. so, which of you want to be the first & answer them?????

1. if torturing a foreign captured enemy combatant prevented the death of just one american on the battlefield, is it wrong?
2. if your daughter (or any loved one) were kidnapped &, the police tortured someone to reveal where they were being held, would you really care how they got the information as long as your loved one was returned safely?
3. or, in the case of 9/11---if we had of caught one of those responsible for so many deaths & damage &, by torturing them prevented 9/11 from happening, would you say--LET 9/11 HAPPEN, WE CAN'T TORTURE ANYONE?
4. if your sister or brother were about to run over a roadside bomb in iraq but, we could torture someone to prevent it, what would you say?
5. if obamas daughter were kidnapped & the fbi couldn't find her, do you think you would hear him saying 'respect the rights of the kidnappers'? if you catch any of those involved ask them nicely where she is &, if they don't tell you, that's okay?

america, i do not favor wholesale torture, but, if torture will keep any american safe, i strongly support it.

Thursday, April 16, 2009


hello america! i'm still being asked why i continue to bash obama &, i continue to list my reasons---but, more then that, i've noticed people changing their minds about his policies.

according to the pro-obama biased media, his trip overseas was a smashing success. the only success this trip produced was large crowds wherever he went:::he did not accomplish much in the positive. let me tell you why i say this...

he couldn't get the other countries to commit more combat troops in afghanistan; he couldn't get the other countries to commit more funds for world poverty; he has no idea which countries will take gitmo detainees; he tells overseas countries that they have more to fear from terrorists then we do & yet, over here, he drops the 'war on terrorism' slogan; he's pandering to china & russia at a time when they are building up their military, & yet, he wants us to reduce our defense budget; he bows to the prince of saudi arabia & then he denies it; he says our words have to mean more then just words to north korea & then, does nothing about the missile launch; he can't get russia & china to go along with a u n resolution calling for stronger sanctions against north korea---the u n just added more words in a condemnation of the launch-that's all; what did he accomplish except present the queen with a cd they can't play on their system?

then he gets back here & threatens the ship pirates with stronger action & they responded by going right out & snatching 4 more ships & even made an attempt to grab another american ship. so much for your words, obama.

&, during all this, obama & his admin is steadily trying to sell us on his 'spending' bills. how can you accept him on words alone? he went to that caterpillar plant & told them his bill was for them & a month later, caterpillar laid off 2,000-4,000 more people. isn't he the man that said timothy geithner was the only one that could help us? obama broke all of his own rules. his
'transparency' crap is a joke---go to that 'recovery' website & see how easy it isn't.

better yet, go to the site below from the citizens against government waste & look at their "PIG BOOK".....

america, remember that the democrats were in control of the house & senate & obama could have rejected a lot of this pork. SO DON'T JUST BLAME THE REPUBLICANS---

obamas words may be soothing & needed but, judge him by his actions---

&, for obama to have spoken about everything but the home-front problems of today says a lot. he has yet to say anything to america about the rash of multiple homicides/suicides nor has he said anything about the increase in child abuse because of the condition of the economy.

america, see him, hear him & then, really listen to him---you will be surprised at whatall he doesn't tell you & yet, he actions will tell you all you need to know---just look at his hiring of larry summers.

need i say more?

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


hello america! i must thank pres bush & obama for spending our money for the auto industry bailout. it's really wonderful knowing that they gave them all that money just to let them fall by the wayside, which is what they should have done from the beginning. i am a firm believer in our government staying out of the private sector. from day one, they have proved they can't run anything right.

anyhow, if the auto makers (either or both of them go into bankruptcy), how will the feds recoup the money they gave them? will we citizens have to eat the loss? &, how come obama isn't talking about it?

if, after our being told that they were 'too big to fail', obama gives them our money, then turns around & tells us they would be better off in bankruptcy, how can anyone honestly believe anything else he tells us?

if obama were just half-assed serious about protecting our interests, he would have hired more qualified people to look into these companies before he gave them one penny. but, he's just like every other politician in washington, you know, those that close the barn dooor after the horses have already escaped.

so much for your 'CHANGE' &, after he spends all that money the democratic controled congress gives him, that's what we will be left with, 'CHANGE'.

Monday, April 6, 2009


hello america! whether you voted for obama or not, recent developements have got to have caused you to ask questions (if only to yourself).

1. regardless of what the pro-obama biased new agencies say about his trip abroad, it was a failure: he did not get more combat support for afghanistan. he can't get russia & china to agree to stronger sanctions against north korea. &, he got suckered into agreeing to us paying more then the rest for international poverty. but, he was popular & drew crowds everywhere he went, even if he did give england a cd that they may not be able to play on their systems (second mistake---1st one was clinton giving russia a 'reset' button that did not translate to 'reset').

2. reducing the defense budget...this comes at a time when china is flexing her muscles &, russia has recently issued a statement that thay are going to revamp their entire military department to include nukes &, the building of 6 new nuclear subs with cruise missiles. russia will never give up her nukes & obama better figure that out very, very soon. if it were not for our nukes, we'd be speaking russian or chineese now. plus, russia has refuted our claim to the arctic & will fight over it--i guess we can always rowboat up there to fight a war.

3. for obama to allow iran nuclear power is a joke. this country has laughed everytime we ask for sanctions against them &, they have the backing of russia & china. if we allow them nuke power it's not a big stretch to nuke weapons &, it seems obama is willing to take that chance.

4. obama can't keep talking to north korea & sanctions just don't work. china, iran & russia support them & he lacks the experience to do anything about it. meanwhile, north korea is laughing at us & is talking about another launch.

5. obamas closing gitmo only proves obama moves faster then he thinks because he is left with the problem of where to house the detainees. it is to my understanding that virginia is willing to take some & house them in a maximum security facility...can you imagine all the demonstrations this will cause for & against this? & bringing them to our shores will just feed the hatred for us that radical islamists have for us. obama will just be stroking the fires at our expense.

6. obama has not really done a damn thing to stem the tide of::: people being laid off; people losing their homes; banks making new loans; &, his jobs creation is a joke.

7. combine all the above & realize that we will be indebted to russia & china for eons because of obamas uncontroled spending &, you have a recipe for our disaster.

you can argue any way you want but, when the president of my country makes one of his first official acts an executive order freeing taxpayers money for overseas abortions, i know his priorties lie outside on these borders. as badly as we are doing with the economy, you'd have thought his first act would have been to do something to help america.

obama has appeal, he has charisma &, he's a great talker with teleprompters but, america, he is not good for this country &, he lacks the leadership necessary to control congress.

Sunday, April 5, 2009


hello america! when obama returns from his overseas trip, the dems & his pro-obama biased media are going to hype it as the greatest thing since the sun rising in the east. while he has the crowds packed in, what he didn't get will be forgotten or down-played &, the little he did get will be blown up.

the pro-obama biased media will be used (once again) to throw us off track. obama needs to answer several questions that the media just won't, & hasn't asked...such as:

if obamas 'american recovery & reinvestment act' was so desperately needed as quickly, as he led us to believe, why isn't it working? why are banks still not lending? why are home owners still losing their homes? why are jobs still being lost? why are small businesses not receiving the help they actually need? why are you continuing to hire people with direct conflicts of interests? why are you continuing to hire people with tax problems? why force the execs to return their bonuses & yet, you & others keep the money they donated to your campaigns? why did you force the exec from gm to step down & yet, have not authorized any investigations into congressional leaders not doing their job? why is middle-class america still struggling paycheck to paycheck? why have you broken ever pledge you made to america concerning your administration:::ie; your pledge of tranparency is non-transparent; your pledge of an open & honest administration is closed & dishonest; your pledge of high ethical standards for your administration is below rock bottom; your pledge of stopping 'earmarks' is non-existent; your pledge of reaching across the isle is a big disappointing joke; your pledge of cutting the programs that don't work & strengthening those that do is another big joke; your pledge of not 'growing' government was & is a down-right lie; you tell us you are not interested in 'owning' & 'running' banks/lending institutions & yet, we own 80% of aig; you tell us that gm & chrysler are too big to let fail &, after all the money you gave them, you turn around & tell us that bankruptcy would be good for them; you tell us that you don't watch the stock markets daily & yet, you tell us to invest in them; you tell us you won't run your administration based on surveys & yet, you hired a whole team of people to do just that; &, although i could go on & on with your broken pledges & lies to america, i'll end it on this:

you say you inherited this mess but, you & i know different. you had a big hand in creating this mess & when you became an elected official, you didn't lift one little finger to stop it. did you? you can spin it anyway you want to but, the record stands. you helped exploit the very same system you are now trying change &, you did not nothing-nothing as an elected official to change it. judging by the various amounts you received &, those that supported you, you were happy to let things things stand as they were. if you really want to do the right thing, return the money to all those that received federal bailout funding.

obama, you may be the president of america but, you are not my president &, i challenge you to respond to this blog. it would be even better if we could meet face-to-face, with cameras &, no teleprompters but, we both know that won't happen because you can't afford to be tripped up & look bad. you won't take a chance on having to answer the 'real' questions & taking a major hit in those polls you won't govern by.

Saturday, April 4, 2009


hello america! it is really amazing what all you don't hear obama say:::

on the recent rash of multiple homicides right here, he is awfully quiet. on chris brown being charged with beating up his girlfriend, he is awfully quiet. on his hiring larry summers, he is awfully quiet. on his stimulus bill not doing what it was intended to do, he is awfully quiet. on his returning campaign money to those companies that have received bailout funds, he is awfully quiet. on all those little children being abducted, he is awfully quiet. on the drugs killings inner-city america, he is awfully quiet. on the drugs, violence & gangs taking over schools, he is very quiet. on the 100 plus scientists telling him he's wrong about climate cooling, he's awfully quiet. on his telling us to buy america, & yet, quite a few of his own staffers own foreign cars, he's awfully quiet. on his reliance on tele-prompters ( even abroad), he's awfully quiet. on his blaming pres bush for all of our present troubles, & yet, he's finding himself acting more like him every day, he's awfully quiet.

if obama were really for 'fairness', he would be on tv asking for the sitting democrat senator to step down & allow ted stevens to resume his duties. his case is about to be thrown out by the justice department &, his conviction is what led to his being defeated in the elections.

right this wrong obama---if you really believe in 'fairness'.


hello america! have you wondered where that bank TARP money went? go to this wall street journal site & see for yourself.

what i find amazing is, those that gave the most to campaigns, received the most.

politics as usual & obama promised you "change". what a crock & you bought it.


hello america! do you remember hearing obama telling you about transparency? open & honest administration? high ethical standards? restrictions on hiring former lobbyists?

as much as i distrust obama, even i liked what he was saying. &, i was very skeptical as to exactly how he was going to bring all that he said to fruition. well, as we all now know, he broke every rule he put in place. i previously blogged about some of the people obama has surrounded himself with that have had some form of trouble in the past, ie; taxes, conflicts of interests &, lobbying.

so, while researching information about obamas aunt, i ran across the following...please click on the link & you'll better understand where i'm coming from.

when you read this article, you have to wonder why obama hired him & who recommended him.
you cannot convince me in this life-time that summers can go about his duties without partiality---no way in hell you can. this guy just helps stack the deck for obama in a very bad way.

finally, will he, obama &, the others that took money from those companies that received federal bailout funds return it? when they do, then i'll believe them.


hello america! it should make you feel warm & cozy inside to know that you will have to support someone that's been ordered out of the country (twice) for another year. for years, your tax dollars have been supporting this person, who is here illegally. please click on the following links to read the story first-hand........

obama had said he wants to get rid of programs that don't work &, this immagration issue with his aunt is not working.

for whatever reason, this lady has been allowed to remain here illegally since 2004---why? in all this time our government knew where she was, knew she had been ordered out of the country & yet, did nothing on getting her out of here. they did the opposite, they allowed her to secure public housing at our expense---why?

for her to have a third hearing is wrong. for that hearing to be continued in feb of 2010 is more wrong. &, to allow her to remain here at our expense until that hearing is even more wrong.

bottom line is---she's here illegally:::she's been ordered out:::she's living off our money & not contributing to our economy:::stop the BS & deport her immediately.

Thursday, April 2, 2009


hello america!. it is with great pleasure that i can tell you, we can all learn something from congress & the obamahouse.

but, before i get to it, there are a few other things i want to talk about...

obama, after all this time, is now saying that gm/chrysler would be better off in bankruptcy. this comes after him saying that they were 'too big to fail' &, giving them all that 'bailout' money. it also comes at a time when we are fed up with these bailouts not working.

those auto makers that received bailout money should have never gotten it to begin with---they should have filed for bankruptcy or did as ford is doing. but, they called in their markers (campaign contributions), got money & extended time &, are in no better a position then before. obama & the dems took care of them & the unions so, the books are squared. obama has no use for them any longer & is prepared to let nature take its course---as is congress.

aig is another prime example as is bank of america & all the other banking/lending companies. the markers are all square. the problem is, we & some of congress won't let the matter die. i need to know why some got &, some didn't get. who made the call that some were "too big to fail' & yet, others were too small to help. &, it's a fact, some of those that received money, shouldn't have gotten one penny because they are still failing.

now, back to what i opened with...congress & obama are showing us that if they can't get the various industries to comply with their wishes, they feed them to the dogs. america, if our elected officials are not complying with our wishes & needs, we should feed them to the dogs without waiting for them to complete their term of service. we should weed them out immediately. FIRE THEM ON THE SPOT &, i'll bet whoever takes their place will put our interests first.

if those in washington are not doing the job we hired them to do, let's fire them & hire somebody that will. why do we have to wait until their term of service is up?

america, we need to exercise our rights & we need to do so now. we have the power to call for the instant removal & hiring of our elected officials & we need to use it. we shape the direction we want our country to go in-NOT WASHINGTON...